Martha Wembly has a history of diabetes mellitus, type 2. How is this different from diabetes mellitus, type 1


Answer 1

Answer and explanation:

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), if not properly controlled this disease can severely damage many organs and cause death.

There are different types of Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational (this type of diabetes, in particular, is unique to pregnant women).

In a healthy body, when blood sugar levels are high (for example, right after we eat), Insulin would be released from the pancreatic beta-cells to induce the entering of glucose (also called sugar) into different tissues such as skeletal muscle and fat, where it will be used to produce energy and store the excess for when the body needs it.

Patients that suffer from Diabetes Mellitus cannot get the glucose they ingest into the mentioned tissues, and for that reason, the blood sugar levels stay high and can produce several life-threatening consequences. This incapacity can have different roots and is the reason behind the classification of this condition.

Type 1 Diabetes is the most uncommon of the two and it appears for the first time during childhood or teenage years. Patients with type 1 Diabetes CANNOT produce Insulin, because their pancreatic beta-cells are deficient. For this reason, these individuals have to be administered exogenous Insulin for the rest of their lives.

Type 2 Diabetes is, by far, the most common type of Diabetes. Unlike type 1 diabetics, these patients can produce glucose, but the combination between genetic predisposal and unhealthy habits such as poor diets or sedentarism can lead to a condition called Insulin resistance, in which the tissues cannot accept the glucose even if there's Insulin around. This type of Diabetes usually starts manifesting during adulthood (especially in patients that are older than 40 years old) and is treated with specific medication and a change in their habits.

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Electronic Health Records (EHR) have truly changed everything in US healthcare. But like any major change in healthcare, there are pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages. Please discuss the benefits of EHR implementation, and also discuss the EHR challenges which are being encountered.


Answer and Explanation:

The implementation of EHR can be considered something extremely beneficial for the healthcare system anywhere in the world, due to its numerous benefits such as the centralization of patient information in a single system. This allows any health professional, in any region, to access the patient's health history, test results, medications used by the patient and family history. The EHR also promotes agility in the search for information about the patient and savings in physical space, as the EHR eliminates the need for storing patient papers and documents. Failures in drug prescriptions are also reduced and service and diagnosis are streamlined.

However, some challenges must be overcome for EHR to be efficiently implemented. One of these challenges is the cost, as the implementation of EHR can have a high cost that is passed on to the patient and can become unfeasible. in addition, it is necessary to create a very efficient electronic system, which prevents the existence of data loss, malfunctions and hacker attacks.

The UB-04 form has space for more diagnosis codes, but it is not possible to link the procedures to a specific diagnosis. True False





The UB-04 stands for the uniform billing form.  It is the standard claim form, printed with red ink on white standard paper, used by institutional providers for the billing of medical and mental health claims. The form can accommodate about twelve diagnosis codes, with four codes mapping to a specific CPT code.  The CPT code describes the treatment and diagnostic services that the healthcare institution has provided for a particular diagnosis, ICD-9.

Occurs when an area heart muscle dies or is permanently damaged because if an inadequate supply of oxygen to that area; also known as heart attack.


Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)

It occurs when an area heart muscle dies or is permanently damaged because if an inadequate supply of oxygen to that area. It is a life threatening emergency.

Symptoms of myocardial infarction are anxiety, shortness of breath, tightness in chest, dizziness and etc.

Hope it helps you!\(^ᴥ^)/

Meredith in labor for the first time she had a normal pregnancy and good prenatal care labor preceded normal until she was dilated to 4 cm since that point no progress has taken place it has been 12 hours meredith is tired and frustrated the fetus demonstrates no stress as of yet meredith is scheduled for a c-section




A C-section scheduled for Meredith is best for her. A dilation of 4cm can't proceed with normal labor. Being in labor for 12 hours is dangerous for the mother and fetus. Even if the fetus demonstrates no stress yet, it is safer to have a C-section for Meridith to keep the mother and fetus in good status.

The nurse provides dietary instructions to a client with diabetes mellitus regarding the prescribed diet. Which statement if made by the client indicates a need fir further teaching



A nurses caring for a client after a thyroidectomy and notes that calcium gluconate is prescribed for the client. The nurse determines that this medicine has been prescribed to

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3. A 12-year-old child experiences high fever and chills. He also says that his heart feels like its pounding. Two weeks before these symptoms, the child fell off his bike and skinned his knee. This child also has a history of a heart murmur. What disease should be considered and what is the treatment



The child seems to have an infective endocarditis probably because of the skinned knee which could have acted as a route for transmission into the body and reaching the heart and causing infection leading to increased in body temperature with chills(typical signs), pounding or rapid heart rate. This also exhibits an abnormal heart murmur .It can found in children if they have some skin injury.


-Antipyretics to reduce temperature

-Antibiotics to treat infection

-Skin hygiene to prevent entry of bacteria via open end

-Daily dressing as per need to prevent

-multiplication and growth of microorganisms

It is hard to understand why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has become a punching bag for politicians and business people who complain about federal regulations and laws. The FDA tries to make sure that food and medicines are safe, and what is wrong with that


Omg what? That’s cool that they have a punching bag. Ya know, I do kinda agree. People are complainers

Cholesterol is necessary for the production of many other compounds in the body but can become harmful when blood levels exceed 135 mg/dl. exceed the body's ability to use it. can only be controlled through medications. a and b.



The correct answer is a and b( exceed 135 mg/dl and can only be controlled through medications.)


Cholesterol is a natural fatty substance that is present in the body and is necessary for the proper functioning of the cells of the human body. It is considered to be at the high limit when the whole blood level exceeds 130 milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg / dl). When this happens, fats tend to build up inside the arteries, impeding blood flow and can lead to serious heart disease and stroke. A doctor usually prescribes drugs to lower high cholesterol (they usually recommend statins), it is because the person is in the intermediate risk limit and has factors that increase the risk of heart disease or stroke, causing long-term arteries become clogged and diseases such as atherosclerosis or heart attack appear.

A 40-year-old male vegetarian is diagnosed with folate deficiency anemia. He reports that he is an alcoholic. Which of the following factors put him at greatest risk for developing his disease? a. Being vegetarian b. Being alcoholic c. Age d. Gender


hid gender

because he was diagnosed for folate deficiency anemia

How to calculate the heart rate from the electrocardiogram ?​



ECG paper is a grid where time is measured along the horizontal axis.

Each small square is 1 mm in length and represents 0.04 seconds.

Each larger square is 5 mm in length and represents 0.2 seconds.

Voltage is measured along the vertical axis.

10 mm is equal to 1mV in voltage.

The diagram below illustrates the configuration of ECG graph paper and where to measure the components of the ECG wave form

Heart rate can be easily calculated from the ECG strip:

When the rhythm is regular, the heart rate is 300 divided by the number of large squares between the QRS complexes.

For example, if there are 4 large squares between regular QRS complexes, the heart rate is 75 (300/4=75).

The second method can be used with an irregular rhythm to estimate the rate. Count the number of R waves in a 6 second strip and multiply by 10.

For example, if there are 7 R waves in a 6 second strip, the heart rate is 70 (7x10=70).

When the person is being fed through an intravenous central catheter, they are given _____________________ nutrition.


Total parenteral nutrition
- If they are ONLY being fed this way it would be referred to as Total parental nutrition. = TPN, is used when this is the only source of nutrition the patient is receiving. They're entirely dependent on TPN for all of their nutrition. It is primarily used to treat patients with digestive system disorders or patients who are recovering from a serious accident or surgery.

Parenteral nutrition is used to treat patients who cannot eat or have limited digestive powers by providing a liquid mixture of nutrients directly to the bloodstream. Parenteral nutrition is delivered intravenously to a vein and includes protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and any other nutrients required by the body.

Parenteral nutrition is different than enteral nutrition, which is the use of a feeding tube to provide nutrients directly to the stomach for digestion. Parenteral nutrition may be used if a feeding tube didn't work or if the patient suffers from conditions like Crohn's disease, cancer, short bowel syndrome, or ischemic bowel disease to list a few.

Mr. C. is at the grocery store, his niece told him to buy whole grain bread. All of the following statements are true about whole grains products EXCEPT:________
A. Any flour made from the endosperm of the wheat kernel is called wheat flour.
B. Whole grain products contain germ and bran as well asendosperm.
C. Refined-grain products contain germ and bran as well as endosperm.
D. Enriched white flour refers to refined flour.


The statement given is true except "Refined-grain products contains germ and bran as well as endosperm".

It should be noted that the wheat flour is made from the endosperm of the wheat kernel. Also, the germ, bran, and endosperm are contained in the whole grain.

The refined grain doesn't contain germ or bran because they're removed during the processing. It only contains the endosperm.

In conclusion, the correct option is C.

Read related link on:

Responses of the Mast cells to the allergen include/s a. All of the answers are correct b. Degranulation c. Secretion of lipid mediators d. Secretion of cytokines



The correct answer is - A. All of the answers are correct.


Mast cells are the cells that are present on connective tissue. These cells have many garnules that are filled with histamin and heparin that play role in first line immune response against allergens. Degranuation is the process of releasing these granules.

Other than this mast cells or mastocytes also secrete lipid mediators and cytokines. These are activated and secreted in presence of allergen or anaphalyxis response.

2. Describe social diversity and discuss two examples.


In we all the society members gather in any problems and solve that problem is call social diversity


if the water tap broken all the society members join and solve to fix that problem.

Social diversity may be defined as the sum total of all humans that live in a single culture and are set apart from each other through various elements of it.

What are the elements of social diversity?

The elements of social diversity are lifestyle, religion, language, ethnicity, race, gender, tastes, preferences, etc.

The examples of social diversity are as follows:

Religious diversity: It is one of the most common and highlighted diversity that is frequently seen across the world. According to the reports, there are approximately 4200 religions are present in the world. But all maintain a relationship of brotherhood and spread peace, harmony, and happiness to the entire world.

Cultural diversity: This type of diversity is considered the subpart of religious diversity. It is associated with the ethnicity of each person and fixed the social norms for the society that aid in raising the values of each family.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Social diversity, refer to the link:


If a person’s diet includes a lot of processed foods and not a lot of fresh fruits or vegetables, failing to meet recommended intakes of ______ is likely.





Got it right on the test.

If a person's diet consists primarily of processed foods and not a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, he or she is more likely to fall short of meeting recommended potassium intakes, as fresh foods are high in potassium.

What are the roles of the ions in the body?

The ions' role is important for the body as they maintain equilibrium in the body and there are many ions such as sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, etc., and if an ionic imbalance is attained in the body, many diseases are seen and the body's homeostasis is affected. In general, eating green vegetables and natural foods balances the ions, whereas eating processed foods creates an imbalance due to the high sodium content of preservative products.

Hence, if a person's diet consists primarily of processed foods and not a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, he or she is more likely to fall short of meeting recommended potassium intakes, as fresh foods are high in potassium.

Learn more about the roles of ions in the body by clicking here.


The question is incomplete; the complete question is below.

If a person's diet includes a lot of processed foods and not a lot of fresh fruits or vegetables, failing to meet recommended intakes of _____ is likely. 

A. Sodium 

B. Chloride 

C. Potassium 

D. Calcium

Mr. Barker enjoys a comfortable retirement income. He recently had surgery and expected that he would have certain services and items covered by the plan with minimal out-of-pocket costs because his MA-PD coverage has been very good. However, when he received the bill, he was surprised to see large charges in excess of his maximum out-of-pocket limit that included some services and items he thought would be fully covered. He called you to ask what he could do? What could you tell him?



The correct answer is - You can offer to review the plan's appeal process to help him ask the plan to review the coverage decision.


Mr. Barker received the bill and there is an excess of the maximum out-of-pocket limit that is a limit a person has to pay for covered medical care services.

As he asked what he could do, you could explain that there are several plans he could review all the plans appeal process and to as well help him to ask the issue, benefits of each plan to review. Explaining and reviewing plans and coverage will help a person to makes decisions about their benefits including the amount they have to pay for their medical services plan.

Judy, a 28 y/o, presents to the clinic with a fever, vaginal discharge, and pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis, and lower back. These symptoms are accompanied by chills, nausea, and vomiting. This presentation is most typical of:


Pelvic inflammatory disease is what I would say

This presentation is most typical of pelvic inflammatory disease. Pelvic

inflammatory disease affects the reproductive organs in females such as:

UterusFallopian tubeOvary

The symptoms include:

Chills NauseaVomitingVaginal discharge etc

It is usually caused by bacteria which causes various degree of inflammation

and can be treated with the use of antibiotics.

Read more about Pelvic inflammatory disease here

A 56 year old woman is complaining of vaginal dryness and dyspareunia. She is prescribed this medicine with lesser side effects



osphena (ospemifene)


Osphena would be my guess

Prescription: XYZ medication 200 mg, 5 tabs bid x 6 days. How many tablets will be dispensed from the pharmacy?



60 tablets


BID means 2x a day, and it says take 5 tablets 2x a day. So, if 10 tablets are taken in one day for 6 days, then 60 tablets will need to be dispensed by the pharmacy.

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