Mary Ainsworth observed that securely attached infants _______. Do not seem to care when the mother leaves the room and do not seek her out on her return Protest loudly when the mother leaves, but resist contact with her when she returns Cry if the mother leaves the room, are easily soothed, and welcome her back when she returns Are not concerned upon separation, but cry to be picked up and held on her return Are not concerned upon separation and do not respond to her return


Answer 1


Cry if the mother leaves the room, are easily soothed, and welcome her back when she returns



This is simply known as the bond that exists between specific people (e.g. a mother and her child) emotionally and it often endures for a long period of time. The love of the mother is very important to normal social and emotional development.

Attachment Theory

This theory was stated according to John Bowlby's work that shows that children are biologically inclined to have attachments to caregivers as a means of increasing the chances of their own survival.

Secure Attachment

This is simply known as a form of an attachment where infants or young children have a high-quality, relatively unbreakable relationship with their attachment figure. In this case, the mother. In the Strange Situation, a securely attached infant may be upset when the caregiver or the mother leaves and also may be happy to see the caregiver or mother return, thereby getting back themselves quickly from any distress. When children are securely attached, they can use caregivers or mothers as a secure base for comfort.

Related Questions

A thief sold some stolen goods to a dealer. Several weeks later, the police raided the dealer's store and arrested him. In this raid, the police seized the goods the thief sold to the dealer and a record book in which the dealer had recorded this transaction. However, at the dealer's subsequent trial for receiving stolen goods, the charges against him were dismissed when the court ruled that the search warrant had been improperly issued.
The police were able to trace the stolen goods to the thief because of fingerprint identification and the information contained in the dealer's record book.
At his trial, the thief made a motion to suppress the stolen goods and record book.
What should the judge do?


Yes I can get it on ur phone if you don’t wanna see ur pics

la economia extractiva enriquece la cultura de colombia?, por qué?


Colombia tiene una próspera economía de mercado basada principalmente en petróleo, minería, agricultura y manufactura. El crecimiento durante la última década ha sido un sólido 4,7 por ciento. Entonces, gracias a estos beneficios, la economía extractiva enriqueció la cultura de Colombia.

what is the difference between skilled manpower and unskilled manpower​



The short answer to your question is, if a person does their job well, they are skilled, if they don’t, they are unskilled.

Rita is experiencing a hard time remembering the items on her grocery list while she is at the store. She has to look at it several times to get all of the items on her list. However, when her daughter asks her about what she did last week, Rita can recite everything she did down to the last minute. Rita has trouble with _____ memory.



The answer is "Working".


She finds it hard to recall the products on her daily menu while she's in the shop. To have all items on her list, she has to look at something numerous times. But She can tell her daughter all that she did until the very last moment when her daughter questions her as to what she did this week. She has work memory issues.

write a special feature of sagarmatha National park​



Sagarmatha is an exceptional area with dramatic mountains, glaciers and deep valleys, dominated by Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world (8,848 m). Several rare species, such as the snow leopard and the lesser panda, are found in the park.


I hope it'll help you


Sagarmatha is an exceptional area with dramatic mountains, glaciers and deep valleys, dominated by Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world (8,848 m). Several rare species, such as the snow leopard and the lesser panda, are found in the park.

Show the various aspects covered in the concept of development in a diagrammatic form.





not need to explain

how does nation development occur? ​



if u think this is correct ans pls mark as brinlist and


Development refers to development-countryside developments that distinguish them from so-called developed countries in the economic performance, levels of living, sustainability, and equal conditions.


A developing country has a less developed industrial base and a low HDI in relation to other countries. This definition has nevertheless not been agreed universally. It is also unclear which countries fit in with this group. The term low- and middle-income (LMIC) often refers to countries' economies, but it is often used interchangeably.The World Bank separates the economies of the world into four groups based on the GNI per capita: high, medium, moderate and low revenues. The developing countries are all subgroups of the least developed, land-stricken developing countries and smaller island developing countries. Countries at the other end of the spectrum are generally known as countries with high incomes or developing countries.

Siddarth has a positive attitude toward his organization. He feels the management treats all employees fairly in matters concerning rewards, takes into account employees' opinions, and overall, is highly supportive. Siddarth's attitude toward his employing organization is indicative of ________.
A) psychological empowerment
B) employee engagement
C) perceived organizational support
D) core self evaluations
E) organizational citizenship



perceived organizational support


The notion which an individual or employees has towards the way in which it's employer cares and regards it's employees may be described as the perceived organizational support of the employee towards its employer. It could be defined as the believe nutured by an employers based on his presumption on how much the organisation they work for cares and value their contribution and hence responds to their needs and staff wellbeing. In the scenario described above, Siddarth has a positive perceived organizational support towards his employer.

Essie is an 86-year-old woman who tries to function independently but has suffered for several years with forgetfulness, especially with recent memories. She has trouble finding her car in the parking lot after grocery shopping. The store managers have called her children to come and help her. She has been known to forget her way home at times. Her children worry that she may have a form of dementia called ________.



Alzheimer's dementia

Explanation:Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, where dementia symptoms gradually worsen over a number of years. In its early stages, memory loss is mild, but with late-stage Alzheimer's, individuals lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to their environment.

Because Essie sufferred forgetfulness that makes her forget her way home at times, then, she will be diagonised of Alzheimer's dementia.

What is an Alzheimer's dementia?

This is a progressive dementia disease where symptoms gradually worsen over a number of years.

In the early stages, the memory loss are usually mild but at the late-stage, the individuals lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to their environment.

Read more about Alzheimer dementia

Explain create jobs in rural areas



More employment in rural areas can be created by taking following steps:

1) Farmers should diversify agriculture and adopt horticulture, animal rearing, organic farming, pisciculture besides farming.

2) Government should take necessary steps to provide loans to farmers at cheaper rates and from formal sources of credit.

Wille lien in points. anit (c) Does your locality get regular supply of drinking water? What can be your lergy is solve the problem of drinking water? elop d) If you have to purify water for drin . It is​



Qué sucede con la demanda si:
B)El producto a través de la publicidad atrae a la gente
c) Una pandemia afecta el ingreso de las familias.
< Qué sucede con la oferta si:
a) Se construye un nuevo sector para la producción.
b) Aumenta el valor de los salarios de los operari0s.




What are the features of industrial society


Answer:  6 Main Features of an Industrial Society.

(a) The economy is industry-based. The society is divided into a number of classes for example, the capitalist, the workers and the petty shopkeepers.

(b) Emergence of a number of professional and technical jobs requiring spe­cial knowledge and training.

(c) Rapid means of transport and a wide network of communications has been developed.

(d) The system of production, distribution and exchange is different. It is based on use of mechanical power. Large scale production of goods and use of new technology in the system of production is the most important feature of an industrial society.

(e) Migration to cities has led to the breakdown of agricultural economy and also the disappearance of the joint family system. A system of nuclear families has emerged.

Identify each statement about anthropologists studying sexuality as characteristic of anthropology before World War II, or since World War II. Before World War II Instead of sexuality, ethnographies focused on marriage, kinship, and family. Press Space to open Anthropologists began studying gay, lesbian, and queer life. Press Space to open Margaret Mead studied sexuality among young people in the western Pacific. Press Space to open Human sexuality was seen as an integral part of culture, and was included in many ethnographies.



Press Space to open Human sexuality was seen as an integral part of culture, and was included in many ethnographies.


The sexuality was seen as integrated and interior part of the culture of the people and seen as an important concept of ethnography. Due to its emotional attachment its related to the cultural aspects of society and anthropologists have characterized it since the world war 2

The following statements represent anthropologists studying s**uality as characteristic of anthropology:

Before World War II:

Margaret Mead studied s**uality among young people in the western Pacific.Instead of s**uality, ethnographies focused on marriage, kinship, and family.

Since World War II:

Anthropologists began studying qu**r life. To open Human s**uality was seen as an integral part of the culture, and was included in many ethnographies.

What is Anthropology?

Anthropology is the scientific study of humans with the objective of understanding their behavior.

Margaret Mead's study was carried out in 1925 and this was years before World War II broke out in 1939.

It was not until recently that q**er study became an integral part of anthropology.

Learn more about anthropology here:

calcula el peso de un niño en la tierra y en la luna.
la masa del niño es 36 kilogramos.
dato: constante gravitacional en la luna: 6,67



a. Peso, P = 352.8 Newton

b. Peso, P = 240.12 Newton


Dados los siguientes datos;

Masa del niño = 36 kilogramos

Aceleración debida a la gravedad sobre la masa = 6.67 m/s²

Sabemos que la aceleración debida a la gravedad es igual a 9.8 m/s².

El peso se puede definir como la fuerza que actúa sobre un cuerpo o un objeto como resultado de la gravedad.

Matemáticamente, el peso de un objeto viene dado por la fórmula;

[tex] Peso = mg [/tex]


m es la masa del objeto.

g es la aceleración debida a la gravedad.

a. Para encontrar el peso del niño en la Tierra;

[tex] W = 36 * 9.8 [/tex]

Peso, P = 352.8 Newton

b. Para encontrar el peso del niño en la luna;

[tex] W = 36 * 6.67 [/tex]

Peso, P = 240.12 Newton

Progressive reformers passes laws involving inheritance taxes; devised a modern national banking system; and developed government regulatory commissions. They also created a federal income tax based on _______.
a flat tax.
middle class income.
ability to pay.


Answer: D. Ability to pay


A tax simply means a financial levy that the government imposes on an economic entity.

The federal income tax is progressive. This implies that the households with higher income are expected to pay a higher rate when compared to the households with lower income who are expected to pay a lower rate of their income. Therefore, then Federal income tax is based on the ability to pay.

In studies about new medicines, researchers usually give one group of patients the medicine that is designed to treat an illness. They give another group of patients a placebo, which is taken the same way as the medicine but does not actually contain the ingredients of any medicine. Different medicines are tested in different experiments, but the placebos usually contain the same non-medical ingredients. If both groups of patients are healed, then researchers cannot be sure whether the medicine caused improvement, but if the group given the medicine is healed while the group given the placebo remains ill, researchers can conclude that the medicine causes the illness to go away.

In medical experiments, which group receives placebos?

the experimental group
the control group
both the experimental and control groups
neither the experimental nor control group



 The control group


 The control group often exists in scientific experiments to determine the norm, or basically what would happen if the experiment were not performed at all.

   So the patients not receiving medicine would be a part of the control group.

After he took office, President Roosevelt immediately started implementing his New Deal programs in order to

reassure the world that the United States would help.
limit the remaining influence of President Hoover.
make Americans feel more confident about the future.
inspire other countries to take action to help their people.​


The correct answer is "make Americans feel more confident about the future."

After he took office, President Roosevelt immediately started implementing his New Deal programs in order to make Americans feel more confident about the future.

The New Deal was the series of economic programs and legislation created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a result of the Great Depression that started on October 29, 1929, after the US stock market crashed.  After the crash, millions of American citizens lost their jobs, companies closed, and banks went into bankruptcy.

Roosevelt wanted to help the American people in those difficult years of the Great Depression. Under the New Deal, the federal government created the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, the Work Progress Administration, the Social Security Act, the Civilian Conservation Corps, or the Social Security Administration.


Your answer is: C.).


I took the quiz on Edge, 2022.

(See the attachment below.)

Hope this helped! <3

The survey is a research method in which a. Individuals are carefully observed in their natural environment b. A representative sample of individuals are questioned regarding their attitudes or behavior c. An individual or group is studied in great depth d. An investigator determines the extent to which two variables influence each other



b. A representative sample of individuals are questioned regarding their attitudes or behavior.


A survey is a research method done by examining and recording any findings from the inspected data. In other words, a survey is when data is collected from a predefined group meant for any research work.

Therefore, a research method is when a representative sample of individuals is taken and questioned. Such questions can be about behaviors, or attitudes, depending on the area of research done or intended.

Thus, the correct answer is option b.

Name three West African countries​







You have learned about the traditional and new design options for organizational structures. You have decided that one of the designs developed during the last decade or two is probably the most appropriate for your newly-formed organization.

You have eliminated horizontal, vertical, and external barriers within your organization. You are operating as a ________.



Boundaryless organization


A Boundaryless is one which is aimed at enhancing flexibility such that all stakeholders have reasonable amount of freedom to work together for the good of the organization. The removal of all forms of barriers including those between employees and consumers which could at times reduce flexibility and effectiveness are eliminated, hence allowing managers and employees who are close to the problem at hand and have better knowledge of the sutuation make calls thereby saving time and input. Boundaryless organizations show great level adaption to cahages in environmental and technological practices which has accelerated business in the 21st century.

The approach assumes that events are governed by some lawful order.





A scientific method can be defined as a research method that typically involves the use of experimental and mathematical techniques which comprises of a series of steps such as systematic observation, measurement, and analysis to formulate, test and modify a hypothesis.

A hypothesis is considered to be tentative or an educated guess and can be defined as a testable explanation for an observation or a scientific problem. An example of a hypothesis is saying, Corona virus is caused by the introduction of the "5G" technology.

Thus, for any hypothesis to be true and acceptable in science, it must be supported by observations and the results of control experiments; this give rise to factual informations, theories and by extension solutions to problems. Consequently, we can deduce from the aforementioned paragraphs that a scientific method is simply an organized way to test scientific ideas and hypothesis.

Basically, the goals of science include the following;

I. Measurement and description of events or subjects that are being studied through research and experimentation.

II. Understanding and prediction of the natural and physical world by understanding the reason for each occurrence.

III. Application of scientific laws and control of mechanisms to proffer solutions to practical or real-life problems.

In conclusion, the scientific approach assumes that events are governed by some lawful order by uncovering all of the laws or consistencies associated with them.

Which accurately describes the Supremacy Clause? edg 2021


Answer: B, No state can contradict federal Laws describes the Supremacy Clause


Dr. Low is interested in studying the effect mood has on the willingness to help a stranger. She randomly assigns half of her participants to the pleasant mood condition and shows them funny film clips. The other half of her participants is assigned to the unpleasant mood condition and is forced to watch boring film clips. She then gives every participant an opportunity to donate money to a homeless stranger. Dr. Low is using an _________ design
A. experimental
B. correlational
C. case study
D. repeated measures





This is because she used her participants as an experiment in order to find her solution.

I think it’s A… sorry if I’m wrong..

In countries where automobile insurance includes compensation for whiplash injuries sustained in automobile accidents, reports of having suffered such injuries are twice as frequent as they are in countries where whiplash is not covered. Presently; no objective test for whiplash exists, so it is true that spurious reports of whiplash injuries cannot be readily identified. Nevertheless, these facts do not warrant the conclusion drawn by some commentators that in the countries with the higher rates of reported whiplash injuries, half of the reported cases are spurious. Clearly, in countries where automobile insurance does not include compensation for whiplash, people often have little incentive to report whiplash injuries that they actually have suffered.In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?(A) The first is a claim that the argument disputes; the second is a conclusion that has been based on that claim.(B) The first is a claim that has been used to support a conclusion that the argument accepts; the second is that conclusion.(C) The first is evidence that has been used to support a conclusion for which the argument provides further evidence; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.(D) The first is a finding whose implications are at issue in the argument; the second is a claim presented in order to argue against deriving certain implications from that finding.(E) The first is a finding whose accuracy is evaluated in the argument; the second is evidence presented to establish that the finding is accurate.



D). The first is a finding whose implications are at issue in the argument; the second is a claim presented in order to argue against deriving certain implications from that finding.


In the given argument, the first highlighted portion represents 'a discovery or finding whose consequences are at affair with the government while the second underlined segment demonstrates a claim that debates over the specific implications which are the results of that finding.'

The first highlighted segment displays the findings regarding the number of injuries suffered due to whiplash is double in countries where it is covered under insurance than the places where it is not. This is an issue whose consequences the government is presently dealing with. While the second boldfaced segment emphasizes the argument over some specific consequences produced by this finding('little incentive to report the actual damage than they have actually undergone'). Hence, option D is the correct answer.

When parents are unable to resolve the conflicts between them, a common pattern is to continue to argue through the children. When father says mother is too permissive, mother says father is too strict. Father may in turn withdraw, and mother responds to the child with excessive concern, focus, and devotion. The structural term which best describes the resulting family structure is _______________.



cross-generational coalition between mother and child

Can you give some examples of methods that people have used to fight for human rights? How effective were those methods? What was the outcome for various people involved?


Riots, marches, joining a group, not attending school/jobs

Riots usually ended up w a lot of death and destruction. It makes people turn their heads, but it potentially leads to more violence and anger. However, sometimes it feels the only way to make them notice.
Marches like MLK’s we're great! They show a big crowd of people who want their rights and I think it makes people want to join in more when it's peaceful, and you're showing that you're the animals they portray you to be. However even marches lead to the police fighting to stop it.
Joining a group had a place for others to feel heard and procrastinate a way to solve the problem.
Not attending school/jobs showed others how much of an impact their kind had on the world. For example, Mexicans will skip school and jobs to show how much they do for the community!

How are the missions of the Sierra Club and Naturfreunde different?



To explore, enjoy and protect the planet. To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out those objectives.

1. This is a dance of the ethnic people living in the western side of the Cordilleras way back before the coming of the Americans to our country, A. Binislakan C. Sakuting B. Pangalay D. Sua-Ku-Sua 2. (also known as Daling-Daling or Mengalai in Sabah) is the traditional "fingernail" dance of the Tausug people of the Sulu Archipelago and Sabah. A. Binislakan C. Sakuting B.Pangalay D. Sua-Ku-Sua 3. The Tausug of Sulu, Southern Philippines, though known as fearsome warriors are also better known as sturdy seafarers and hardy farmers. Their courtship dance is called A. Binislakan C. Sakuting B. Pangalay D. Sua-Ku-Sua 4. Lingayen in Pangasinan means having to look backward and upward. It was derived from "Li-King-Tung", a Chinese word given to the name Lingayen, the capital of Pangasinan. A. Binislakan C. Sakuting B. Pangalay D. Sua-Ku-Sua 5. Who is the dance researcher of Sakuting? A. Francisca Reyes Aquino C. Ramon A. Obusan B. Dr. Jose P. D. Both a and b​



1. C. Sakuting

2. B.Pangalay

3. D. Sua-Ku-Sua

4. A. Binislakan

5. A. Francisca Reyes Aquino


The Sakuting dance was known with people of the western Cordirellas. The dance is characterized by young boys and girls dancing with sticks in front of houses and being gifted.

The Pangalay dance is common in countries like Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is also known as Daling-Daling or Mengalai dance. This dance requires great skill as dancers move in a martial art style.

The Sua-Ku-Sua dance is apparent to the movement of leaves from the trees of Pomelo trees that a great source of livelihood to the Tausug people, Sulu, Southern Philippines.

Binislakan is dance typical of the barrio people in Almazin, between barrio Pangasinan (Pulong) and Maniboc. The dance is characterized by looking backwards and upwards with the use of sticks typical of Chinese chopsticks to honor the Chinese pirate Limahong who set up in kingdom in pangasinan.

Francisca Reyes Aquino was the researcher of Sakuting dance and many other philippine types of folk dance. She was a Filipino folk dancer too.

Determine whether this argument is using deductive or inductive reasoning. Then evaluate the argument as either valid/invalid or strong/weak. The rainfall in Washington has been more than 20 inches annually for the past 10 years. Accordingly, the rainfall next year will probably be more than 20 inches. Group of answer choices Inductive, strong Deductive, valid Inductive, weak Deductive, invalid



Inductive, weak


An inductive reasoning is the opposite of deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning applies knowledge of past experiences and observations to form conclusions. The premise and conclusion goes "if this happened now... this must then happen". This type of reasoning moves from specific to general as opposed to deductive reasoning that moves from general to specific.

The argument in our question is also a fallacy. A fallacy is a faulty logic or weak argument. The argument is a fallacy of faulty generalization, the typical "jumping into conclusion".

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