Match each word to its correct meaning. 1. carbon sequestration carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrogen oxides, and some CFCs that absorb heat and keep it in the earth's atmosphere 2. greenhouse effect technology used to capture the carbon released from smokestacks and store it in some part of the environment to keep it out of the atmosphere 3. greenhouse gas a term used to describe the role that greenhouse gases play in keeping the earth warm


Answer 1


1. Greenhouse gas.

2. Carbon sequestration.

3. Greenhouse effect.


Greenhouse gases can be defined as gases that trap heat within the Earth's atmosphere. Thus, an increase in global temperature is largely caused due to an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere.

Some examples of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere are methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide etc.

Matching the descriptions with their term respectively, we have;

1. Greenhouse gas: carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrogen oxides, and some CFCs that absorb heat and keep it in the earth's atmosphere

2. Carbon sequestration: it's a technology used to capture the carbon released from smokestacks and store it in some part of the environment to keep it out of the atmosphere. Thus, it's a process that is typically used for capturing and the long-term storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide in soil, ocean, plants and geologic formation, so as to reduce global warming or climate change.

3. Greenhouse effect: it's a term used to describe the negative role that greenhouse gases such as methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide etc., play in keeping the earth warm.

Related Questions

A student wants to make a 0.600 M aqueous solution of barium sulfate, BaSO4, and has a bottle containing 12.00 g of barium sulfate. What should be the final volume of the solution?

Find the numerical answer for this question and make sure to include the following:

What is the formula for molarity?

What is the molar mass for barium sulfate?

When you give your numerical answer, what are the correct significant figures and how do you know that is the correct amount?

Need this ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer: The volume of the solution is 85.7 mL


Molarity is defined as the amount of solute expressed in the number of moles present per liter of solution. The units of molarity are mol/L. The formula used to calculate molarity:

[tex]\text{Molarity of solution}=\frac{\text{Given mass of solute}\times 1000}{\text{Molar mass of solute}\times \text{Volume of solution (mL)}}[/tex] .....(1)

We are given:

Molarity of solution = 0.600 M

Given mass of [tex]BaSO_4[/tex] = 12.00 g

We know, molar mass of [tex]BaSO_4=[(1\times 137.33)+(1\times 32.07)+(4\times 16)]=233.4g/mol[/tex]

Putting values in equation 1, we get:

[tex]0.600=\frac{12.00\times 1000}{233.4\times \text{Volume of solution}}\\\\\text{Volume of solution}=\frac{12.00\times 1000}{233.4\times 0.600}=85.68mL=85.7mL[/tex]

The rule of significant number that is applied for the problems having multiplication and division:

The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.

Here, the least number of significant figures is 3 that is determined by the number, 0.600. Thus, the answer must have these many significant figures only.

Hence, the volume of the solution is 85.7 mL

help me with this attachment please​



See explanation


Let us recall that the basic rule in writing balanced chemical reaction equations is that the number of atoms of each element on the right hand side of the reaction equation is the same of the number of atoms of the same element on the left hand side of the reaction equation.

The reaction of red hot iron and steam is written as follows;

3Fe + 4H2O → Fe3O4 + 4H2.

The decomposition reaction of ammonium dichromate is written as;

(NH4)2Cr2O7 → N2 + Cr2O3 + 4H2O

Reaction of aluminium, sodium hydroxide and water is as follows,

2Al + 2NaOH + 2H2O ----> 2NaAlO2 + 3H2

Reaction of potassium bicarbonate with sulphuric acid;

2KHCO3 + H2SO4 -------> K2SO4 + 2H2O + 2CO2

Reaction of zinc and sodium hydroxide is as follows;

Zn + 2NaOH→Na2ZnO2 + H2

ChemBonding9. In ammonium chloride NH4Cl, the bonding between NH4+ and chloride ion Cl− is _______.

polar covalent
nonpolar covalent


So NH4Cl has ionic bond between NH4+ and Cl-, hydrogen bond (can be considered covalent bond too and N and H are both non metals and covalent bonds occur between non metals) between N and H in NH4 and covalent bond between NH4 and another NH4.

Please I need an explanation on the relationship between concentration and volume of reacting substances​



when d volume of a substance is high, the concentration is gonna b low...

Jus lyk putting much water in just a cube of sugar


So lower volume, higher concentration

Can someone please solve this for me and explain it


83.3% yield


First, we need to convert 240 g of [tex]Fe_{2}O_{3}[/tex] into moles:

[tex]240 \:g \:Fe_{2}O_{3} \:\times(\frac{1\:\text{mol}\:Fe_{2}O_{3}}{159.69\: \text {g}\:Fe_{2}O_{3}})[/tex]

[tex]=1.50 \:\text{mol}\:Fe_{2}O_{3}[/tex]

Next, find the theoretical Fe yield using molar ratios.

[tex]1.50 \: \text {mol} \: Fe_{2}O_{3}\: \times (\frac{2\: \text{mol} \: Fe}{1 \:\text{mol} \: Fe_{2}O_{3}})[/tex]

[tex] = 3.00 \: \text{mol} \: Fe[/tex]

Then convert this back into grams:

[tex]3.00 \: \text{mol} \:Fe \times (\frac{55.845 \: \text{g} \: Fe}{1 \: \text{mol} \: Fe}) = 168 \: \text{g} \: Fe[/tex]

Note that actual yield is only 140 g Fe so percentage yield is

[tex]\dfrac{140\:\text{g}\:Fe}{168\:\text{g}\:Fe} \times 100[/tex]%= 83.3%


The answer is 83.3%


The osmotic pressure of a solution formed by dissolving 0.231 g of the protein in 150 mL of water at 298 K is found to be 2.054 torr.



13924g/mol is the molar mass of the protein


What is the molar mass of the protein.

The osmotic pressure of a solution, π, is defined as:

π = c*R*T

Where π is osmotic pressure = 2.054torr* (1atm/760torr) = 2.70x10⁻³atm

c is molar concentration of the protein,

R is gas constant = 0.082atmL/molK

And T is absolute temperature = 298K

Solving the molar concentration:

c = π / RT

c = 2.70x10⁻³atm / 0.082atmL/molK*298K

c = 1.106x10⁻⁴ moles protein / L

The moles of protein in 150mL = 0.150L:

0150L * (1.106x10⁻⁴ moles protein / L) = 1.659x10⁻⁵ moles protein

The molar mass is the ratio of mass and moles:

0.231g / 1.659x10⁻⁵ moles protein =

13924g/mol is the molar mass of the protein

What is pH?
O A. A measurement indicating how acidic a solution is
B. A concentration of total ions dissolved in solution
C. A level of dissolved gases that are in solution
O D. A component of solutions that makes them acidic



Awnser is A



Hello There!!


The answer is↬O A. A measurement indicating how acidic a solution is.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


How do the Carnivorous plants survive without soil?



Carnivorous plants are easy to grow, if you follow a few, simple rules.

Wet all of the time.
Mineral-free water.
Mineral-free soil.
Lots of light.

Wet all of the time.
Carnivorous plants are native to bogs and similar nutrient-poor habitats. As a consequence, the plants live in conditions that are constantly damp. To grow healthy carnivorous plants, it is important to duplicate their habitat as closely as possible. Keep the soil wet or at least damp all of the time. The easiest way to do this is use the tray method. Set the pots in a tray or saucer, and keep water in it at all times. Pitcher plants can grow in soggy soil with the water level in the saucer as deep as 1/2 the pot, but most carnivorous plants prefer damp to wet soil, so keep the water at about 1/4 inch and refill as soon as it is nearly gone. Water from below, by adding water to the tray, rather than watering the plant. This will avoid washing away the sticky muscilage of the sundews and butterworts and keep from closing the flytraps with a false alarm.

Mineral-free water.
Always use mineral-free water with your carnivorous plants, such as rainwater or distilled water. Try keeping a bucket near the downspout to collect rainwater. Distilled water can be purchased at the grocery store, but avoid bottled drinking water. There are simply too many minerals in it. The condensation line from an air conditioner or heat pump is another source of mineral-free water. Reverse-osmosis water is fine to use. Carnivorous plants grow in nutrient poor soils. The minerals from tap water can “over-fertilize” and “burn out” the plants. In a pinch, tap water will work for a short while, but flush out the minerals with generous portions of rainwater, when it is available.

Mineral-free soil.
The nutrient poor soils to which the carnivorous plants have adapted are often rich in peat and sand. This can be duplicated with a soil mixture of sphagnum peat moss and horticultural sand. Be sure to check the peat label for sphagnum moss. Other types will not work well. The sand should be clean and washed. Play box sand is great, and so is horticultural sand. Avoid “contractor’s sand” which will contain fine dust, silt, clay and other minerals. Never use beach sand or limestone based sand. The salt content will harm the plants. The ratio of the mix is not critical, 1 part peat with 1 part sand works well for most carnivorous plants. Flytraps prefer a bit more sand, and nepenthes prefer much more peat. Use plastic pots, as terra cotta pots will leach out minerals over time and stress your plants.


Kayo na Po bahala magpaigsi


A simple answer: Carnivores don't eat plants only flesh. So they would not need soil. But it would be hard for Carnivores to get energy because they get energy indirectly from the animals (herbivores) that they eat. How do they get the energy from a herbivore you might ask. Herbivores eat only plants and that gives the herbivore the plant's energy; but if the herbivore gets eaten, it is indirectly transferred into the Carnivore. Hope this helped!!

Carnivore = only feeds on flesh

Herbivore = eats only plants

Omnivore = eats plants and animals/flesh

Subtract to find the temperature changes

for the water and the metal.



???what metal????????????

If 3.02 g of CuNO3 is dissolved in water to make a 0.560 M solution, what is the volume of the solution in milliliters?


Answer: The volume of the solution is 28.75 mL


Molarity is defined as the amount of solute expressed in the number of moles present per liter of solution. The units of molarity are mol/L. The formula used to calculate molarity:

[tex]\text{Molarity of solution}=\frac{\text{Given mass of solute}\times 1000}{\text{Molar mass of solute}\times \text{Volume of solution (mL)}}[/tex] .....(1)

Given values:

Molarity of copper nitrate = 0.560 M

Given mass of copper nitrate = 3.02 g

Molar mass of copper nitrate = 187.56 g/mol

Putting values in equation 1, we get:

[tex]0.560=\frac{3.02\times 1000}{187.56\times \text{Volume of solution}}\\\\\text{Volume of solution}=\frac{3.02\times 1000}{187.56\times 0.560}=28.75mL[/tex]

Hence, the volume of the solution is 28.75 mL

Increasing the concentration increases the speed of reaction by... increasing the number of collisions between products increasing the amount of energy in the system increasing the number of collisions between reactants lowering the activation energy of the reaction


Answer: increasing the number of collisions between reactants


A reaction is possible due to collisions between the reactants to create products. If we increase the concentration of reactants then that means that we are increasing the molecules of the reactants which would give them more chances to collide and make products.

For instance, using a non-chemistry example, if there are few cars in a large city, the accidents there will be less because the cars will have such space that they wouldn't collide with each other. If the number of cars in the city is increased however, there is now less space and more chances for cars to collide.

name the gas which is formed when coal is heated in the absense of air​





A solid fuel formed by heating coal in the absence of air is coke. Coke is black colored, tough porous substance. It is pure carbon.

State the name(s) of the sub-atomic particle(s) that have/has a positive charge. Answer with the name of the particle(s) only.

A. Neurons
B. Protons
C. Electrons


Protons hope this helps


protons because they have the most positive charge

Why does platinum metal make a good catalytic surface for reactant molecules?
It causes reactant molecules to be less reactive.
It strengthens bonds between reactant molecules.
It prevents products from breaking away from the surface.
It holds reactant molecules in a good position for them to react.



it holds reactant molecules in a good position for then to react


D. It holds reactant molecules in a good position for them to react.


Got a 100 on e2020.

Antara berikut ciri manakah bear tentang cuka?
A. Berasa pahit.
B. Berasa tawar.
C. Nilai pH kurang dari 7
D. Nilai pH ialah 7​


C, because vinegar ph scale is 2.5


c. nilai pH kurang dari 7


cuka adalah acid

nilai pH bagi acid adalah

antara 1 hingga 6

A molecule has four bonded atoms around a central atom. The central atom does not have any lone pairs of electrons. What is the geometry of the molecule?



Tetrahedral. Tetra- signifies four, and -hedral relates to a face of a solid; “tetrahedral” literally means “having four faces. ” This shape is found when there are four bonds all on one central atom, with no lone electron pairs. In accordance with the VSEPR theory, the bond angles between the electron bonds are 109.5o ...

There are two characteristics of molecules, one is geometry and other is shape. Shape is excluding lone pair surrounding the central element and geometry is including the lone pair. Therefore, the geometry of given molecule is tetrahedral.

What is VSEPR theory?

VSEPR stands for valence shell electron pair repulsions. VSEPR theory is used to predict the shape and geometry of molecules on the basis of valence electrons pairs that are present around the central element of the molecule.

According to VSEPR theory, Lone pair lone pair repulsion is greater than bond pair bond pair repulsion. There are so many limitations of VSEPR theory. There is a repulsion between bond pair electrons and lone pairs present on the central element.

A molecule has four bonded atoms around a central atom. The central atom does not have any lone pairs of electrons. The geometry of such molecule is Tetrahedral. Geometry does not include lone pair on central atom.

Therefore, the geometry of given molecule is tetrahedral.

To know more about VSEPR theory, here:


An oxygen atom has 8 protons. What number of neutrons would make an
oxygen atom most stable?

A. 10
B. 6
C. 12
D. 8


D. 8

Hope this helps! :)



D: 8 neutrons would make it most stable

Hi Everyone ✌
hope u all r doin well
Pls Answer
What happens when dilute sulphuric acid is poured on a copper plate ? ​



No observable change.


Copper renders dilute sulphuric acid passive, no reaction.




In the chemical reaction between aqueous magnesium chloride and sodium metal, what chemical amount (mol) of magnesium metal can be precipitated (produced) with 12.6 mol of sodium metal?





The balanced equation of the reaction described above between aqueous magnesium chloride and sodium metal is as follows:

MgCl2(aq) + 2Na(s) → 2NaCl(aq) + Mg(s)

From the above equation, 2 moles of sodium metal (Na) produces 1 mole of Magnesium metal (Mg)

Hence, 12.6 mol of Na will produce (12.6/2) mol of Mg.

12.6/2 = 6.3moles of Mg metal.

Se trata 50 g de aluminio que posee 10% de impurezas con suficiente cantidad de ácido sulfúrico ¿qué peso de sulfato de aluminio se obtiene si el porcentaje de rendimiento fue de 70%? P.A. (uma): Al: 27, S = 32, O = 16



199.5 g


Paso 1: Escribir la reacción balanceada

2 Al + 3 H₂SO₄ ⇒ Al₂(SO₄)₃ + 3 H₂

Paso 2: Calcular la masa pura de 50 g  de Al

Aluminio tiene 10% de impurezas, es decir, 10% de 50 g = 5 g. Luego, tiene 50 g - 5 g = 45 g de Al puro.

Paso 3: Calcular la masa teórica de Al₂(SO₄)₃ obtenida a partir de 45 g de Al

La relación de masas de Al₂(SO₄)₃ a Al es 342:54.

45 g Al × 342 g Al₂(SO₄)₃/54 g Al = 285 g Al₂(SO₄)₃

Paso 4: Calcular la masa real de Al₂(SO₄)₃ obtenida

El rendimiento de la reacción es de 70%.

285 g × 70% = 199.5 g

Why do we need to know these organic molecules?
Are they important to living things?​



Organic molecules are important to living things because life is based on the properties of carbon.

Properties of Carbon

Carbon is an important element because it can form four covalent bonds.

Carbon skeletons can vary in length, branching, and ring structure.

The carbon skeletons contain the functional groups that are involved in biochemical


Hope it helps

What is a reaction rate




A reaction rate is the measure of the change in concentration of the disappearance of reactants or the change in concentration of the appearance of products per unit time

Please help me with this in the picture I need 8 thing wrong and 8 what should they do right


1- savannah shouldn’t drink that toxic stuff
2- scissors shouldn’t be in the charger hole
3- there shouldn’t be a snake in the lab
4- lindsey should pay attention to what’s in front of her
5- freddy shouldn’t steal stuff
6- there shouldn’t be a plug in the water
7- evan shouldn’t drink anything in the lab
8- there shouldn’t be food in the lab

The values used in the scale of pH and pOH are derived from a system designed by ______.



the answer to this question Is sorenson




A) Q + XZ = X + QZ is a single displacement reaction.

B) Q + Z = QZ is a synthesis reaction

C) QT = Q + T is a decomposition reaction

D) QT + XZ = QZ + XT is double replacement reaction.


A) Q + XZ = X + QZ

This is a single displacement reaction because it is one in which one element is substituted for another one in a compound. In this case X is substituted for Q.

B) Q + Z = QZ

This is a synthesis reaction because Q and z combine to form a single product QZ.

C) QT = Q + T

This is a decomposition reaction because the compound QT breaks down to form 2 simpler substances Q and T.

D) QT + XZ = QZ + XT

Thus is a double replacement reaction because QT and XZ have exchanged cations to form new compounds QZ and XT

rare earth elements plz



Rare earth elements are lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium - that appear in low concentrations in the ground.


The rare earth elements (REE) are a set of seventeen metallic elements. These include the fifteen lanthanides on the periodic table plus scandium and yttrium. Rare earth elements are an essential part of many high-tech devices.

According to the kinetic-molecular theory, the average kinetic energy of gas particles depends on which factor?





Kinetic molecular theory of gases states that gas particles exhibit a perfectly elastic collision and are constantly in motion.

According to the kinetic-molecular theory, the average kinetic energy of gas particles depends on temperature.

This ultimately implies that, the average kinetic energy of gas particles is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of an ideal gas. Thus, an increase in the average kinetic energy of gas particles would cause an increase in the absolute temperature of an ideal gas.

Temperature can be defined as a measure of the degree of coldness or hotness of a physical object. It is measured with a thermometer and its units are Celsius (°C), Kelvin (K) and Fahrenheit (°F).

Which two of the following changes of state involve solids?
Select two (2) answers

A. melting

B. boiling

C. freezing

D. evaporating



Answer is A... Melting and freezing

Which group on the periodic table contains chemical elements that are shiny and conduct electricity?
Representative elements


D. Metals
Elements that are shiny, solid, conducts electricity, has atomic mass of 108 is metal.

What type of nuclear decay is shown by the reaction below?

A. Alpha
B. Gamma
C. Beta
O D. Fission



C. Beta


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