Match the following items.

1 .
attachment of leg to pelvic girdle at hip
2 .
reabsorption by the kidney of needed materials
3 .
ball and socket joint
attachment of vertebrae to skull
4 .
pivot joint
knee cap
5 .
basic functioning unit of kidneys
6 .
stores bile
7 .
gall bladder
muscle attachment to more movable bone of a joint
8 .
tiny sacs within the lungs
9 .
projections inside small intestine
10 .
secretes digestive enzymes


Answer 1


Nephrons - basic functioning unit of kidneys

Pancreas - secretes digestive enzymes

Ball and socket joint - attachment of leg to pelvic girdle at hip

Pivot joint - attachment of vertebrae to skull

Villi - projections inside small intestine

Patella - knee cap

Gall bladder - stores bile

Tubules - reabsorption by the kidney of needed materials

Alveoli - tiny sacs within the lungs

Insertion - muscle attachment to more movable bone of a joint

Answer 2

As per observation ,all the matches are correct for all options.

Nephrons - functioning unit of kidneys.pancreas -  digestive enzymes. joint - attachment of leg.joint - attachment of vertebrae.Villi - projections small intestine.patella - knee cap.Gall bladder - stores  bile.Tubules - through the kidney of materials.Alveoli - sacs in the lungs.Insertion - muscle to more movable bone of joint.What is a joint?

These are the joints on the knee and it has movable joints.

Thus it is clearly explained.

To learn more about the joints refer to the link ;

Related Questions

DNA and RNA are structurally similar in some ways but different in others. Identify whether each of the statements applies to DNA, RNA, both RNA and DNA, or neither DNA nor RNA.


What are the statements?

Apply logarithm to evaluate T given 644 204=400 000 (1+10%)^T,by first simplify the equation.​


The value of T after applying logarithm to evaluate the function is 4.9988

Given the expression

[tex]644 204=400 000 (1+10 \%)^T[/tex]

Since 10% = 0.1, the expression becomes;

[tex]644 204=400 000 (1+0.1)^T\\644 204=400 000 (1.1)^T\\\frac{644204}{400000} =1.1^T\\1.61051=1.1^T[/tex]

Take the logarithm of both sides

[tex]log1.61051=log1.1^T\\log1.61051=Tlog1.1\\Swap\\Tlog1.1=log1.61051\\T=\frac{log1.61051}{log1.1}\\T=\frac{0.2069}{0.04139} \\T=4.9988[/tex]

The value of T after applying logarithm to evaluate the function is 4.9988

Learn more on logarithm here:

What is microbiology?


Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, viruses,

plz give a correct answer for the question how do canine and molar differ.​







canine help in tearing the fod while molar chew the food



If the time interval is 55 seconds, what is the distance to the epicenter?


the answer to this question is 800

Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of a) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.


Answer: stereotype

Explanation: i am not sure, but my intutions says that.

Assuming that you observed similar patchy bacterial growth pattern in plates "B-Amp, phage" and "C-LB, phage". The T4 phages greatly affected the growth of E. coli strain CR63 in the LB plate ("C-LB, phage" plate), creating a patchy bacterial growth pattern similar to the expected result in the ampicillin plate of strain BE with phage ("B-Amp, phage" plate). Besides experimental errors, describe the possible reasons why the bacterial colonies were isolated in these two plates. "B-Amp, phage" Plate (strain BE)?



Some bacterias show a great resistance power to fight against T4 phages That leads to great growth in the medium given that resistance power may be given by plasmids As plasmids show the resistant genes that great work in the medium.

T4 phage is a virus that shows a lytic cycle after affecting bacteria and going to kill the bacterial cells in bacterial strain So no growth in LB media. Some bacteria are sensitive due to the lack of resistant genes therefore, their growth may affect by many factors of the medium. If the bacteria are recombinant, they show greater growth in the medium.

* B-Amp, Phage plate (strain Be), there is ampicillin, so inhibits the growth of bacteria but still there is patchy growth of bacteria and they still show the growth but due to presence of phage T4, they show patchy growth.

what is the source of food for germinating seed ?​


Endosperm is the reservoir of nutrients in the developing embryo or germinating seed.


Please help please ???? I need help lol


The answer is wavelength

Ġ Surface area te volume ratio plays a vital role in À. growth rate of organisms B. exchange of materials between organisms and their environment C. the life-span of organisms D. efficiency of various systems in organisms



Exchange of materials between organisms and their environment


What is photosynthesis???? ​



The process of green plants make their own food by present sunlight is called photo synthesis

I don't need follow or thanks but please subscribe to my mom channel

Hey there!

Photosynthesis is the reaction that converts light energy to chemical energy in sugar and carbohydrates. Humans can't eat sunlight, so we eat plants. Plants convert the energy in the sunlight into chemical energy using chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a molecule produced by plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, which aids in the conversion of light energy into chemical bonds. It is the green pigment found in the chloroplasts of higher plants. They are a part of our ecosystem, and they are lower on the food chain.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day! :)

What is Alzheimer's disease??​



Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink (atrophy) and brain cells to die.


Hope it is helpful.



Alzhimers disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink and brain cells to die . Alzhimers disease is the most common causes of dementia - a continious decline in thinking behavorial and social skills that affects persons ability to function indepedently .

Anyone wanna help me ???????


Answer: Wave height

What is the relationship between coronary artery disease and a heart attack?
A. Coronary artery disease is a symptom of heart attacks.
B. Heart attacks reduce blood flow to the heart and cause coronary artery disease.
C. Coronary artery disease can reduce blood flow to the heart and cause heart attacks.
D. Heart attacks occur when coronary artery disease is treated.


C) Coronary artery disease can reduce blood flow to the heart and cause heart attacks

CAD (or atherosclerosis) affects the vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. It is caused by deposits of calcium, fat, cholesterol and fibrous tissues, which makes the lumen of arteries narrower. And due to inadequate supply of blood, the heart muscles get damaged. This can lead to a heart attack!

In Gregor Mendel's work with pea plants, he found that when a tall pea plant, with genes TT, was crossed with a short pea plant, with genes tt, that _____ % of the first generation of offspring plants were _____.



In Gregor Mendel's work with pea plants, he found that when a tall pea plant, with genes TT, was crossed with a short pea plant, with genes tt, that _100_ % of the first generation of offspring plants were tall pea plant_.


After crossing the two types of plants, Mendel observed that among the F1 there were only tall variants, while the other variant (short) disappeared. Mendel named "dominant" the expressed variant. Mendel then let these new plants auto pollinate and observed the results in the second generation, F2. He saw that the short variant that had previously disappeared, reappeared again. Both tall and short plants were present in the F2. Mendel named "recessive" the second alternative variant.

Mendel explained his results by arguing that discrete factors were responsible for these phenotypes. These factors should have been present in the F1 in pairs. One of them came from one parental plant, and the other factor came from the other plant. These factors then separated again when sex cells were produced, giving two types of gametes, each with only one factor.

Mendel concluded that each plant had a pair of factors -which he named alleles-, and that each factor coded for one trait -tall and short-. He thought that these factors -T and t- separate -segregate- during gamete formation. This conclusion is known as the segregation principle (First Mendels´ Low).

Mutations in which of the following cells would get passed on to the next generation?
I. sperm
II. Skin cell
III. Egg
IV. Neuron
A. II, III, and IV
B. III only
C.I and III
D. I, III, and IV



C. I and III


A mutation needs to occur in a gamete cell in order to be passed down to the next generation.

If it occurs in a somatic (body) cell, the mutation will only be present in that organism.

On the other hand, in a gamete cell, the mutation will pass down because gamete cells are directly involved in the genetic makeup of the offspring.

So, since sperm and egg cells are gametes, mutations in those cells would get passed on.

The correct answer is C. I and III

Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins are two species of penguins that feed on krill in the Antarctic Ocean.

a. True
b. False


A is the right answer
The correct answer is true

Which of the following statements are true
A calorie is a unit of heat
B one calorie is the energy required to raise 1 kilogram of water
C the preferred unit in metabolism studies and nutrition label is a kilogram



Calorie is a unit of heat

In Drosophila melanogaster the recessive alleles for brown and scarlet eyes (of two independent genes) produce a novel phenotype so that bw/bw;st/st is white. If a pure-breeding brown is crossed to a pure-breeding scarlet, what proportion of the F2 will be white



Lebell the picture from A to H



I don't know it can I search it in my laptop and tell you the answer

The erosion of rock by wind is an example of an interaction
A. Atmosphere and Lithosphere
B. Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
C. Hydrosphere and Lithosphere
D. None of these



The erosion of rock by wind is an example of an interactionbetween:

B. ɑtmosphere ɑnd Hydrosphere

The erosion of rock by wind is an example of an interaction

between: B) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere.

What is erosion explained?

Erosion is the geological system in which earthen materials are worn away and transported by means of natural forces consisting of wind or water. A similar technique, weathering, breaks down or dissolves the rock, but does no longer involve movement.

What are erosion and weathering?

Weathering is the breaking down or dissolving of rocks and minerals on Earth's floor. as soon as a rock has been damaged, a process called erosion transports the bits of rock and minerals away. Water, acids, salt, flora, animals, and modifications in temperature are all dealers of weathering and erosion.

Learn more about erosion here:


Location 1
Process that occurred

Location 2
Process that occurred

Location 3
Process that occurred

Location 4
Process that occurred

Location 5
Process that occurred

Location 6
Process that occurred

Location 7
Process that occurred

Location 8
Process that occurred

Location 9
Process that occurred

Location 10
Process that occurred



what is your question 1 ,2 ya 3 wha

In order to attract females, the male Bowerbird of Australia constructs elaborate structures called "bowers" on the forest floor. His bower is made from twigs, leaves, and moss, and is decorated with colorful ornaments such as feathers, pebbles, berries, and shells. If a female is sufficiently impressed with a bower, she will mate with the male who built it. This is an example of which of the five evolutionary forces? mutation gene flow non-random mating genetic drift



non-random mating


In animals, most cases of non-random matings are related to behavior. There are three main possible ways of non-random mating:

Harem reproduction ⇒ Dominant males mate with their group of femalesDiscriminated mating ⇒ Individuals mate with genetically similar partnersSexual selection ⇒ One of the couple members chooses the other one.  

Sexual selection

In many bird and mammal species, and even in some fish species, one of the sexes selects the other one to mate. In general, the one that chooses is the female.  

Intrasexual competition between males to get access to females plays a significant role in sexual selection. Males can develop weapons that make them greater fighters.

There is also intersexual selection, in which members of each sex apply selective pressures on the other sex, modeling their phenotype by choosing partners.

As notorious structures and behavior make males be more vulnerable to predation, sexual selection seems to operate against other types of natural selection, as it might affect males´ survival.

However, there seems to be a compensation between sexual selection and natural selection.


In the exposed example, the construction of elaborated and noticeable structures is done to attract females. If females are impressed with a bower, she will choose the male that built it to mate. The better the nest is, the better the male genetic quality. So the female chooses this male because his genetic charge is significant and reflects a higher fitness for their progeny.

These bacteria rapidly divide until they run out of space. Their growth then slows down, and their population size stabilizes. What kind of curve would accurately show these changes in the population?


The correct answer is B. S-curve


There are two models of population growth. One of them is the J-curve in which the population grows constantly without stabilizing, forming a J-shaped graph. Second, the S-curve is a model in which the population grows to a point, and from there it stabilizes, forming an S-shaped graph. According to the above, bacteria that divide rapidly until they run out of space and their growth slows down stabilizing the size of their population has an S curve model because the population does not grow unlimitedly but stabilized under specific circumstances. So, the correct answer is B. S-curve

[tex]\sf[/tex] what is meaning of acceleration?​


Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes with time. For example if an object was falling with no air resistance the only force acting upon it would be gravity therefore the vertical acceleration of the object would be -9.8 m/s^2. Also isn’t this supposed to be a physics question and not biology lol


The rate at which an object's velocity changes with respect to time is called acceleration. Accelerations are measured in terms of vectors. The orientation of an object's acceleration is given by the orientation of the net force acting on that object.


is pawpaw a local food crop



Pawpaw means papaya. Hope you'll get some clues from here

one way viruses may be spread from person to person ​



virus spreads mainly between people who are in close contact with each other, typically within 1 metre. A person can be infected when aerosols or droplets containing the virus are inhaled or come directly into contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth.


This is the correct answer I hope this helps you out a little.

Current evidence suggests that the virus spreads mainly between people who are in close contact with each other, typically within 1 metre (short-range). A person can be infected when aerosols or droplets containing the virus are inhaled or come directly into contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth.

Explain the self-correcting nature of science.​


The notion of a self-correcting science is based on the naive model of science as an objective process that incorporates new information and updates beliefs about the world depending on the available evidence. When new information suggests that old beliefs are false, the old beliefs are replaced by new beliefs.

The notion of a self-correcting science is based on the naive model of science as an objective process that incorporates new information and updates beliefs about the world depending on the available evidence. When new information suggests that old beliefs are false, the old beliefs are replaced by new beliefs.

There are a lot of cells and tissues that support the developing embryo. How do you think this changes if the mother is a litter bearing animal such as cat, dog or mouse? (be sure to provide references to defend your answer


Answer: The cells and tissues support embryonic development in mammalian offsprings as these cells have the capacity to divide and differentiate.


Since the time from copulation till delivery of fetus several changes occur in the body of the mammalian mother including animals like cat, dog, and mouse to support the pregnancy. There are specialized totipotent cells which are proliferating specialized cells they have tendency to divide quickly and differentiate into functional types so that they can become a specialized organ or part of the body. If take an example of human which is also mammal in mother body after conception the egg gets fertilized to form sperm which changes to embryo the embryo divides and differentiate to form blastocysts and further divides and differentiate in several stages to become fetus.

For question 13.1-13.4, if you sorted 200 flies by eye color and body color, how many whole flies out of that 200 would you expect to exhibit each of the four phenotypes


i’ll give you the answer later
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