McCann Co. has identified an investment project with the following cash flows.
Year Cash Flow
1 $840
2 1,170
3 1,430
4 1,575
a. If the discount rate is 9 percent, what is the present value of these cash flows?
b. What is the present value at 16 percent?
c. What is the present value at 25 percent?


Answer 1


McCann Co.

Present value

a. At 9$ =      $2,017.38

b. At 16% =   $3,379.42

c. At 25% =   $2,798.71


a) Data and Calculations:

Year Cash Flow         Discount         Present

                               Factor at 9%       Value

1         $840                0.917               $770.28

2         1,170               0.842                   143.14

3        1,430               0.772                1,103.96

4        1,575               0.708                 1,115.10

Total Present value =                     $2,017.38

Year Cash Flow         Discount         Present

                               Factor at 16%       Value

1         $840               0.862               $724.08

2         1,170               0.743                  869.31

3        1,430               0.641                  916.63

4        1,575              0.552                 869.40

Total Present value =                    $3,379.42

Year Cash Flow         Discount         Present

                               Factor at 25%      Value

1         $840               0.800               $672.00

2         1,170               0.640                 748.80

3        1,430               0.512                  732.16

4        1,575               0.410                 645.75

Total Present value =                    $2,798.71

Related Questions

The Beauty Beyond Words Salon uses an activity-based costing system in its beauty salon to determine the cost of services. The salon has determined the costs of services by activity as follows:
Activity Activity Rate
Hair washing $4.00
Conditioning $3.50
Chemical treatment $25.00
Styling $10.00
​Hair Washing
Conditioning Chemical Treatment
Haircut 1 1 0 0
Complete style 1 1 0 1
Perm 2 3 1 1
Highlights 3 4 2 1
​Calculate the cost of services for a haircut.
a. $7.50
b. $4.00
c. $3.50
d. $11.50



The correct option is a. $7.50.


Note: The data in this question are merged together. They are therefore sorted before answering the question. See the attached pdf file for the complete question with the sorted data.

The explanation of the answer is now provided as follows:

Activity-based costing is a costing system that involves identifying an organization's activities and assigning the cost of each activity to all products and services based on actual consumption.

Based on the data in the question, a haircut requires ​one units each of Hair Washing and Conditioning, while it requires zero unit of each of Chemical Treatment and Styling.

Therefore, we have:

Cost of services for a haircut = (Units of Hair Washing * Rate of Hair Washing) + (Units of Conditioning * Rate of Conditioning) = (1 * $4.00) + (1  $3.50) = $4.00 + $3.50 = $7.50

Therefore, the correct option is a. $7.50.

Assume the risk-free rate is 4%. You are a financial advisor, and must choose one of the funds below to recommend to each of your clients. Whichever fund you recommend, your clients will then combine it with risk-free borrowing and lending depending on their desired level of risk.

Expected Return Volatility
Fund A 10% 10%
Fund B 15% 22%
Fund C 6% 2%

a. Which fund would you recommend to a client seeking the highest possible expected return with a maximum volatility of 22%?
b. Which fund would you recommend to a client seeking the highest possible expected return with a maximum volatility of 22%?
c. Which fund would your recommend without knowing your clients risk preference?



Following are the solution to the given point.


Calculate each fund's Sharpe ratio. It Fund is the best danger reward with the highest Sharpe ratio.

[tex]\text{Sharpe Ratio} = \frac{\text{(Fund return - \text{risk free return)}}}{Volatility}\\\\\to Fund A= \frac{(10\%-4\%)}{10\%} = 0.6\\\\\to Fund B= \frac{(15\%-4\%)}{22\%} = 0.5\\\\\to Fund C = \frac{(6\%-4\%)}{2\%}=1.0\\\\[/tex]

Fund C consequently offers the best risk-benefit. and without understanding client risk preference, we will advise Fund C for any clients. If a client wants to have a 22 percent minimum volatility, we'll nevertheless propose that Fund C instead of Fund B is available, because an investor can take risk-free rates to the degree that the total portfolio volatility stands at 22 percent and deposit it in Fund C.

As of December 31, 2019, Nilsen Industries had $2,000 of raw materials inventory. At the beginning of 2019, there was $1,600 of materials on hand. During the year, the company purchased $354,000 of materials; however it paid for only $314,000. How much inventory was requisitioned for use on jobs during 2019? a. $354,400b. $344,400c. $343,600d. $353,600



d. $353,600


The computation of the inventory  requisitioned for use on jobs during 2019 is shown below;

= OPening inventory + purchase made - ending inventory

= $1,600 + $354,000 - $2,000

= $353,600

Hence, the  inventory  requisitioned for use on jobs during 2019 is $353,600

Therefore the option d is correct

write 20 abbreviation and words in full ( manuscript )​



approx. - approximately

appt. - appointment

apt. - apartment

A.S.A.P. - as soon as possible

c/o - care of, used when sending mail to someone who's not at their usual address

dept. - department

D.I.Y. - Do it yourself

est. - established

E.T.A. - estimated time of arrival

min. - minute or minimum

misc. - miscellaneous

Mr. - Mister

Mrs. - Mistress (pronounced Missus)

no. - number

R.S.V.P. - Répondez, s'il vous plait, this initialism comes from the French for "please reply." It's used on invitations to parties and events and is intended (as it says) to be responded to with a "yes, we will attend," or "no, we will not."

tel. - telephone

temp. - temperature or temporary

vet. - veteran or veterinarian

vs. - versus

tsp or t - teaspoon/teaspoons

tbs, tbsp or T - tablespoon/tablespoons

c - cup/cups

gal - gallon

lb - pound/pounds

pt - pint

qt - quart

hope this is what tou looking for. theres more than 20, so you can pick and choose

What is salary system?



Salary systems – also referred to as compensation plans or pay structure – are a collection of steps, policies and practices employers use to pay employees for their work. Salary systems consist of more than producing a weekly, biweekly or bimonthly paycheck.


As Laura checks items off her meeting agenda and various individuals provide input and insight, she beams at her team. She is so proud of the work they do at her clinic every day. They have always been a very high performing team, and for that, she has always been thankful.
Select the statement that is true about high performing teams.
a) High performing teams are able to come up with more rapid solutions and have increased productivity.
b) High performing teams never face obstacles.
c) High performing teams should only have about 4-6 members.
d) High performing teams are most effective when all members share the same skills and experience.


Answer: a) High performing teams are able to come up with more rapid solutions and have increased productivity.


A high performing team is as the term implies, one that is productive. To be productive one has to be able to come up with solutions to problems as fast as possible and implement those solutions so as to continue or even increase production.

A high performing team is one that would do the above. Laura's team provides inputs and insights which means they come up with solutions and they also show up to work every day to be productive. They are indeed a high performing team.

Future pension liabilities are estimated based on all of the following except a.expected employee compensation levels. b.federal withholding income tax. c.employee life expectancy. d.employee turnover.



The answer is B.


The correct option is B. - federal withholding income tax.

Pension liability is the amount of money that a company or government at any level(federal or state) has to account for in order to make future pension payments. It is a future payment that a company or government is obligated to pay its retired employees.

They take into considerations:

1. Their employees turnover

2. Their employees life expectancy

3. Their employees compensation level.

Federal tax level is not the issue because the payment is futuristic and federal tax can change.

While under contract to play professional basketball for the Philadelphia 76ers, Billy Cunningham, an outstanding player, negotiated a three-year contract with the Carolina Cougars, another professional basketball team. The contract with the Cougars was to begin at the expiration of the contract with the 76ers. In addition to a signing bonus of $125,000, Cunningham was to receive under the new contract a salary of $100,000 for the first year, $110,000 for the second, and $120,000 for the third. The contract also stated that Cunningham "had special, exceptional and unique knowledge, skill and ability as a basketball player" and that Cunningham therefore agreed the Cougars could enjoin him from playing basketball for any other team for the term of the contract. In addition, the contract contained a clause prohibiting its assignment to another club without Cunningham’s consent. In 1971, the ownership of the Cougars changed, and Cunningham’s contract was assigned to Munchak Corporation, the new owners, without his consent. When Cunningham refused to play for the Cougars, Munchak Corporation sought to enjoin his playing for any other team. Cunningham asserts that his contract was not assignable. Was the contract assignable? Explain.



Billy Cunningham and the Cougars

The contract was not assignable to another club.

But, the contract (assets and liabilities) can be inherited by a successor entity using the same club, the Cougars.


The contract was not assigned to another club, despite the change of ownership of the Cougars.  Interestingly, the contract between Cunningham and Carolina Cougars was inheritable with the change of ownership of the Cougar Club from the formers owners, Carolina Cougars, to the new owners, Munchak Corporation.  The clause prohibiting the contract's assignment to another club without Cunningham's consent was not violated.

Because there isn't one single measure of inflation, the government and researchers use a variety of methods to get the most balanced picture of how prices fluctuate in the economy. Two of the most commonly used price indexes are the consumer price index (CPI) and the GDP deflator.

The CPI for this year is calculated by dividing thecost of a given market basket of goods and services using this year’s prices by thevalue of all goods and services produced in the economy this year using the base year’s prices and multiplying by 100. However, the GDP deflator reflects only the prices of all goods and services produced domestically. Indicate whether each scenario will affect the GDP deflator or the CPI for the United States. Check all that apply.

a. A decrease in the price of a Waterman Industries deep-water reel, which is a commercial fishing product used for deep-sea fishing
b. An increase in the price of a Japanese-made television that is popular among U.S. consumers



GDP deflator



The consumer price index measures the changes in price of a basket of good. It is used to measure inflation. Basket of goods includes goods produced within the country and outside the country.

CPI = (cost of basket of goods in current period / cost of basket of goods in base period) x 100

An increase in the price of a Japanese-made television that is popular among U.S. consumers will increase CPI

GDP deflator = (nominal GDP / real GDP) x 100

Gross domestic product is the total sum of final goods and services produced in an economy within a given period which is usually a year

Nominal GDP is GDP calculated using current year prices while Real GDP is GDP calculated using base year prices. Real GDP has been adjusted for inflation.

A decrease in the price of a Waterman Industries deep-water reel, which is a commercial fishing product used for deep-sea fishing will decrease GDP deflator

______contains journal vouchers of past periods for audit trail



Journal voucher history file

Phân tích việc Chính phủ sử dụng chính sách tài khóa tác động như thế nào đến nền kinh tế trong đại dịch


Answer: Chính phủ sẽ can thiệp bằng cách dùng gói cứu trợ và nới lỏng thuế cho cá nhân, hộ gia đình, và các doanh nghiệp

Explanation:  gói cứu trợ cho hộ gia đình, các kinh doanh nhỏ, vừa và cả lớn để kích thích nền kinh tế, tăng tổng nguồn cung của đất nước đó. Mặt khác, các cá nhân, hộ gia đình cũng sẽ tăng nhu cầu khi được cứu trợ thêm lương và các khoản chi tiêu khác, giúp nền kinh tế hoạt động trở lại trong đại dịch. Bên cạnh đó, các thuế cũng được giảm xuống để thu hút  cá nhân, doanh nghiệp, và các ngành công nghiệp khác đầu tư vào nguồn nhân lực, cơ sở hạ tầng, cũng từ đó tạo thêm được nhiều việc làm cho nhiều công nhân. Chính Phủ cũng có thể đầu tư số tiền vào các dịch vụ công như là xây dựng đường xá, cầu vượt, giúp tăng thêm việc làm và nguồn thu nhập cho người dân, dẫn đến việc hiệu ứng nhân đôi kép. Tất cả những việc này sẽ giúp cho nền kinh tế của một quốc gia hồi phục nền kinh tế bằng sự can thiệp của Chính Phủ và nới lỏng thuế.

The purpose of GAAP's flexibility in its reporting standards allows companies to: Select one: a. Smooth reported revenues and earnings over several reporting periods. b. Change accounting estimates to meet target sales or earnings. c. Change accounting principles to improve reported earnings. d. Adopt specific accounting and reporting procedures to represent the firm's activities more accurately.



D. Adopt specific accounting and reporting procedures to represent the firm's activities more accurately.


GAAP in accounting means Generally accepted accounting principle. It is a uniform collection of accounting rules and standards for reporting financial accounting for organizations

The main reason or purpose of GAAP is to ensure that there is transparency and consistency in the reporting of financial details from one organization to another. The aim is to also help firms record their financial activities accurately by adopting specific accounting and reporting procedures as stipulated by GAAP.

Which of the following statement completions is NOT CORRECT? For a profitable firm, when MACRS accelerated depreciation is compared to straight-line depreciation, MACRS accelerated allowances produce a. Lower tax payments in the earlier years of an asset's life. b. Larger total undiscounted profits from the project over the project's life. c. Higher depreciation charges in the early years of an asset's life. d. Smaller accounting profits in the early years, assuming the company uses the same depreciation method for tax and book purposes. e. Larger cash flows in the earlier years of an asset's life.



The NOT CORRECT statement is:

b. Larger total undiscounted profits from the project over the project's life.


The MACRS (Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System) apportions larger depreciation expense in the earlier years of the asset's life, as it attempts to depreciate higher cost in those earlier years than the later years.  This implies that the accounting profits in the early years can only be smaller and the undiscounted profits cannot be larger over the project's life.

Wallace Container Company issued $100 par value preferred stock 12 years ago. The stock provided a 9 percent yield at the time of issue. The preferred stock is now selling for $72. What is the current yield or cost of the preferred stock





Calculation to determine the current yield or cost of the preferred stock

First step is to determine the Preference dividend.

Dividend yield= Preference dividend/Market price

9%= Preference dividend/100

Preference dividend=9%*100

Preference dividend=$9

Now let determine the cost of the preferred stock

Using this formula

Cost of preference stock= (Preference dividend/Current market price)×100%

Let plug in the formula

Cost of preference stock=($9/72)×100%

Cost of preference stock=12.5%

Therefore the current yield or cost of the preferred stock is 12.5%

In order to update a production process, a company can spend money now or four years from now. If the amount now would be $20,000, what equivalent amount could the company spend four years from now at a compound interest rate of 15% per year?(All the alternatives presented below were calculated using compound interest factor tables including all decimal places


Answer: $34,980.13


The amount that the company will spend 4 years from now is simply the future value of the amount that it can spend today.

The amount to be spent today is $20,000 so the amount to be spent 4 years from now is the future value of $20,000:

= Amount * (1 + rate) ^ number of years

= 20,000 * ( 1 + 15%)⁴

= $34,980.13

Assume that you are a loan officer of a bank. A local church is seeking a $4 million, 20-year loan to construct a new classroom building. Church officers submit a comprehensive financial report that was audited by a reputable CPA firm. In summary form (the actual statement showed details), the church’s statement of revenues and expenditures indicated the following (in millions):

Revenues from dues and contributions .... $1.8
Revenues from other sources ....... 0.2
Total revenues ............. $2.0
Less: total expenditures .......... 2.0
Excess of revenues over expenditures .... $0.0

The church's balance sheet reported assets, mainly cash and investments (at market value), of $0.2 million. In addition, a note to the financial statements indicated that equipment is approximately $3 million. The church has no outstanding debt.

a. Is there any information in the financial statements that would make you reluctant to approve the loan? If so, indicate and explain.
b. Is there any other financial information of the type likely to be reported in a conventional annual report that you would like to review prior to making a loan decision? If so, indicate and explain.
c. Is there any other information, of any type, that you would like to review prior to making a loan decision? If so, indicate and explain.
d. Comment on the inherent limitations of the financial statements of this church, or any comparable not-for-profit organization, as a basis for making loan decisions.





There is little information on how funds are used or how much money is spent to manage the church. The financial statements have been prepared incorrectly.


While drafting the financial accounts, the church committed many errors. The church's revenue is equivalent to its daily operations operating expenditures. They have approximately $3 million in funding assets that they do not owe any money on.  

It may be deduced that the church is attempting to preserve asymmetric information, and therefore it will be better to justify its sources of income and use of money in order to determine whether they can or they cannot pay the debt.


The revenue from various channels must be detailed in the yearly report so that the loan officer may make an informed judgment.


Since payments and contributions account for 90% of revenue and revenue from other sources accounts for 10%, it's surprising how the church earns money in other ways as stated on the income statement. As a result, it's important to understand what other potential revenue streams the church has before approving the loan.


The officer in charge of the loan should check the church's book records to make sure and guarantee that there are no outstanding loans. This situation necessitates a thorough examination and assessment.


The church has $3 million worth of equipment. The church's expenses, on the other hand, are equivalent to the church's income. As a result, it's unclear how the church acquired the equipment without taking out a loan. As a result, the church must be urged to produce a full breakdown of its expenses, which may be thoroughly and fully studied to see whether there are any financing charges that the church is attempting to hide in its yearly reports.


There is no direct or primary source of income for the church. It solely makes money from charity donations.


The church's only sources of income are fundraisers and charitable donations. It also doesn't possess any significant revenue streams. Because the church is attempting to conceal numerous possible pieces of information, this may be a case of micro-management by the proprietors, and so these issues should be considered by the officer in charge of the loan before accepting the loan.

Ice Cream Corporation uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. Data concerning the first processing department for the most recent month are listed below:

Beginning work in process inventory:
Units in beginning work in process inventory 900
Materials costs $13,000
Conversion costs $5,100
Percent complete with respect to materials 75%
Percent complete with respect to conversion 20%
Units started into production during the month 9,600
Units completed and transferred to the next department during the month 8,500
Materials costs added during the month $172,100
Conversion costs added during the month $242,100
Ending work in process inventory:
Units in ending work in process inventory 2,000
Percent complete with respect to materials 90%
Percent complete with respect to conversion 30%

The cost per equivalent unit for materials for the month in the first processing department is closest to: __________



Ice Cream Corporation

The cost per equivalent unit for materials for the month in the first processing department is closest to: __________

=  $17.97.


a) Data and Calculations:

                                                                Units    Materials   Conversion

Beginning work in process inventory     900     $13,000        $5,100

Degree of completion                                               75%              20%

 Units started into production              9,600

Total units in production                    10,500

Units completed and transferred       8,500         100%            100%

Ending work in process inventory     2,000           90%              30%

                                                                Units    Materials   Conversion

Beginning work in process inventory     900     $13,000         $5,100

Costs added during the month                         $172,100      $242,100

Total production costs for the month               $185,100    $247,200

Equivalent units of production:

                                                             Units    Materials           Conversion

Units completed and transferred       8,500    8,500 (100%)   8,500 (100%)

Ending work in process inventory     2,000     1,800 (90%)        600 (30%)

Total equivalent units                                      10,300                9,100

Cost per equivalent unit:

                                                           Materials           Conversion

Total production costs                      $185,100           $247,200

Total equivalent units                           10,300                  9,100

Cost per equivalent unit                       $17.97                $27.16

Given the following production plan, use a chase production strategy to compute the monthly production, ending inventory/(backlog), net requirements and required workforce levels. A worker can produce 75 units per month. Assume that the beginning inventory in January is 750 units, and the firm desires to have 750 units of inventory at the end of June.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Demand 2100 3000 5100 6000 4800 2400

a. What are the net requirements for January?
b. What month has the highest number of workers required?
c. What is the production level for June?
d. How many people will be employed for the month of January?



Computation of the monthly production, ending inventory/(backlog), net requirements and required workforce levels:

a. The net requirements for January = 2,025 units and 27 workers.

b. The month with the highest number of workers required is April.

c. The production level for June is 2,475 units

d. 27 workers will be employed for the month of January.


a) Data and Calculations:

Production per worker per month = 75 units

Beginning inventory in January = 750 units

Desired ending inventory in June = 750 units

Production Schedule, using the chase production strategy:

Month                                     Jan      Feb      Mar       Apr      May      Jun

Beginning inventory               75          0          0            0          0          0

Monthly production          2,025   3,000   5,100   6,000   4,800   2,475

Net requirements              2,100   3,000   5,100   6,000   4,800   2,400

Ending inventory/(backlog)      0          0          0           0          0         75

Required workforce levels    27        40        68         80        64         33

A partner invests into a partnership a building with an original cost of $180,000 and accumulated depreciation of $80,000. This building has a $140,000 fair value. As a result of the investment, the partner's capital account will be credited for Group of answer choices $140,000. $100,000. $180,000. $240,000.





For accounting and legal purposes, the contribution of a partner to a partnership business is recorded using the fair value of the asset contributed.

It therefore means that;

Capital account = Fair value of the asset (I.e partner's investment in a partnership business is based on fair value of such investment)

With regards to the foregoing, the partner's capital account will be credited with $140,000

Mankiw discusses Giffen goods as a possible counterexample to the law of demand. Although not explicitly mentioned by Mankiw, Veblen goods are another possible exception to the law of demand. Perform a quick web search to answer the following:

a. What is a Veblen good?
b. What is an example of a Veblen good?
c. Why do some consumers purchase Veblen goods?



Find the answers below


A. Veblen goods are luxury goods sought after by wealthy people and for which these category of people increase their demand as the prices of the good increase (in contrast to the popular law of demand).

2. Examples are luxury houses or cars, jewelry etc.

3. Some customers buy these type of goods in order to show how wealthy they are or show their status.

A student borrows $90,000 for business school at 9.0% stated annual interest with equal monthly payments over 9 years. Consider this as a loan with no payments or interest during school so that the problem structure is equivalent to a standard loan received one period before the first payment. How much is the monthly payment



the monthly payment is $1,218.86


The computation of the monthly payment is shown below;

Given that

RATE = 9% ÷ 12 = 0.75%

NPER = 9 × 12 = 108

PV = -$90,000

FV = $0

The formula is shown below;


After applying the above formula, the monthly payment is $1,218.86

Suppose that Canada can produce 15units of timber or 3 units of grain. Suppose that Mexico can produce 6 units of timber or 2 units of grain. Which of the following is CORRECT?
a. Canada has a comparative advantage in grain production.
b. Mexico has a comparative advantage in grain production.
c. The countries would find trade mutually beneficial at a trading ratio of 1 grain for 2 timber.
d. Mexico has an absolute advantage in timber production.


Answer: B. Mexico has a comparative advantage in grain production.


Comparative advantage simply means when an economy can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another economy.

From the information given, since Canada can produce 15units of timber or 3 units of grain. Therefore, 1 grain = 15/3 = 5 timber

On the other hand, Mexico can produce 6 units of timber or 2 units of grain. Therefore, 1 grain = 6/2 = 3 timber.

Therefore, Mexico haa a comparative advantage in grain based on the above.

Agatha was a licensed loan originator when the housing market slowdown left her with little work. She accepted a job outside the mortgage field over three years ago, and her license expired. Now, Agatha wants to apply for a license again. One of the requirements Agatha must meet in order to be re-licensed is:


Answer: Providing proof that she completed all of the continuing education requirements for the year she last held a license.


Based on the information given, since the license of Agatha has expired, one of the requirements that she must meet in order to be re-licensed is to provide proof that she completed all of the continuing education requirements for the year she last held a license.

It should be noted that providing proof that she still meets the qualifications to be a mortgage loan originator or information that relates to her previous license isn't required.

A popular hotel has continued to lose business in its room service food sales over the last five years. Using the Six Sigma DMAIC process explain what you would do in each step of the process to improve the sales - provide relevant, practical details. What statistics would you apply and why?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Using the Six Sigma DMAIC process, I will explain what I would do in each step of the process to improve the sales.

DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and control.

What I would do first is, of course, define the nature of the problem. To define exactly what is the root of the drop in sales in the hotel. That would allow me to establish proper goals and define a strategy to implement. If a need to do surveys to customers or unsatisfied clients, I would do that. Listening to customer feedback would provide the necessary information.

Then, I have to measure the performance of my employees. Monitoring and evaluate the productivity of the people who work in the organization.

I have to analyze if the productivity ratio of each employee to know if they are performing to the maximum of their capabilities.

In this case, I could use a Pareto chart or the 80-20 rule, to assess productivity in the company.

I have to pay attention to the causes of poor performance and poor quality service. There is an interesting analysis called Root Cause Analysis (RCA) that can be useful in this case.

Once identified and eliminated the root or causes of the problems, then it comes de Improve the process to enhance the performance in every area of the organization. I would have to get people on the same page and focus on one problem at a time to doing things right.

Another model that could be useful in this scenario would be Design of Experiments, commonly known as DOE, which helps resolve complex issues

Finally, the control of everything implementation and solution to confirm it has been established the right way with the desired results. This could be part of the continuing Quality Control process- The poke yoke system would be a good option to be contemplated.

The following events apply to Guiltf Seafood for the 2018 fiscal year 1.

a. The company started when it acquired $17,000 cash by issuing common stock.
b. Purchased a new cooktop that cost $16,900 cash. Earned $22,500 in cash revenue.
c. Paid $10,300 cash for salaries expense.
d. Adjusted the records to reflect the use of the cooktop. Purchased on January 1, Year 1, the cooktop has an expected useful life of four years and an estimated salvage value of $2,200. Use straight-line depreciation. The adjustment was made as of December 31, Year 1.

Record the above transactions in a horizontal statements model.



Gulf Seafood

Horizontal Statements Model:

    Balance Sheet                             Income Statement               Cash Flows

    Assets  =  Liabilities + Equity    Revenue - Expenses = Income

a.   $17,000               0  + $17,000                                                      FA

b.   $16,900 ($16,900)                                                                         IA

   $22,500                     $22,500  $22,500                                      OA

c. ($10,300)                    ($10,300)                  ($10,300)                     OA

d.  ($3,675)                      ($3,675)                   ($3,675)                      None

  $25,525         =    0 + $25,525  $22,500 - $13,675  = $8,825


a) Data and Analysis:

a. Cash $17,000 Common stock $17,000

b. Equipment $16,900 Cash ($16,900)

Cash $22,500 Revenue $22,500

c. Cash ($10,300) Salaries Expense ($10,300)

d. Accumulated Depreciation ($3,675) Depreciation Expense ($3,675)

Suppose the government imposes a tax on three products with differing demand elasticities. Match the product to the group that will most likely bear the incidence of the tax.

a. the government
b. producers
c. consumers and producers
d. consumers

1. highly inelastic
2. somewhat elastic
3. highly elastic



a. Government - highly  Inelastic

b. producers - Somewhat elastic

c. consumers and producers -   Highly elastic  

d. consumers - Highly elastic


Inelastic demand is that which does not changes with the change in the price of any product.

Government oriented demand remains constant irrespective of pricing and hence it is highly inelastic while in case of producers and consumers, the demand may vary depending on the substitute availability in the market

Answer: producer - highly elastic

Consumers and producers - somewhat elastic
Consumers - highly inelastic

government- none


Reasons why South African post office taking private courier companies to court​




As the only operator of this kind in South Africa, the Post Office has the exclusive right to provide delivery services for all letters, postcards, printed matter, small parcels, and other postal articles up to and including 1kg.

PostNet was initially ordered to stop delivering all packages weighing 1kg and less by 17 March 2020. However, it secured an interdict which allowed it to continue to deliver these packages until the full challenge was heard in the Gauteng High Court.

The Post Office, Postnet and the South African Express Parcel Association (SAEPA) are now set to head to court in a move that could have ramifications for the entire courier industry in South Africa.

Icasa spokesperson Paseka Maleka told BusinessDay that the regulator would give its support to the Post Office as it was following the letter of the law, which allowed private couriers to only deliver food items in the 1kg or less category.

“Icasa’s mandate is to implement what the law requires, and we are doing exactly that,” he said.

“There are exemptions that deal with businesses that do not fall under postal services. Uber Eats, Mr Delivery, etc are such businesses. Obviously, one cannot expect Sapo to be delivering pizza to a consumer,” he said.

Transactions for Jayne Company for the month of June are presented below.

June 1 Issues common stock to investors in exchange for $5,000 cash.
2 Buys equipment on account for $1,100.
3 Pays $740 to landlord for June rent.
12 Sends Wil Wheaton a bill for $700 after completing welding work.

Record journal entries.





Prosecutors representing the Securities and Exchange Commission recentlyannounced criminal charges against 13 individuals for engaging in insidertrading. According to the SECs director of enforcement, a trading ring acting on inside information compromises the marketsintegrity and investorstrust. . . . Explain why.


Answer and Explanation:

Insider trading compromises the integrity of the market because insider investors have non-public information about the stocks of the company that could very much impact the value of the stock of the company. In other words, an insider knows what the public doesn't know about a company and it allows him an unfair advantage to trade the stocks of the company using this information and make large unusual profit. This could lead to market collapse as investors are no longer encouraged to invest seeing that they can't trust that the market is transparent and trustworthy(they don't have all the important information that would affect the company)

A company uses return on investment (ROI) to measure the performance of its business units. The company manufactures and distributes consumer goods. Last year, management identified a possible shortage of raw materials. To mitigate this risk, a large amount of raw material was bought in advance and stored in the manufacturing plant inventory. As a result of this decision, ROI will A. Have an unpredictable change. B. Decrease. C. Increase. D. Not change.


Answer: B. Decrease


Return on investment refers to the ratio between the net income and investment. It should be noted that a high return on investment implies that the investment's gains compare favourably to the cost.

In this scenario, since a large amount of raw material was bought in advance and stored in the manufacturing plant inventory, this will lead to an increase in the cost of production which therefore will reduce the return in investment.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

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