Me pueden decir 30 Derechos humanos y sus obligaciones


Answer 1
Don’t speak Spanish
Answer 2
1. All human beings are free and equal
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

2. No discrimination
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs.
3. Right to life
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
4. No slavery
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
5. No torture

Related Questions

which government was most directly influenced by athenian democracy?



A representative democracy.


The Athenians used a system of government called representative democracy. This type of democracy entails that everyone has the righ to vote, and can indirectly vote through an elective representative of their beliefs. This is the exact model of government that is used in the United States (with Congress).



The representative democracy of the United States

Three reason why men would have a difficulty with their changing roles in today"s family.​


The answer is b because i just did it

Which three plate touch the South American plate ?



African plate in the east

Nazca plate in the west

Scotia plate in the south


☆Hope it helps

☆Have a great day!!

South American plate is a relatively large sized plate located below the continent, South America. South American plate is bounded by African plate in the east, Nazca plate in the west, Antarctic plate and Scotia plate in the south, and Caribbean plate and North American plate in the north.

what are the affecting factor of elasticity of demand? Explain​


1) Nature of commodity: Necessaries have less than unitary elastic demand whereas, luxuries have more than unitary elastic demand.
2) Time period: Demand is inelastic in short period but elastic in long period.
3) Price level: elasticity of demand will be high at higher level of the price of the commodity and low at lower level of price.
4) Diversity of uses: Commodities that can be put to variety uses have elastic demand. On the other hand, if a commodity has only few uses, its demand is likely to be less elastic.5) Habit of consumers: Goods to which consumers become habitual will have inelastic demand.


There are several factors that affect how elastic (or inelastic) the price elasticity of demand is, such as the availability of substitutes, the timeframe, the share of income, whether a good is a luxury vs. a necessity, and how narrowly the market is defined.

Q. /Diameters of bolts produced by a machine are nomially distributed with : 0.76 and a : 0.012 cm. Specifications call for dia. From 0.72 cm to 0.78 cm.

a ) What percentage ofbolts will meet there specification ?

b ) What percentage ofbolts will be smaller than 0.73 cm. ?​



A. .064

B. .012


if u subtract u get 64 12 yes yea

What basic view of culture underlies the structural-functional approach? The social conflict approach? This question refers to the basic view of culture underlying these two paradigms.



Structural functionalism, or simply functionalism, is "a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability".

Conflict theory holds that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than by consensus and conformity. According to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold on to it by any means possible, chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless.


wikipedia / investopedia

A________________is a thinking strategy that may lead to a solution to a problem, but sometimes may lead to errors in conclusions. In contrast, an ______________is a rule based thinking strategy, that if followed correctly will guarantee a solution to a problem.



A heuristic is a thinking strategy that may lead to a solution to a problem, but sometimes may lead to errors in conclusions.

In contrast, an algorithm is a rule based thinking strategy, that if followed correctly will guarantee a solution to a problem.

Make a comparative study of food resources in the UAE and India



To start with the comparative between both

You need to the difference in conditions between the two countries


For example the difference in weather. Geographic nature of the country. The ability to grow food. The water resources.

The workers.....

Name any four factors of socio-cultural environment.​



Factors of socio-cultural environment is:

Attitudes and beliefsDemographicsReligionLanguageEducationFamily structureSocial OrganizationClass Structure

Hope this helps!



Socio-cultural aspects of environment

Population size and rate of growth.

Age distribution.

Wealth and income disparities.

Social mobility.

Job market mobility and attitude to work.

Health and education levels.

(Choose any)


what would you select as the most important characteristic of a society?​



I would say the most important characteristic of a society is likeness.


I would say likeness as my answer because without this there would be no society. Likeness gives people a sense of belonging and can form relationships within a society

Delayed migration into Northern Asia was due to low ocean levels.





hsggege ehgegwge hwheggw




what is the role of literacy perequisites in the development​



Developing literacy in early childhood plays a critical role in learning development. Literacy skills essentially set the stage for future education goals parents and educators will implement, as well as helping children grow academically.


Obviously if people are serving wildly from lane to lane while driving, then they are reckless drivers and ought to have their license suspended. So I don’t understand why that woman, who crossed into my lane and crashed into me while serving to avoid a pedestrian, hasn’t had her license suspended.
A. Does this passage commit a fallacy?
B. Does it commut an appeal to pity fallacy?



A. Does this passage commit a fallacy?


B. Does it commute an appeal to pity fallacy?



A) Yes, this passage commit a fallacy as he compares different situation( saving a pedestrian) with general rules that end in blaming the driving force.

B) This doesn't commit Appeal to pity but it commits Appeal to Common Practice fallacy where the common practice is taken into account true and each other action is taken into account false or wrong

what is the full foarm of computer and cpu​


I studied it in 3rd standard so I don't remember much. As much as I can remember CPU means Computer Programming Unit. Computer doesn't have a full form it is a simple word that means something that computes or calculates.

describe 2 ways how social media platform are abused​


Answer: Sends you unwanted, explicit pictures and demands you send some in return. Pressures you to send explicit videos. Steals or insists on being given your pas.swords. Constantly texts you and makes you feel like you can't be separated from your phone for fear that you will be punished.



1. Sends you unwanted, explicit pictures and demands you send some in return.

2. Pressures you to send explicit videos. Steals or insists on being given your past.

اريد افكار مواضيع برزنتيشن عن التعليم



نتعلم منه الكثير عن اهمية التعليم وفوائد التعليم بالنسبة للفرد والمجتمع وكيف ان ارتقاء وتقدم الشعوب يكون فقط من خلال الاهتمام بالتعليم. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزي.تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزيلا احد يستطيع ان ينكر فضل و أهمية التعليم, فمن دون التعليم لن ترتقي الامم ولن تتقدم الشعوب.وهنا سنتعرف على اهمية التعليم بالنسبة للفرد والمجتمع وايضا الصفات والمهارات التي يجب ان تكون موجوده في المتعلم. كل ذلك هنا في تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزي.

An arrangement in which the government makes all the basic economic decisions???


In a centrally planned economy the central government makes all decisions about the production and consumption of goods and services. In a market economy economic decisions are made by individuals and are based on exchange, or trade.

help pls
__________ gave the plan of American expansion the name "Manifest Destiny."

A) John O'Sullivan

B) Lewis and Clark

C) James Monroe


Answer: A

(John O’Sullivan)


Trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hoá, hội nhập quốc tế và cách mạng công nghiệp thế hệ mới (4.0), giai cấp công nhân hiện đại có những sự thay đổi gì?





jh teehee

Which is not a characteristic of carbon monoxide



It is a strong-smelling gas is not true

It is a blue colour gas, and It supports combustion, and is not a characteristic of carbon monoxide. Thus, option A and C are correct.

What is the carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is a colourless, poisonous, odourless, tasteless, flammable gas with a density slightly less than that of air. Carbon monoxide is made up of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom, linked together by a triple bond.

It is the most basic molecule in the carbon family. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that is colourless and odourless. It is produced as a by-product of the incomplete combustion of various fuels such as coal, wood, charcoal, oil, kerosene, propane, and natural gas.

Therefore, option A and C is correct, that it is a blue gas that promotes combustion, but does not have the properties of carbon monoxide.

Learn more about the carbon monoxide, refer to:


Your question seems incomplete, but most probably your full question was:

Which is not a characteristic of carbon monoxide:

It is a blue colour gas.It dissolves in water to form an acidic solution.It supports combustion.It reacts with lime water to create calcium carbonate.

Assess the view that male identities are changing 16 marks



Gender identity is defined as a personal conception of oneself as male or female (or rarely, both or neither). This concept is intimately related to the concept of gender role, which is defined as the outward manifestations of personality that reflect the gender identity. Gender identity, in nearly all instances, is self-identified, as a result of a combination of inherent and extrinsic or environmental factors; gender role, on the other hand, is manifested within society by observable factors such as behavior and appearance. For example, if a person considers himself a male and is most comfortable referring to his personal gender in masculine terms, then his gender identity is male. However, his gender role is male only if he demonstrates typically male characteristics in behavior, dress, and/or mannerisms.


Radhe Radhe

please someone tell me who is this person



My best guess would be Cleopatra (Clepopatra VII Thea Philopator)


That is Cleopatra.. I did a study research on her once before..


Hope this helps!! :))

Please say the answer love you all


Answer: A. Earth takes 24 hrs to rotate.

               1. Rotation 2. Revolution 3. Orbit 4. 12 months 5. 365 days

Is there a better way to study literature?



Laying the Groundwork

Examine what you already know. Write out all the details you can remember from your first reading of the text, as well as anything you remember from your course lectures. Don’t “cheat” by looking at your notes or your text -- just write down what you are confident you remember. This will be your starting base and will reveal any gaps in your knowledge.

Look at sample questions, if you can. If you were given a study guide or sample questions, see how much of this material you are already familiar with. This will help you zone in on what needs more work and make a study plan.



Read and re-read your texts. ...

Learn quotations. ...

Read around your text. ...

Talk your ideas through. ...

Go back over your own work. ...

Study style – select and scrutinise significant/striking/special sections. ...

Get to know VCAA a little better. ...


how U.S. presidential races work, including party nominations, campaigns, and general elections?



hi! here's an answer :)


The president and vice president of the United States are elected in an indirect election in which people of the United States who are registered to vote in one of the fifty states or in Washington, D.C. cast ballots for members of the Electoral College rather than directly for those posts. A candidate must normally win a majority of delegates to become the presidential nominee. It is then confirmed in the national convention by a vote of the delegates. If no candidate receives a majority of a party's delegates during the primaries and caucuses, the nominee is chosen by convention delegates. Candidates who want to run for president begin campaigning for their party around a year before the election (think: speeches and online advertisements). They strive to persuade members of their own party why they believe they are the ideal candidate. When election day comes, citizens cast their ballots at a local ballot-casting office. Following the general election, each elector casts one electoral vote, for a total of 538 electoral votes. The election is won by the candidate who receives more than half of the votes (270).

Why do you think the style of each mosque is so different? (Consider the time, situation etc.)



because the people who develop mosque are not same and time zone of all countries are different

what is the important of social study?



social studies is a discipline that includes humanities such as geography, history, and political science. ... “The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.


Social studies helps students understand the world they live in, so they can make their own decisions about issues bothering them, especially when they grow up.

trình bày khái niệm làng và phân tích các tiêu chí để nhận diện một làng nghề truyền thống


Im sorry but i don’t know What that means but if you can say in English I could help you

Enlist any four components of operating environment.​








in every environment there should be air for breathing and water for domestic purpose and also food to quench ur hunger and also shelter to live in with your family


the four components of the general environment for business (economic, sociocultural, technological and political).


تیل پٹیرول گیس اور بجلی کی بڑھتی ہوئی قیمتوں نے ثاکستان میں افراطزر پیدےکیا ہے بحث کریں نیز افراط زر کو کنٹرول کرنے کے لیے تجاویز دیں



kekdjdkdjjssm kskkejks jhhuj


i don't understand the language I'm sorry,they should really put a translator on this app

do you know if they put a translator,I'm still new

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PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE f(x)=15x+22x-15x+2Write f(x) as a product of linear factors. Which of the following was a cause of the Great Migration?A. expansion of cotton fieldsB. World War IC. civil rights movementD. the 19th AmendmentE. Plessey v. Ferguson Examples of informatives texts The only two elements in alkenes and alkynes are A. Carbon and Nitrogen B. Carbon and Hydrogen C. Oxygen and Nitrogen D. Oxygen and Hydrogen If 12 rolls of toilet paper cost $4 how many rolls of toilet paper can you buy for $8? What are the odds against choosing a red marble from a bag that contains two blue marbles, one green marble, seven white marbles, and four red marbles? Which event is an example of irony in Macbeth Define solubility. a solid that does not dissolve in a gas the amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of solvent the amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of solute a liquid that does not dissolve in another liquid a solid mixed with another solid During the early 1900s, many American women became actively involved in all of thefollowing reform movements EXCEPT:1) Temperance 2) Government Reform3) Suffrage4) Settlement Houses Consider the following program in which the statements are in the incorrect order. Rearrange the statements so that the program prompts the user to input the height an the radius of the base of a cylinder and outputs the volume and surface area of the cylinder. Format the output to two decimal places.#include #include int main(){}double height;cout Phn bit gi cp 2 c p dng i vi GAWAIN 1. Panuto: Gamit ang venn diagram, punan ang dayagram ng katangian at kaibahan ng pag-aaral sa Online class at Face to Face classes. Simplify fullya) 8cd^5 2cdb) 9ab^5 3ab Which of these was true about north american colonies held by britian and france before the french and indian war Assume that you are a loan ofcer of a bank. A local church is seeking a $4 million, 20-year loan to construct a new classroom building. Church ofcers submit a comprehensive nancial report that was audited by a reputable CPA rm. In summary form (the actual statement showed details), the churchs statement of revenues and expenditures indicated the following (in millions):Revenues from dues and contributions .... $1.8Revenues from other sources ....... 0.2Total revenues ............. $2.0Less: total expenditures .......... 2.0Excess of revenues over expenditures .... $0.0The church's balance sheet reported assets, mainly cash and investments (at market value), of $0.2 million. In addition, a note to the financial statements indicated that equipment is approximately $3 million. The church has no outstanding debt.a. Is there any information in the nancial statements that would make you reluctant to approve the loan? If so, indicate and explain.b. Is there any other nancial information of the type likely to be reported in a conventional annual report that you would like to review prior to making a loan decision? If so, indicate and explain.c. Is there any other information, of any type, that you would like to review prior to making a loan decision? If so, indicate and explain.d. Comment on the inherent limitations of the nancial statements of this church, or any comparable not-for-prot organization, as a basis for making loan decisions. Plz help me!!!!!!!!! Whoever solves correct will mark brainlist (C). True false type questions 1. Mobile phones does not use radio waves to transmit messages, Suppose the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) wants to examine the safety of compact cars, midsize cars, and full-size cars. It collects a sample of three for each of the treatments (cars types). Using the hypothetical data provided below, test whether the mean pressure applied to the drivers head during a crash test is equal for each types of car. Use = 5%. Table ANOVA.1 Compact cars Midsize cars Full-size cars 643 469 484 655 427 456 702 525 402 X 666.67 473.67 447.33 S 31.18 49.17 41.68 who started the lunch room fight?