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Mrs. Quinn has just turned 65, is in excellent health and has a relatively high income.
She uses no medications and sees no reason to spend money on a Medicare
prescription drug plan if she does not need the coverage. She currently does not have
creditable coverage. What could you tell her about the implications of such a decision?


Answer 1



Well if she has a good income, that's fine. But 65 is the very beginning of when things can go wrong and generally speaking they do.

Insurance is never for the present. It is always for the future. She's really close to the go wrong stage. A single hospital stay might be enough to wipe her out. If she can withstand that, then perhaps she really does not need the coverage, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Related Questions

Chemical epididymitis is a medical condition that in this author's mind seems to be quite nast What is chemical epididymitis and how might it occur?



Chemical epididymitis is a rare inflammation caused by the retrograde (backward) flow of urine when exercising or having sex with a full bladder.

Amiodarone (Nexterone), a frequently used heart medication, occasionally causes inflammation of the epididymis.

The nervous system is responsible for all physical reactions, including emotions. Stress can negatively impact the body, so what does this suggest about the physical symptoms of stress, like stomach aches?

They are the result of a poor diet.

They come from messages in the brain.

They can only happen when the body is still.

They occur when the brain sends the wrong signals.





without good diet the body fails to interact with it emotions therefore this might cause stress

Stress can negatively impact the body, so what does this suggest about the physical symptoms of stress, They are the result of a poor diet.

What is stress?

Everyone experiences stress, which is a typical human reaction. The human body is actually built such that it can experience stress and respond to it. our body responds physically and psychologically to changes or challenges (stressors). That is anxiety.

Body adjusts to new surroundings with the aid of stress reactions. Stress can help us stay awake, motivated, and prepared to avert danger. For instance, if you have a big test coming up, your body may work harder and stay awake longer as a result of a stress response.

But when stresses persist without relief or rest periods, stress becomes an issue.

Therefore, Stress can negatively impact the body, so what does this suggest about the physical symptoms of stress, They are the result of a poor diet.

To learn more about stress, refer to the link:


The stratum spinosum is a deep epidermal layer that ________

o produces
o destroys
o recycles

(there is a pic of the answer I got wrong :) )


I think it recycles keratin because the spinosum that produces keratin is the stratum granulosum, and I don’t think the spinosum would destroy keratin
Hope that helps <33

Joe's manager, Claire, is very busy this week at the warehouse. Joe has been placed in charge of finding room for some new deliveries but he has some questions to ask Claire. Which behavior would demonstrate that Joe respects her time ? a) Calling Claire after work hours to discuss his questions b) Booking a two-hour meeting for tomorrow to discuss all his questions at once c) Emailing Claire a long list of questions d) Booking a ten-minute meeting to discuss his most urgent questions



i have a felling it’s d

1. Summarize the Patient's Bill of Rights.



Informs patients of their rights when seeking healthcare.



Patient’s Bill of Rights is a document that provides patients with information on how they can reasonably expect to be treated during the course of their hospital stay. These documents are, in almost all cases, not legally-binding. They simply provide goals and expectations for patient treatment. The Patient’s Bills of Rights was recently renamed the Patient Care Partnership.

A nurse is caring for a client with a peptic ulcer. Which of the following is the most likely contributing
factor to the client's ulcer?
The client requires insulin to manage diabetes
b. The uses an inhaler as needed for asthma
The client takes ibuprofen daily for arthritis
d. The client takes a multivitamin daily.



The client takes a multivitamin daily


Which of the following is the most likely contributing factor to the client's ulcer ?


The client takes ibuprofen daily for arthritis


drugs that are very effective, but which, when used alone, increase the risk of serious digestive complications, It should be taken with gastric protectors from the proton pump inhibitor (PPI) family.

please could u help me wıth that
Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace ? a ) Most people accept change easily . b) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace fairly infrequently d) Individuals can learn to manage the change
heelp me in this ?


Your answer is A. Most people accept change easily.

expalin singal blind​



A single-blind study is a form of experiment or clinical trial in psychology in which the experimenters know which subjects are getting the treatment or independent variable but the study participants do not.

denoting a test or experiment in which information that may bias the results is concealed from either tester or subject.

Self-assessment helps us determine who we are as seen by ourselves and by others.
1) True
2) False


True as I just know cuz I’m different
1.) True

Explanation: This is true because when we reflect on ourself we take in not only what others see in us, but we see what we may be able to change and what is positive within ourself past, the good and the bad

Good evening, I need help answering this question, please and thank you evryone


D) individuals can learn to manage the change in their lives

What is the function of the Moderator band in the right ventricle?



Function. The moderator band is important because it carries part of the right bundle branch of the atrioventricular bundle of the conduction system of the heart to the anterior papillary muscle.

show me it how it look

AC interference



AC interference occurs between strong voltage, or high voltage, and pipelines in a utility corridor.

Sorry, please provide more information this is the most I can do, if you are asking what AC interfence is, i answered that for you, please message on this answer, and explain more clearly what you were asking.

Guys I really need help with this question please respond soon!! Thank you!





Head starts usually have forms they you feel out and then have someone who can help you find the resources you need




C is correct, because all head start programs have the aide to connect with families for resources that they may need.

(Good luck on your exam!!. Here's your answer. Hope this helps)

The law requires that fresh meats, poultry, fish, fruits, and vegetables all have food labels.



All processed food regulated by either FDA or USDA include standardized nutrition information on their labels. ... Food labels are not required on fresh meat, poultry, fish, fruits, and vegetables

What is the best example of a person displaying a high level of muscular endurance?

(Select all that apply.)

Performing consecutive curl-ups for one minute.

Completing a heavy squat exercise for three repetitions.,

Completing a heavy bench press exercise for three repetitions

Performing consecutive push-ups for one minute.



performing consecutive push ups ffor one minute

A patient complains of feeling dizzy and faint when the patient care technician enters the room. While inquiring about the patient’s symptoms, the patient suddenly faints. What should the patient care technician have done when the patient complained of dizziness? What should the technician do after the patient had fainted?




In most cases, the victim spontaneously and quickly regains consciousness.

What should the patient care technician have done when the patient complained of dizziness?

If it's not the case :

-  leave the victim lying on the ground,

- elevate their legs (using a chair or stool),

- stay with her until she wakes up.

Preventing emergency services: a few rare cases

When a person faints, it is very rare to call for help.

This will only be done if the victim:

-slow to regain consciousness

Answer: In most cases, the victim spontaneously and quickly regains consciousness.

What should the patient care technician have done when the patient complained of dizziness?

If it's not the case :

-  leave the victim lying on the ground,

- elevate their legs (using a chair or stool),

- stay with her until she wakes up.

Preventing emergency services: a few rare cases

When a person faints, it is very rare to call for help.

This will only be done if the victim:

-slow to regain consciousness

Guess Fallacy: and explain why
1. Wife: You need to stop spending money on PS4 games.
Husband: You spend the money on clothes and make-up, and you don't hear me complaining.
2. People died of cancer before cigarettes were invented... So, smoking doesn't cause cancer."



2.Smoking can cause cancer and then block your body from fighting it: Poisons in cigarette smoke can weaken the body's immune system, making it harder to kill cancer cells. When this happens, cancer cells keep growing without being stopped. Poisons in tobacco smoke can damage or change a cell's DNA.

In the middle of East, intense eye contact between men is a sign of



Telling someone the truth or trying to find the other man's intention


Either can be right since keeping eye contact with someone can be a sign of proving you're not lying or trying to find someone else's intention. Merchants and traders in Arabia (and the Mediterranean) usually make intense eye contact to both.

Hope it helps

Which of the following is the most likely to keep food protected when cooling?
Adhering to time and temperature controls for cooked food
Adhering to cleaning and sanitizing controls for cooked food
Adhering to pH and temperature controls for cooked food
Adhering to time and pH controls for cooked food


Answer: C 100% i took the quiz


which vitamin can the human body synthesize? A. vitamin e B. vitamin c C. vitamin k D. vitamin b12


It’s C i have been three medical shook

sean had a drug probelm when he was in middle school but has since been rehabilitated how could his background affect his future.


He could get into drugs again since he already came in contact with them
Sean could relapse, he may have to stay away from certain medications, there could be effects on his mental/physical health as well.

Please help?
You are trying to teach your friend how to complete a push up with proper form. Why is proper body alignment important? What are two tips you would give them about body alignment to ensure their form is correct?



Body alignment is critical since improper form during a workout might result in pain or injury.


I would advise them to keep their backs straight and their hands shoulder width apart.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) listed homosexuality as an abnormal behavior until 1986, when the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed it from the manual. Based on changing social perceptions and attitudes, discuss a currently-listed disorder that you believe may soon achieve declassification. Alternatively, you may discuss a condition not currently listed in the DSM that you believe the APA may soon include in the manual. Explain your reasons for this conclusion.


Personality disorders may be removed from the DSM and bulemia may be included in newer versions.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

The reason is that some people may meet pathological and dysfunctional criteria for more than one personality disorder.

The DSM works as “a security device that reduces all our sufferings to the logic of biomedical intervention, to the logic of prevention and detection of risks”. The Manual does not delimit how far the “disorder” and where the “real life” of the subject’s responsibility begins, there is no thus a boundary between the moral and the pathological, between the restricted action of the disorder and its consequences, this promotes the abandonment of the subject through his suffering.

With this information, we can conclude that personality disorders can be removed from the DSM and bulaemia can be included in newer versions.

Learn more about DSM in

What characteristic is related to Hashimoto's thyroiditis?
a. Enlarged thyroid gland
b. Viral-induced hyperthyroidism
c. Bacterial or fungal infection of thyroid gland
d. Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis with antibody destruction of thyroid tissue​



D: Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis with antibody destruction of thyroid tissue


For Hashimoto's thyroiditis, the thyroid tissue is destroyed by autoimmune antibodies. An abnormal, enlarged thyroid gland is called a goiter, and viral induced hyperthyroidism is subacute granulomatous thyroiditis. Bacterial or fungal infection can cause acute thyroiditis.




é um vírus que se aloja na tiroide  e que faz a mesma aumentar de volume

What are the three functions of carbohydrates?(For class 7)​


They are:

1 Provide energy

2 Store energy

3 Build macromolecules

Which is a common misconception about seat belts?

They are only for driving on the highway.
They are needed in the backseats.
They are necessary safety devices.
They are needed when driving at any speed.



: A common misconception about seat belts is that they are universally commonplace. Not all places in the world systematically use them or enforce their usage.


they are necessary safety devices

Which statement is accurate regarding sexual activity?
a.Peers do not have much influence on sexual activity.
b.Dating an older person increases the chance of having sex.
c.Other teens are having more sex than most teenagers perceive.
d.Approximately 90 percent of teens have sex before age 16.



b.Dating an older person increases the chance of having sex.


B. Dating an older person increases the chance of having sex.


Got it right on the test.

A valid contract requires:


The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality. In some states, element of consideration can be satisfied by a valid substitute.

Discuss a situation where a better understanding of cultural differences would or could have led to a better understanding. Explain the situation and what could have been done differently and how the outcome could have changed.

Example situation: An elderly Asian male comes to your medical office with his grand-daughter. The man does not speak English however his grand-daughter does. The grand-daughter provides translation for you when collecting the elderly man's demographic information, however, he refuses to allow his grand-daughter to translate for him when he is asked the reason for his visit and what his symptoms are.



school or education level

Cultural differences should be accepted and respected in order for peaceful coexistence among individuals.

What are cultural differences?

Cultural differences are differences that exists in the cultures and languages of different group of people of the same or different race.

The given situation illustrates cultural differences in that the Elderly man might feel disrespected if the grand-daughter were to describe his symptoms and the reasons for his visit.

This situation can be avoided by getting a doctor who understands the language of the Elderly man.

Therefore, cultural differences should be accepted and respected.

Learn more about cultural differences at:


3)Texto base
Em 1656, o rei Lui´s XIV sancionou uma lei em que indivíduos considerados inadequados à sociedade

deviam ser eliminados publicamente ou levados a` reclusão. Conhecemos esse período como a era

dos grandes hospitais, que funcionavam de forma asilar. A identificação dos doentes mentais não se

baseava em critérios precisos. Isso começou a mudar a partir da Primeira Revolução Psiquiátrica.

Pode-se considerar que quem iniciou esse processo foi:

Selecione uma alternativa:
Emil Kraepelin

Phellippe Pinel.

Sigmund Freud.

Karl Jaspers.

Jean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol.



A) Emil Kraepelin


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