Mendel determined from his pea plant experiments that some copies of genes are dominant while others are recessive. Explain how two tall plants could produce a short plant.


Answer 1
Yes ma’am yes sir I love it I will send it again I will never get back in my bed lol lol I’m gonna get it back to me when I’m bored and

Related Questions

what is the defnition of endocytosis


“The taking in of matter by a living cell by invagination of its membrane to form a vacuole.”


Endocytosis is the process by which cells take in substances from outside of the cell by engulfing them in a vesicle. These can include things like nutrients to support the cell or pathogens that immune cells engulf and destroy.

Hope it helps...

A dependent variable is:
A. Changed to test a hypothesis.
B. Measured to show the effect of a change.
C. Kep the same to make an experiment a fair test.
D. Collected to draw conclusions.



B. Measured to show the effect of a change.




Measured to show the effect of a change

Anaerobic prokaryotes use what
to obtain energy.



they use anaerobic respiration in the absence of oxygen

wich best describes how mRNA is used by a cell



where are options??????????????

?Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules carry the coding sequences for protein synthesis and are called transcripts; ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules form the core of a cell's ribosomes (the structures in which protein synthesis takes place); and transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules carry amino acids to the ribosomes during protein ...

Answer: Pretty sure its option D that is the correct answer. Transcription of DNA results in the formation of mRNA. A polypeptide chain is formed when codon sequences of DNA reach the ribosome, delivering DNA sequences to the ribosome.


I can't see the choices but I've done this activity before and that's how I know




I think it 50 answer

I think it is the answer

If you had a sequence of DNA that was ATGCCATTGC, what would be the complementary DNA Sequence?







explain the absorption of mineral by root hair cell if all mithochondria remove from the cell .​



The root hair cells have carrier proteins in their cell membranes. These pick up the mineral ions and move them across the membrane into the cell against the concentration gradient . Because active transport moves ions against the concentration gradient into the root hair cells, energy is needed.Plants absorb water from the soil by osmosis. They absorb mineral ions by active transport, against the concentration gradient. Root hair cells are adapted for taking up water and mineral ions by having a large surface area to increase the rate of absorption.



Ggbb = Gray Hair red eyes
ggBB= white hair Black Eyes
ggbb = white hair red eyes
GgBb = Gray Hair Black eyes
i put the number of the question in the top left hopefully this makes sense

The diagram below represents the time a cell spends in the two main phases
of the cell cycle. Which section of the diagram represents the phase during
which the cell divides, and what is this phase called?
A. Yellow area: Interphase
B. Yellow area: M phase
C. Blue area: M phase
0 D. Blue area: Interphase



The yellow ares is m-phase


This is where the cell divides into two nucleus.

The blue area in the diagram represents the phase during which the cell divides, and this phase is called the M phase or mitotic phase. Therefore, option C is the correct.

What is mitotic phase?

The mitotic phase, also known as the M phase, is the phase of the cell cycle during which a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. This process of cell division is essential for growth, development, and repair of tissues in multicellular organisms.

The M phase consists of four stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. During these stages, the replicated chromosomes condense and align at the metaphase plate, separate and move towards opposite poles of the cell during anaphase, and then decondense and form two separate nuclei during telophase.

The M phase is tightly regulated by a complex network of checkpoint pathways that ensure the accurate segregation of chromosomes and prevent the formation of abnormal cells, which can lead to diseases such as cancer.

Learn more about mitotic phase, here:


When you have diabetes what is the main body system that is being affected? How does it affect other systems?



the main body system is circulatory system?


The Circulatory System (Read explanation)


Diabetes affects many of the body's major organs, such as the kidneys, eyes, blood vessels, and heart. Kidney Damage The kidneys filter out your body's waste products. In diabetics, high levels of blood sugar force the kidneys to try to filter large quantities of blood.

It affects other systems because kidneys are technically part of the urinary system and if you have diabetes, it will indeed affect the urinary system. It is all linked together and the domino effect will collapse.

Hope this helps and if it does, don't be afraid to give my answer a "Thanks" and maybe a Brainliest if it's correct?  

What environmental Factor would likely lead to an increase in genetic variation in a population of squirrels





different predators or weather conditions within the environment if the environment were to change they would adapt to it as well

Which type of bond forms between water molecules?



Hydrogen Bonds


✦ ✦ ✦ Beep Boop - Blu Bot! At Your Service! Scanning Question . . .

        Code: Green! Letters and Variables Received! ✦ ✦ ✦

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question: Which type of bond forms between water molecules?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer: Water is polar, and the dipole bond it forms is a hydrogen bond based on the two hydrogen atoms in the molecule. Hydrogen bonds are especially strong because the hydrogen atom in molecules such as water is a small, naked proton with no inner electron shell.


What are two different characteristics that scientists examine to classify living things?

a. blood characteristics and naming characteristics
b.chemical characteristics and DNA characteristics
c.physical characteristics and chemical characteristics
d. physical characteristics and environmental characteristics


Characteristics such as appearance, reproduction, mobility, and functionality are just a few ways in which living organisms are grouped together. These specialized groups are collectively called the classification of living things.

Scientists examine the physical and chemical properties of organisms to classify them. Thus, the correct option is C.

The physical characteristics of organisms include the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics such as body's structure, the type of specialized tissue present, the skin type, the cellular structure

The chemical characteristics of organisms include the cellular composition, the type of proteins present, the organ/tissue system present, the DNA composition, the enzymes present, the metabolic processes that occur.

Thus, the correct option is C.

Learn more about organism characteristics in:


6. What happens when food reaches the stomach?
A. No digestion occurs in the stomach
B. The food moves quickly into the small intestine
C. Juices mix with the food and stomach muscles squeeze it
D. The food is completely digested and is absorbed by tiny blood vessels in the
walls of the stomach​



C) Juices mix with the food and stomach muscles squeeze it.


Gastric juices are added in your stomach to turn your food into small particles that can be gobbled up by cells. Your body contains dangerous level of acids such as HCl but your cell lining in your inner cavities of your stomach prevent acid from burning you form within! Fun :D

So technically the answer is C.

After the food enters your stomach the stomach muscles mix the food and liquid with digestive juices. The stomach slowly empties its contents called chyme into your small intestine

Los métodos hormonales son eficientes porque: * A: impiden la entrada de los espermatozoides C: Se inhibe (no se desarrolla) la ovulación B: El óvulo jamás se encuentra con el espermatozoide D: Los espermatozoides quedan atrapados y no llegan al óvulo


Answer: C: Se inhibe (no se desarrolla) la ovulación.


Los métodos anticonceptivos se utilizan prevenir el embarazo no deseado, evitando que el esperma fertilice a un óvulo. Hay distintos tipos, los cuales se clasifican en:

Anticonceptivos hormonales: Contienen hormonas, tales como estrógeno y progesterona, que previenen la ovulación (es decir, la liberación de óvulos de los ovarios). De esta manera, al no haber óvulo disponible, por mas que hayan espermatozoides, no va a ocurrir ninguna fecundación. El método mas conocido es la píldora o pastilla anticonceptiva. Anticonceptivos de barrera: Proveen una barrera física que impide la fecundación al impedir el encuentro entre el óvulo y el espermatozoide. Por ejemplo, el uso de preservativos o condones. En estos métodos, se impide la entrada de los espermatozoides, no se encuentran con el óvulo y la esperma queda atrapada dentro del condón. Anticonceptivos permanentes: Proveen un método permanente como  por ejemplo el Dispositivo Intrauterino que se coloca en el tracto uterino con una vida media de meses o años y posee un efecto espermicida que mata a los espermatozoides (por lo que no lograrán encontrar un óvulo). Otro ejemplo es la vasectomía, la cual es una cirugía que corta los conductos deferentes que transportan a los espermatozoides por lo que ya no pueden salir de los testículos para producir la fecundación (quedan atrapados dentro de los testículos, no entran al tracto uterino y no encuentran al óvulo)

Tanto los métodos de barrera como los permanentes, no inhiben la ovulación aunque si impiden que el óvulo se encuentre con el espermatozoide. Entonces, los métodos hormonales son los únicos que logran inhibir la ovulación. Las píldoras que poseen las hormonas previamente mencionadas pero fabricadas sintéticamente. Las mismas mimetizan el efecto de las hormonas naturales producidas por el cuerpo, alterando el ciclo menstrual regular y así evitan el embarazo ya que no habrá óvulo disponible para fecundar. Además, también pueden alterarla mucosidad en el cuello del útero para que los espermatozoides no pueden atravesarlo y llegar al óvulo. De todas maneras, el objetivo principal y mas importante de los métodos hormonales es bloquear la ovulación.

What happens if the first line of defence is breached?
(Will mark as brainliest)


what happens if the first line of defence is breached?

Damage to the skin, such as burns or cuts, very quickly leads to complications and infections that before modern-day antibiotics could easily prove fatal. Once the outer line of defence is breached, the body very quickly starts up its first major attack on the invading substances.

Help will mark brainliest #7,8


The answers for the question are given below


7. D

8. D


7. One of the most important functions of iron is the transportation of oxygen to the blood. Iron’s main purpose is to carry oxygen in the hemoglobin of red blood cells throughout your body so your cells can produce energy.

8. A network of tiny capillaries connects the arteries and veins. Though tiny, the capillaries are one of the most important parts of the circulatory system because it’s through them that nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the cells.

Explain how is sunlight distributed across the world



The sun is distibuted across the world due to The environment works in a similar way to a car's heat engine. Winds, precipitation, and evaporation processes in the atmosphere, on the other hand, spread the sun's energy across the Earth. Conduction, convection, and radiation are the methods through which heat energy is transferred.


I took earth science

On Earth, sunlight is scattered and filtered through Earth's atmosphere, and is obvious as daylight when the Sun is above the horizon. When direct solar radiation is not blocked by clouds, it is experienced as sunshine, a combination of bright light and radiant heat.

Bears and salmon have a predator-prey relationship. What would most likely happen to the bear population if the salmon population increased?
stay the same
become extinct





When there is enough food there is always excelling Reproduction

Bears and salmon have a predator-prey relationship, if the salmon population increased, it is most likely that the bear population would increase; that is the third option, as bears rely heavily on salmon.

What is the predator-prey relationship?

Bears are opportunistic feeders, and their diet varies according to what is available in their environment, and in areas where salmon is abundant, bears rely heavily on this food source to meet their nutritional needs. When salmon populations increase, there is a greater availability of food for bears, which can lead to improved body condition, increased survival rates, and higher reproductive success, and with more food available, female bears can produce larger litters of cubs.

Hence, bears and salmon have a predator-prey relationship, if the salmon population increased, it is most likely that the bear population would increase; that is the third option.

Learn more about the predator-prey relationship here.


Please answer as soon as possible​



1.sensory organs



Which of the following is TRUE about the movement of earth's plates?
A. They do not move because they sit on a layer of solid rock
B. They move along with the layer of slightly softened rock below them
C. They move by floating on a layer of completely melted rock below them
D. They do not move until the solid rock layer beneath them temporarily melts and moves





the tectonic plates or the crust of the earth sit on molten rock moving across the planet with causes the plates to move causing things like earthquakes and volcanos

Movement of Earth's plate can be due to many reasons and can cause many disasters. They move along with the layer of slightly softened rock below them

What is the 3 causes of this movement?

Earth's plates move due to the intense heat in the Earth's core. This causes the movement of soften rock in the mantle layer.

It moves in a convection cell pattern that forms by rising of warm, cooling and then sinking down of material.

The Earth's plates move by floating on a layer of completely melted rock below them.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding movement of Earth's plate, visit:

I can tell Name two foods each rich in ​



Name two foods rich in: a. Fats b. Starch c. Dietary fiber d. Protein

FatsProteinDietary fibersAvocadosSoybeanBroccoliTofuAnimal meatBarle

What would happen if there were no condensation stage in the water cycle?


answer : there would be no rain.

There would be no rain

what can scientists learn from radiometric dating?

A- how long ago a plant or animal lived
B- how much time it took a fossil to form
C- where a plant or animal lived
D- whether a fossil has modern relatives



Radiometric dating is used by geologists to determine the age of rocks and the ages of fossils found within them.


It is how long ago a plant or animal lived or answer A.

Explanation:The more of certain item in a cell such as carbon or something like that each one is like I don't know like 100,000 years ago hope this helps.

Why do caves form in Sandy Glacier, but not in larger thicker glaciers?


Large, permanent caves like those on the Sandy only form when a glacier is thin and the weight of the ice no longer squeezes the caves shut, allowing warm air to flow into the glacier. McGregor and Cartaya have drawn on years of experience mountaineering and caving to safely explore the caves in the Sandy Glacier.

the answer is either B or D​





Answer: its b

Explanation: Adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP, is a molecule that carries energy within cells

1. What is Preservation?
2.Why does refrigerator and freezing help preserve food for a longer time? ​



q.1 ans

Preservation—The protection of cultural property through activities that minimize chemical and physical deterioration and damage and that prevent loss of informational content. The primary goal of preservation is to prolong the existence of cultural property.


q.2 ans

Cold temperatures help food stay fresh longer. The basic idea behind refrigeration is to slow down the activity of bacteria (which all food contains) so that it takes longer for the bacteria to spoil the food. ... Refrigeration and freezing are two of the most common forms of food preservation used today.

what happens to one's body when they starve​


there hungry



The body lacks a proper circulation of oxygenated blood, hence abnormality in respiration.

Which three statements contain information about cats that is based on scientific knowledge rather than opinion?



First claim '' cats are very smart animal''. Second claim '' cats make bonds with humans''

Define the word phytoplankton!





Phytoplankton are the autotrophic components of the plankton community and a key part of ocean and freshwater ecosystems. 

have a nice day


plankton consisting of microscopic plants.


What is the purpose of phytoplankton?

Through photosynthesis, phytoplankton use sunlight, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and water to produce oxygen and nutrients for other organisms. With 71% of the Earth covered by the ocean, phytoplankton are responsible for producing up to 50% of the oxygen we breathe.

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Xy dng qu trnh nghip v mua v giao nhn p ti mt l hng c th theo d liu saung 8h ngy 30/5 nhn vin nghip v n tng kho KH A mua hng doanh nghip khng c phng tin vn chuyn v hng mua phi thanh ton bng tin mt. Trong ho n c g nhng mt hng sau y X phng bt VISO 500kg ng thnh 1000 gi mi gi 500g gi 4000/giVi cho hoa con cng Trung Quc kh 80cm tng s 2400m tng thnh 40 cun 1 cun 60m gi 5000/mB ma h ngi ln 100 b gi 20.000/ bng knh trng vn im 02 tn ng trong 40 bao 1 bo 50kg gi 6000/kgL nhn vin nghip v hy mua v giao nhn l hng trn Which of the following proves trinagle ABC =~ trinagle DEF? Please help me step-by-step with this please, and if you give just a straight answer with no proof then Ima just assume that you are here answering incorrectly and are just here for the points!! what do you think a day in the oregon trail would be like The polynomial is missing the coefficient of the third and last terms.8x^3 - 144xy + _xy - _y^3 5.Which of the following people urged Calfomians to elect delegates to draft a state constitution?A. Bennett RileyB. John FremontC. James MarshalD. Peter Burnett__________________________________________6.The US was extremely eager to admit Califomia to the Union.TrueFalse PLEASE HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP You bought Sumsung stock for $50 on April 1. The stock paid a dividend of $5 on July 1, and had a price of $53. It is now Oct. 1, and the stock price is $52. Treasury bills yield 1%.Required:a. What was the arithmetic average quarterly return? b. What was the standard deviation of quarterly returns? The molecular formula of water is H, O. What does it express can someone help please How many Oklahomans served in World War II?A. about 5,000B. about 10,000C. about 50,000D. about 500,000 A2The distance ABrounded to thenearest tenth = [?]-1022-Hint: Use the distance formula:d= (x2 x1)2 + (72- y)2Enter mention 8 causes of cancer in the diagram below given that xy=3cm,xyz=30and yz=x solve for x TIME REMAINING01:55:49Which is the graph of f(x) = x2 - 2x + 3?22 3Mark this and retumSave and ExitNextSubmit An adjective is nounthat is used todescribe other noun 5. Por qu personas como Mead resultan peligrosas o deben ser controladas en una sociedad comola del relato?6. Si Ray Bradbury hubiese escrito El peatn en el 2021, cmo cres que habra sido elargumento del cuento? 4. Anoche (leer)mucho.durante la pelicula.5, Tus amigos (hablar)toda la noche.6, Mi perra (ladrar)..en Marbella.7, De nia (vivir, ella)paella el domingo.8. Vosotros (comer)una cosa muy importante, gracias.9, Usted (preguntar) MycroFiber is a producer of microfiber material for the auto detailing industry. Jamal, the owner of MycroFiber is highly skilled in the technical and manufacturing areas, but does not understand pricing. Jamal knows he wants to cover the cost of production when selling his material and needs revenue to cover his overhead costs and to make a profit. To be sure he meets these goals, Jamal decides to take a cost-based pricing approach. If MycroFiber's cost of production is $4 a square yard, Jamal and Jamal prices his material at $10 a square yard, what is MycroFiber's margin percentage?a. 40%.b. 150%.c. 60%.d. 250%. translate for 100 points Soy una idiota Which of the following best describes the use of the formula S = (n - 2)180,where n is the number of sides?A. It is used to find the number of interior angles in a regular polygon.B. It is used to find the sum of the interior angles in a regularpolygon.O c. It is used to find the sum of the exterior angles in a regularpolygonO D. It is used to find the number of exterior angles in a regularpolygonSUBMIT