Michaela would like to reduce her risk of skin cancer. To help reduce her risk, she can do all of the following except

A. Choose to use a tanning bed instead of sitting in the sun.
B. Make sure she stays in the shade between 10am and 4pm.
C. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or after swimming or sweating.
D. Use a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen.​


Answer 1




Never use tanning beds. Tanning beds give out ultraviolet (UV) rays that increase your risk of developing skin cancer.

Happy learning

Answer 2

Michaela would not choose to use a tanning bed instead of sitting in the sun to reduce her risk of skin cancer.

What is Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells which most often develops on skin exposed to the sun. But this common form of cancer can also occur on areas of the skin not ordinarily exposed to sunlight.

There are three major types of skin cancer

- Basal cell carcinoma,

- Squamous cell carcinoma and

- Melanoma.

Symptoms are:

1. Skin cancer develops primarily on areas of sun-exposed skin, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms and hands, and on the legs in women.

It can also form on areas that rarely see the light of day — palms, beneath the fingernails or toenails, and the genital area.

2. Skin cancer affects people of all skin tones, including those with darker complexions.

3. When melanoma occurs in people with dark skin tones, it's more likely to occur in areas not normally exposed to the sun, such as the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.  

What is a Tanning Bed?

A tanning bed is a device that emits ultraviolet radiation to give people a tan. Like the sun, a tanning bed can also cause a sunburn if the person stays in too long.

Like the sun, tanning beds help the body to produce vitamin D due to the exposure to the UV. Getting too much UV, or many sunburns can cause skin cancer, including melanoma, which can be deadly.

To learn more about the skin cancer here



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how can we develop human resources​



Human Resource Development can be formal such as in classroom training, a college course, or an organizational planned change effort. Or, Human Resource Development can be informal as in employee coaching by a manager. Healthy organizations believe in Human Resource Development and cover all of these bases.

difference between population education and environment education in points​



the answer is


Population education tells them about the consequences of population growth and gives them impetuses to keep the population on par with natural resources available in the country.

Environment education is important to provide them safe and clean environment.

Alessandro has committed to riding his bike to and from school when the weather is good. All Alessandro has committed to riding his bike to and from school when the weather is good. All week, he rides to school without any problems. But on Friday, he remembers that he, he rides to school without any problems. But on Friday, he remembers that he must bring home equiexperiment that is too big to carry on a bike. What did Alessandro forget to do before making his lifestyle change? consider his m set a routine choose an exercise consider his schedule

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Increasing the frequency and strength of extreme events such as floods, droughts, and storms threaten human health and safety


Bribes or kickbacks of any kind for services that are paid under a Federal health care program (which includes Medicare) constitute fraud by the person making as well as the person receiving them.


The answer is supposed to be True.

. Do you feel pressure to have your body look a certain way to others?
• How does it make you feel when you others are judged because of your their body type?
What do you think the media's role is in how individuals view body image?
If you could describe the perfect body type, what do you believe it would be?
What types of things have you seen others attempt to do to their bodies to try and make them look or appear a certain way?
If you could, what would you tell younger boys girls about body image? 5 sentences (right answer only please) thank you:)



1) No

2) I feel very bad for the person. And I'm sad at how unkind some people can be.

3) Because media is always showing skinny girls, their faces full of makeup, on magazines, portraying that only skinny and well-known girls can get on a magazine cover.

3) Your body type is perfect the way it is. Don't change your appearance just for some guy.

4) Surgeries. It hurts thinking girls think they need to get surgery to look besutiful.

5) *Don't judge others by their appearance *Every body is perfect the way it is *Don't care what others think or say if it's a negative comment *Don't change your appearance for a guy *Your perfect the way you are


You should never judge others, or be unkind to others. Imagine how you would feel if your being bullied and make fun of. Imagine how you would feel if people were making fun of your body or the way you look.

Individuals will experience positive or negative stress as a natural part of life.


This is true. Whether positive or negative stress, is a normal part of life.

how does weathering occur in physical method




Physical weathering is caused by the effects of changing temperature on rocks, causing the rock to break apart. The process is sometimes assisted by water. Freeze-thaw occurs when water continually seeps into cracks, freezes and expands, eventually breaking the rock apart.

What language improvement strategy should Cho, a new receptionist at a diabetes clinic, adopt to assist clients with filling their application forms?
improve her reading speed
learn vocabulary related to the illness
enroll for a grammar class
improve her note-writing skills
read books on different subjects


B probably SRRY if it’s wrong
B.( learn vocabulary related to the illness)

With a "vacuum breaker" you can ___.



A vacuum breaker is an attachment commonly placed on a bibcock valve or toilet or urinal flush valve, that prevents water from being siphoned backward into the public drinking water system. This prevents contamination should the public drinking water system's pressure drop.


state atleast 5 ways of stopping chronic bronchitis



They dig Wells to get water passive voice


Here are some tips recommended by UCSF Health.


Treatment may include:

*Bronchodilator Medications Inhaled as aerosol sprays or taken orally, bronchodilator medications may help to relieve symptoms of chronic bronchitis by relaxing and opening the air passages in the lungs.

*Steroids Inhaled as an aerosol spray, steroids can help relieve symptoms of chronic bronchitis. Over time, however, inhaled steroids can cause side effects, such as weakened bones, high blood pressure, diabetes and cataracts. It is important to discuss these side effects with your doctor before using steroids.

*Antibiotics Antibiotics may be used to help fight respiratory infections common in people with chronic bronchitis.

*Vaccines Patients with chronic bronchitis should receive a flu shot annually and pneumonia shot every five to seven years to prevent infections.

Oxygen Therapy As a patient's disease progresses, they may find it increasingly difficult to breathe on their own and may require supplemental oxygen. Oxygen comes in various forms and may be delivered with different devices, including those you can use at home.

Surgery Lung volume reduction surgery, during which small wedges of damaged lung tissue are removed, may be recommended for some patients with chronic bronchitis.

*Pulmonary Rehabilitation An important part of chronic bronchitis treatment is pulmonary rehabilitation, which includes education, nutrition counseling, learning special breathing techniques, help with quitting smoking and starting an exercise regimen. Because people with chronic bronchitis are often physically limited, they may avoid any kind of physical activity. However, regular physical activity can actually improve a patient's health and wellbeing.

3. The ___________ senses give the body information about the outside environment.







external senses give the body information about the outside environment.

So the answer is external.




I did the test

Who discovered X-ray

Louis Pasteur
William Rontgen
GB Fahrenheit​


Wilhelm Roentgen
X-rays were discovered in 1895. Röntgen's discovery occurred accidentally in his Wurzburg, Germany, lab, where he was testing whether cathode rays could pass through glass when he noticed a glow coming from a nearby chemically coated screen. He dubbed the rays that caused this glow X-rays because of their unknown nature.

Which statement comparing the age of puberty in boys and girls is TRUE?
Boys experience puberty at around 9-14 years of age.
Girls experience puberty earlier than boys do.
Only boys experience psychological changes during puberty.
Girls, not boys, have begun experiencing puberty earlier and earlier during the past 50 years.



Girls experience puberty earlier than boys do.


Its Scientifically proven, hope i helped

The statement comparing the age of puberty in boys and girls is TRUE is

girls experience puberty earlier than boys do. Correct Option is 2.

It is generally observed that girls tend to enter puberty earlier than boys. Girls typically begin experiencing the physical changes associated with puberty, such as breast development and the onset of menstruation, between the ages of 8 and 13 years. In contrast, boys generally start puberty slightly later, typically between the ages of 9 and 14 years.

Boys also experience puberty, and it typically occurs within a similar age range as girls. Both boys and girls undergo physical and hormonal changes during puberty. Additionally, the statement about girls starting puberty earlier and earlier in recent decades is not supported. While there have been some studies suggesting a decreasing age of puberty onset, the trend is not exclusive to girls and varies across populations.

Try to know more about puberty :



Give the physical test in each components of physical: fitness. (ex Muscular strength : push up



the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, origin, and distribution.


A controllable factor that might impact your normal workout routine and require modifications is





Things such as a person's age, the weather, and possible injuries are not controllable factors. How tedious a workout is can be changed.




I took the test and got it right

When performing a blood culture test, the blank system involves drawing directly into the bottles



I'm pretty sure yeah it includes that. Not sure what the question is. Please be a little more specific.


Which of the following health skills does NOT involve exchanging information with others?
O A) refusal skills
O B) interpersonal communication
O C) stress management
O D) conflict resolution


C)stress management

How does this show an unhealthy expectation or negative aspect of dieting culture? In three sentences, explain how your ad depicts something unhealthy or negative in terms of dieting, weight loss, or what we see as "normal."​



Dieting or weight loss is a really great thing to loss wight and fitness. It's specially good for fat or unhealthy person. If a person is thin and If he/she does diet, there is great chance that they can be sick or even die due to lack of energy.

Which phase of mitosis is shown in the illustration?

A diagram of a cell. The spindle fibers have shortened, chromosomes have split in half, and matching halves of chromosomes are carried to opposite ends of the cell.


metaphase i think is the correct answer

Individuals with personality disorders exhibit a personality style that is inflexible, causes distress and impairment, and creates problems for themselves and others.





a. True


The answer is a. (True)

define neurons

please give me it's answer


neurons are the messenger system of the body they send messages to ur brain and throughout ur whole body

A warm-up routine should _______
your body temperature.
O A. stabilize
O B. increase
O C. destabilize
O D. decrease




A warm-up routine should "increase".



The athletes, dancers, wrestlers they perform the warm up so as to stretch their muscles, improve their strength and flexibility. It actually prepares the muscles for straineous activities.

Does the color blue make people feel calmer?

explain in two to three sentences what your hypothesis will be for your research question and how you could test your hypothesis.


Yes blue makes people calmer because it’s a low color and makes people relaxed

how is the y chromosome different from the x chromosome?



y chromosome is responsible to determined the sex of the child

x chromosome don't determined the Sex of the child


Everyone has at least one x chromosome. If you're a girl, you have two x chromosomes and no y chromosomes (xx). If you're a boy, you have one x chromosome and one y chromosome (xy). When a future mother and father are expecting a child, it's actually up to the father to determine the gender since the mother will always give the child an x chromosome, and the father can give an x or a y.


Brainliest, please!

Please Help !! Cause I Don’t Know


Where is the question

The term "peer influence" is best described as when

A. an individual or group has an impact on another person's choice of behavior
B. a parent encourages a child to improve their health through daily activities
C. one friend encourages another friend to improve their health through daily activities
D. print media influences teenagers to engage in unhealthy and risk behaviors





Peer influence is best described as when an individual or group has an impact on another person's choice of behavior. The correct option is A

What is peer influence ?

The concept of "peer influence" describes how people or groups who are the same age, social rank, or background as you can impact your peers' attitudes, behaviors, and decisions. It concerns how one's decisions and behavior are affected by those of friends or other members of the same social group.

Therefore, Peer influence is best described as when an individual or group has an impact on another person's choice of behavior.

Therefore, Option A is correct.

Learn more about peer influence here :brainly.com/question/28918988


Aziz sees his friend Khamal take some pills while at a party. A short time later, Khamal says that he can't breathe very well, and Aziz notices that his breathing is shallow and that he seems confused.

What should Aziz do first in this situation?

A. Call 911 and monitor his friend carefully until someone arrives.
B. Encourage Khamal to drink some water to rehydrate and refresh.
C. Get Khamal into a car and drive him home from the party.
D. Help Khamal get to a bedroom and tell him to sleep it off.​





whenever someone cant breathe that well and they have taken pills, that's an early stage of an overdose, always monitor them while you wit for the police to arrive

Aziz should first in the situation is Call 911 and monitor his friend carefully until someone arrives. The correct option is A.

What is an emergency situation?

An emergency situation is a situation in which there is a danger to life and or immediate need for anything. The emergency situation requires a sudden supply of safety or any help. An example is someone having an attack or any accident occurring in a house like a gas leak.

A friend of Aziz took a pill at the party, and then he felt short of breathing and confused, so the first step Aziz should do is to call 991.

Thus, the correct option is A. Call 911 and monitor his friend carefully until someone arrives.

Learn more about an emergency situation, here:



what does blood pressure readings mean


Answer: :


Arterial blood pressure is most commonly measured via a sphygmomanometer, which historically used the height of a column of mercury to reflect the circulating pressure. Blood pressure values are generally reported in millimetres of mercury, though aneroid and electronic devices do not contain mercury.

Objective of environment education​



Awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skill and capacity building,participation and so on..


you explain it with your own language .....I hope u can do this.....and also this answer is matched with urr question......

Giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a drowning victim
Low risk
O High risk



high risk because you can pass sickness and dieses around

High risk because of diseases, there are others ways to do CPR on a drowning victim
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