Michael's class took a field trip to the art museum. It took them 45 minutes to drive to the museum. They stayed at the museum for 1 hour and 25 minutes. When the class left the museum, it was 11:10AM What time did Michael's class leave for the field trip?​


Answer 1
9, because you start at the end (11:10 A.M.) subtract 1 hour- 10:10 am, then subtract 25- 9:45 then subtract 45

Related Questions

Please help me find which expression is correct





in my opinion d is the correct answer of your questions.

Step-by-step explanation:

Because subtract subtract sign is always add.

hope this will help you


Find the least number by which the following number must be multiplied so that the product are perfect cube one number 72 to number 128 number 288 phone number 675​



Well this question is actually a piece of cake. Just pick your favorite number. Multiply it by 10. Then do whatever operation you want with the 2,300. For the exponent part of this. Lets say we do it this way y times z equals 2,300. Exponents are letters used in mathematical terms. So any letter can be used to represent any number.

Step-by-step explanation:

I have 5 digits.My eight is worse 8000. One of my sixes is worth 60.The other is worth 10 times as much.My other digit is a zero



i think its 58,660

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Plz help guys, it is a pretty easy sum​




Step-by-step explanation:

sorry I don't know how to solve this



I added 4 on both side so that a^2+1/a^2-2 becomes a^2+1/a^2+2 which is Special products of (a^2+1/a^2).

please help in indices
[tex] \frac{ {5}^{m + 2} - {5}^{m} }{ {5}^{m + 1} + {5}^{m} } \\ \\ \frac{ {4}^{m} + {4}^{m + 1} }{ {4}^{m + 2} - {4}^{m} } [/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:

Hey there!

Please see your required answer in picture.

Hope it helps!

Please find attached photograph for your answer.

Hope it helps.

Do comment if you have any query.

Plz solve question 12


Answer: C

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve for 12, we can use eliminate or substituion to solve our system of equations. Let's use elimination method.

[tex]\left \{ {{3f-2k=10} \atop {-3f-2k=14}} \right.[/tex]

Let's add the equations together. This way, 3f+(-3f)=0

[tex]-4k=24[/tex]                   [divide both sides by -4]


Now that we know k, we can plug it into either equation to find f.

[tex]3f-2(-6)=10[/tex]        [multiply]

[tex]3f+12=10[/tex]             [subtract both sides by 12]

[tex]3f=-2[/tex]                    [divide both sides by 3]


Now that we have f and k, we know that C is the correct answer.

Explain the process due to which rain falls ? Class 4 - EVS​



As you may already know, water drops that fall from the cloud are considered "rain".

The Sun's heat turns the moisture or water from leaves, plants, rivers, lakes, and oceans - and turns it into gas or also called, vapor. This water vapor then turns into gas and disappears into the air. When it gets mixed with the air, it cools down. When it cools down, it changes into small water drops, which then form a cloud. These small water drops join together with other water drops to create larger and bigger water drops.

You may know this now because this is the easiest part. What happens when something gets heavy or is over-filled? It falls down, right?

So, the large drops from water fall down as they get too heavy for the cloud to carry. These big droplets falling down on us are called Rain.

Which is the best estimate of -14 1/9 (-2 9/10)



Step-by-step explanation:

-14 1/9 is close to - 14

-2 and 9/10 is close to - 3

The best estimate would be 42 (14 * 3)

Estimate means you put your calculator on the kitchen counter until you've done this question.

Let's see what the actual answer is. 40.92222 which is close to 41.

42 is a pretty good estimate.

Please help me with this anyone



Step-by-step explanation:

Begin by combining like terms and then factoring. Combining like terms will give you

[tex]10p^2-17p-20=0[/tex] Using the "old-fashioned" way of factoring, the a times c method, our a = 10, b = -17 and c = -20.

a * c = 10(-20) = -200 and now we need the factors of 200 (don't worry about the negative) that combine to give us that middle term, -17p (here is where the negative matters). The factors of 200 are:

1. 200;  2, 100;  4. 50;  5, 40;  8, 25;  10, 20

The combination of those numbers that can be manipulated to give us a -17p is the 8, 25 as long as we say that the 25 is negative and the 8 is positive. Rewrite the original polynomial to reflect those factors:

[tex]10p^2-25p+8p-20=0[/tex] and then factor by grouping:

[tex](10p^2-25p)+(8p-20)=0[/tex] and factor out from each set of parenthesis what is common:

[tex]5p(2p-5)+4(2p-5)=0[/tex] again factor out what is common:

(2p - 5)(5p+ 4) = 0. These are the factors; therefore the solutions are

2p - 5 = 0 so

2p = 5 and

p = 5/2  and

5p + 4 = 0 and

5p = -4 so

p = -4/5

Jimmy is saving money to buy a concert ticket for $155. He has $42 so far and he can save $20 per week. In how many weeks will he have enough money to buy the ticket? Select an equation that could be used to answer the question above. Let W represent the number of weeks. A. 20w + 42 = 155 B. 20w - 155 =42 C. 42w + 20 = 155 D. 155w - 20 = 42



The answer for this question is A

write as a sentence in words 7.8 > 3.4



seven and eight tenths is greater than three and four tenths

Hope it helped you

Mohamad bought a remote control car and paid $70.20. The price before tax was $65.00. What percent sales tax did he pay?



Mohamad payed 8% of sales tax.

Step-by-step explanation:

First, we need to find the additional amount he paid to find the tax percentage.

70.20 - 65.00 = $5.20

Now, we divided that answer by the original price to find the actual percentage.

5.20/65.00 = 0.08 = 8%

9) Assume that the random variable X is normally distributed, with mean = 90 and standard deviation o = 12. Compute the probability P(57 < X < 105).
A) 0.7888 B) 0.8944 C) 0.8914 D) 0.8819​



Step-by-step explanation:

The mean, [tex]\bar{x}[/tex], is 90 and the standard deviation, [tex]\sigma[/tex], is 12.  We are looking for the probability that the variable X will fall between 57 and 105. We use the z-score table for this, AFTER we find the z scores. The formula to find the z-scores for us is:

[tex]P(\frac{57-\bar{x}}{\sigma}\leq z\leq \frac{105-\bar{x}}{\sigma})[/tex] and we fill in accordingly:

[tex]P(\frac{57-90}{12}\leq z\leq \frac{105-90}{12})[/tex] which simplifies to

[tex]P(-2.75\leq z\leq 1.25)[/tex] and we will break them up into 2 different sets as follows:

P(-2.75 ≤ z ≤ 0) + P(0 ≤ z ≤ 1.25)

and based on the fact that z scores are given from 0 on up, we are going to convert the first one by using the logic that if z is greater than -2.75 but less than 0, by symmetry, z is greater than 0 but less than 2.75:

P(0 ≤ z ≤ 2.75) + P(0 ≤ z ≤ 1.25) and we go to the z-score table.

Locate 2.7 down along the left side and move over til you're under the .05; that gives us the z-score for 2.75 which is .4970. Do the same for 1.25 to get a z-score of .3944. Add them together to get a final z-score that covers the range of values for X:

.4970 + .3944 = 0.8914

Pls help me I will mark your answer as brainliest!




Step-by-step explanation:

if we divide it my 9 we will get 927,998.666667

Answer: greatest number which should be replace m= 8

Except number 9, ; 2,5.and 8 can replace m so that the number 5567m92 is divisible by 6( Here greatest among all is 8 so 8 is your answer)

Step-by-step explanation:

5567292 is divisible by 6.

5567592 is divisible by 6.

5567892 is divisible by 6.

Will Mark Brainlest Helppp please​




Step-by-step explanation:

a pair of coordinates defines a first number x, and as second number y (or the functional result).

so, we need to find the value of x that leads to 2 as functional result.

2 = x² + 1

1 = x²

x = 1

Question 3
This expression has three restrictions. What are they?
Answer in a complete sentence.



The restrictions are x≠2,4,5

Step-by-step explanation:

First the denominators cannot be zero

x-2 ≠0  so x≠2

Then x-4 ≠0  so x≠4

Also, since we are dividing, when we flip the second expression, the numerator becomes the denominator, so it cannot be zero




The restrictions are x≠2,4,5

Please help out explanation need it will


You just have to divide all of it and then round it to the nearest tenths if u need too .







Step-by-step explanation:

can somebody please help meee??


Answer: d. He multiplied when he was supposed to divide

Step-by-step explanation:

He just multiplied across when he was supposed to divide (or cross multiply) to find the unit rate :)

6 less than twice a number




Step-by-step explanation:

six less than (subtraction) twice a number. 2 times a number x

532 - 308 is the same as blank - 300




Step-by-step explanation:

First find the number we want to find

532 - 308 = 224

Set blank -300 equal to the number

blank - 300 = 224

Add 300 to each side

blank -300+300 = 224+300

blank = 524

A special blend of wild birds because 16.99 for 20 pounds to the nearest penny how much will 50 pounds cost



42.475; approximately (42.48)

Step-by-step explanation:

So, first you would need to divide 16.99 by the 20 pounds and then multiply that by the 50 pounds which should give you your total answer. it should look like this:

16.99 divided  by 20= 0.8495

0.8495 times 50= 42.475; approximately (42.48)

Hope this helps you out!!! :)

If i have 30 Apples I Give 12 to My Friend And She Gives 7 to Her Grandma How Much Would I Have?


18 apples since YOU only gave 12 away

What is the greatest common factor of 30, 45, and 90?




The factors of 30 are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30

The factors of 45 are: 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 45

The factors of 90 are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 18, 30, 45, 90

Then the greatest common factor is 15.

can you guys please help me



x^2 - 9


x^2 - 4

Step-by-step explanation:

x+3        x-3

------ * -----------

x+2       x-2

Notice that the numerator is the difference of squares and the denominator is the difference of squares

(a+b)(a-b) = a^2 - b^2

(x^2 - 3^2)


x^2 - 2^2

x^2 - 9


x^2 - 4



the parts of theis problem are "special factors" or conjugates

(a+b) (a-b) = a^2 - b^2

you have two of those (x+3)(x-3) = x^2-9

and (x+2)(x-2) = x^2 -4

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of the length and the breadth of rectangle is 2:1.If the rectangle is 12m long, find the its breadth ​




Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of the length and the breadth of rectangle=2:1

Let length be 2x, then breadth = x


Length(l)=12 m




An explanation for the results is that those over the age of 55 grew up exposed to media that was displayed in black and white. Can these results be used to verify that​ explanation? A. No. The results speak to a possible difference between the proportions of people over 55 and under 25 who dream in black and​ white, but the results cannot be used to verify the cause of such a difference. B. Yes. The results can be used to verify the given explanation because the difference in proportions is statistically significant. C. Yes. The results can be used to verify the given explanation because the difference in proportions is practically significant. D. No. The results speak to a possible difference between the proportions of people over 55 and under 25 who dream in black and​ white, but the results are not statistically significant enough to verify the cause of such a difference.



No. The results speak to a possible difference between the proportions of people over 55 and under 25 who dream in black and white, but the results cannot be used to verify the cause of such a difference.  

Hence the correct option is option A.

The bar graph shows the median income for families in the United States from 1993 through 2000.
Which two consecutive years saw the largest increase in median income?

A. 1994–1995

B. 1997–1998

C. 1998–1999

D. 1999–2000


The two consecutive years in which there is the largest increase in the median income is option B i.e. 1997-1998.

Given that

In 1994-1995, the median income is 37,500 and 38,500.In 1997-1998, the median income is 39,700 and 41,000.In 1998-1999, the median income is 41,000 and 42,200.In 1999-2000, the median income is 42,500 and its less.

So after analysis, we can conclude that The two consecutive years in which there is the largest increase in the median income is option B i.e. 1997-1998.

Learn more about the bar graph here: brainly.com/question/14894834

Please see picture for question.




Step-by-step explanation:

We know that a^b^c = a^(b*c)

7 ^ 1/5 ^ 5

7^ (1/5*5)



help me please !! find the domain and range of the function represented by the graph. determine wether the domain is discrete or continuous.



Domain is the whole R and the range is R+. The domain is continuous

HELP PLSSSSSSSSS i really need it right now


Step-by-step explanation:

A1= 3.5×9=31.5


A3=(1/2) × 5×2=5

A4= (1/2)×2×2=2


At= 31.5+4+5+2


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