Miguel is building a skate ramp. He needs to cut a board that is Two-thirds of a yard long into 3 equal pieces


Answer 1


Miguel needs to cut a board that is Two-thirds of a yard long into 3 equal pieces.

To find:

The expressions that can you use to find the length of each piece.


It is given that Miguel needs to cut a board that is Two-thirds of a yard long into 3 equal pieces. It means [tex]\dfrac{2}{3}[/tex] is divided in 3 equal parts.

[tex]\dfrac{2}{3}\div 3[/tex]

It can be written as:

[tex]\dfrac{2}{3}\div 3=\dfrac{2}{3}\times \dfrac{1}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{2}{3}\div 3=\dfrac{2}{9}[/tex]

Therefore, the required expression is [tex]\dfrac{2}{3}\div 3[/tex] and the length of each piece is [tex]\dfrac{2}{9}[/tex] yards.

Answer 2


a and c

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Which of the following number is not a perfect cube? 64 or 729 or 800 or 1331 can some1 say it fastt plsss




Step-by-step explanation:

9.28 is answer of cube 800

A polynomial p has zeros when x = 5, x = -1, and x = -1/4
What could be the equation of p?
A. p(x) = (x +5)(x + 1)(4x + 1)
B. p(x) = (x - 5)( x + 1)(4x + 1)
C. p(x) = (x + 5)(x - 1)(4x - 1)
D. p(x) = (5x)(-1x)( - 1/4x)



[tex]x=5[/tex]  ⇒  [tex](x-5)=0[/tex]

[tex]x=-1[/tex]  ⇒[tex](x+1)=0[/tex]

[tex]x=-1/4[/tex] ⇒ [tex](x+1/4)=0[/tex] ⇒ [tex](4x+1)=0[/tex]




Hope it helps...

Have a great day!!


p(x) =  (x-5) (x+1)(4x+1)

Step-by-step explanation:

We know the equation for a polynomial with zeros is written as

f(x) = a( x-b1) (x-b2)...... where b are the zeros

We have zeros x = 5, x = -1, and x = -1/4

p(x) = a( x-5) (x- -1) (x - -1/4)

p(x) = a (x-5) (x+1) (x+1/4)

Let a = 4

p(x) = 4 (x-5) (x+1) (x+1/4)

p(x) =  (x-5) (x+1)(4x+1)

Miss pat bake cupcakes for the school's Tuck Shop .each baking tray can hold one doesen cupcake .she wants to bake 48 cupcakes .how many trays of cupcakes she will need to bake?

A .1

B. 2



Given that,

→ She wants to bake 48 cupcakes.

We have to find,

The number of trays of cupcakes she will need to bake.

The formula we use,

→ No. of cupcakes ÷ One dozen

Then we can divide,

→ 48 ÷ 12

→ 4 trays

Thus, none of the option is correct.

what is 121 divided by 57,246



Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Si consideramos que el planeta Tierra tiene forma esférica y un radio de 6 371 km, ¿cuál es el área total del planeta Tierra?



5.101 × 10⁸ km²


Primer paso: Información provista

Radio del planeta Tierra (r): 6371 km

Paso 2: Calcular el área del planeta Tierra

Si suponemos que el planeta Tierra tiene forma esférica, podemos calcular su área (A) usando la siguiente fórmula.

A = 4 × π × r²

A = 4 × π × (6371 km)² = 5.101 × 10⁸ km²

3c + 2 = -22
whats c?


3c+  2=  -22

⇔3c = -22 -2

⇔3c = -24

⇔c=  -24/3

⇔c=- 8


3c= -22-2

3c= -24

c= -24/3

c= -8

Step-by-step explanation:

-4b + 8c + 12 - 8b -2c & simplify



Combine like terms

-4b + 8c + 12 - 8b -2c

-4b - 8b + 8c - 2c + 12

-12b + 6c + 12

6(-2b + c + 2)

What is the equation of a circle with its center at (−6,−3) and a radius of 12?



(x+6)^2 + ( y +3)^2 = 144

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a circle is given by

(x-h)^2 +(y-k)^2 = r^2  where (h,k) is the center and r is the radius

(x- -6)^2 + ( y - -3)^2 = 12^2

(x+6)^2 + ( y +3)^2 = 144


x² + y² + 12x +6y - 99 = 0

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Centre = (-6,-3) Radius = 12 ,

Using the Standard equation of circle ,

( x - h)² + (y-k)² = r² ( x +6)² + (y+3)² = 12² x² + 36 + 12x + y² + 9 + 6y = 144 x² + y² + 12x + 6y +45-144 = 0 x² + y² + 12x +6y - 99 = 0

if x=3√8, find the value of 1/x

plz its urgent



[tex]\frac{1}{x} =\frac{1}{3\sqrt{8} } =\frac{1(\sqrt{8})}{3\sqrt{8}(\sqrt{8})} =\frac{\sqrt{8}}{3*8} =\frac{\sqrt{8}}{24} =\frac{\sqrt{(2)(2)(2)}}{24}=\frac{2\sqrt{2} }{2(12)} =\frac{\sqrt{2} }{12}[/tex]

For each hour he babysits, Anderson earns $1 more than half of Carey's hourly rate. Anderson earns $6 per hour. Which equation can be used to solve for Carey's hourly rate, c? 18 + ?T = 24 What number should be the coefficient of t?



The total earnings of Carey  in t tours is 12 t - 2 .  

Step-by-step explanation:

For each hour he babysits, Anderson earns $1 more than half of Carey's hourly rate. Anderson earns $6 per hour. Which equation can be used to solve for Carey's hourly rate, c? 18 + ?T = 24 What number should be the coefficient of t?

Anderson earns $1 more than half of Carey's hourly rate.

Anderson hourly rate = $ 6

Let Carey's hourly rate is p. Let the time is t hours.

So, Anderson rate is

[tex]6 t = \frac{p t}{2} +1\\\\2\times 6 t = p t + 2 \\\\p t = 12 t - 2[/tex]

Please help with this problem.



( 10 m n^3) ^2

Step-by-step explanation:

100 m^2 n^6

Break into pieces

What number times itself gives 100

10*10 = 100

m*m = m^2

n*n*n*n*n*n = n^6  Breaking into two parts

n^3 * n^3 = n^6

( 10 m n^3) ^2



Step-by-step explanation:

The square root of 100 is 10.

Divide the exponents of [tex]m^2 n^6[/tex] by 2.

You get: [tex]mn^3[/tex]

Put them together and add on the ^2

You get [tex](10mn^3)^2[/tex]

I hope this helps!

Please help :) angles



y = 95

Step-by-step explanation:

The exterior angle is equal to the sum of the opposite interior angles

y+25 = 120

y = 120-25

y = 95

A rectangle prism has length 12 centimeters and width 4 centimeters. If its surface area is 467 square centimeters, what is the height of the prism



11.59 centimeters

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the formula for the surface area of a rectangular prism: A = 2(wl + hl + hw)

Plug in the surface area, length, and width. Then, solve for h:

A = 2(wl + hl + hw)

467 = 2((4)(12) + h(12) + h(4))

467 = 2(48 + 12h + 4h)

467 = 2(48 + 16h)

467 = 96 + 32h

371 = 32h

11.59 = h

So, the height of the prism is approximately 11.59 centimeters

What is 3/4 as a percentage




Step-by-step explanation:

A percent is a value out of 100.

Change the fraction [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] to an equivalent fraction with the denominator equal to 100.

[tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] × [tex]\frac{25}{25}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{75}{100}[/tex]

This fraction represents a percent.

[tex]\frac{75}{100}[/tex] = 75%

please help!!!!!! 50 points!!


Area of first rectangle= 5×2=10units

Area of second rectangle= 3×2= 6 units

Area of third rectangle = 5×2= 10 units


Total area of figure = 10+6+10= 26units✓



Step-by-step explanation:

we want to figure out the area of the composite figure notice that the composite figure contains three rectangles therefore in order to find the area of the composite figure we need find the area of the rectangles first

finding the area of the first & last rectangles:

the first and last rectangles are congruent therefore they will have the same area thus

[tex] \displaystyle A _{ \rm 1)rect} = A _{ \rm 3)rect} = l \times w[/tex]

from the figure we obtain:

[tex]l = 5[/tex][tex]w = 2[/tex]

thus substitute:

[tex] \displaystyle A _{ \rm 1)rect} = A _{ \rm 3)rect} = 5\times 2[/tex]

simplify multiplication:

[tex] \displaystyle A _{ \rm 1)rect} = A _{ \rm 3)rect} = 10[/tex]

finding the area of the middle rectangle:

the middle rectangle has a length and width of 3 and 2 respectively Thus

[tex] \displaystyle A _{ \rm 2)rect} =3 \times 2[/tex]

simplify multiplication:

[tex] \displaystyle A _{ \rm 2)rect} =6[/tex]

finding the area of the composite figure:

[tex] \rm \displaystyle A _{ \rm composite} = A _{ \rm 1)rect} + A _{ \rm 2)rect} + A _{ \rm 3)rect} [/tex]

substitute what we got:

[tex] \rm \displaystyle A _{ \rm composite} = 10 + 6 + 10[/tex]

simplify addition:

[tex] \rm \displaystyle A _{ \rm composite} = \boxed{ 26}[/tex]


the answer is 26 square units

1. The parameter "a": Compare the graphs of several different exponential growth functions in
Mathematica to discover the significance of the parameter "a". Explain in detail what the
parameter "a" tells you about the graph of an exponential growth function.



See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:


The significance of "a" in exponential function

An exponential function is represented as:

[tex]y = ab^x[/tex]

In the above equation, parameter "a" is the initial value of the function

In other words, the value of the function when x = 0

Take for instance;

[tex]y = 2*4^x[/tex]

[tex]a = 2[/tex] because when [tex]x = 0[/tex]

[tex]y = 2 * 4^0[/tex]

[tex]y = 2 * 1[/tex]

[tex]y = 2[/tex]

Another significance of parameter a is that; it is the y-intercept of the geometric function.

Mr. Mancuso plants tomatoes on 1/3 acre of land, corn on 3/4 acre, and carrots on 1/2 acre. On how many acres of land total did he plant?

1 acres

1 acres

1 acres

2 acres



1 7/12 acres of land

Step-by-step explanation:

Tomatoes = 1/3 acre of land

Corn = 3/4 acre of land

Carrots = 1/2 acre of land

Total acres of land he planted = tomatoes + corn + carrots

= 1/3 + 3/4 + 1/2

= (4+9+6) / 12

= 19/12 acres

= 1 7/12 acres of land


= 1.5833333333333 acres

Total acres of land he planted = 1 7/12 acres of land

None of the given options is correct

What are the x-coordinates of the solutions to this system of equations? x2 + y2 = 100 y = x + 2



x = - 8, x = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the 2 equations

x² + y² = 100 → (1)

y = x + 2 → (2)

Substitute y = x + 2 into (1)

x² + (x + 2)² = 100

x² + x² + 4x + 4 = 100

2x² + 4x + 4 = 100 ( subtract 100 from both sides )

2x² + 4x - 96 = 0 ( divide through by 2 )

x² + 2x - 48 = 0 ← in standard form

(x + 8)(x - 6) = 0 ← in factored form

Equate each factor to zero and solve for x

x + 8 = 0 ⇒ x = - 8

x - 6 = 0 ⇒ x = 6

2. En una división el dividendo es 445, el divisor es 32, el cociente es 14 y el resto es 7. ¿Está bien hecha? Compruébalo de dos maneras diferentes



El cálculo no está bien hecho.

el cociente es 13

El resto es 29

Explicación paso a paso:

Dividendo = 445

Divisor = 32

Cociente = 14

Resto = 7

445/32 = 13,90625

El cociente = 13

Resto = (13.90625 - 13) * 32

Resto = 0.90625 * 32

Resto = 29

Por lo tanto, el cálculo no se realiza correctamente ya que el cociente es 13 y el resto es 29

Lines c and d are parallel lines cut by transversal p.

Horizontal and parallel lines c and d are cut by transversal p. On line c where it intersects with line p, 4 angles are formed. Clockwise, from uppercase left, the angles are: 1, 2, 3, 4. On line d where it intersects with line p, 4 angles are formed. Clockwise, from uppercase left, the angles are: 5, 6, 7, 8.
Which must be true by the corresponding angles theorem?
A. ∠1 ≅ ∠7
B. ∠2 ≅ ∠6
C. ∠3 ≅ ∠5
D. ∠5 ≅ ∠7



Option (B).

Step-by-step explanation:

Here there are two parallel lines c and d cuts by a transversal p.

The angles are formed as shown in diagram.


[tex]\angle 1 = \angle 7 (alternate)\\\\\angle 2 = \angle 6 (corresponding)\\\\\angle 3 = \angle 5 (alternate)\\\\\angle 5 = \angle 7 (alternate)[/tex]

So, the option (B) is correct.

find the mean of the following,-6,-10,-4,8,9,-2,5,6.​


[tex]mean = \frac{sum \: of \: all \: observations}{number \: of \: observations} \\ = > mean = \frac{( - 6) + ( - 10) + ( - 4) + 8 + 9 + ( - 2) + 5 + 6}{8} \\ = > mean = \frac{6}{8} \\ = > mean = 0.75[/tex]

This is the answer.

A=131+122+199+204 trả lời cho tớ đi



A=656 trả lời cho tớ đi...

Find the value of DE.



DE = 5

Step-by-step explanation:

The 3 sides of the triangle are congruent , then

DF = EF , that is

[tex]\frac{2}{5}[/tex] a - 15 = [tex]\frac{1}{5}[/tex] a - 5 ( multiply through by 5 to clear the fractions )

2a - 75 = a - 25 ( subtract a from both sides )

a - 75 = - 25 ( add 75 to both sides )

a = 50


DE = EF = [tex]\frac{1}{5}[/tex] × 50 - 5 = 10 - 5 = 5

Yoo plz answer quickly


ooof 2 weeks ago, sorry mate, i want the points doe...

Ethan says that (2x+5)/2 can be reduced to x + 5. Braylon says this is not correct. Who is right and why?


Answer:Braylon is right

Step-by-step explanation:

it is reduced to x+5/2


Braylon is correct, after dividing the numbers given I got _::x+5/2::_

and it cant be simplified more

How many tacos could you buy on a Wednesday with 20 dollars and tacos cost 50. cents



40 tacos

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Determine how many tacos you can buy

Cost of one taco:  $0.50

Money in wallet:  $20

So for every $1 you can buy 2 tacos.  Therefore, 20 * 2 = 40 tacos

Answer:  40 tacos

Answer:40 tacos

Step-by-step explanation: because yeah

In a shipment of airplane parts, 6% are known to be defective. If 42 parts are found to be defective, how many parts are in the shipment?



700 parts

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the total amount of parts in the shipment, all we need to do is divide.

6% = 0.06

42 / 0.06 = 700

Best of Luck!

Somebody give the answer to the question attached please


The above answer is correct

A football was kicked through the air and it followed the path h\left(s\right)=-3s^2+75h(s)=−3s 2 +75 . Let h\left(s\right)h(s) represent the height of the soccer ball after, s, seconds.


Complete question is;

A soccer ball was kicked through the air and it followed the path. Let h(s) = −3s² +75 represent the height of the soccer ball after s seconds.

Find the time at which the soccer ball hits the ground.


s = 5 seconds.

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the function;

h(s) = −3s² +75


h(s) is height at time s

s is the time taken

Now, the time at which the time at which the soccer ball hits the ground would be at h(s) = 0 since height is at 0 point.


−3s² +75 = 0

−3s² = -75

s² = 75/3

s² = 25

s = √25

s = 5 seconds.

What is sin 28°?
O c.



the sin of 28 degree is 28

Step-by-step explanation:

it's the same degree in radians I hope this help

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