mk chưa hiểu nên các bạn giúp mk vs


Answer 1


my tab and state it all over my name to

Related Questions

No down payment, 18 percent / year, payment of $50/month, payment goes first to interest, balance to principal. Write a program that determines the number of months it will take to pay off a $1000 stereo. Write code also outputs the monthly status of the loan.





A __________ search engine focuses on a specific subject.

answer : Specialized



Specialized fr just want point lol


Suppose that TCP's current estimated values for the round trip time (estimatedRTT) and deviation in the RTT (DevRTT) are 350 msec and 10 msec, respectively (see Section 3.5.3 for a discussion of these variables). Suppose that the next three measured values of the RTT are 220 msec, 260 msec, and 390 msec respectively.
(Compute TCP's new value of DevRTT, estimatedRTT, and the TCP timeout value after each of these three measured RTT values is obtained. Use the values of α = 0.125, and β = 0.25. Round your answers to two decimal places after leading zeros.)
What is the estimatedRTT after the first RTT?





I hope it helps choose me the brainest

Discuss and illustrate the operation of the AND, OR, XOR and NOT gate of a Boolean logical operation giving examples of possible outcomes of 0 and 1 as input in a truth set tabular format.



Use below picture as a starting point.

IN C++
A. Create an abstract base class called Currency with two integer attributes, both of which are non-public. The int attributes will represent whole part (or currency note value) and fractional part (or currency coin value) such that 100 fractional parts equals 1 whole part.
B. Create one derived class - Money - with two additional non-public string attributes which will contain the name of the currency note (Dollar) and currency coin (Cent) respectively. DO NOT add these attributes to the base Currency class.
C. In your base Currency class, add public class (C++ students are allowed to use friend methods as long as a corresponding class method is defined as well) methods for the following, where appropriate:
Default Construction (i.e. no parameters passed)
Construction based on parameters for all attributes - create logical objects only, i.e. no negative value objects allowed
Copy Constructor and/or Assignment, as applicable to your programming language of choice
Destructor, as applicable to your programming language of choice
Setters and Getters for all attributes
Adding two objects of the same currency
Subtracting one object from another object of the same currency - the result should be logical, i.e. negative results are not allowed
Comparing two objects of the same currency for equality/inequality
Comparing two objects of the same currency to identify which object is larger or smaller
Print method to print details of a currency object
All of the above should be instance methods and not static.
The add and subtract as specified should manipulate the object on which they are invoked. It is allowed to have overloaded methods that create ane return new objects.
D. In your derived Money class, add new methods or override inherited methods as necessary, taking care that code should not be duplicated or duplication minimized. Think modular and reusable code.
E. Remember -
Do not define methods that take any decimal values as input in either the base or derived classes.
Only the print method(s) in the classes should print anything to console.
Throw String (or equivalent) exceptions from within the classes to ensure that invalid objects cannot be created.
F. In your main:
Declare a primitive array of 5 Currency references (for C++ programmers, array of 5 Currency pointers).
Ask the user for 5 decimal numbers to be input - for each of the inputs you will create one Money object to be stored in the array.
Once the array is filled, perform the following five operations:
Print the contents of the array of objects created in long form, i.e. if the user entered "2.85" for the first value, it should be printed as "2 Dollar 85 Cent".
Add the first Money object to the second and print the resulting value in long form as above.
Subtract the first Money object from the third and print the resulting value in long form as above.
Compare the first Money object to the fourth and print whether both objects are equal or not using long form for object values.
Compare the first Money object to the fifth and print which object value is greater than the other object value in long form.
All operations in the main should be performed on Currency objects demonstrating polymorphism.
Remember to handle exceptions appropriately.
There is no sample output - you are allowed to provide user interactivity as you see fit.



I only do Design and Technology

sorry don't understand.

I have a Dell laptop and last night it said that it needed to repair it self and asked me to restart it. So I did but every time I turn it on it shuts itself down. I had a problem exactly like this before with my old computer, was not a Dell though, and I ended up having to have it recycled. This computer I have now is pretty new and I really don't want to have to buy a new computer. What should I do to fix this problem? Please help, I'm a college student almost ready to graduate and all of my classes are online. I'm starting to panic. Thanks for helping me figure this situation out.


The same thing happened with my HP laptop but my dad refresh the laptop before restating it worked

What is the SQL command to list the total sales by customer and by product, with subtotals by customer and a grand total for all product sales



Please find the complete query and question in the attached file.


In this query, we use the select command in which we select the column that is "CUS_CODE, P_CODE" with the sum method that multiples the  "SALE_UNITS * SALE_PRICE" values and use them as and group by the clause that stores all the values in the column  that are "CUS_CODE, P_CODE WITH ROLLUP".

Write a program named Use NumPy to generate a random number between 1 and 100. Accept int input and ask user to guess number. Inform if high or low. Exit when entered number correct. Tell user how many tries it took to guess number.



download the .txt file and change the file name to then run it in a python interpreter. I used Python 3.9.6 for this project and I used Visual Studio Code as my IDE.


The code has comments that tell you what is happening.

I hope this helped :) If it didn't please let me know what went wrong so I can fix it.

In a program named Use NumPy to generate a random number between 1 and 100. Accept int input and ask the user to guess the number.

What are programming used for?

The motive of programming is to discover a series of commands with the intention to automate the overall performance of a task (which may be as complicated as a running system) on a computer, regularly for fixing a given problem.

Import NumPy as np def main(): # Random variety Random Number = np.random.randint(1, 100) # A begin variable Start = Try.# This value is the handiest used to decide if the person has been known that the fee is excessive or low   High Or Low Message Displayed Already = False # Amount of guesses that the person were given incorrectly. Guess Gotten Wrong 0 # The general quantity of guess AmountOfGuesses = 0 # Beginning of some time loop in order to maintain the software jogging till the person guesses the random variety print("The fee is excessive") High Or Low Message DisplayedAlready = True Elif RandomNumber <= forty nine and High OrLow MessageDisplayedAlready == False:

           print("The fee is low")

           High Or Low Message Displayed Already = True.

AmountOfGuesses += print("Wrong! You have gotten " + str(GuessGottenWrong) + " guesses incorrect. main()

Read more about the program :


What are the advantages of using a database management system (DBMS) over using file-based data storage?



Advantage of DBMS over file system

No redundant data: Redundancy removed by data normalization. No data duplication saves storage and improves access time.

Data Consistency and Integrity: As we discussed earlier the root cause of data inconsistency is data redundancy, since data normalization takes care of the data redundancy, data inconsistency also been taken care of as part of it

Data Security: It is easier to apply access constraints in database systems so that only authorized user is able to access the data. Each user has a different set of access thus data is secured from the issues such as identity theft, data leaks and misuse of data.

Privacy: Limited access means privacy of data.

Easy access to data – Database systems manages data in such a way so that the data is easily accessible with fast response times.

Easy recovery: Since database systems keeps the backup of data, it is easier to do a full recovery of data in case of a failure.

Flexible: Database systems are more flexible than file processing systems

Suppose that a disk unit has the following parameters: seek time s = 20 msec; rotational delay rd = 10 msec; block transfer time btt = 1 msec; block size B = 2400 bytes; interblock gap size G = 600 bytes. An EMPLOYEE file has the following fields: Ssn, 9 bytes; Last_name, 20 bytes; First_name, 20 bytes; Middle_init, 1 byte; Birth_date, 10 bytes; Address, 35 bytes; Phone, 12 bytes; Supervisor_ssn, 9 bytes; Department, 4 bytes; Job_code, 4 bytes; deletion marker, 1 byte. The EMPLOYEE file has r = 30,000 records, fixed-length format, and unspanned blocking.





I hope it helps choose me the brainst

Write the correct statements for the above logic and syntax errors in program below.

using namespace std;
void main()
int count = 0, count1 = 0, count2 = 0, count3 = 0;
mark = -9;
while (mark != -9)
cout << "insert marks of students in your class, enter -9 to stop entering";
cin >> mark;

if (mark >= 0 && mark <= 60);
count1 = count1 + 1;
else if (mark >= 61 && mark <= 70);
count2 = count2 + 1;
else if (mark >= 71 && mark <= 100);
count3 = count3 + 1;
cout <<"Report of MTS3013 course" << endl;
cout <<"Mark" << count << endl << endl;
cout << "0-60" << "\t\t\t\t" << count1 << endl;
cout << "61-70" << "\t\t\t\t" << count2 << endl;
cout << "71-100" << "\t\t\t\t" << count3 << endl<< endl << endl;
cout << "End of program";


Mark is gonna be the answer for question 1

In tabular form differentiate the first four generations of computers.


Learn about each of the 5 generations of computers and major technology developments that have led to the computing devices that we use today.

5 Generations of Computer - Logo for the Webopedia Study Guide.The history of computer development is a computer science topic that is often used to reference the different generations of computing devices. Each one of the five generations of computers is characterized by a major technological development that fundamentally changed the way computers

Write a function gcdRecur(a, b) that implements this idea recursively. This function takes in two positive integers and returns one integer.
''def gcdRecur(a, b):
a, b: positive integers
returns: a positive integer, the greatest common divisor of a & b.
# Your code here
if b == 0:
return a
return gcdRecur(b, a%b)
#Test Code
gcdRecur(88, 96)
gcdRecur(143, 78)
© 2021 GitHub, Inc.


Answer & Explanation:

The program you added to the question is correct, and it works fine; It only needs to be properly formatted.

So, the only thing I did to this solution is to re-write the program in your question properly.

def gcdRecur(a, b):

   if b == 0:

       return a


       return gcdRecur(b, a%b)

gcdRecur(88, 96)

gcdRecur(143, 78)

How has Linux affected the market for proprietary software?​



Linux is an operating system made up of free software, which can be installed and run on a wide variety of computer systems, from small devices such as mobile phones to large computer systems and supercomputers.

Linux is often offered to the user in various Linux distributions. A characteristic of the distributions is the great possibility of customization and selection that they offer since each one is aimed at a different type of user. Depending on the philosophy, each distribution can provide a greater foundation for ease of use, multimedia applications, ease of configuration, system simplicity, only free software, low resource requirements, and more.

Because of its low cost, high configurability and availability on various platforms, Linux is becoming increasingly popular not only among specialized users, but also among domestic users.

Identify some advantages of using Excel over lists, paper files, or simple word documents? Describe some disadvantages of using Excel over lists, paper files, or simple word documents? Summarize one thing in you home life that could be improved or more easily managed using Excel?​



Excel is a software program that contains spreadsheet. Spreadsheet is an electric document that works numbers and display results in graphs. There are vertical columns and horizontal rows.

they are several advantages of excel which is;

Excel is very efficient to use, especially when you have to calculate your data, it's not hard to calculate the computer itself calculates it for you.

they are also disadvantages of excel which is;

some users might get a little bit problem when you send Microsoft Excel, here is one sometimes the spreadsheet are difficult to share internally.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of connection-oriented WAN/Man as opposed to connection-less?


Answer and Explanation:

Connection oriented WAN/MAN as opposed to connection less network is a type of wide area network that requires communicating entities in the network to establish a dedicated connection for their communication before they start communicating. This type of network will use these established network layers only till they release it, typical of telephone networks.

Advantages include:

Connection is reliable and long.

Eliminates duplicate data issues.

Disadvantages include:

Resource allocation while establishing dedicated connection slows down speed and may not fully utilize network resources.

There are no plan B's for network congestion issues, albeit occurring rarely with this type of network.

Fictional Corp has a DNS server running within its VPC. It has decided to move one of the application servers to a different VPC. Which of the following is a step that the cloud administrator needs to perform as part of the move?
a. Migrate to an external DNS solution
b. Create a new VPC that will serve DNS needs for multiple other VPCs
c. Discontinue using DNS
d. Remove the DNS entries within the VPC that are no longer relevant



Here the correct option is option b Create a new VPC that will serve DNS needs for multiple other VPCs.


Fictional Corp has a DNS server running within its VPC. It has decided to move one of the application servers to a different VPC. It's not possible to maneuver an existing instance to a different subnet or VPC. Instead, you'll manually migrate the instance by creating a new VPC Image from the source instance.  

b. Create a new VPC that will serve DNS needs for multiple other VPCs

convert 198 / 61 to ratio​


I think the answer is


I'm not sure

Kareem is working on a project for his manager. He has a few questions for a co-worker who he knows is knowledgeable on the subject. As they're discussing some of the topics, he gives the co-worker permissions to the resources so they can look at the information on their own. Which of the following access control methods does Kareem's company use?

a. DAC
c. MAC


Answer: RBAC


The access control methods that Kareem's company uses us the role based access control.

The Role-based access control (RBAC) simply means assigning permissions to users based on the role that such individual plays within an organization.

RBAC is a simple approach to access management and is typically less prone to error than in a scenario whereby permissions are assigned to users individually. Access rights are given to the workers based on what their job entails and what is needed and other information which isn't needed won't be accessible to them.

Scenario You are a network engineer and it is your first day working with ASU and you have been given the job of creating a network for the IT program. You are given the following three tasks to complete. 1. Configure IP addressing settings on network devices. 2. Perform basic device configuration tasks on a router. 3. Verify Layer 3 connectivity via a routing protocol. 4. Setup some access control lists.


B because one cause…………………

Select the correct answer.
What testing approach does a development team use when testing the developed code rather than just the functionality of the code?
white box testing
black box testing
acceptance testing
usability testing



D. usability testing


A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer how to perform a specific task and to solve a particular problem.

A software development life cycle (SDLC) can be defined as a strategic process or methodology that defines the key steps or stages for creating and implementing high quality software applications. There are seven (7) main stages in the creation of a software and these are;

1. Planning.

2. Analysis and requirements.

3. Software design and prototyping.

4. Development (coding).

5. Integration and testing

6. Deployment.

7. Operations and maintenance.

Usability testing is a testing technique used by a software development team to test a developed code rather than just the functionality of the code.

The main purpose of usability (user experience) testing is to determine how easy, user-friendly or difficult it is for end users (real people) to use a software application or program.

User-Defined Functions: Miles to track lapsOne lap around a standard high-school running track is exactly 0.25 miles. Define a function named MilesToLaps that takes a float as a parameter, representing the number of miles, and returns a float that represents the number of laps.Then, write a main program that takes a number of miles as an input, calls function MilesToLaps() to calculate the number of laps, and outputs the number of laps. Ex: If the inout is 1.5the output is 6.0 Ex: If the input is 2.2the output is 8.8 Your program should define and call a function Function Miles ToLaps(float userMiles) returns float userLaps 12 // Deine Milestola hert. 34 // Deine Minhert. Your code ust call llestola 5




The following is written in Java. The MilesToLaps method creates a variable called laps and gives it the value of the input parameter miles divided by 0.25. Then it returns the variable laps to the user. In the main method a Scanner object was created and asks the user for the number of miles which are passed to the MilesToLaps method which returns the number of laps. This can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("How many miles?");

       float miles = in.nextFloat();

      System.out.println("This is " + MilesToLaps(miles) + " laps");


   public static float MilesToLaps(float miles) {

       float laps = (float) (miles / 0.25);

       return laps;



Use the Internet to research external storage devices. Find at least three devices, with a minimum storage size of 1 terabyte (TB), from three different manufacturers. Write a paragraph, IN YOUR WORDS, for each device explaining the features and benefits. Provide the retail cost and include a reference link to each device. Next, write


Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. However, I provided suggestions on getting the desired information.


Considering the fact that you are required to find information about not just the cost, but also the features and benefits of three storage devices having a minimum storage size of 1 terabyte, it is recommended that you check this on a reputable e-commerce site (eg Amazon).

There you could find information about their features and benefits, as well as customer feedback about their experience using these devices.

There is an interface I that has abstract class AC as its subclass. Class C inherits AC. We know that C delegates to an object of D to perform some computations. Besides, C consists of two C1s and one C2 as subcomponents. Object of C2 is still reusable when its major component C is depleted. C1 has a method that takes in an object of E as argument. Which one is invalid



are u in HS or college work

I am trying to understand

Select the correct statement(s) regarding PONS. a. only MMF cables can be used, since MMF enables greater data capacities compared to SMF b. PONS systems require active amplifiers, since high frequency signals attenuate quickly over distance c. PONS systems use passive devices between OLT and ONT d. all are correct statements



The correct statement regarding PONS is:

c. PONS systems use passive devices between OLT and ONT


PON means Passive Optical Network. Based on fiber-optic telecommunications technology, PON is used to deliver broadband network access to individual end-customers.  It enables a single fiber from a service provider to maintain an efficient broadband connection for multiple end-users (homes and small businesses).  OLT means Optical Line Terminal, while ONT means Optical Network Terminal.  They provide access to the PON.

In which generation of computers are we in?​


It should be the Sixth generation

which animal is the computer to store data information and instruction ​



human is the answwr of the quest

It's currently 1:00 in the afternoon. You want to schedule the myapp program to run automatically tomorrow at noon (12:00). What two at commands could you use



at 12 pm tomorrow

at now +23 hours


The at command could be used in the command line to perform a scheduled command in Unix related systems. The at command coule be ua d to program a complex script or used to perform simple scheduled reminders.

The at command is initiated by first writing the at string followed by the condition or statement to be performed.

Currently (1:00 pm) ; To make a schedule for 12pm then that will be at noon the following day:

at 12:00 pm tomorrow

Or :

Using the number of hours between the current tone and the schedule time : 12 pm tomorrow - 1:00 pm today is a difference of 23 hours ;

Hence, it can be written as :

at +23 hours

Consider a system with seven processes: E, F, G, H, I, J, K and six resources: U, V, W, X, Y, Z. Process E holds U and wants V. Process F holds nothing but wants W. Process G holds nothing but wants V. Process H holds X and wants V and W. Process I holds W and wants Y. Process J holds Z and wants V. Process K holds Y and wants X. Is this system deadlocked?

a. Yes
b. No



a. Yes


System is deadlock due to process HIK. Process H holds X and wants V and W. Process I holds W and wants Y. Process K holds Y and wants X. The system will become deadlock due to these three different processes.

what is example of application of machine learning that can be imposed in eduction. (except brainly.)



Machine Learning Examples

Recommendation Engines (Netflix)

Sorting, tagging and categorizing photos (Yelp)

Self-Driving Cars (Waymo)

Education (Duolingo)

Customer Lifetime Value (Asos)

Patient Sickness Predictions (KenSci)

Determining Credit Worthiness (Deserve)

Targeted Emails (Optimail)

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