Module 05 What is the definition of metabolism? The breaking down of body compounds is known as what? True or False: Amino acids becoming protein is an anabolic reaction. What is the sugar that helps make up ATP? From which B vitamin is CoA, or coenzyme A, derived? What are the features/characteristics of aerobic metabolism? For short, intense exercise, which energy-producing pathway does the body rely on most? Anaerobic means ________. When a person performing intense physical exercise begins to feel fatigue and a burning pain in the muscles, the muscles respond by synthesizing more of what substance? (Lactate vs. glucose vs. fatty acids?) True or False: Low carbohydrate diets induce ketosis An individual is described as ________ when they have the endurance to engage in daily activities, as well enough reserve energy to handle added challenges. A minimum of ______ minutes at a time of aerobic physical activity is recommended per activity session. ________ refers to an increase to the size and strength of muscles in response to use. True or False: Putting a demand on muscles repeatedly by making them work harder is the most effective, safe way for athletes to add muscle tissue. According to ACSM guidelines, resistance or strength exercise should be incorporated on ________ per week. An athlete getting ready to compete in the 100-meter dash will rely primarily on what substance for quick energy in this event? (Fats vs. lactate vs. creatine phosphate?) The body’s primary source of glucose during physical activity is ________. True or False: With regards to the energy systems and fuels used by the body, all energy systems are used at all times, but one system which dominates depending on intensity and conditioning of athlete. What type of diet does research suggest can provide endurance athletes with ability to go longer without fatigue? ________ are the dietary nutrients most effective at raising muscle glycogen concentrations. Activities lasting longer than 20 minutes will gradually start using more ________ for fuel and less ________. True or False: Consuming a sports beverage to obtain carbohydrates is recommended during exhausting endurance activities lasting more than 1 hour. The phenomenon known as "hitting the wall" occurs in athletes when ________ is depleted. It’s recommended that an athlete


Answer 1

The definition of metabolism is option A: breaking down of body compounds is known as catabolism

Amino acids becoming protein is an anabolic reaction is true

The sugar that helps make up ATP from which B vitamin is CoA, or coenzyme A, derived is Pantothenic acid.

Is the breakdown of protein anabolic?

In the ribosomes of a cell, amino acids, smaller molecules, are converted into proteins. Each protein is made up of a chain with a unique arrangement of amino acids. Protein synthesis is anabolic because proteins are constructed from smaller molecules to create larger ones.

Anabolic processes are used to assemble amino acids into proteins. Molecules are broken down into smaller pieces or converted into energy through catabolic processes. Since amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, the process of turning amino acids into proteins is known as anabolism.

Therefore, Another water-soluble vitamin called pantothenic acid creates coenzyme A, the primary transporter of carbon molecules inside of cells. For glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids to enter the citric acid cycle, acetyl-CoA serves as the carbon carrier.

Learn more about catabolism from

Related Questions

Which of the following, if true, would most challenge the researchers' conclusions regarding the identity of the genetic material involved in the experiment? (P and S were radiolabeled)
A. Transfer of DNA between phage and bacteria did not occur immediately following insertion of the virus.
B. No 32P was identified in the genetic material of infected step 3 bacteria following bacterial lysis and release of phage virions.
C. 35S-containing coat fragments from phage progeny adsorb to bacteria, although the fragments contain no DNA.
D. Protein which happened not to pick up the 35S label entered the cell from the phage.


No 32P was identified in the genetic material of infected step 3 bacteria following bacterial lysis and release of phage virions is  the following, if true, would most challenge the researchers' conclusions regarding the identity of the genetic material involved in the experiment.

This answer would challenge the researchers' conclusions regarding the identity of the genetic material involved in the experiment, because 32P was radiolabeled and should have been present in the genetic material. If no 32P was identified, then the researchers would have to reconsider the identity of the genetic material involved in the experiment.

Genetic material is the genetic information found in the cells of an organism. It is made up of DNA and RNA molecules, which carry the instructions needed for the organism to grow and develop. Genetic material is passed from parent to offspring, and it determines the characteristics of the offspring. Changes in the genetic material can result in different traits in the offspring, or even new species.

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the molecule that stores genetic information in all living things. It is composed of two strands of nucleotides twisted into a double helix. Each nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a five-carbon sugar, and a phosphate group. The four nitrogenous bases found in DNA are adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C). The sequence of these bases forms a code that carries instructions for the cell’s growth and development.

RNA (Ribonucleic acid) is a single-stranded molecule that is similar to DNA. It is composed of nucleotides with three nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), and uracil (U), and a sugar called ribose. RNA is involved in the production of proteins, and it is often referred to as the “messenger” molecule because it transfers genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where proteins are made. Unlike DNA, RNA is not double-stranded and can exist as single strands.

To learn more about genetic material:


Use the diagram to answer each question.

How do volcanoes form at B?


Volcanoes are formed at the point B as a result of stress cracks due to pressure edges between the two plates and the hot spot in the Earth's mantle.

How does Volcanoes form?

Volcanoes generally form by three ways which are constructive plate boundaries, destructive plate boundaries, and hot spots. The magma in the Earth rises from the hot spots and erupts in the form of lava through the cracks in the Earth's surface which forms volcano. As a plate moves slowly across a hot spot on the Earth's crust, a chain of volcanoes or volcanic islands can form.

The Point B in the diagram represents a boundary between the two tectonic plates because stress cracks form at the pressure edges of the two plates. The volcanoes are formed due to the existence of a hot spot in the Earth's mantle, whereby heat starts to escape. This case is generally visible on the island of Hawaii.

Learn more about Volcanoes here:


The endocrine system regulates physiological processes through the binding of hormones to ______ on target cells. Receptors.


The correct answer is Receptors.The endocrine system regulates physiological processes through the binding of hormones.

Hormones are used by the endocrine system to regulate bodily processes. Hormones control a variety of internal processes, including metabolism, growth, sexual development, and labour induction. They go through the circulation, attach to certain cells, and modify the way that various tissues and organs operate. Hypothalamus: Your brain has a gland that regulates your endocrine system. It makes decisions about when to signal other glands, such as the pituitary gland, to release hormones based on input from your brain system. The hormones are released from the carrier protein at the target cell and diffuse through the lipid bilayer of the cell's plasma membrane. The target cell's plasma membrane allows steroid hormones to enter and stick to intracellular receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus.

To learn more about Receptors click the link below:


Most stormwater features such as bioswales, rain gardens, or porous paving have two goals: cleansing and infiltration. A) True B) False.


The answer is True. Most stormwater features such as bioswales, rain gardens, or porous paving have two goals: cleansing and infiltration.

Infiltration describes the more extensive distribution or deposition of foreign substances within a tissue or cell. The term "infiltrate" describes a material that has gathered inside particular tissues or cells. The invasion of cancer cells into the underlying matrix or blood vessels as a result of a disease process is referred to as infiltration. The accumulation of amyloid protein is another meaning of the phrase. In response to cytokines from the blood, white blood cells move during leukocyte extravasation, a process known as chemotaxis, often in the same direction as a chemical gradient, into the diseased or infected tissues.

To learn more about Infiltration click on the given link:


What happens to the molecules in a gas as it is cooled inside o jar



The molecules move more slowly when the given sealed jar of gas is cooled. This happens due to the fact that gaseous particles come closer to each other when the temperature is decreased (on cooling). The number of collisions also decreases upon cooling.


Papez’s circuit provides a model of the relationships of different regions in the limbic system involved in:Facial expressionAutonomic response specificityEmotional expressionThe neural control of violence


Such facial expressions are linked to physiological reactions in the autonomic nervous system, which could exhibit various patterns depending on the variety of facial expressions and the emotions they convey (Ekman, Levenson, & Friesen, 1983).

A subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioural or expressive response are the three parts of an emotional experience. Six primary emotions—fear, anger, pleasure, sorrow, contempt, disgust, and surprise—were adopted by Ekman instead of the seven he originally recommended. The cognitive component is in charge of analysing and interpreting feelings. The bodily changes that come along with emotion are caused by the physiological component. The behavioural element is also in charge of the emotions displayed through body language, vocal expressions, and face and facial expressions. People can have four different sorts of affective reactions: emotions, particular feelings, moods, and assessments, which can be good or negative and weigh the benefits and negatives. The degree of physical arousal or the intensity with which those two forms of impact are experienced varies.

To learn more about  facial expressions click the link below:


Which of the following does NOT tend to promote speciation? a. founder effect b. reproductive isolation e natural selection d. gene flow


Gene flow among these won't lead to association, therefore. Gene flow is the right response, so.

The Correct Answer is Option D.

What is Gene Flow?Any movement of people from one group to another—also known as migration—and/or the genetic material they carry is referred to as gene flow. Pollen being carried to a new location by the wind or individuals relocating to new cities or nations are just a few examples of the many different types of events that contribute to gene flow. Gene flow can be a major source of genetic variation if genetic variants are transferred to a population where they previously were not present. A beetle transports the gene variant for brown coloration from one group to another in the illustration below.Gene flow has significantly altered the genetic variety in contemporary human groups. For instance, using ancient DNA sequencing, scientists were able to rebuild the entire Neanderthal genome. They also discovered that many of these ancient sequence snippets still exist in modern people. It is undeniable that early humans interbred with Neanderthals, and that this genetic diversity was transmitted to the human population. The current us appears to be influenced by this old gene flow, too. Neanderthal gene variants have been connected to skin color, immunological and metabolic processes (which can affect one's chance of acquiring diabetes), and even metabolic processes.

To Learn more About Gene flow refer to:


3. Trace the pattern of blood flow in the kidneys starting with the abdominal aorta and ending at the inferior vena cava. Hint there are 14 structures in total. (8 points)


The structures of the pattern of blood flow in the kidneys starting with the abdominal aorta and ending at the inferior vena cava are:

1. Abdominal aorta

2. Renal artery

3. Segmental artery

4. Interlobar artery

5. Arcuate artery

6. Interlobular artery

7. Afferent arteriole

8. Glomerulus

9. Efferent arteriole

10. Peritubular capillaries

11. Venule

12. Interlobular vein

13. Arcuate vein

14. Interlobar vein

15. Renal vein

16. Inferior vena cava

The pattern of blood flow in the kidneys starts with the abdominal aorta, which supplies the renal arteries to the kidneys. The renal arteries then branch into segmental branches, which further divide into interlobar arteries. The interlobar arteries then divide into arcuate arteries, which divide into afferent arterioles. The afferent arterioles enter the glomerulus, which is part of the nephron, and supply blood to the glomerular capillaries. The glomerular capillaries are then drained by the efferent arteriole, which carries blood away from the glomerulus. The efferent arteriole then divides into interlobular arteries, which divide into arcuate veins. The arcuate veins then converge to form the interlobar veins, which converge to form the renal vein. The renal vein then empties into the inferior vena cava, completing the pattern of blood flow in the kidneys.

1. The abdominal aorta is a large artery that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the kidneys.

2. The renal arteries branch off from the abdominal aorta and carry blood to the kidneys.

3. The renal arteries divide into segmental arteries, which enter the kidneys and supply the renal cortex and medulla.

4. The segmental arteries divide into interlobar arteries, which run between the renal pyramids.

5. The interlobar arteries divide into arcuate arteries, which run along the corticomedullary junction.

6. The arcuate arteries divide into interlobular arteries, which supply the renal cortex.

7. The interlobular arteries divide into afferent arterioles, which enter the glomerulus in the renal corpuscle.

8. The afferent arterioles carry blood to the glomerulus and leave as efferent arterioles.

9. The efferent arterioles leave the glomerulus and enter the peritubular capillaries.

10. Theabdominal aorta surround the renal tubules and carry the blood away from the glomerulus.

To learn more about abdominal aorta:

If a cell has 8 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each of its dauchter cells have after evtokinesis?


Answer: Also 8


Okay, so the parent cell has eight chrome zone chromosomes. Therefore each daughter cell will also have eight chromosomes because of mitosis.

Answer: 8 daughter cells


Each daughter cell will have 8 chromosomes. That is correct. By the end of mitosis, there are two daughter cells. Each daughter cell will have the same amount of genetic material as the parent – 8 chromosomes.

Which structure is highlighted? a) basilar membrane b) spiral ganglion c) tectorial membrane d) outer hair cells e) vestibular membrane


The correct answer is c) tectorial membrane structure is highlighted.

The basilar membrane is a long membrane that is tuned so that high tones shake the area close to the base and low tones vibrate the area close to the apex. The organ of Corti, which consists of a collection of hair cells with stereocilia that... The Organ of Corti is a structure made up of the basilar membrane, hair cells/cilia, and tectorial membrane. Endolymph surrounds this entire structure (the fluid found deep within the ear). The brain receives a sound-detection signal from the hair cells as a result of this movement.

To learn more about tectorial membrane click the link below:


Marijuana is an accepted medical treatment for the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapies.


Numerous small studies have demonstrated that smoking marijuana helps to reduce nausea and vomiting brought on by cancer chemotherapy.

Several studies have shown that marijuana can be smoked or vaporized to reduce neuropathic pain (pain caused by damaged nerves).

Marijuana use enhances food intake in HIV patients, according to studies. There are no studies on the effects of hemp or marijuana oil on people. Studies have long shown that patients who ingested marijuana extracts during clinical trials tended to use painkillers less frequently.

More recently, scientists found that THC and other cannabinoids like CBD destroyed or reduced the growth of several cancer cells growing in test dishes. According to several animal studies, some cannabinoids may inhibit the growth and spread of various malignancies. There have been preliminary clinical trials using cannabis to treat human cancer, and additional studies will likely follow.

Learn more about " marijuana " to visit here;


Which of the following contains tracts that connect the cerebellum to a greater variety of other brain regions than do the others?A: middle cerebellar peduncleB: vermisC: inferior cerebellar peduncleD: arbor vitae


Inferior cerebellar peduncle contains the tracts that connect the cerebellum to a greater variety of other brain regions.

The inferior cerebellar peduncles are connected structures comprising essential white matter fiber tracts that also connect the cerebellum to the medulla.

There are four afferent tracts (posterior spinocerebellar, vestibulocerebellar, olivocerebellar, and reticulocerebellar) and one efferent tract in the inferior cerebellar peduncle (the cerebellovestibular tract). The middle cerebellar peduncle is the widest and consists of only pontine nucleus afferent fibers.

The inferior cerebellar peduncle (ICP) is a significant neural tract in the cerebellum and is associated with the synchronization of motion and reflexes; consequently, ICP damage can be associated with poor coordination of mobility, including ataxia.

For more information on inferior cerebellar peduncle (ICP), visit :


the development of gender identity proceeds in several steps or phases. select the developmental steps that are listed in the correct sequence, from youngest to oldest.


The development of gender identity proceeds in several steps or phases. Gender awareness, Gender constancy, Gender identity commitment  is the correct sequence from youngest to oldest.

Gender identity and the assigned sex at birth are two distinct concepts. Usually, the sex assigned at birth is determined by the external genital anatomy. The internal sense of being male, female, or a gender along the male-female continuum, however, is known as gender identity. Gender expression is a way that people let other people know their gender. This can be accomplished through dress, hairstyles, and behaviors.

Sexual orientation and gender identity do not develop simultaneously. Whom a person is physically, emotionally, and romantically attracted to is tied to their sexual orientation. Gender-specific actions and expressions include: Particular bathroom habits, like a girl who insists on standing up to urinate, a dislike of donning the birth-sex-designated bathing suit for the child, a fondness for the undergarments that a different sex wear and an intense desire to play with devices that are usually reserved for another sex.

To know more about Gender visit:


4. A rocky object falls into an elliptical orbit of the sun from the Kuiper belt. As it circles closer to the sun, some materials start to jet out and are pushed away from the sun. It is flung out further away and loses its tail before losing velocity, and beginning to fall again towards the sun. Is it a comet or an asteroid, and why does this tail appear behind it?


Answer: its an asteroid asteroids are made of things like different types of rocks and metal while comets are made of ice and dust


Which of the following statements best summarizes the function of G protein-coupled receptors?A signal present on the outside of the cell leads to a change on the inside of the cell.


The correct option is B ; , A signal present on the outside of the cell leads to a change on the inside of the cell. G-protein coupled receptors transmit signals via heterotrimeric G-proteins.

These G-proteins are made up of three subunits (alpha, beta, gamma) of which only the alpha subunit binds guanine nucleotides. regulate the "state" of the G-protein by raising the rate of GTP hydrolysis. Inactivation of the drive.

Receptors are usually transmembrane proteins that bind to signaling molecules outside the cell and then convey the signal to internal signaling pathways via a series of molecular switches.

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in the perception of vision, smell, taste, and pain. They are also important in cell identification and communication activities, making them a popular pharmacological target superfamily.

Learn more about to  G-protein visit here;


Full Question ;

Which of the following statements best summarizes the function of G protein-coupled receptors?

Choice A., A G protein present on the outside of the cell leads to a change on the inside of the cell.

Choice B., A signal present on the outside of the cell leads to a change on the inside of the cell.

Choice C., A signal molecule on the outside of the cell is transported to the inside of the cell.

Choice D., A GTP molecule is bound to the receptor, which causes a conformational change inside the cell.

The _________________ of probability tells that to determine the chances of independent events, such as the likelihood of inheriting a certain allele, probabilities are multiplied.
Choose matching definition
a. segregation
b. easy to grow, had a shortgeneration time, and produced multiple offspring.
c. product rule
d. sum rule


Segregation is the answer. According to the segregation of probability, probabilities are multiplied in order to calculate the chances of independent events, such as the possibility of inheriting a specific allele.

The Principle of Segregation explains how reproductive cells are divided into pairs of gene variants. Gregor Mendel made the first observation of the segregation of alleles, or gene variants, and the traits they are associated with, in 1865. Mendel conducted mating crosses on pea plants while researching genetics. Genes exist in several forms or alleles. A single gene copy is randomly selected in each gamete that an organism produces. The segregation law is what is known as this.

As a result, segregation is the solution. The segregation of probability states that probabilities are multiplied to determine the likelihood of independent events, such as the potential for inheriting a certain gene.

Learn more about the segregation of alleles here:


which arrow denotes the domain of tfiib that facilitates the transition from the closed to open promoter complex?


The arrow that denotes the domain of transcription that facilitates the transition from the closed to open promoter complex is the Promoter Open Complex (POC).

POC is the first step of transcription initiation in which the promoter region of a gene is opened up to allow the binding of the RNA Polymerase enzyme. The POC is formed when the transcription factor proteins bind to the promoter region of the gene and recruit the RNA Polymerase enzyme to the promoter. The transcription factor proteins are responsible for forming the POC by unwinding the DNA and creating an open promoter region where the RNA Polymerase can bind and initiate transcription. This process of opening the promoter region to initiate transcription is essential for gene transcription, and without it, the gene will not be expressed.

Learn more about Promoter Open Complex (POC) here:


an experiment was set up so that each test tube contained water at a ph of 6.3 and a ph indicator. test tubes 1 and 2 also contained a common pond autotroph. carbon dioxide dissolves in water and forms carbonic acid. after three days the four test tubes were found to have these results.


This experiment is a demonstration of the effects of carbon dioxide on the pH of water. Test tube 1 and 2 contained a common pond autotroph, while test tubes 3 and 4 did not.

By introducing a carbon dioxide source, such as the autotroph, it was possible to observe the effect of an increase in carbon dioxide in the water on the pH of the water.

The results of this experiment show that the presence of the autotroph in test tubes 1 and 2 influenced the pH of the water in those test tubes. Test tubes 1 and 2 both had a pH of 7.1 after three days, while test tubes 3 and 4 had a pH of 6.3. This indicates that the autotroph was able to produce carbon dioxide, which dissolved in the water and caused the pH to rise.

This experiment illustrates the importance of carbon dioxide in the aquatic environment. Carbon dioxide is a major component of the carbon cycle, which is responsible for all the life sustaining processes on Earth. By introducing a carbon dioxide source, such as an autotroph, into the water it is possible to observe the effects of carbon dioxide on the aquatic environment.

Learn more about autotroph at :


because of poverty, unemployment, and overcrowding, residents of impoverished areas are especially likely to experience


because of poverty, unemployment, and overcrowding, residents of impoverished areas are especially likely to experience hypertension.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is characterized by blood pressure that is abnormally high. Your blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day as a result of your activities. Having blood pressure readings that are consistently higher than normal may lead to an assessment of high blood pressure (or hypertension).

In the past few decades impoverished areas have indeed been experiencing a significant transition toward raised blood pressure or hypertension only a few have their blood pressure managed.

This rising burden broadens the inequality gap, makes a significant contribution to massive economic hardships for patients and caregivers, and raises costs for the health system, which is already dealing with issues like low health care professional ratios and a lack of access to medicines. Unhealthy diet (high salt and low fruit and vegetable intake) is an established risk factor for hypertension. Emerging risk factors for hypertension entail pollution (air, water, noise, and light), urbanization, and a reduction in green space. Risk factors that necessitate further in-depth research are low birth weight and social and economic determinants of health.

For more information on Hypertension, visit :


Facilitated diffusion via channels and carrier proteins The majority of solutes that diffuse across the plasma membrane cannot move directly through the lipid bilayer. The passive movement of such solutes (down their concentration gradients without the input of cellular energy) requires the presence of specific transport proteins, either channels or carrier proteins. Diffusion through a transport protein in the plasma membrane is called facilitated diffusion. outside cell Facilitated diffusion across the plasma membrane channel protein carrier protein inside cell Adapted from Biology by Campbell and Reece © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. Sort the phrases into the appropriate bins depending on whether they are true only for channels, true only for carrier proteins, or true for both channels and carriers. transport solutes down a concentration or electrochemical gradient undergo a change in shape to transport solutes across the membrane provide a hydrophilic path across the membrane provide a continuous path across the membrane allow water molecules and small ions to flow quickly across the membrane transport primarily small polar organic molecules are integral membrane proteins only channels only carriers both channels and carriers


The concept of facilated diffusion is highlighted in general. It occur down the concentration gradient without energy expenditure.

Diffusion that is assisted (facilitated) by a membrane transport channel is referred to as facilitated diffusion. These pathways, which are composed of glycoproteins (proteins with linked carbohydrates), allow substances to flow across the membrane. These channels are nearly typically unique to either a specific molecule or a certain class of molecule (such as an ion channel), and as a result, they are closely associated with specific physiological processes. For instance, GLUT4 is a crucial transporter channel in the treatment of diabetes. A glucose transporter called GLUT4 is present in skeletal muscle and fat. In order for these cells to absorb glucose from the blood, insulin causes GLUT4 to bind to their membranes and insert.

Since this is a passive system, the amount of sugar that enters our cells is inversely proportional to the amount we ingest, up until the point where all of our channels are being utilised (saturation). Cells with type II diabetes mellitus don't insert GLUT4 into their membranes because they don't respond to insulin as well. As a result, blood glucose levels may increase, increasing the risk of renal failure, heart disease, and stroke.

Hence, facilated diffusion is specialized passive transport.

To know more about Diabetes.


do the tropical easterlies blow away from the equator


Answer: Tropical Easterlies- Tropical Easterlies take direction in an east-to-west flow because of the rotation of the Earth. As air from the equator rises, it gets warmer and when it cools down, it comes back down to the equator. Tropical easterlies are located at 0-30 degrees latitude in both hemispheres.

Explanation: Internet

which of the following best predicts what will happen to the blood glucose level if the person has another meal at 5 p.m.?


If the person has another meal at 5 p.m., then the blood glucose level will a)increase. So, correct option is a

Blood glucose, or glucose, is considered as the principal sugar tracked down in your blood. It comes from the food you eat, and is considered as your body's principal wellspring of energy. Your blood easily conveys glucose to your body's all's cells to use for energy.

Diabetes is a sickness where your glucose levels are excessively high. Over the long run, having an excessive amount of glucose in your blood can lead to difficult issues. Regardless of whether you have diabetes, at times you might definitely disapprove of glucose that is excessively low or excessively high. Keeping an ordinary timetable of eating, movement, and taking any drugs you really want can help.

Usually a person takes 3 times meal in a single day, if any person takes a meal again at 5pm,then the amount of blood glucose present in his body will definitely increase as his body already contains blood glucose due to three times meal.

Hence, correct option is a.

To know more about blood glucose, visit here:


(Complete question) is:

which of the following best predicts what will happen to the blood glucose level if the person has another meal at 5 p.m.?



c)remains same

d)none of the above

physical properties can be color and texture . some physical properties of matter such as melting point , boiling point , and hard are observed using the fives senses.


Physical and chemical qualities are present in all matter.

Physical qualities, such as mass, color, and volume, are characteristics that may be measured by scientists without modifying the makeup of the sample being studied (the amount of space occupied by a sample). Chemical characteristics define a substance's distinctive capacity to reacted to produce new chemicals

A substance's physical qualities is a quality that can be seen or quantified without affecting the substance's identity. Shiny silver is a metal with excellent electrical conductivity. The ability to be molded into thin sheets is known as malleability. Salt is brittle and dull, but when it dissolves in water, which it does rather easily, it conducts electricity. Color, hardness, malleability, solubility, electrical conductivity, density, melting point, and boiling point are examples of the physical characteristics of matter.

The hue of the elements does not differ much from one element to the next. Most elements are either colorless, silvery, or gray. Sulfur and chlorine are both yellow in color, copper is (obviously) copper-colored, while elemental bromine is red.

Learn more about  physical qualities here:


a collection of dna fragments of various lengths was subjected to electrophoresis. arrange these dna molecules in order, based on the distance they would travel from the well. the molecule that travels the shortest distance should be at the top of the list, and the molecule that travels the greatest distance should be at the bottom of the list.
a. 900 bp
b. 2500 bp
c. 4200 bp
d. 6000 bp
e. 8000 bp


DNA fragments spanning varying lengths were separated using electrophoresis. Depending on how far they would go from the well, their pressures would be 8000 bp, 6000 bp, 4200 bp, 2500 bp, and 900 bp.

How does DNA function? What is it?

The instructions required for a creature to grow, endure, and reproduce are encoded in its DNA. Dna fragments must be transformed into information that may be used to build proteins, that are molecules, in order to perform these functions.

Where in the body can you find DNA?

Nearly every of the body's cells contains the same DNA. Although some DNA can also be found in the mitochondria, the majority of DNA is found inside structures called chromosomes. The DNA in chromosomes is wound around transcription factors (alkaline proteins).

To know more about DNA visit:


If an immunocompromised child lives in a community in which 97% of people have received the MMRV vaccine, herd immunity is likely to protect the child fromA. measlesB. rabiesC. mumpsD. ChickenpoxE. German measlesF. meningitis


If an immunocompromised child lives in a community in which 97% of people have received the MMRV vaccine, herd immunity is likely to protect the child from measles (A), mumps (C), chickenpox (D), german measles (F).

What type of immunity occurs when a person receives the MMR vaccination?When a person receives the MMR vaccination type of immunity which will occur is active Immunity. Vaccine-induced immunity is acquired through the introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination.MMRV vaccine contain all three vaccines contain live, attenuated measles, mumps, and rubella virus. MMRV vaccine also contains live, attenuated varicella-zoster virus. The lyophilized live MMR vaccines and MMRV vaccine should be reconstituted and administered as recommended by the manufacturersActive immunity refers to the administration of "antigens" in order to activate an immune response, whereas passive immunity refers to the transfer of "antibodies".

Learn more about type of vaccine here:


Can you please help me


The number of nutrients reduces as you dig deeper in a hole in the ground, as seen by the example.

A is the ideal answer.

If I were to drill a hole through the Earth, where would I go?

You could travel from Argentina to China or Spain to New Zealand, but Greenland to Antarctica might be your best bet. All of this is possible because Earth is a spherical, which means that if you dig straight down in the northern hemisphere, you will end up just as far from the equator in the southern hemisphere.

What results from drilling through through the Earth?

Without the Coriolis Effect, gravity would pull you down just as it would if you leaped out of a skyscraper, bridge, or other elevated platform. And since there was nothing to slow you down, you soon reached a speed of 6 miles per second. Yikes.

To know more about drill a hole through Earth visit:-


Help please!
How can you differentiate someone who has quality hypnosis training and someone who does not?



a good hypnotherapist should have these qualities:

a strong sense of responsibility.

emotional strength, to deal with clients' personal problems.

communication skills to listen and talk to the client.

the ability to build a trusting relationship with the client, working with them towards what they want to achieve.

If not it is more than likely a scam.

in the video, bursting the bacterial bubble, the speaker mentions that the use of antibacterial products increase your chance of getting sick


Several conditions may result from inadequate calcium intake, including the ones that follow: Osteoporosis, which results in brittle, weak bones and raises the chance of falling.

Children who with rickets develop weak, brittle bones. Having osteocalcin results in soft bones in both children as well as adults.

According to new research, antimicrobial toothpaste, mouthwashes, soaps, as well as hand washes were encouraging the growth of superbugs that really are resistant to antibiotics. Triclosan, a popular antibacterial ingredient included in consumer products, actually strengthens harmful germs so they may resist treatment instead of destroying them.

According to new research, antimicrobial toothpaste, mouthwashes, soaps, as well as hand washes were encouraging the growth of superbugs that really are resistant to antibiotics. Triclosan, a popular antibacterial ingredient included in consumer products, actually strengthens harmful germs so they may resist treatment instead of destroying them.

To know more about Osteoporosis,


Researchers tested the effect of light on the photosynthesis by a species of the growing conditions that differ widely in the amount of va l ight but where the bit of water and so trients is fairly constant Under constant temperature relative humidity and leaf surface area, the researchers used increasingum on d as photo photo hide , the number of photos of wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometer per un surface area and unme) and determined the photosynthesis measured by the amount of carbon dioxide fed per w e area and unit time schmination of the shrubs growing in full sur, partial unor in shade (Table 1) Table 1. Photosynthetic rates of three groups of shrubs under varying amounts of illumination n Shade Photopheticon Fox Density (amol/l) Show Song Pu Metal Photos (mol 00./m/s) VAN LA LA LA LOI 2.3 4.5 100 1.000 1.500 (a) Describe how plans absorb photons of light energy When is to light on the w a nd b y the p otenc ed on the themes 5/10000 Word Limit MacBook Air Upload files (PDF, JPG, GIF, PNG, TXT, Word, Excel, Powerpoint file formats supported 0/2 File Limit (c) Based on the data, identify the shrubs and data point where the greatest flow of electrons through chloroplast electron transport chains mostly occurs в 1 и Е Е (d) Predict the effect on the growing in one area if they are treated with a compound that blocks electron flow through the electron transport chains of chloroplasts. Provide reasoning to justify your prediction в ту в Ів researchers tested the effect of light on the rate of photosynthesis by a species of shrub growing under conditions that differ widely in the amount of Javailable light but where the availability of water and soil nutrients is fairly constant. under constant temperature, relative humidity, and leaf surface area, the researchers used increasing illumination (measured as photosynthetic photon flux density, the number of photons of wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometers per unit surface area and unit time) and determined the net photosynthesis (measured by the amount of carbon dioxide fixed per unit surface Jarea and unit time at each illumination) of the shrubs growing in full sun, partial sun or in shade (table1) a) describe how plants absorb photons of light energy c) based on the data, identify the shrubs and data point where the greatest flow of electrons through chloroplast electron transport chains most likely occurs d) predict the effect on shrubs growing in one area if they are treated with a compound that blocks electron flow through the electron transport chains of chloroplasts. provide reasoning to justify your prediction.


The plants have light harvesting pigment molecules that are specialised to absorb sunlight at different wavelengths, the most common being near 400 and 700 nm. Examples of such pigment molecules are- Chlorophylls, Xanthophylls and Caretino.

Chlorophylls absorb light more efficiently in the blue and red portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. On the other hand, the green and near-green portions of the spectrum show less absorption. Tissues containing chlorophyll appear green as a result of the diffusive reflection of green light by cell walls and other features. Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b are two distinct types of chlorophyll found in the photosystems of green plants.

To learn more about Chlorophylls click on the given link:


The Brain Reward System is a neuronal circuit or pathway that is responsible for making the decision to decide whether or not to go ahead with the brain reward action. Select from the following, the neuroanatomic substrate that directs the process of decision on whether or not to go ahead with the action of brain reward.
1) Hippocampus
3) Hypothalmus


The neuroanatomic substrate that directs the process of decision on whether or not to go ahead with the action of brain reward is Septum.

As a component of the basal forebrain, the medial septum (MS) supports a variety of physiological processes, including sensorimotor integration and cognition. The MS coordinates oscillatory neuronal processes across the entire brain by frequently reciprocal connections with a wide variety of peers across all main divisions of the brain. These oscillations are essential for creating sensory and emotional salience, regulating learning and memory, maintaining mood, sustaining intrinsic anxiety, and supporting locomotion.

A growing body of research shows that diseased situations regularly interrupt or change the physiological oscillations that are influenced by the septum. In order to restore normal patterns or eliminate undesirable ones, it may be possible to treat neurological and mental illnesses with aberrant oscillations (oscillopathies) by targeting the MS. Recent research has shown that the patterned stimulation of the MS reduces epileptic symptoms.

To know more about Neuroanatomic visit:


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