Mrs. Santos is buying binders for the students in her class. She determined that 15 binders would cost $22.50.

Cost of Binders
On a coordinate plane, a graph titled Cost of Binders has number of binders on the x-axis and total cost in dollars on the y-axis. The line goes through points (0, 0) and (15, 22.5).

If all of the binders cost the same amount, which statement is true?
It will cost $12 for 18 binders.
It will cost $20 for 30 binders.
It will cost $42 for 28 binders.
It will cost $48 for 48 binders.


Answer 1


It will cost $42 for 28 binders

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that 15 binders = 22.50 dollars . We need to find the cost of 18, 30, 28, and 48 binders to figure out if they match up with the statements. One way to do this is to find the cost for one binder, and then multiply that by the number of binders to find the cost for a certain number of binders. For example, if one binder costs 2 dollars, five binders would cost 2 * 5 = 10 dollars.

To figure out how much one binder costs, we can use the division property of equality to divide both sides of our equation (15 binders = 22.50 dollars) by 15. We divide by 15 because anything divided by itself is equal to 1, and that would make it 1 binder = something dollars.

Applying this, we get

(15 binders)/15 = (22.5 dollars)/15

1 binder = 1.5 dollars

For 18 binders, this would cost 1.5 * 18 = 27 dollars. We know this because we add 1.5 dollars for each binder.

For 30 binders, this would cost 30*15=45 dollars

For 28 binders, this would cost 1.5 * 28 = 42 dollars

For 48 binders, this would cost 1.5*48 = 72 dollars

The only one that matches up is 28 binders for 42 dollars

Answer 2


$42 for 28 binders.

Step-by-step explanation:


Related Questions

a colleague needs to move a 500 pound object that's on a lever. the fulcrum is 6 inches from the object. If your colleague weighs 180 pounds how far will your colleague need to be from the fulcrum to move the object? Use the formula B = (P x A) ÷ W, and round your answer to two decimal places.



Step-by-step explanation:

The easier way to figure this is by using the concept of torque in physics. If the torque of the man is greater than that experienced by the box, the lever will tilt in the man's favor (in other words, he will move down and the box will be lifted). Torque is found by multiplying the perpendicular force by the length of the lever arm. Because we want the man's torque to be greater than the box's torque, the inequality is:

[tex]\tau_{man}>\tau_{box}[/tex] and

[tex]180r>500(.1524)[/tex] That decimal is 6 inches in terms of meters.

180r > 76.2 so

r > .42 meters or `16.67 inches. The man has to sit at a distance greater than 16.67 inches in order for the box to be lifted by the lever.

find a number which is when added to it's square the sum will be 72.​


Answer 8




please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

100 points for you if you help me



see below

Step-by-step explanation:

It is given that m<A +m<B = m<B + m<C.  We can subtract angle B from each side using the subtraction property of equality.  That leaves m<A = m<C  We can use the symmetric property so that m<C = m<A


[tex]thank \: you[/tex]

Find the perimeter of the square. Be sure to write the correct unit in your answer.

21 yd


Perimeter is the distance around the outside.

A square has 4 equal sides:

Perimeter = 21 x 4 = 84 yards

Answer: Perimeter = 84 yd


Perimeter of square = 4 × side

Side = 21 yd

Perimeter = 4 × 21

= 84 yd

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

can i get some help please




Step-by-step explanation:

We want to find the area of the circle shown.

We can calculate the area of a circle using the formula A = πr²

where r = radius

The circle shown has a given diameter of 6

We want the radius.

To convert diameter to radius simply divide the measure of the radius by 2

So radius = 6 / 2 = 3

Now to find the area we simply plug in the value of the radius into the area of a circle formula

Area of a circle: A = πr²

r = 3

( Note that the question says to use 3.14 for π )

So π = 3.14

* Substitute values *

A = (3.14)(3)²

3² = 9

(3.14)(9) = 28.26

A = 28.26

And we are done!

find the third proportional of 3 5 7


Answer: Third proportion is 21/5.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the proportion be x




3:5 = x:7

or, 3/5 = x/7

or, 21 = 5x

or, x = 21/5

The diameter of a cylinder is 4 m. If the height is triple the radius, which is the closest to the
?volume of the cylinder
75.40 m3 o
251.33 m3 o
100.53 m3 o
613.19 m3 o



A. 75.40 m³

Step-by-step explanation:

Diameter of cylinder (d) = 4 m

Radius (r) = ½(d) = ½(4) = 2 m

Height (h) = 3 × r = 3 × 2 = 6 m

Volume of cylinder = πr²h

Substitute the values

Volume of cylinder = π*2²*6

Volume of cylinder = π*4*6

Volume = π*24

Volume = 75.40 m³

Find f(x)+g(x)




Step-by-step explanation:


= x²+6x-5+x²-3x-1


write an inequality and show on a number line all numbers greater (-3) but less than equal to3




You plot this on a number line by writing and open circle on -3 and drawing and arrow from that open circle all the way until 3 and them draw a closed circle on 3.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which polygon has an interior angle sum of 1080°?



its octagon. first and last one it has total 8 sides

The polygon with an interior angle sum of 1080° is an octagon

Need help ASAP plz



C) postulate

An axiom or a postulate is an accepted statement of fact.



Im pretty sure its definition

who can help me out with this one?​



(x + 1)² + (y - 2)² = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Equation of the circle with center (h, k):

(x - h)² + (y -k)² = r²  where r is radius

Center(-1 , 2) ;  r =3

(x - [-1])² + (y - 2)² = 3²

(x + 1)² + (y - 2)² = 9

factorize: xy-3x - 5y + 15



Step-by-step explanation:




Given two consecutive integers whose sum is 45, find the smaller of the two integers.



22 and 23

Step-by-step explanation:

let two consecutive number be

x and x+1

now,according to the question






Hence, the two consecutive numbers are

22 and 23

(PLEASE HELP you don't have to graph I just need the equations) Dr. Gilmore just got his PhD, and he wants to print copies of his thesis in hardcover book
format. He could use Belmont Printing, paying a setup fee of $40 and $4 for every book
printed. Alternately, he could go through Fairfax University, paying an up-front fee of $30
and $6 per book. It turns out that, given the number of books Dr. Gilmore wants to print, the
two options cost the same amount. How many books is that?
Write a system of equations, graph them, and type the solution.


the answer is B
yeah yeah that’s what she was saying she didn’t yyyyyyyyu

Choose the correct description of the graph of the compound inequality:

x-3<-9 or x+5>equal to 12




Step-by-step explanation:

x - 3 < -9

simplifies to x < -6, which is to the left with an open circle

x + 5> 12

simplifies to x > 7, which is to the right a closed circle

the expression below is a factorization of what trimonial (5x+6)(3x-2)



[tex]15x^2 + 8x -12[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


"foil" it out

F: 5x * 3x  = 15x^2

O: 5x * -2  = -10x

I: 6*3x = 18x

L: 6 * -2 = -12


15x² + 8x - 12

Step-by-step explanation:

(5x + 6)(3x - 2)

Each term in the second factor is multiplied by each term in the first factor, that is

5x(3x - 2) + 6(3x - 2) ← distribute both parenthesis

= 15x² - 10x + 18x - 12 ← collect like terms

= 15x² + 8x - 12

What is the image point of (5, 1) after a translation right 5 units and down 2 units?
Submit Answer




Step-by-step explanation:

A translation to the right is (x+5)

A translation down 2 is (y-2)

(5+5, 1-2)



(10, - 1 )

Step-by-step explanation:

A translation right 5 units means add 5 to the x- coordinate

A translation down 2 units means subtract 2 from the y- coordinate

(5, 1 ) → (5 + 5, 1 - 2 ) → (10, - 1 )


Salvador reads 12 books from the library each month for n months in a row. Write an expression to show how many books Salvador read in all. Then, find the number of books Salvador read if he read for 7 months.



The expression is 12n

He reads 84 books in 7 months



For 1 month, he has read 12*1 = 12 books

For 2 months, he has read 12*2 = 24 books

For 3 months, he has read 12*3 = 36 books

and so on

If we let n represent the number of months, then 12*n or 12n represents the number of books read after n months. The variable n is some placeholder for a positive whole number.

If we replaced n with say n = 7, then 12*n = 12*7 = 84 books are read in 7 months.

Salvador reads 12 books each months so for n months he reads 12n books. In 7 months, n=7, so he reads 12*7 which is 84 books

Need help ASAP please




Step-by-step explanation:

1. AB

2 BC

3. CD

4. DE  

5. AC  

6. B D




10. A E

3 angles
ratio 1:3:3
Find the angles



1st angle = 30

2nd angle = 60

3rd angle = 90

Step-by-step explanation:

let ,1st angle be x , 2nd angle be 2x and 3rd angle be 3xx+2x +3x =1806X =180x =180/6x =30

Given the function h(x) = x^2 + 10x + 32, determine the average rate of change
of the function over the interval 3 < x < 11.


Answer:  24



Plug in x = 3 to get

h(x) = x^2 + 10x + 32

h(3) = 3^2 + 10*3 + 32

h(3) = 71

Repeat for x = 11

h(x) = x^2 + 10x + 32

h(11) = 11^2 + 10*11 + 32

h(11) = 263

Now use the average rate of change formula

m = average rate of change

m = ( h(b) - h(a) )/(b - a)

m = ( h(11) - h(3) )/(11 - 3)

m = (263 - 71)/(11 - 3)

m = 192/8

m = 24

Given that v=√u*u- 2qs. Make q the subject of the equation. Find the value of q in the equation if v=8, u=12, and s=40​



Step-by-step explanation:

v=√u*u- 2qs

[tex]\sqrt{20}[/tex] x 20 - 2q40 = 8[tex]2\sqrt{5}[/tex] x 20 - 2q40 = 840[tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex] - 2q40 = 8- 2q40 = 8 - 40[tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex]-80q = 8 - 40[tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex] q = (8-40[tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex] ) / -80 = [tex]\frac{-1 + 5\sqrt{5} }{10}[/tex] = 1.018

Above given answer is correct.

A new scooter is valued at $15 000.
At the end of each year its value is reduced
by 15% of its value at the start of the year.
What will it be worth after 3 years?



p= 15000


t= 3 yrs


depreciation = p(1-r/100)^t

= 15000(1-15/100)^3


=9212 or 9211.88

pi = c/d solve for d?




Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

[tex]\pi =\displaystyle\frac{C}{d}[/tex]

Multiply each side by d:

[tex]d\pi =\displaystyle\frac{C}{d}*d\\\\d\pi=C[/tex]

Divide both sides by π:


I hope this helps!

The expression 2r^2+18x +40 has a greatest common factor of 2.
Once the GCF is factored out, what are the two binomial factors
left that complete the equation.
what are the 2 missing binomial factors?







(Btw I’m not new to brainly, but I just forgot my old password) *sigh* ughh I start school August second and it’s gonna be my first year in high-school ….I- first of all summer break was wayyyyyyyyy too short basically 2 months and a half while the rest of the year I have to bust my behind preparing for test that don’t have anything to do with MY future plans….eeeee every time I think about it my anxiety levels raise higher and higher …..if any upper class men have some advice plz tell me…cuz I am legit terrified ngl (I checked out some freshmen tips on yxutube but that didn’t really help that much) *and btw this is kind of academically related so need to report me*


Answer:not a man but I think you should just relax and be yourself, high school isn’t scary at all. When you go in for orientation walk around the school and find your classes so you have a good map of where you need to go in your head already! Best of luck

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the volume of the prism. 3m 5m 36m




Step-by-step explanation:

There are many kinds of prisms, if you were asking for a rectangular prism, then we do 3 * 5 * 36 = 540m^3.


the answer is 540

Step-by-step explanation:

because 3x5x36=540

if l=5 and b=3 find the value of 2 (l+b)​




Step-by-step explanation:

2 (l+b)​

Let l=5 and b=3

2 (5+3)​

Parentheses first






Step-by-step explanation:

Plug in:

2 (l + b)

2 (5 + 3)

2 (8)


Hope this helped.

What is Three-Quarters of Three-Quarters?


3/4 * 3/4

Three quarter meaning 3/4
Of represents *
So the answers is (3*3)/(4*4)=9/16 or 0.5625
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