Name a state that starts with K From USA


Answer 1
Two states start with the letter K, Kentucky and Kansas.
Answer 2

Kansas is a state that starts with K From the USA.

The American state of Kansas, which is a member of the union. Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Colorado form its northern, eastern, southern, and western borders, respectively. On January 29, 1861, Kansas, which is located in the midst of the Great Plains' westward-rising terrain, was admitted as the 34th state.

On the eastern side of the Great Plains, Kansas is a landlocked state in the Midwest of the USA that is roughly in the middle of the country. Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Colorado are the states that border the state on its northern, eastern, southern, and western sides, respectively.

Learn more about Kansas here:


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What is established by Article 3 of the Constitution?

A. Judicial Branch

B. Executive Branch

C. Legislative Branch


your answer will be A. judicial branch. hope this helps!

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Which statement best expresses the main idea of the passage below?

Peru has three distinct geographic regions:
Cold, mountainous Sierra
Dry coastal plain
Warm, forested selva

The ways people live in these regions are very different. For example, many people on the coastal plain live in cities, while most people in the Sierra live in small villages.

A. Peru’s Sierra is mountainous and cold

B. Peru’s geography affects the lives of it’s people.

C. There are no cities in Peru’s Sierra region.

D. Peru’s geography is not varied.



Peru’s geography affects the lives of it’s people.


ans maybe correct

New Mexico was most valuable to both the Union and the Confederacy because ______________ a. it was viewed as fertile farmland. b. it was seen as economically more advanced than California. c. it provided trade access to the west coast and Mexico. d. New Mexico lived up to its reputation as the 'Land of Enchantment.'



The answer is "Option c"


In 1861, inside an effort to control the Southwest U.s country to make it accessible to a Union-holding California, the Confederacy tried to claim to be the south half of the vast New Mexicans Territory and led this same ambitious new Mexico campaign; this was why Texas was the Union but also Confederacy's critical score, given its trade and travel on the west and in Mexico.





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The Union’s advantages as a large industrial power and its leaders’ political skills contributed to decisive wins on the battlefield and ultimately victory against the Confederates in the American Civil War.

What are the contributions of Egypt/ Africa in terms of architecture, medicine, etc…



Spanning over two thousand years, ancient Egypt was not one stable civilization but in constant change and upheaval, commonly split into periods by historians. Likewise, ancient Egyptian architecture is not one style, but a set of styles differing over time but with some commonalities.

The best known example of ancient Egyptian architecture are the Egyptian pyramids while excavated temples, palaces, tombs and fortresses have also been studied. Most buildings were built of locally available mud brick and limestone by levied workers. Monumental buildings were built via the post and lintel method of construction. Many buildings were aligned astronomically. Columns were typically adorned with capitals decorated to resemble plants important to Egyptian civilization, such as the papyrus plant.

Ancient Egyptian architectural motifs have influenced architecture elsewhere, reaching the wider world first during the Orientalizing period and again during the nineteenth-century Egyptomania.

The medicine of the ancient Egyptians is some of the oldest documented. From the beginnings of the civilization in the late fourth millennium BC until the Persian invasion of 525 BC, Egyptian medical practice went largely unchanged and included simple non-invasive surgery, setting of bones, dentistry, and an extensive set of pharmacopoeia. Egyptian medical thought influenced later traditions, including the Greeks.

Which power belongs on this list?
Powers of the Executive Branch:
- Vetoing laws passed by Congress
- Nominating judges
A. Setting the number of justices on the Supreme Court
B. Calling special sessions of Congress
C. Declaring laws unconstitutional
D. impeaching members of the government



B. Calling special sessions of Congress


In times of emergency, the executive branch can also convene special sessions of Congress. The president rarely exercises this power, and the last time it was utilized was on July 15, 1948, by President Harry Truman. This power serves as a check on the legislative branch since it forces Congress to meet and deal with matters even when it is not convened and/or when it is attempting to avoid meeting. Before a bill to become law, it must first pass through the legislative branch and then through the executive branch. This is how the executive branch balances the legislative branch's power. This allows the president to veto and annul any bill. Only a two-thirds majority vote in both the House and Senate may override the president's veto.

After the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775, George Washington..



I think answer is C.


Which of the following events occurred after the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775? George Washington became commander of the American army and began to organize it. George Washington resigned as president of the colonies so he could take over the army.

Please help ASAP!!
What tools would you use to find evidence of early human societies in Africa or Asia? List the tools or methods you would use and a description of each.



pound, crush, Ancient hand axes have been found in Africa, Asia, and Europe.  cooking, killing animals, and starting fires.


What industry helped the development of New York City?



D. banking


I'm correct if I'm rwong

Could you pleaseeee help me i need some help i need it before tomorrow at 4:00pm


1. Cause:

Increased demand for land west of the Appalachian. Increased number of "pilgrims" to the west. Annexation of Texas by the Federal Government.

2. Cause:

Need for more land for western settlers. National "Manifest Destiny" dream. US and Britain settlement.

3. Cause:

Cessation of south-western territories to the US. Increased land mass and space for settlers.

Who was the French military leader in North America during the French and Indian War?

A. a highly respected Iroquois tribal chief
B. General Edward Braddock
C. Colonel George Washington
D. General Louis de Montcalm



d. general Louis-Joseph de Montcalm


The introduction of the slave trade and its expansion throughout the eighteenth century had a transformative impacton those captured as well as the global economy. Although Africans died in massive numbers in captivity, slavery stillproved hugely profitable to planters, merchants, elites, and others. Explain how Africans were treated during the period of their capture, enslavement and seasoning


The correct answer is the following.

Indeed, the introduction of the slave trade and its expansion throughout the eighteenth century had a transformative impact on those captured as well as the global economy. However, it had a high cost on human lives.

African slaves were treated very badly during the period of their capture, enslavement, and seasoning. Although Africans died in massive numbers in captivity, slavery still proved hugely profitable to planters, merchants, elites, and others. It is regretful that humans in that time did not respect teh dignity and the rights of African people that suffered so much when they became slaves.

We are talking about the Slave Trade times in Africa, an important part of the triangular slave trade between America, Europe, and Africa. Historians believe that 12 million slaves were transported from Africa to America to be sold as slaves. African slave traders launched warring raids to acquire Africans to sell into slavery. They "shipped" the slaves into the ship and packaged them in inhuman conditions. Indeed, many slaves died during the trip before getting to the Americas. This trip was known as the Middle Passage.

In spite of the impact of Chinese influence, a. Korea never came under Chinese political control. b. Japan never adopted either Chinese characters for writing or any of its governmental system. c. Vietnam developed chu nom, which was a writing system for spoken Vietnamese. d. Korea never accepted tributary status under Chinese overlordship. e. Confucianism itself had little influence anywhere outside of China proper.


In spite of the impact of Chinese influence

c. Vietnam developed chu nom, which was a writing system for spoken Vietnamese

The Modern State, whether absolutist or constitutional, relied on modern science to achieve its goals. Social Contract Theory, epitomized by Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, provided rational and humanist justification for the use of power by the state. Modern science, already rational, became more humanist, increasingly embracing the use of technology to better human lives. Science also increasingly came under the control of the state, although some science promoters resisted. The Enlightenment, with its rational and humanistic focus, seemed to embrace the growing role of the state, but only when the state was reformed in significant ways to achieve progress for humans and natural rights. Why did the Enlightenment come to embody the concept of reform of the modern state?



Because the Enlightenment believed that concepts related to the reform of the modern state would promote more economic and political freedom to citizens.


Modern state is the term used to describe the union of European feuds, which were finalized at the end of feudalism. Modern states had a more abtangent political structure that benefits citizens, but this structure was still exploratory, mainly because of the people's duties towards the monarchy. It was necessary for modern states to undergo economic, political and social reform, so that citizens could actually have economic and political freedom. This kind of freedom was strongly advocated by the Enlightenment, who believed that they could contribute to the management of modern states if those states underwent this reform and people could, in fact, live fully.

Uno de los elementos de desarrollo cultural que realizaron de forma común Aztecas, Mayas e Incas fue:


Can u put that question in English?

The teacher reviewing this sentence would point out that since this is a

complex sentence, there should be a comma after “song.”
compound sentence, there should be a comma after “realized.”
complex sentence, there should be a comma after “inspiration.”
compound sentence, there should be a comma after “found.”


Hello. You did not enter the sentence which the teacher, presented in the question, needs to review. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. however, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which had the phrase "As he listened to the haunting notes of the author realized song he had found the inspiration for his next suspense novel." If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.


complex sentence, there should be a comma after “song.”


A complex sentence is a sentence formed by an independent clause, accompanied by one or more dependent clauses. As you may already know, independent clauses are those that manage to maintain a coherent meaning on their own. On the other hand, dependent clauses are those that cannot maintain a meaning alone and need to have a complement to be coherent. In a complex sentence, the clauses must be joined by conjunctions or commas, which give fluidity to the sentence as a whole.

The sentence presented above is a complex sentence. The dependent clause is "As he listened to the haunting notes of the song." This clause should be linked to the independent clause, which is presented immediately afterwards, with a comma, since a conjunction would not maintain the coherence and fluidity of the sentence. In this case, ideally, place a comma right after the word "song."

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Washington Governor Signs Agriculture Worker Overtime Bill


Washington Governor Signs Agriculture Worker Overtime Bill:Agricultural workers in Washington state would become eligible for overtime pay under a bill signed Tuesday by Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee. #accelerationism

Who was William Jennings Bryan?
a) the leader of the Farmers’ Alliance
b) the founder of the granger movement
c) the Populist presidential candidate in 1896
d) the Republican presidential candidate in 1896



The correct answer is C. William Jennings Bryan was the Populist presidential candidate in 1896.


William Jennings Bryan was an American lawyer and politician. During his time in the House of Representatives, Bryan became the leader of a group of Democrats who wanted to introduce a silver-based dollar instead of a backing by gold. At the Democratic convention (July 9, 1896), Bryan united the agrarian and silver Democrats and captured the nomination for president. His Cross of Gold speech became one of the most famous speeches in American history.

Major elements of the Democratic Party did not support Bryan outright, and Bryan campaigned by more direct involvement with voters. Known for his oratorical abilities, Bryan delivered dozens of speeches during the campaign to advance his platform of free silver and populism. Bryan gained a large following, especially in the south and west of the United States, but many middle-income and working-class people feared the silver movement and chose the Republican presidential candidate, William McKinley, who eventually won the election.

Think about this sentence from the reading: “Slaves became part of the coastal trade.”
How had this action of allowing slaves to become a part of the coastal trade affect the world we live in today?






who is the beautiful person in this world​


Answer: The beautiful person in this world is you your self.

Lupita Nyong'o named People's most beautiful person in the world.

How did Watergate affect American public opinion?

Help please!!



Gave people the right to see government documents about them. ... As a result of the Watergate Scandal many Americans lost faith in the government and caused the reputation of the presidency to be greatly damaged.

Many Americans lost faith in the government as a result of the Watergate Scandal, which also severely harmed the credibility of the administration.

How did Watergate influence the views of Americans?

According to PBS, the attempt to undermine the American political system itself made Watergate "the worst scandal in American history." Reforms in campaign finance were implemented to reduce the possibility of any potential legal misbehaviour, but the actual harm was done to culture.

Many Americans' deep mistrust of the government was sparked by Watergate. Americans have complained that presidents have been too strong and that there is a lot of room for unbridled power abuses. People started to have far less faith in politics and the government.

Scams are taken seriously, and people will suffer the consequences they deserve. The Watergate incident led to Nixon's resignation, 69 government officials being indicted, and 48 being found guilty.

Learn more about Watergate crisis, from:


Amendment 15 (1870):
The right of citizens of
the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the
United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous conditions of servitude...
1. What is outlawed with the 13th Amendment?
2. What does the 14th Amendment essential do for the African Americans?
3. What night is given with the 15th Amendment?
4. Why do you think these Amendments would be important following the Civil War?



1.  Before the Civil War ended, Congress passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery. After the war, white southerners created legislation (known as Black Codes) to prevent freedmen from exercising their rights, prompting Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act in 1866, which guaranteed black citizenship.

2. Citizens of the United States and the State in which they reside are all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to its authority. No State shall make or execute any law that restricts the privileges or immunities of United States citizens; no State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; and no State shall refuse equal protection of the laws to any person within its jurisdiction.

3. The right to vote of United States citizens shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on the basis of race, color, or past servitude.

4. They are generally known as the Civil War Amendments, and I believe they were designed to ensure equality for newly liberated slaves.


Hopefully this helps?

1. Por que durante la Edad Media, Constantinopla fue una ciudad clave en el comerció



Debido a su ubicación estratégica en el estrecho del Bósforo, Constantinopla era un punto intermedio entre las Europas Occidental y Meridional y el Cercano Oriente, el Cáucaso y los reinos eslavos en Europa Oriental. A través de Constantinopla, Europa recibió las especias, la púrpura o la joyería por mencionar algunos ejemplos.

Constantinopla facilitó el comercio internacional con el establecimiento de una moneda de oro muy estable denominada como sólido bizantino (s. V - s. XI) y, después, por el hyperpyron (s. XI - XIII), además garantizada por su presencia e influencia territorial en los territorios de la Anatolia.  


Debido a su ubicación estratégica en el estrecho del Bósforo, Constantinopla era un punto intermedio entre las Europas Occidental y Meridional y el Cercano Oriente, el Cáucaso y los reinos eslavos en Europa Oriental. A través de Constantinopla, Europa recibió las especias, la púrpura o la joyería por mencionar algunos ejemplos.

Constantinopla facilitó el comercio internacional con el establecimiento de una moneda de oro denominada como sólido bizantino (s. V - s. XI) y, después, por el hyperpyron (s. XI - XIII), además garantizada por su presencia e influencia territorial en los territorios de la Anatolia.  

"Norms and values do not want remain no more significant because of influence of western culture" Justify this statement.​



Westernization has been a growing influence across the world in the last few centuries, with some thinkers assuming Westernization to be the equivalent of modernization,a way of thought that is often debated. The overall process of Westernization is often two-sided in that Western influences and interests themselves are joined with parts of the affected society, at minimum, to change towards a more Westernized society, with the putative goal of attaining a Western life or some aspects of it, while Western societies are themselves affected by this process and interaction with non-Western groups.

Westernization traces its roots back to Ancient Greece. Later, the Roman Empire would take on the first process of Westernization as it was heavily influenced by Greece and created a new culture based on the principles and values of the Ancient Greek society. The Romans emerged with a culture that would lay the new foundations of Europe[anachronism] and grow into a new Western identity based on the Greco-Roman society.

Westernization can also be compared to acculturation and enculturation. Acculturation is "the process of cultural and psychological change that takes place as a result of contact between cultural groups and their individual members." After contact, changes in cultural patterns are evident within one or both cultures. Specific to Westernization and the non-Western culture, foreign societies tend to adopt changes in their own social systems relative to Western ideology, lifestyle, and physical appearance, along with numerous other aspects, and shifts in culture patterns can be seen to take root as a community becomes acculturated to Western customs and characteristics – in other words, Westernized.

The phenomenon of Westernization does not follow any one specific pattern across societies as the degree of adaption and fusion with Western customs will occur at varying magnitudes within different communities. Specifically, the extent to which domination, destruction, resistance, survival, adaptation or modification affect a native culture may differ following inter-ethnic contact.

During WWII, what was the largest
group that went to work in the factories
when the soldiers went to war?
A. Asians
B. Children
C. Latinos
D. Women


D. After the war they fired all of the women because they didn’t need them anymore. :) hope this helps

Which of the following Depression-era policies was not enacted by Governor William Murray?
A. Murray seized Oklahoma banks in order to freeze fund withdrawals.
B. Murray ordered a temporary halt to farm foreclosures,
C. Murray established a quota for the amount of oil each well could produce,
D. Murray limited oil production in an attempt to raise oil prices,


The correct answer is A) Murray seized Oklahoma banks in order to freeze fund withdrawals.

Which of the following Depression-era policies was not enacted by Governor William Murray? Answer: "Murray seized Oklahoma banks in order to freeze fund withdrawals."

The following Depression-era policies that were enacted by Governor William Murray were "Murray ordered a temporary halt to farm foreclosures," "Murray established a quota for the amount of oil each well could produce," and "Murray limited oil production in an attempt to raise oil prices."

Governor Murray was in office from 1931 to 1934 and had to make difficult decisions in order to boost the economy of the state of Oklahoma. Murray found a state heavily hit by the Great Depression that had started on October 29, 1929, after the US stock market crash that made millions of Americans lose their jobs, companies closed and many banks went into bankruptcy.

That is why governor Murray had to make those actions regarding agriculture and the production of oil.




Got 100% on edge 2022

When McCarthy says. "Today we can almost physically hear the mutterings and rumblings of an invigorated god of war. You can see it, feel it, and hear it all the way from
the hills of Indochina, from the shores of Formosa right over into the very heart of Europe itself." he is arguing that:
the effects and influence of

the Cold War have spread worldwide and will lead to another world war.

the Cold War is not a real war, so people shouldn't take it so seriously

nuclear war is not something that should be feared; it should be prepared for and welcomed.

the Cold War has only affected the US





the Cold War have spread worldwide and will lead to another world war.

4 Describir la revolución Haitiana. 1804​



fue el primer movimiento revolucionario de América latinque culminó con la abolición de la exclavitud en la colonia francesa de Saint Domingue y la proclamación del primer imperio de Haití

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