Name the property of salt investigated in the above experiment


Answer 1

which experiment please involve a clip

Related Questions

What is the total pressure in millimeters of mercury,
exerted by the gas mixture

P= _______ units?



87059.50558 pa


Dalton's law of partial pressure states that Ptotal=P1 +P2+ P3

417mmHg + 150mmHg +86mmHg =653 mmHg

convert it to Pa, your answer is 87059.50558Pa.

I hope I'm of help to you

is SrO a conductor of electricity



No and Yes


it depends bc its an ionic compound, therefore can't conduct electricity when SOLID, BUT unless it DISSOLVES in water it can conduct

Indicar que elemento es de transición *

a) Calcio

b) Radio

c) Hierro

d) Carbono

e) Azufre

Sabiendo que las configuraciones electrónicas son correctas, determinar qué analogía es incorrecta *

a) 47Ag: [Kr] 5s2 4d9  I – B
b) 27Co: [Ar] 4s2 3d7  VIII – B
c) 41Nb: [Kr] 5s2 4d3  V – A
d) 50Sn: [Kr] 5s2 4d10 5p2  IV – A
e) N.A.




c hierro

no se la otra sorry

Which element has 2 valence electrons in the 2s sublevel?



beryllium is the answer.

I hope this will help you

copper II carbonate in a crucible produced only 7g of copper II oxide. What was the percentage yield of copper II oxide​


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

.On heating 12.4 g of copper (II) carbonate in a crucible only 7.0g of copper (II) oxide was produced. What was the % yield of copper (II) oxide ? [Cu=64,C=12,O=16]




CuCO3 -------> CuO + CO2

Number of moles of CuCO3 = 12.4g/123.55 g/mol = 0.1 moles

Since the reaction is 1:1,

Mass of CuO produced = 0.1 moles × 80g/mol = 8 g


% yield = actual yield/theoretical yield × 100

% yield = 7/8 × 100

% yield = 87.5%

Anyone please help I’m in summer school please



1. Absolute time, also known as Newtonian time is a time that exists independent of the observer of the time, and therefore, can only be expressed through mathematics

Absolute dating is a dating method that makes use of the radioactive property of matter and is determined through dating of radioactive isotopes present

Absolute time (dating) is found through radioactive dating

2. Radioactive isotopes are atoms that have the property of unstable proton neutron combination or excess energy nucleus. They can be fined as unstable element

3. A stabilized isotope are the decay product atoms of the element which are non radioactive.

4. The half life is the time it takes the original isotope to decay into the decay product

5. To determine the age of a rock, the proportion of the original isotope to the amount of decay product in the rock is compared

6. The isotope used to date organic materials is carbon-14

7. The isotope used to date rocks with comparable age to the Earth is Uranium-238 that has a half life of 4.468 billion years

8. The half life of carbon-14 is only 5,700 years while the age of a dinosaur is between 245 and 66 million years ago, and therefore, carbon is absent in most fossils

9. Uranium-238 is only found in igneous or volcanic rocks and not in metamorphic rocks, therefore, fossils  of dinosaur as well as other fossils that are buried in sedimentary materials, including sand and clay, cannot be determined by Uranium-238


How many grams of hydrogen is produced from 12.5 G of MG reacting with hydrochloric acid in this balanced equation?
Mg+ 2HCL —>MgCl2+H2



1.03 grams of hydrogen is produced from 12.5 g of Mg reacting with hydrochloric acid.


The balanced reaction is:

Mg+ 2 HCl → MgCl₂ + H₂

By stoichiometry of the reaction, the following amounts of moles of each compound participate in the reaction:

Mg: 1 moleHCl: 2 molesMgCl₂: 1 moleH₂: 1 mole

Being the molar mass of each compound:

Mg: 24.31 g/moleHCl: 36.45 g/moleMgCl₂: 95.21 g/moleH₂: 2 g/mole

By reaction stoichiometry, the following mass amounts of each compound participate in the reaction:

Mg: 1 mole* 24.31 g/mole= 24.31 gHCl: 2 moles* 36.45 g/mole= 72.9 gMgCl₂: 1 mole* 95.21 g/mole= 95.21 gH₂: 1 mole* 2 g/mole= 2 g

Then you can apply the following rule of three: if by stoichiometry 24.31 grams of Mg produces 2 grams of H₂, 12.5 grams of Mg produces how much mass of H₂?

[tex]mass of H_{2} =\frac{12.5 grams of Mg* 2 grams of H_{2}}{24.31 grams of Mg}[/tex]

mass of H₂= 1.03 grams

1.03 grams of hydrogen is produced from 12.5 g of Mg reacting with hydrochloric acid.

draw the structure of iso -pentylpropanoate​


i dont know how to draw bu tjisy drow stick people sjdiwkicksickenf

Is FeS iron (ll) sulfide or iron (lll) sulfide?



the valence of S is -2. For FeS to be neutral the valence of Fe used must be +2

and since Iron (II) has its valency 2, FeS will be Iron (II) Sulfide.

how much energy is required to melt 2kg of aluminium




What is pH value in simple words?


The pH value is a measure of how acidic/basic a substance is.

The range goes from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral.

pH values that are less than 7 indicate acid (acidity), whereas a pH value greater than 7 indicates a base (basic).

pH is really a measure of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the substance.

option with explaination



B. it's water of crystallization.

the water of crystallization, that is the number of molecules of water attached to One Copper atom gives blue color to the hydrated salt (CuSO4.5H2O)

Explain the charge, the location and the size of protons, and electron.


Protons are positively charged particles that are located inside the nucleus at the center of the atom. Protons have a mass of 1 amu or atomic mass unit.

Electrons are negatively charged particles found outside the nucleus. Electrons have a mass of approximately 0 amu or atomic mass unit.

hope it helps :)

please mark brainliest!!!

Please help!!
Chemical reactions and Nuclear reactions cause matter to change in different ways. Witch TWO statements decribe how matter changes only in nuclear reactions.
• A. The automic nuclei change.
• B. Some energy is transformed into mass.
• C. The total mass of the reactions is conserved.
• D. New elements are formed​



Answer is 2nd


some energy is transformed into mass

An organic compound has the empirical formula C2H4O. what is the compound?

a. butanoic acid
b. butanol
c. ethanoic acid
d. ethanol



The correct answer is - butanoic acid


An empirical formula is the general formula or base formula that is the simplest positive integer ratio of atoms present in a compound. The empirical formula is specific to specific compounds or types of compounds.

Among the given options, the empirical formula C2H4O is butanoic acid as the molecular formula of butanoic acid is - C4H8O2 which is multiple of C2H4O. Other compounds have different than this empirical formula.

name and describe four different types of chemical reactions and explain how you can predict which type might occur



1. Combination (Synthesis) reaction

A + B → AB

2. Decomposition reaction

AB → A + B

3. Displacement reaction

A + BC → AB + C

4. Double displacement reaction

AB + CD → AD + BC

5. Combustion reaction

[tex]CH_{4} + 20_{2} → CO_{2} 2Hx_{2} O[/tex]

A combination reaction, also known as a synthesis reaction, is a reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a single new substance. Combination reactions can also be called synthesis reactions.

A decomposition reaction is a reaction in which a compound breaks down into two or more simpler substances.

A single-replacement reaction is a reaction in which one element replaces a similar element in a compound.

A double-replacement reaction is a reaction in which the positive and negative ions of two ionic compounds exchange places to form two new compounds.

A combustion reaction is a reaction in which a substance reacts with oxygen gas, releasing energy in the form of light and heat. Combustion reactions must involve  O2 as one reactant. The combustion of hydrogen gas produces water vapor

Explanation: Hope this helps and good luck :))

On the set of a movie, dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) is used to make the appearance of fog. After the dry ice is taken out of cold storage, it is placed on the ground. As dry ice warms, it converts from a solid directly to a gas. Gaseous carbon dioxide has a density greater than air, thus allowing it to move across the ground as if it were fog. Which statement best describes this process



- The dry ice is cooling the ground it rests upon as heat is transferred from the ground to the dry ice.


The above statement correctly elaborates the process of using dry ice to develop the appearance of fog. When the dry ice is placed on the ground, the heat of the ground is transferred to the dry ice. This will result in the increase in the kinetic energy of the CO2 molecules. Thus, the solid will directly convert into gas and it will lead to the formation of gas in the air. Since CO2 possesses a higher density, it will look like fog and thus, giving the perfect shot for the fog scene.

True or false, The universal gas constant, R, is . 0821 when we use mm Hg as our unit for pressure





R = gas constant = 0.0821 atm•L/mol•K

Hiii pls help me to write out the ionic equation ​




This is the balanced equation for the given reaction:-

[tex] 2KOH_{(aq)} + H_2SO_4{}_{(aq)} \rightarrow K_2SO_4{}_{(aq)} + 2H_2O_{(l)} [/tex]


The compounds marked with (aq) are soluble ionic compounds. They must be

broken into their respective ions.

see, in the equation KOH, H2SO4, and K2SO4 are marked with (aq).

On breaking them into their respective ions :-

2KOH -> 2K+ + 2OH-H2SO4 -> 2H+ + (SO4)2-K2SO4 -> 2K+ + (SO4)2-


Rewriting these in the form of equation

[tex] \underline{\pmb{2K^+} }+ 2OH^- + 2H^+ + \pmb{\underline{{SO_4{}^{2-}}} \: \rightarrow \: \underline{\pmb{2K^+}}} + \underline{\pmb{SO_4{}^{2-}}} + 2H_2O [/tex]


Canceling spectator ions, the ions that appear the same on either side of the equation

(note: in the above step the ions in bold have gotten canceled.)

[tex] \boxed{ \mathfrak{ \red{ 2OH^-{}_{(aq)} + 2H^+{(aq.)} \rightarrow H_2O{}_{(l)}}}} [/tex]

This is the net ionic equation.


[tex] \\ [/tex]

[tex]\mathfrak{\underline{\green{ Why\: KOH \:has\: been\: taken\: as\: aqueous ?}}} [/tex]

KOH has been taken as aqueous because the question informs us that we have a solution of KOH. by solution it means that KOH has been dissolved in water before use.

[Alkali metal hydroxides are the only halides soluble in water ]

Below is a picture of two blocks made of different materials. Block A Block B grams grams If Block A is located on the Moon and Block B is located on Earth, which of the following is true about the two blocks?
a: they have the same density.
b: they have the same volume.
c: they have the same mass.
d: they have the same weight. ​





this is because density is the mass per unit volume of an object

If Block A is located on the Moon and Block B is located on Earth, then the truth about the two blocks will be they have the same mass, and they have the same density. The correct option is a and c.

What is mass?

Mass is a physical body's total amount of matter. By multiplying the object's volume and density, it can be determined.

Density, volume, mass, and weight are the four entities that are supplied. The volume and weight of the object on the moon will alter as a result of these entities. They will be different in the universe if he goes to Earth.

The location and gravitational field of an object do not affect its density or mass.

Thus, the correct options are a: they have the same density, and c. they have the same mass.

To learn more about mass, refer to the link:


What is a chemical reaction?​



A chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances, also called reactants, are converted to one or more different substances, known as products. ... A chemical reaction rearranges the constituent atoms of the reactants to create different substances as products.


hyy can you my friend lol ,, ☺️

The table below gives the equilibrium concentrations for this reaction at a certain temperature : N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g) what is the equilibrium constant for the reaction?
A. 1 x 10-5
B. 7 x 10-3
C. 70
D. 100


D. 100 I hope this help :)

The equilibrium concentrations for the given reaction at a certain temperature will be 100.

What is equilibrium?

During a reversible chemical process, chemical equilibrium is the state where there would be no net change in the number of reactants as well as products.

What is the reaction?

The reaction is the process in which by the combination of more than one element new kind of element will be formed.

Given data:

The given reaction is [tex]N_{2} (g) + O_{2} (g)[/tex]  → [tex]2NO(g)[/tex]

The equilibrium constant (K) = [tex][NO]^{2} /[N_{2}][O_{2}][/tex]

Put the value of the given data in the above equation.

K =  [tex]=[0.002 M]^{2} / [0.65M][0.45M]\\=[4*10^{-6} ]/ [0.2950]\\= [4*10^{-6} ] / 2950*10^{-4}\\= 1.35 * 10^{-5}[/tex]

Therefore, the equilibrium constant will be 1.35 × [tex]10^{-5}[/tex]

To know more about reaction and equilibrium


Calculate the volume (in L) that 3.25 mol of helium gas will occupy at a temperature of 25.0 °C and a pressure of 799 mm Hg.



V = 6.34 L


Given that,

Number of moles of Helium gas, n = 3.25 mol

Temperature, T = 25 °C = 298 K

Pressure, P = 799 mm Hg

We know that,

PV = nRT


R is the gas constant, R = 62.4 L-mm Hg/mol K


[tex]V=\dfrac{nRT}{P}\\\\V=\dfrac{3.25\times 62.4\times 25}{799}\\\\V=6.34\ L[/tex]

So, the volume of the gas is 6.34 L.

. The Ksp of barium sulfate is 1.1 × 10–10. What is the sulfate-ion concentration of a 1.0-L saturated solution of BaSO4 to which 0.025 mol of Ba(NO3)2 is added? 4.4 × 10–9M 1.0 × 10–5M 6.6 × 10–5M 2.8 × 10–12M





From the question we are told that:


Volume of [tex]SO_4^{2-}=1.O[/tex]

Moles of  [tex]Ba(NO_3)^2 =0.025[/tex]

Generally the equation for Ksp is mathematically given by





HELP ME PLZ Which of the following describes the structure of a fish's swim bladder?
A. Expands and contracts to allow the fish to rise or sink in the water
B. Internal organ filled with liquid
c. Holds urine until it can be released into the environment
D. Internal organ filled with air sacs​


A: Swim bladder, also called air bladder, buoyancy organ possessed by most bony fish. The swim bladder is located in the body cavity and is derived from an outpocketing of the digestive tube. It contains gas (usually oxygen) and functions as a hydrostatic, or ballast, organ, enabling the fish to maintain its depth without floating upward or sinking. It also serves as a resonating chamber to produce or receive sound. In some species the swim bladder contains oil instead of gas. In certain primitive fish it functions as a lung or respiratory aid instead of a hydrostatic organ. The swim bladder is missing in some bottom-dwelling and deep-sea bony fish (teleosts) and in all cartilaginous fish (sharks, skates, and rays).
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Teleost fish in cross section.

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Bladder, membranous sac in animals that serves as the receptacle of a fluid or gas. See gallbladder; swim bladder; urinary bladder.
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Teleost fish in cross section.
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urinary bladder
Urinary bladder, in most vertebrates, except birds, organ for the temporary storage of...…
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nhóm nào gồm tất cả các kim loại tan trong axit sunfuric đặc nóng nhưng không tan trong axit sunfuric loãng là


Answer:Nhóm gồm tất cả các kim loại tan trong axit sunfuric đặc nóng nhưng không tan trong axit sunfuric lo

Al, Cu, Au.

Al, Fe, Cr.

Ag, Fe, Pt.

Ag, Cu, Hg.


how many grams of potassium cyanide would be needed to make a saturated solution for the volumes indicated below? The solubility of potassium cyanide is 50.0g/100ml
A. 0.150L
B. 75.0mL
C. 1.10L
D. 225mL


You will need 75.0ml grams of potassium cyanide

What is the name of the molecule shown below?

A) ethanol
B) ethanal
C) ethanoic acid
D) ethylamine


The answer is B, Ethanal

The name of the molecule shown is Ethanol.

What is Ethanol?

Ethanol is a alcoholic substance that is formed from fermentation of glucose in the presence of yeast or microorganisms.

It has a chemical group that have methyl group, hydroxyl group OH which is bonded to carbon atom.

Therefore, The name of the molecule shown is Ethanol.

Learn more about ethanol below.


plz answer (g) i will give rating 5 and thanks who answer plz fast



Like many common group 2 metal carbonates, magnesium carbonate reacts with aqueous acids to release carbon dioxide and water

 MgCO3 + 2 HCl → MgCl2 + CO2 + H2O.

The procedure to obtain pure magnesium chloride from the reaction is as thus

Step 1: Reaction

- Leave the dilute hydrochloric acid in a beaker.

- Add Magnesium carbonate slowly until it is in excess or until no more gas seem to be getting liberated.

Step 2: Filtration

- Filter with filter paper and funnel.

- Filter off the excess magnesium carbonate as magnesium chloride will be in aqueous form (liquid) and will come out with the filtrate. The residue is the excess magnesium carbonate.

Step 3: Crystallization to obtain solid crystals from the filtrate.

- Pour filtrate solution into evaporating dish/basin

- Provide heat using Bunsen burner

- Pour solution into an evaporating basin and heat over a water bath

- Stop heating when crystals start to form

allow water to evaporate until pure crystals remain.

- Dry crystals using absorbent paper or warm oven.


- Use personal protective equipment such as gloves, a lab coat and wear eye protection, especially when heating.

- Avoid inhaling unnecessary gases during the whole process.

8. What is the oxidation number of N in KNO3?



The oxidation state of N in the KNO3 is +5


Oxidation rules:

1. Oxygen is -2, unless in peroxides.

2. Group 1 metals = +1

3. Group 2 metals = +2

4. If the molecule is neutral, all of the oxidation numbers have to add up to zero.

5. If the molecule is charged, all of the oxidation numbers have to add up to the charge of the molecule.  

So, the given formula represents the salt compound formula unit of potassium nitrate:  KNO3  

The formula unit is uncharged.

From our rules, we know that,

O = -2

And we can find K on the periodic table, in the first group, thus giving it a +1 charge. Now let's put it all together.

K = +1

N = x

O = -2

Let's take into account the number of atoms of each element we have and make an equation since we know everything has to add up to zero since the molecules are neutral.

+1 +x+3 (-2) = 0 (notice we multiplied 3 by -2 because in the formula we have 3 atoms of oxygen with -2 charge each)

x - 5 = 0

x = 5

Therefore, the oxidation number of N in KNO3 is +5.

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