Natalie's team needs to make a decision on how to handle a big product recall. People on the team have a lot of strong opinions. Management wants everyone to come to a consensus and to find a solution that everyone can support. What's the best way to get to a consensus? a) Everyone on the team talks until the entire team agrees on one decision. O b) Everyone on the team discusses options and then votes. O c) The team passes the decision-making responsibility to an outside person. O di The team leader makes a decision without input from the other members.


Answer 1


absolutely b


Because VOTE is the fairest form of decision making

another reason:

A) it takes too much time to make a decision when they have different ideas and they think they are right

C) an outside person maybe doesnt understand the importance of his decision, i think his decision will depend on his intution

D) when the leader does that, it's no respect for people, they are team, not individual

Related Questions

How did advancements made by Muslim scholars influence the Renaissance?
Muslim scholars wrote medical texts that helped in the study of anatomy,
O Muslim scholars invented the revolving crane, which helped construct safer buildings,
O Muslim scholars invented the printing press, allowing scientific findings to be published,
Muslim scholars improved mathematics by developing the fraction bar and the decimal point,



Muslim scholars improved mathematics by developing the fraction bar and the decimal point.


Muslim scholars influence the Renaissance through advancement in mathematics. Islamic mathematicians adopted the Indian system of numerals, which later came to be known as Arabic numerals. Algebra, mathematical induction, the use of decimals, and trigonometry influenced the Renaissance in Europe, especially Italy.




One of the most significant results of the 1929 Lateran Accords between Mussolini and the Catholic Church was the recognition of Vatican City as an independent state.
true or false?


the answer is True!!!!!!!

Name at least three ways in which the Declaration of Rights and Toleration Act limited the power of British Kings.



No taking land and money, no delaying court, convicted person(s) had to pass through Jury.


Hope this helps.

As a result of the Boston Massacre, the British removed all taxes except for those
placed on
Colonists then dumped $
worth of tea into
the Boston harbor in an event that is known as the
I need help



This is known as the Boston Tea Party


The Boston Tea Party was the retaliation of a group known as the Sons of Liberty, they dressed up as Native Indians and snuck onto the ships in the harbor which contained the tea. They dumped it all turning the water into a dark brown. This all happened on December 16. Also the amount of tea dumped was valued around 18k dollars.

Chip chip cheerio☕️

The government of ancient Athens was
an oligarchy.
a theocracy.
a direct democracy.
a democratic republic.



I think it's c


but it might be a

The government of scientists Athens was
A direct democracy

can man alter mars environtment to make it more suitable for human habitation?how?
need aswer ASAP



xjxjxdxixi. xxdfuci I icuxu u u u u u 8x8siwiq

Supporting Question 1: To what extent is the US a cash free society?
Directions: Write two paragraphs (Minimum of 16 sentences) that answers supporting question 2.



the u.s. is not a cashless Society


a cashless Society is one that does not handle any cash at all and everything is on a digital form such as debit cards or in a bank account but no cash exist such as in Dubai . there is no cash in Dubai everything is cashless and digital. although the United States is leaning more towards a cashless society as more and more people have their money stored on a ATM card or a prepaid card or some form of digital Data storage . I think eventually the United States will become a cashless Society . at that point I wonder what will happen to the value of gold . if there is no cash I wonder if gold will have cash value still

How did the Reformation change an artist's life?



may artists begin pain landscapes,portraiture, and life


I hope this help

explain the network of alliances of great powers in 1914 at the beginning of world war 1



By 1914, Europe's six major powers were split into two alliances that would form the warring sides in World War I. Britain, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente, while Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy joined in the Triple Alliance.

Which words convey the "burden” Europeans had to bear? Check all that apply.



Exile, Harness, and Bind

Which president, Theodore Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson, was the more successful in domestic policy?



Theodore Roosevelt


How was the American Revolution was viewed by England and other world powers? Be sure to support your response with some type of evidence.



American revolution was viewed a powerful kingdoms

Question Which of the following is a benefit of using email to communicate at work ? a) You can express yourself in a limited number of characters b) You don't have to worry about using proper grammar. c) You always get a response right away. d ) You can reach a large audience with one communication .





How did the scientific revolution contribute to the Enlightenment in Europe
during the 17th and 18th centuries?



The Scientific Revolution influenced the development of the Enlightenment values of individualism because it demonstrated the power of the human mind. The ability of scientists to come to their own conclusions rather than deferring to instilled authority confirmed the capabilities and worth of the individual.



The Scientific Revolution provided a foundation for logical thinking since it focused on the scientific method of finding out the function of nature. This scientific method would translate into the Enlightenment, but instead of nature, the Enlightenment thinkers try to find out about the function of society.

What role did economic issues play in the Founding Fathers’ decisions about how to structure the United States government, including what powers the government would hold over trade and commerce?
Please give a detailed explanation preferably paraphrased thank you!


Hope this helps

The founding Fathers knew that the single most important and hard task of the government is keeping the economy safe or defining it.

Should Aung San Suu Kyi
Give Back
Her Nobel Peace Prize




What was the first private radio in Ghana?



Established in 1995 by Kwasi Twum, the founder of Multimedia Group Limited, Joy FM became the first private radio station to be licensed in Ghana.


The Philippine Islands are a(n):






The philippine island is archipelago that comprises 7,641 island with a total land area of 300,000 square kilometer(115,831) . It is the 5th largest island in


Which of the following would be a good thesis statement for a personal
A. With my daughter wanting to stay with me and my boss needing
me at work, I was caught in one of the uncomfortable points of
B. According to experts, the best way to grow the economy is
through tax cuts for the middle class.
C. A green space provides valuable life lessons, and urban sprawl
should be limited whenever possible.
D. All of the above are correct.


The answer choice that would be a good thesis statement for a personal essay is C. Green space provides valuable life lessons, and urban sprawl should be limited whenever possible.

What is a Personal Essay?

This refers to the type of essay that contains information or facts about the personal life of the writer or another person that shows important life lessons.

Hence, we can see that based on the given question, the best thesis statement should be stated about the personal essay, and with this, we can note that option C best does this, because it gives the central point of the writing.

Read more about thesis statements here:


Can someone help me write a "Historical question" about WW2 and the process you went through making it (so I can understand it). Thanks



Why did the United States stay neutral for that long in WW2?


I'm personally curious of this subject and I have an idea of a reason but I'm not sure what you've learned is the same. There's your question tho!

hope this helped!

From whom does the Bill of Rights protect​



The Bill of Rights of the US Constitution protects basic freedoms of United States citizens. The Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the freedom of assembly and the freedom to petition.


Answer: not sure


not sure

6. The following poster was created in 1943.

According to this poster, what was the purpose of rationing during World War II?

A. to provide military personnel with resources

B. to regulate the demand for expensive foreign imports

C. to encourage the development of alternative resources

D. to stimulate the invention of new products and processes

7. The following excerpt is from Executive Order 8802 issued in 1941.

I do hereby reaffirm the policy of the United States that there shall be no discrimination in the
employment of workers in defense industries or government because of race, creed, color, or
national origin, and I do hereby declare that it is the duty of employers and of labor organizations
... to provide for the full and equitable participation of all workers in defense industries, without
discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin. ...

What was purpose of this Executive Order?

A. to adopt state concerns as national policies

B. to reduce the power held by local labor unions

C. to place national needs over personal attitudes

D. to increase the amount of taxes paid by private industries




Letter B
I hope this is right and it’s hope sorry if it don’t I tried

This is history i will give brainliest please answer


I dont know what it's asking but here's the law case...

An intense desire to be independent and free of foreign rule is




Nationalism is the concept that guides one people to determine that they form one nation with one singular and consistent identity and it is this identity identified within a geographic constraint that the country must exist as a self determining sovereign power.

The nationalists when under the rule of foreign powers are often thus with intense desire to be independent and free of foreign rule as only then can the result of this nationalism can be seen.

Factory owners often blamed strikes on
1. Native born Americans who disliked immigrants
2. Newspapers that published stories about working conditions
3. Workers who were reds or communist
4. Women who had joined the work force during world war 1



3 no.


because in this current world we often hear about strikes which are mainly about workers who were reds and communist

Name the animals having eye in stomach?​



it may be butterfly I think

Write a three-paragraph essay with the title "The Tension Between Traditional Culture and Modernization in the Contemporary World." Be sure to address these questions: (10 points)
What happens when modernization comes in conflict with traditional values?
What are some examples of these conflicts? (You may use other examples besides the ones already mentioned in this activity.)
In what way do reactions to modernization depend on cultural context?
Is understanding conflicts between traditional culture and modern challenges important in today's world? Why or why not?


Change occurs in the traditional values.

When modernization comes in conflict with traditional values, change occurs in the traditional values due to introduction of modern methods that takes the place of traditional values. Culture impacts modernization in three ways i.e. positive effect such as science & technology knowledge, also has negative effect such as feudalism and neutral effects such as languages and arts etc. Yes, understanding conflicts between traditional culture and modern challenges are very important in today's world because understanding conflicts prevents the intense conflict that disturbs the society.

Which of the following behaviors would best describe someone who is listening and paying attention? a) Leaning toward the speaker O b) Interrupting the speaker to share their opinion c) Avoiding eye contact d) Asking questions to make sure they understand what's being said


-focus your attention! (eye contact) Make the speaker the center
of your attention. Be sure not to read or look around -tune in!
Listen so you clearly understand the speaker. DON'T INTERRUPT! -ask
when speaker is done, then ask questions or ask for more
information. RESTATE!


answer- A, Leaning towards the speaker

which first bike made in world​



German Inventor Karl von Drais is credited with developing the first bicycle. His machine, known as the "swiftwalker," hit the road in 1817. This early bicycle had no pedals, and its frame was a wooden beam. The device had two wooden wheels with iron rims and leather-covered tires

Intresting question though

6.- Es toda regla de conducta impuesta por el Estado como obligatoria.
a) - Norma.
D) - Regla.
b).- Ley natural
c).- Norma Juridica​



eu acho que e a)

Explanation:porque as leis naturais nao tem nada haver com a conduta mas sim com teorias criadas por cientistas

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