nternal control systems are: Multiple Choice Developed by the Internal Revenue Service for all U.S. companies. Developed by the Securities and Exchange Commission for public companies. Required by Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) to be documented and certified if the company's stock is traded on an exchange (a public company). Developed by the Small Business Administration for non-public companies. Required only if a company plans to engage in interstate commerce.


Answer 1


Required by Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) to be documented and certified if the company's stock is traded on an exchange (a public company).


Internal controls can be defined as the policies, set of rules, and procedures implemented or put in place by an organization to protect its assets, boost efficiency, enhance financial accountability, enforce adherence to company policies and prevent fraudulent behaviors among the employees.

The purpose of internal controls is that companies use strong internal controls to guarantee that loss is eliminated as there's an accurate and reliable accounting system.

Basically, an internal control involves the timely use of both internal and external sources of auditing or financial reporting and as such enhance the maintenance of accurate and proper financial records which would also improve their operational efficiency.

Internal control systems are required by Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) to be documented and certified if the company's stock is traded on an exchange (a public company).

Related Questions

Many organizations will apply for temporary permits that allow which of the following activities?
Sell alcohol to members in a private club.
Promote and enhance the sale of an alcoholic beverage on behalf of a brewer or winery.
. Offer in-store wine and beer samples.
• •
Sell alcohol at locations where beverages are not usually sold for on-premise consumption.


The correct answer is "Sell alcohol at locations where beverages are not usually sold for on-premise consumption."

Many organizations will apply for temporary permits that allow selling alcohol at locations where beverages are not usually sold for on-premise consumption.

This usually happens when the organization is having a special event in the company, a celebration, or any activity in which they are gathering many people. As part of their activities and options to entertain the guests, this company wants to sell alcoholic beverages because it is a good way to get some money.

So this could be special celebrations, tournaments, sports contests, festivals, expos & fairs, and some other event of a certain magnitude.

¿Qué es la factura?
¿Qué es la Nota de venta?
¿En que momento se usa la factura?
¿En que momento se usa la nota de venta?
¿Por qué el bazar del barrio no da factura ni nota de venta?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, no especificas a qué país te refieres, ya que cada país tiene un régimen fiscal distinto, y los comercios están obligados a declarar impuestos de acuerdo a la legislación vigente en cada país.

Para poder responder a tus preguntas, lo haremos en términos generales ya que no mencionas cuál es tu país.

¿Qué es la factura?

La factura es el comprobante oficial al que obliga el gobierno, a través de la Secretaría de Hacienda y el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT).  La factura es el comprobante oficial que respalda la compra-venta de un artículo, producto o servicio, y donde se demuestra que se cobro el impuesto por la adquisición de la mercancía.

¿Qué es la Nota de venta?

La nota de venta es un comprobante de control interno que no tiene validez oficial para comprobar el consumo y el cargo del impuesto. La nota de venta sólo la ampara el mismo negocio que la elaboró, el sistema de administración tributario.

¿En que momento se usa la factura?

La factura se usa cuando se requiere elaborar un comprobante oficial que posteriormente pueda ser usado en la declaración mensual de impuestos o en la declaración anual, para que se puedan deducir los impuestos retenidos.

¿En que momento se usa la nota de venta?

Cuando sólo se quiere entregar un comprobante de compra, sin aplicar el impuesto al valor agregado.

¿Por qué el bazar del barrio no da factura ni nota de venta?

Porque probablemente es un pequeño comercio, y no está obligado a facturar. Sólo a dar comprobantes. Los pequeños comercios tributan o pagan impuestos de manera diferente. Son considerados  pequeños contribuyentes y por lo regular se les asigna una cuota fija, siempre y cuando no rebasen una cantidad establecida por la autoridad hacendaria.

Platicando con el dueño de la papelería del barrio, él me comenta que el municipio sólo le pido una licencia de uso de suelo para que pueda operar su negocio. Esa licencia de funcionamiento tiene un costo único que debe ser renovad anualmente. El es pequeño comerciante y debe pagar una cuota fija de manera trimestral.

The plaintiff is a State A corporation that entered into a contract with the defendant under which the defendant agreed to manufacture and sell equipment to the plaintiff. The equipment is heavily regulated by the federal government. The plaintiff plans to sue the defendant for $1 million because the equipment does not conform to the contract specifications and does not operate properly. The defendant is incorporated in State B, but all of its facilities and offices are in State A. Would a federal district court have subject matter jurisdiction over the plaintiff's action


Answer: No, because all of the defendant's facilities and offices are in State A.


Following the information given in the question, a federal district court cannot have subject matter jurisdiction over the plaintiff's action.

In this case, there's no subject matter jurisdiction by the court as theres subject matter jurisdiction when there is full diversity of citizenship, and the amount of controversy is more tha $75,000.

Suppose that an economy consists of only two individuals. Jeremy has $1690 available to spend on goods. He decides to purchase $470 worth of produce from Michele in the current quarter. No other economic activity takes place during the current quarter. Using this information, answer the questions. For the current quarter, what is the economy's income?





The calculation of the economy income is given below:

Since $1,690 spend on goods and then he decided to purchase for $470 in order to generate it

So here we can see that there is one and only economic activity that took place at the present quarter that is of $470

Therefore the economy income is $470

Amartya is interviewing several candidates for a position at his firm. If he makes the right decision with the hiring choice, the firm will prosper, his superiors will look favorably on him, and Amartya will likely receive a promotion. However, if he makes a poor choice, the firm will suffer, and Amartya may even be demoted. When evaluating candidates for the position, Amartya will be primarily motivated by a need for:


Answer: Accurate knowledge


Recruiting personnel's into organization to handle task or fill in job role is difficult sometimes. Employers have complained about most employees not meeting what they want, while employees complain the processes involved are becoming much. Recruiting most be done well to meet an organization target else they'll keep recruiting, unless they are ready to train fresh or inexperienced intake which would take time.

For recruiters to get what they want when recruiting they most be on the lookout for the person who has an accurate knowledge on the job to be employed for, this helps avoiding mistakes.

ACME Home Loans is a private lender with a strict policy of limiting originations to conventional qualified mortgages with minimum loan amounts of $300,000. To ensure compliance with this policy, loan originators are instructed to refuse to accept applications from consumers who want loan amounts of less than $300,000, or who have debt-to-income ratios of 44% or more. This policy is:



The correct option is e. Potentially unlawful under the disparate impact theory.


Note: This question is not complete as the options are omitted. The options are therefore provided to complete the question before answering the question as follows:

a. Not a violation of any federal fair lending law

b. Potentially unlawful under the disparate impact theory

c. An example of disparate treatment of consumers

d. Legal if there is no discriminatory intent

e. Potentially unlawful under the disparate impact theory.

The explanation of the answers is now provided as follows:

Basically, disparate impact theory relates to the USs labor law and can be described as employment, housing, and other practices that disproportionately affect one group of persons with a protected trait over another, despite the fact that laws implemented by employers or landlords are ostensibly impartial.

For this question, despite that no discrimination may be intended, lending regulations that hurt creditworthy people who are members of a protected class may be prohibited.

The lending rules outlined in this issue, for example, could have a negative impact on younger applicants, breaking the Equal Credit Opportunity Act's (ECOA) restriction on age-based discrimination.

Therefore, the correct option is e. Potentially unlawful under the disparate impact theory.

While traveling on a commercial bus line, a passenger was injured when some luggage fell on him. As required by applicable state law, the bus company's in-house attorney conducted an investigation and filed the required report with the state transportation department. The passenger subsequently filed a civil action against the bus company in federal district court, seeking compensatory damages for the injuries he suffered. During discovery, the passenger's lawyer served on the bus company a request for production of documents, including a request for the report that the bus company filed with the state. The bus company objected to the request for the report and refused to produce it on the grounds that the report was privileged and protected from discovery under the work product doctrine. It did, however, produce other documents that were requested. The passenger then filed a motion to compel production of the report. If the court finds that the bus company's claims of privilege and work product were not substantially justified, what orders must the court make relating to the passenger's request for production of the report


Answer: See explanation


In a situation whereby the attorney of the passenger tried resolving the dispute in good faith, then the bus company must be ordered by the court to produce the report as well as the payment of reasonable cost that was incurred in making the motion.

It should however be noted that such cost may not be awarded when the movant had filed the motion before obtaining the disclosure in good faith. Also, the cost with be given when the nondisclosure response of the opposing party was justified.

The Unadjusted Trial Balance columns of a work sheet total $84,000. The Adjustments columns contain entries for the following: Office supplies used during the period, $1,200. Expiration of prepaid rent, $700. Accrued salaries expense, $500. Depreciation expense, $800. Accrued service fees receivable, $400. The Adjusted Trial Balance columns total is:





Calculation to determine what The Adjusted Trial Balance columns total is:

Unadjusted Trial Balance columns $84,000

Accrued salaries expense$500

Depreciation expense $800

Accrued service fees receivable $400

Adjusted Trial Balance columns total $85,700

Therefore The Adjusted Trial Balance columns total is:$85,700

Metallica Bearings, Incorporated, is a young start-up company. No dividends will be paid on the stock over the next nine years because the firm needs to plow back its earnings to fuel growth. The company will pay a dividend of $14 per share 10 years from today and will increase the dividend by 3.9 percent per year thereafter. If the required return on this stock is 11.5 percent, what is the current share price





Calculation to determine the current share price?

First step is to determine the price of the stock in year 9

P9=$14/(.115− .039)



Now let determine the Current price





Therefore the current price is $69.08

Able Inc. sells a new product with a 2-year warranty. The company estimates that during the two years, the costs and related probabilities are: Year 1: $10,000 (20%) and $20,000 (80%); Year 2: $15,000 (50%); $25,000 (50%).The company's effective interest rate is 4%. Assuming the warranty costs are settled at the end of Years 1 and 2, calculate the estimated warranty liability using the expected cash flow method.


Answer: $35,798.82


Find the expected warranty costs and then discount them using the effective interest rate:

Year 1:

= (10,000 * 20%) + (20,000 * 80%)

= $18,000

Year 2:

= (15,000 * 50%) + (25,000 * 50%)

= $20,000

Estimated warranty liability is the present value:

= 18,000 / (1 + 4%) + 20,000 / (1 + 4%)²

= $35,798.82

A business statistics course has 2 accounting majors, 4 finance majors, 6 marketing majors, and 8 insurance majors. Which one of the following is true if a pie chart was constructed to depict majors of students? Multiple choice question. The marketing slice would be three times as big as the accounting slice. The slice for accounting would represent 20% of the pie chart. The slice for insurance would make up more than half of the pie chart. The slice for marketing majors would be two times as big as the finance slice.


Answer: The marketing slice would be three times as big as the accounting slice.


The total number of majors are:

= 2 + 4 + 6 + 8

= 20 majors

The proportions of the majors are:

Accounting = 2 / 20 * 100% = 10%

Finance = 4 / 20 * 100% = 20%

Marketing = 6 / 20 = 30%

Insurance = 8 / 20 = 40%

Notice how marketing takes 30% and Accounting takes 10%.

Marketing will therefore take up three times as much slices as Accounting.

Coronado Industries uses job order costing for its brand new line of sewing machines. The cost incurred for production during 2019 totaled $18000 of materials, $13000 of direct labor costs, and $8000 of manufacturing overhead applied. The company ships all goods as soon as they are completed which results in no finished goods inventory on hand at the end of any year. Beginning work in process totaled $12000, and the ending balance is $9000. During the year, the company completed 25 machines. How much is the cost per machine



Cost per machine $1,680


The computation of the cost of the machine is given below:

Beginning work in process $12,000

Direct material $18,000

Direct labor $13,000

Overhead $8000

Less: Ending work in process -$9,000

Cost of goods manufactured $42,000

Divided by Unit 25

Cost per machine $1,680

hence,the same should be relevant

Raj Patel's specialty pharmaceuticals packaging firm needs to be more agile in order to be competitive in the marketplace. Foregoing buying a full-service laboratory because of the investment and risk, Patel decides to form a ________ with a chemical firm in China that has a laboratory but lacks a packaging business. Each company brings a complementary capability to the other, allowing them to pursue mutual goals.



strategic alliance


A strategic alliance in domain of business can be regarded as an arrangement between two companies

whereby the companies undertake a mutually beneficial project but even though they both undergo the project together, each of them will still retains their independence. This type of agreement can be regarded as been less complex and can be regarded as been less binding compare to a joint venture, whereby two businesses pool together resources so they can develop separate business entity.

A company needs performance targets or objectives Group of answer choices to unify the company's strategic vision and business model. to prevent lower-level organizational units from establishing their own objectives. for its operations as a whole and for each of its separate businesses, product lines, functional departments, and individual work units. because they provide parameters for the company's strategy map. to help guide managers in deciding what strategic path to take in the event that a strategic inflection point is encountered.



For its operations as a whole and also for each of its separate businesses, product lines, functional departments, and individual work units.


Strategic plan

This is simply refered to as the lays out of the future direction of a company, performance targets, and strategy.

Company Mission

This simply states the purpose to which a company is set up and its present business. it answer the questions of "Who we are, what we do, and why we are here?.

The Objectives

This is simply the performance target or output to be generated by an organization. They are known as the specific goals or results that management wants to achieve. They are important at all organizational levels, from the corporate level down to the operating level.

A company is trying to set up proper internal controls for their accounts payable/inventory purchasing system. Currently the purchase order is generated by the same person who receives the inventory. Together the purchase order and the receiving ticket are sent to accounts payable for payment. What changes would you make to improve the internal control structure


Answer: I would relieve the responsibilities of person doing both generating purchase and receiving inventory


Receiving inventory and generating purchase are two separate task done in the accounting sector of an organization. Their activities can be really tasking especially when the organization is big and has a lot to deal with. For this present organization, the change I will effect is to relieve the responsibilities of person doing both generating purchase and receiving inventory, and assign them to just one, either of them, then get someone else to do the other task. This makes it easier and faster for both the organization and the personnel.

The acquisition cost of a plant asset does not include multiple choice incidental costs, such as title fees, sales commissions, legal fees, and so on. repair costs resulting from damage to the plant asset while it was being unpacked. all normal and reasonable expenditures necessary to get the asset in place and ready for its intended use. costs incurred to modify or customize the new plant asset.



The answer is ' repair costs resulting from damage to the plant asset while it was being unpacked'


The acquisition cost of a plant asset does not include repair costs resulting from damage to the plant asset while it was being unpacked. Why? - Because this doesn't lead to the improvement of the asset.

Acquisition costs comprise the commission paid, legal fees, cost of improving the assets and all necessary cost paid to get the assets running.

Blossom Company purchased equipment on January 1 at a list price of $100000, with credit terms 2/10, n/30. Payment was made within the discount period. Blossom paid $3000 sales tax on the equipment and paid installation charges of $1500. Prior to installation, Blossom paid $3000 to pour a concrete slab on which to place the equipment. What is the total cost of the new equipment



the total cost of the new equipment is $105,500


The computation of the total cost of the new equipment is given below:

Total cost of the new equipment is

= Net price + Sales tax + Installation charges + Payment for concrete slab

= [$100,000 - ($100,000 × 2%)] + $3,000 + $1,500 + $3,000

= $105,500

Hence, the total cost of the new equipment is $105,500

Eleonore and Henry form a partnership to operate a horseback-riding business. The two partners file a duly executed statement of authority indicating that only Eleonore has the authority to buy and sell horses on behalf of the partnership. James, a regular customer who was unaware of the statement of authority, asks Henry if he can buy one of the horses from the partnership. Henry agrees to sell James a horse. When Eleonore finds out about the sale, she is furious, and demands that Henry retrieve the horse from James. Is Henry's sale of the horse binding



Yes, because Henry had authority to sell the horse


In the given scenario Henry had apparent authority to sell the horse.

Apparent authority is the ability of an agent to act on behalf of a principal even though this is not clearly stated out. It is as a result of a third party assuming the agent has such power.

James rightly assumed Henry had the power to sell the horse.

So the sale of the horse is binding on Eleonore.

Carlos tiene $40.00 para gastar a la semana en almuerzos y copas de vinos. El precio de cada almuerzo es de $8.00 y el precio de cada copa de vino es de $4.00.

La siguiente tabla presenta la utilidad total de Carlos relacionada con los almuerzos y las copas de vinos.



Carlos gastará $12.00 al día para almuerzos y copas de vino.

In his speech the previous day, the new CEO had discussed his experience in the industry and his education. Carrie thought that the new CEO would do a great job given these characteristics, coupled with his good oratory skills and the fact that he just looked like a CEO. Carrie realized that she had been judging the new CEO in a manner consistent with the





Trait leadership means the personal attribute pattern that could be integrated and the same should be reflected the individual differences range also it foster the consistency leader effectiveness for different group and the organization situation

so as per the given situation, it is a trait leadership theory

The same should be considered and relevant

During its 2021 fiscal year, Jacobsen Corporation reported before-tax income of $624,000. This amount does not include the following two items, both of which are considered to be material in amount: Unusual gain$204,000 Loss on discontinued operations(304,000)The company's income tax rate is 25%. Jacobsen Corporation prepares its financial statement applying International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In its 2021 income statement, Jacobsen would report income from continuing operations of:



the income from continuing operations reported is $777,000


The calculation fo the income from continuing operations reported is shown below:

= Before tax income + unusual gains × (1 - tax rate)

= $624,000 + $204,000 × (1 - 0.25)

= $624,000 + $153,000

= $777,000

hence, the income from continuing operations reported is $777,000

what are the different levels of profession​



the different levels of profession are:

medium level profession

high level profession

When auditing accounting data, auditors focus on Group of answer choices determining if fraud has occurred. determining whether recorded information properly reflects the economic events that occurred during the accounting period. analyzing the financial information to be sure that it complies with government requirements. determining if taxable income has been calculated correctly.



determining whether recorded information properly reflects the economic events that occurred during the accounting period.


Auditng is an independent examination of the financial records of an organisation to determine if the records conform if recorded information properly reflects the economic events that occurred during the accounting period.

It is used to determine if financial records accurately represent the financial position of an organisation in a given period

types of audit : external audits, internal audits, and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits.  

Organizations must continually train their employees because: a. the importance of satisfying certification requirements has increased. b. employees' productivity decreases with time. c. the legislation on providing ethnocentric training to workers has become stringent. d. organizational training has a positive relationship with employee turnover rates.



b. employees' productivity decreases with time


In the case when the organization trained to the employees on the continuity basis so this can be done because the productivity of an employees could be decreased as per the time

So in order not to decreased the productivity so the organization trained their employees on continuity basis

Therefore the option b is correct

When companies adopt the strategy formulation, strategy execution process, the first step is to Group of answer choices develop a strategic vision, mission, and values. execute the company's chosen strategy efficiently and effectively. adopt a proven business model, decide on the company's top management team, and craft a strategy. set objectives and develop a profitable business model to meet those objectives. monitor internal and external developments and initiate corrective adjustments to the business model when necessary.



develop a strategic vision, mission, and values.


In Business management, a strategy can be defined as a set of guiding principles, actions and decisions that an organization combines so as to achieve its business goals, attract customers and possess a competitive advantage over its rivals in the industry.

Business strategy sets the overall direction for the business because it focuses on defining how a business would achieve its goals, objectives, and mission; as well as the funds and material resources required to implement or execute the business plan. The components of a business strategy includes the following;

I. Value.

II. Vision.

III. Mission.

On a related note, when companies adopt the strategy formulation, strategy execution process; the first step is to develop a strategic vision, mission, and values that would effectively and efficiently help it in achieving its aim, goals, objectives, and procedures in order to enhance the survival, growth, and overall effectiveness of a business firm.

What is the difference between economic profit and producer​ surplus? A. Economic profit includes opportunity costs but producer surplus does not. B. Producer surplus includes variable costs but economic profit does not. C. Economic profit includes fixed costs but producer surplus does not. D. Economic profit includes marginal costs but producer surplus does not. E. Economic profit includes government taxes but producer surplus does not.





Producer surplus is the difference between the price of a good and the least price the seller is willing to sell the product

Producer surplus = price – least price the seller is willing to accept

Economic cost is accounting profit less implicit cost

Accounting profit= total revenue - explicit cost

Implicit cost is the cost of the next best option forgone when one alternative is chosen over other alternatives.

Hewlett-Packard founders David Packard and William Hewlett strived to create a close-knit organizational culture that gave a lot of responsibility to employees and fostered innovation within the company. Individual responsibility and the importance of innovation are Group of answer choices diverse perspectives. focused values. enacted values. espoused values. analytics.



Espoused values


From the question we are informed

Hewlett-Packard founders David Packard and William Hewlett who strived to create a close-knit organizational culture that gave a lot of responsibility to employees and fostered innovation within the company. Individual responsibility and the importance of innovation are Espoused values.

Espoused values can be regarded as values which is been expressed on behalf of a particular organization, it could also be values that is been

attributed by senior managers of an organization in public statements

to that particular organization. Theses statement could be annual reports of the firm. These values are practical results of values been espoused through members of an organization.

What is the answer?? No links





get big brain kid not good kid get better bro

The answer is actually B. Congress passed the act on July 30, 1953. I hope this helps!!

Brian owns a parcel of land that is encumbered by a mortgage held by the First International Bank. Brian agrees to sell the land to Piercel for $350,000. Brian and Pierce together go to the First International Bank to discuss the sale and purchase with the banker. Brian, Pierce, and the banker sign an agreement stating that Pierce will assume the mortgage and that Brian will be discharged from all further liability on the mortgage. In this case:
a, the bank can collect from Brian if Plerce defaults.
b. the bank is a third party donee beneficiary,
c. the agreement among the three is a novation.
d. Brian is a third party beneficiary of the agreement between Pierce and the bank.


Answer: c. the agreement among the three is a novation.


A novation refers to a situation whereby a party to a contract is replaced by another party. That means that the duties and benefits of the party being replaced will be passed on to the new party to the contract.

In this scenario, Brian was replaced in the mortgage contract by Pierce and Pierce assumed all liability related to the land in question. This is therefore a novation.

. Suppose the market for personal computers in country A is monopolistically competitive. Country A exports as well as imports personal computers from the rest of the world. After full adjustment to the opening of trade, a firm in this industry which enjoys scale economies will: A. receive a higher price for its product. B. receive a lower price for its product. C. enjoy a greater market share. D. ultimately go out of business. __________ 16. The clustering of


Answer: B. receive a lower price for its product


Monopolistic competition is a market structure whereby the elements of both monopoly and competitive markets are combined. In such market structure, there are many producers in the market but they're selling differentiated products.

In this case, due to the fact that there's freedom of entry and exit, there'll be more firms coming into the market due to the supernormal profit which is made at first but in the long run, a lower price will be received for goods and services as there are many sellers in the market. Therefore, a normal profit will be made.

Other Questions
It says 5.60 on the label. You've ... me 6.50.a. takenb. deductedc. reducedd. charged In January Mr.Tan's students read 20 books. In February, they read 15 books. What is the percent increase or decrease in the number of books the read? An effort of the steamboats popularity was that : A . Fewer your people travel by railB . Steam locomotives became less popular C . People began to build canals in the U.S & Europe D . More people began to travel between the U.S and Europe what is the bionomial expansion of (x-1y)^2 which is odd one out 4:10 12:25 20:50 8:20 Square root 1.000441 find the solution to the system of equations. y= -7x + 3y= -x - 3 Please help! Thank you. I need An answer ASAP!? The sum of fourconsecutive odd number is 8o. Find the number Government works to maintain a competitive business environment by preventing __________.A.too many new companies going into business all at onceB.one business from unfairly taking over a marketC.competition from outside the USD.prices from becoming too high Write a memoir of 250 to 300 words on the following topic :Any historical incident that impacted your life Where does change management play a major role in transforming a clientbusiness into a data-driven, intelligent enterprise? Question 3:Which of these is NOT a way you can be exposed to chemicals?Click on the correct answer below, then click the Submit button.A) Splashing in your eyesB) Holding chemicals while wearing vinyl glovesC) Breathing in dust or vaporD) Absorption through your skinE) Swallowing themSubmit why do solvents particles flow into the cell when the initial volume is below 50% Choose the vocabulary word that BEST completes the sentence.The food writer ate at the restaurant on three nights to get an accurate picture of itsquality.hoardingsubduedmythologicalsuccessive CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP WRITE ME A POEM BASED OFF OF IDENTITY!!poem must include : - a unique title - my love for swimming in the ocean and how it makes me feel calm - show how the ocean makes me who i am- poetic devices such as figurative language -how my thoughts disappear when im at the ocean these things technically make up identity so yeah help, im bad at making poems !!! If position vector r=bti + ctj, where c are positive constants, when does the velocity vector make an angle of 45 with the x and y axes? What is one concern or fear that Mary Shelley explores in Frankenstein? Your friend Allison plans to add white paint to her yellow paint to make the hue lighter. She hopes to suggest a source of natural light within the artwork, such as sunlight. When she does this, what specific aspect of color do you determine she will be changing? A. intensityB. valueC. saturationD. texture