Nuclear energy can provide electricity for the world needs, but it is___
A. cheap B. unlimited 0 C. dangerous D. safe


Answer 1


C. dangerous


Nuclear energy can provide electricity for the world needs, but it is dangerous.

[tex]\tt{ \green{P} \orange{s} \red{y} \blue{x} \pink{c} \purple{h} \green{i} e}[/tex]

Related Questions

What does Poe use in the passage to create a sense of doom,
as if reality is pounding on the narrator?



Poe used repetition in this passage to create a sense of doom, as if reality is pounding on the narrator. The use of stone is repeated three times in the passage

b. Imagine that you are living away from home. Your sister at hom is rather carefree about food, work and rest and is spoiling he health. Write her a persuasive letter telling her how she can improve her health in letter ​


May 24, 2020

Kathmandu, Nepal

Dear sister,

I hope this letter finds you in great health and state of mind. In her last letter, dear mother confided to me that you have become very careless and irresponsible. So, l am telling you to take care of your health.

You don't have any schedule. You should demand fast food regularly. You don't lend any helping hand to mother and your room and cupboard are in perfect disorder. You just sit infront of T.V in wrong posture for hours wasting your precious time. She also told me you have put on more weight. If you continue living like this, where will it lead you? You will have to regret. Dear Shraddha sister kindly take care of yourself. You should make some schedule and stick to it. Life is full of challenges and wrong life-style just adds to these challenges.

l hope you will eat nutritious diet, do some physical workout, and lend mother some helping hand. Looking forward for your next letter.

Your loving sister,


Hope this answer helps you. Thank you.


Dear sis

Please take care of yourself! Eat healthy food, excercise regularly, and be sure to rest! Don't over do it, and tire yourself out, because I know how you are about that, and it is not right! This could affect you in the long run! You could get deadly and serious health problems if you keep up with this lifestyle! It is not healthy, and it is not okay. Change your ways sis, I'm worried about you! Hope to hear from you soon!

P.S send my love to mom and dad!

Sencerely, Alisha


Be kind, be sympathetic, and keep it nice and natural! Don't force her into anything and be respectful.

Late for work? No time to eat? Morning Glory breakfast bars are packed full of the protein and complex carbohydrates your body needs to start your day on the right track. They’re low in sugar, saturated fat, and cholesterol. They also contain 100% of 12 vitamins and minerals your body needs for good health. They taste great, too. Morning Glory breakfast bars. Grab one and go!

Who is the intended audience for this advertisement?

parents of children who are picky eaters

students who go to school every morning

busy adults who care about health and nutrition

all adults who like to eat fast food


Late for work? No time to eat? Morning Glory breakfast bars are packed full of the protein and complex carbohydrates your body needs to start your day on the right track. They’re low in sugar, saturated fat, and cholesterol. They also contain 100% of 12 vitamins and minerals your body needs for good health. They taste great, too. Morning Glory breakfast bars. Grab one and go!

Who is the intended audience for this advertisement?

parents of children who are picky eaters

students who go to school every morning

busy adults who care about health and nutrition

all adults who like to eat fast food

-random boi

Read this passage from chapter 5 of The Prince.

There are, for example, the Spartans and the Romans. The Spartans held Athens and Thebes, establishing there an oligarchy: nevertheless they lost them. The Romans, in order to hold Capua, Carthage, and Numantia, dismantled them, and did not lose them. They wished to hold Greece as the Spartans held it, making it free and permitting its laws, and did not succeed. So to hold it they were compelled to dismantle many cities in the country, for in truth there is no safe way to retain them otherwise than by ruining them. And he who becomes master of a city accustomed to freedom and does not destroy it, may expect to be destroyed by it, for in rebellion it has always the watchword of liberty and its ancient privileges as a rallying point, which neither time nor benefits will ever cause it to forget. And whatever you may do or provide against, they never forget that name or their privileges unless they are disunited or dispersed, but at every chance they immediately rally to them, as Pisa after the hundred years she had been held in bondage by the Florentines.

What text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose to persuade readers that a conquering prince must destroy a former republic if he hopes to hold it? Select three options.

A. the list of cities Rome and Sparta conquered
B. the portrayal of Greece as being held by Sparta
C. the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia
D. the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics
E. the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa



v GGGG and technology and technology and technology

alguien que me ayude..porfa
-Relative pronouns.


1. This is the soccer player who broke his leg.

2. Here's the woman who helped me.

3. That's the wallet that was full of money.

4. I saw the accident that happened this morning.

5. Those are the children who were breaking the windows.

6. There's the beautiful girl who danced with me at the party.


1. This is the soccer player that broke his leg

2. Heres the women that helped me

3. Thats the wallet that was full of money

4. I saw the accident that happened this morning

5. Those are the children thet were breaking the windows

6. Theres the beoutiful girl thet danced with me at the party


Remplaza los pronombres por that

Consider the passage and theme.

Liam's first job at the fast-food chain was not glamorous. He worked early-morning shifts, loading biscuits into ovens and dipping countless batches of hash-browned potatoes into vats of grease. Every day he encountered harried, impolite customers and complaining coworkers; nevertheless, he maintained a positive outlook. Liam methodically completed his duties: wrapping sandwiches, filling orders, and cleaning his work space. Liam's manager appreciated his diligence, and by his third month of employment, he was no longer assigned to the pre-dawn shift. Within a year, Liam was an assistant manager earning double his initial pay.

Theme One: Every job is worth doing well.

What other theme is addressed in the passage?
Saving money leads to financial freedom.
Customers should know their rights.
Hard work is often rewarded.
Cleanliness fosters good health.


Answer:Hard work is often rewarded.

Explanation: Liam works hard to please his customers and make them happy. No matter how difficult the job is or how much trouble his customers give him, he continues to work hard. Due to his hardwork, he is rewared and given a promotion

100 points please read this ASAP and help
read these comments :D


What happened? Anyway, it says:

This is a horrible website that is used almost exclusively for cheating. Even though their

so-called 'code of honor prohibits students from answering or copying tests questions. test

cheats make up a substantial chunk of Brainly. As in, it's what students pretty much ONLY

use it for.  

Brainly is a place for students to share and explore knowledge together as a community.

Our Honor Code does not allow cheating, plagiarism, or other violations of academic

integrity. 3 days ago  


How do you want us to answer?


Read this passage from Moby . What do the men find out from the captain’s speech?

“Captain Ahab,” said Starbuck, who, with Stubb and Flask, had thus far been eyeing his superior with increasing surprise, but at last seemed struck with a thought which somewhat explained all the wonder. “Captain Ahab, I have heard of Moby-—but it was not Moby- that took off thy leg?”

“Who told thee that?” cried Ahab; then pausing, “Aye, Starbuck; aye, my hearties all round; it was Moby- that dismasted me; Moby- that brought me to this dead stump I stand on now. Aye, aye,” he shouted with a terrific, loud, animal sob, like that of a heartstricken moose; “Aye, aye! it was that accursed white whale that razeed me; made a poor pegging lubber for me forever and a day!” Then tossing both arms, with measureless imprecations he shouted out: “Aye, aye! and I’ll chase him round Good Hope, and round the Horn, and round the Norway Maelstrom, and round perdition’s flames before I give him up. And this is what ye have shipped for, men! to chase that white whale on both sides of land, and over all sides of earth, till he spouts black blood and rolls fin out. What say ye, men, will ye splice hands on it, now? I think ye do look brave.”

They find out that the Captain has lost his leg in a whaling accident.

They find out that the Captain has chased Moby all over the world.

They find out that the only reason they are on this trip is to kill Moby .

They find out that Starbuck will try to stop the Captain from his quest for vengeance.



From the Captain's speech the men found out that Starbuck will try to stop theCaptain from his quest for vengeance.


They find out that Starbuck will try to stop the Captain from his quest for vengeance.


Makes sense with the storyline.

Help me please!!!!!?????





How does the interaction between Helmer and Nora
affect the plot?
O Nora realizes that Helmer's actions are intended t
preserve his masculinity, not their marriage.
O Nora realizes that, no matter what the letter says,
Helmer will still love her as much as he does now.
Nora comes to understand that Doctor Rank is more
important to Helmer than she is.
O Nora comes to understand that Helmer wants to
share more responsibilities in the marriage now.





Hope this helps. Pls give branliest.

can you help me pls ?


Sorry I had to write it on my notes because it wouldn’t post

Read the prompt for a formal e-mail.

Write a letter to the school board in which you propose turning part of the schoolyard into a garden.

What is the purpose of the e-mail?

to identify the school board’s problem
to solve the school board’s problem
to entertain the school board
to persuade the school board



to identify the school board's problem.

To identify the school board's problem.

What is schoolyard?

The area inside the walls of a school utilized for instruction, extracurricular activities, and performing sports and games is known as the schoolyard or campus.

However, some schools do not employ a wall to delineate the schoolyard; in these instances, the general teaching and extracurricular activities can also be referred to as campus life, and "campus" or "schoolyard" are sometimes used as synonyms for school life.

The phrase can also be used to describe a campus's entire outside area, as opposed to its indoor classrooms.  on this setting, educating students about natural systems may take place on the schoolyard.

Therefore, To identify the school board's problem.

To learn more about Schoolyard, refer to the link:


write an argumentative essay on" if you educate a man you educate an individual but if you educate a woman you educate a whole nation"



The old African proverb  “If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family (nation)” was a pioneer in its time for realizing the importance of women’s education when men predominated education opportunities. This maxim recognized the benefits of education and has repeatedly become the motivation for global development efforts to offer education opportunities for women. Yet, fundamentally this maxim bears problematic assumptions that further disempower women and reinforce patriarchal stereotypes. This essay seeks to unpack the assumptions behind the proverb by viewing how educating women is believed to lead to the development of the family and nation in the context of sub-Saharan Africa, an area still facing low female literacy rates and high gender disparity in the enrolment of formal schooling.

Which type of figurative language is used in this sentence from George Orwell’s novel Keep the Aspidistra Flying?

The public are swine; advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill-bucket.






Metaphors tell what something is

is the rattling of

are swine

Which character is the one who causes a problem for the main character?

Round character
Static character


Antagonist it’s the opposite of the main character the protagonist




i took flvs test

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset. Jot down 5x Pros & Cons each.


Growth Mindset is the theory which believes that abilities of a person can be developed by learning, training and development.

Fixed mindset is the theory which believes that skills and abilities of a person are attributed to a personal trait by born and they can not be changed or developed further.

There are various Pros and Cons for both the mindsets.


Growth Mindset:

Brain development

New learning and development

Creative ideas and brainstorming

Reduced stress and Greater motivation


Fixed Mindset:

Learning curve


Well defined abilities

No room for improvement

Goals achievement


Growth Mindset:

No specialization

few chances to achieve learning curve

Ineffective learning and development wastes time and money

Negative growth due to peer pressure

excess stress

Fixed Mindset:

No new learning and development

scope is limited

Hinder progress due to lack in multitasking

Demotivated when peers perform and earn high

Learn More at :

The stepmother is most likely motivated by





Because i said so and i’m cool

Answer: jealousy


did the test

1.1.8 Quiz: Analyze How Shakespeare Develops
LADY MACBETH. Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt
What thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature;
It is too full oth milk of human kindness
To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great,
Art not without ambition, but without
The illness should attend it. What thou wouldst highly,
That wouldst thou holily, wouldst not play false,
And yet wouldst wrongly win. Thou'ld'st have, great Glamis,
That which cries, Thus thou must do, if thou have it,
And that which rather thou dost fear to do,
Than wishest should be undone. Hie thee hither,
That I may pour my spirits in thine ear
And chastise with the valor of my tongue
All that impedes thee from the golden round,
Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem
To have thee crowned withal
William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act l, Scene v
What evidence from the text supports the idea that Lady Macbeth questions
her husband's ability to kill the king?
A. Art not without ambition, but without / The illness should attend it
B. Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem/ To have thee
Crowned withal
C Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be / What thou art
D. He thee hither/ Thatimay pour my spirits in thine ear



A. Art not without ambition, but without / The illness should attend it


The lines selected above show how Lady Macbeth questions her husband's ability to be ruthless and assassinate King Duncan for his own benefit. Lady Macbeth acknowledges that her husband is soft-hearted, with little ambition, and that he will fear to assassinate the king for selfish reasons. However, Lady Macbeth stands as a counterpoint to her husband's passivity and proves merciless and cruel, being the main responsible for making him assassinate the king and become the new king.

The excerpt shown above belongs to the play "Macbeth" written by Shakespeare. This play shows how Macbeth, after usurping King Duncan's throne, is haunted by his own sins, until the day of his defeat.

Which of the following is an example of a purpose/thesis for an inspirational/motivational speech? Select one: a. This afternoon I will show you how you can mix three common household products to create your own antiseptic. b. Today I will ask you to remember three steps you can take to avoid identity theft. c. After hearing this information, you should be eager to help take steps to change the grading system on our campus. d. Our goal tonight is to honor the sacrifice made by students serving in the armed forces.



D. Our goal tonight is to honor the sacrifice made by students serving in the armed forces.


In a speech, the thesis statement is used to show or point out the major points or the main purpose of the speech. This would make the audience to have a quick preview of the aims and objectives of the speech.

The answer to this question is obviously option d. The purpose of the speech is clearly stated. It is To honour sacrifices of students serving in the armed forces. The speech can be used to inspire others into joining the force.

Which of the following does a sole proprietorship and a partnership share?
O Ease of stopping and starting
O Shared debt liability
O Profit-sharing options
O Protection of personal assets



protection of personal assets

Answer: Protection of personal assets


Read the passage from "Carrots with Character," which
is an informational text about the health benefits of
genetically modified carrots.
The researchers, led by plant geneticist Philipp Simon,
haven't limited themselves to the color orange. They've
selectively bred a rainbow of carrots purple, red,
yellow, even white. Scientists are learning that these
plant pigments perform a range of protective duties in the
human body which is not surprising, says Simon,
since many of the pigments serve to shield plant cells
during photosynthesis.
Red carrots derive their color mainly from lycopene, a
type of carotene believed to guard against heart disease
and some cancers. Yellow carrots accumulate
xanthophylls, pigments similar to beta-carotene that
support good eye health. Purple carrots possess an
entirely different class of pigments-anthocyanins-
Which statement best explains how the author's use of
evidence supports the text's purpose?
The author explains that carrot-breeding has only
been done for the past 50 years.
O The author directly quotes research scientists who
have been studying the carrots.
O The author states that red, yellow, and purple carrots
each provide specific health benefits.
O The author writes that the use of differently colored
carrots in diets dates back over 1,000 years.


Answer: 3rd option


I just know it's that option. Also the text mostly talks about colors and carrots. If you do not know which one the 3rd option is, it's the one that starts with ''The author states that red....'' The forth option is NOT correct because the article never mentions ''carrots in diets dates back over 1,000 years.'' The 2nd option isn't correct either because it does explain  how the author's use of

evidence supports the text's purpose but,  not that well. The first option isn't correct because the article never mentions ''carrot-breeding has only

been done for the past 50 years.''   Hope this helps    


The author states that red, yellow, and purple carrots each provide specific health benefits.



Which sentence from broken chain best expresses a theme related to working towards a goal?






Why are sentences often ludicrous when they
begin with a participial phrase that does not
refer to the subject of the sentence?
The participial phrase introduces the reader to the object
being modified
The participial phrase accidentally modifies the wrong
part of the sentence.
The participial phrase becomes forgotten later in the
The participial phrase accidentally modifies the entire



The participial phrase accidentally modifies the wrong part of the sentence.


i did it and it said it was right so yea


1st answer:

The participial phrase accidentally modifies the wrong part of the sentence.

2nd answer:

because writing should be vigorous


In Strunk’s example of a ludicrous sentence, the man buying the house is accidentally described as dilapidated, but the author meant to describe the house as dilapidated.

Strunk argues that every word should “tell,” just as every part of a machine or line in a drawing serves a purpose. Any needless words in a sentence should be omitted.

they could not decide which one they like and ....... the and they didn't brother​





makes most sense

Which sentence contains faulty parallelism?

A. In dialogue or a dialogue-like stream of thought

B. In supporting details that have a little importance

C. In the theme statement

D. In the insight of concluding paragraphs


Which sentence contains faulty parallel structure?

A. He ate, ran, and showered before going to work.

B. He purchased the blender on Friday, used it on Saturday, and broke it on Sunday.

C. He exercised while I watch television.

D. I knew he was telling the truth as soon as he spoke the words.


C. He exercised while I watch television.


Faulty parallelism simply means mixing up verb forms in a sentence when making a list of things.

Therefore, the sentence that contains faulty parallelism is option C which says "He exercised while I watch television"

This is a faulty parallel structure because it should be written as "He exercised, while I WATCHED television"

Write a two paragraph response to an online post or comment



no one

is calling


no one


1. What is the difference between common and proper nouns? How can you tell if a
noun should be capitalized?



Common nouns name any person, place, thing, or idea they are not capitalized unless they come at the beginning of a sentence. Proper nouns are the names of specific people, places, things, or ideas. Proper nouns should always be capitalized.


all school provides a CO education for the boys at schools against the statement short story​



s   i


es su dever

For many people, traveling by plane is an excited experience.



I don't know what are you asking but it's exciting not excited


i think travelling by plane is so nausea and headached


Write a paragraph describing the main conflict in the story and explaining how it demonstrates different cultural perspectives (not the sample answer and the story is “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan)


Answer and Explanation:

"Two Kinds" is a short story by Amy Tan, an American author born in 1959. Tan is famous for her short stories in which Chinese immigrant families are portrayed.

In "Two Kinds," the main conflict is character vs. character, more specifically mother vs. daughter. Jing-mei, also called June, is the daughter of Chinese immigrant Suyuan. The conflict revolves around the differences between the cultures of the two. Suyuan understands tradition and obedience as being essential in the relationship between parents and children. She also believes excellence must be achieved in whatever area or field.

June, on the other hand, was born in America and has already embodied different values from her mother's. She does not understand the need to strive for perfection or to obey blindly. She wants to be free to be herself and to do what she wants, even if it means being mediocre.

The tension between the two starts to build when Suyuan demands that June becomes a child prodigy. At first, June is excited about the idea. With time, she realizes it is no fun to be a prodigy, and that it demands a lot of effort. The main conflict arrives with the piano lessons and the recital. June is forced to learn to play the piano, but she does it halfheartedly. At the recital, all she does is embarrass herself and her family by performing badly. With her performance, she has made her statement: she has the right to be mediocre, and no one can force her to be anything she does not want to.

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19. Which type of chemical process is used to remove salt from ocean water?O A. AlkylationO B. DopingO C. DehydrogenationD. Desalination factorise m^2 - 12 m + 24 I do not understand this question can someone help me with good explanation will give Brainliest Which trait did characters in Lost Generation writings most often express?A. A value system based largely on promoting economic equalityB. A longing to bring glory and power to their home nationsC. A desire to find meaning in chaotic post-World War I societiesOD. A worldview based on rationality rather than emotions How is the fourth wave of the feminist movement different from the previous waves Psychometric scores for anxiety, depression, negative self, somatization, and hostility were combined into a single Global Severity Index (GSI). Global Severity Index was compared for 80 adolescents who were seen in the outpatient clinic for 7 different physical complaints (short stature, obesity, lack of weight gain, breast problems, genital problems, menstrual problems, and hirsutism). Report the degrees of freedom for the relevant F statistic in the numerator and the denominator. (Round your answers to the nearest whole number.) gii gip vi SI units are used for scientific works.Why? How did Alexander Fleming's research solve a societal problem? He developed ways to treat inherited diseases. He advocated forregular hand washing to kill germs. He discovered a newtype of medicine that could treat infections. He discovered the cause of mad cow disease,an emerging disease. Let = {5,6,7,8,9}, A = {x | x >7} and B = {5,6} Find1. P(A)2. P(A) U P(B)3. P(A) P(B)4. P(A B) Wyatt is making a salad using tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. This table gives the cost, per kilogram, of each ingredient, and the amount, in kilograms, that Wyatt uses:Ingredient Price per kilogram AmountTomatoes 3.30dollars per kilogram 0.3Cucumbers x dollars per kilogram y kilogramsCarrots z dollars per kilogram 0.20The total amount Wyatt spends on ingredients is C dollars.Write an equation that relates x, y, z, and C. importance of development What is included in the body of a news article?the writer's opinion about the topic of the articlea short summary of the information in the leaddetails about the information in the leadinformation about the author of the article Consider a credit card with a balance of $7000 and an APR of 16.5 %. If you want to make monthly payments in order to pay off the balance in 1 year, what is the total amount you will pay? Round your answer to the nearest cent, if necessary. As a general, Ulysses S. Grant was Which models best illustrates the inequality and its graph?t< 55a.) t is at least 55b.) t is less than 55c.) t is 55 or mored.) t is at most 55 Ting tong !!!! Surprised!!!!!!!Can you solve this question genius.I need the answer. Also I Have advantage for you if you help me on this question. if you answer all questions with correct I will follow you! Marks as branlist!Bye bye!!!!!!!! Answer it ok!!!I have waste 50 pts on this. if you give me answer of other questions on this for pts I will report your answerif you give me all answer of this I will make you brainlist.!!!!!!! What is the missing reason in the proof? Given: ABC is a right angle, D B C is a straight angle Prove: ABC A B D A horizontal line has points D, B, C. A line extends vertically from point B to point A. Angle A B C is a right angle. definition of angle bisector segment addition property definition of congruent angles transitive property Cuales son los 5 hechos sobre el ncleo interno find all points (x,y) that are 13 units away from the point (2,7) and that lie on the line x-2y=10