nursing responsibilities while taking hot application


Answer 1
High temperatures can cause burns. Report pain, excess redness, and blisters at once. Also observe for pale skin. When heat is applied too long, blood vessels constrict

Related Questions

what is the end product of starch digestion





Hope this helps~~ ;D

Answer and Explanation:


The digestion of starch begins with salivary amylase, but this activity is much less important than that of pancreatic amylase in the small intestine. Amylase hydrolyzes starch, with the primary end products being maltose, maltotriose, and a -dextrins, although some glucose is also produced.

If the requested premium method is social security deduction what must you so


Answer:Yes. In fact, if you are signed up for both Social Security and Medicare Part B — the portion of Medicare that provides standard health insurance — the Social Security Administration will automatically deduct the premium from your monthly benefit.

Medicare Part A, which covers hospitalization, is free for anyone who is eligible for Social Security, even if they have not claimed benefits yet.

If you are getting Medicare Part C (additional health coverage through a private insurer) or Part D (prescriptions), you have the option to have the premium deducted from your Social Security benefit or to pay the plan provider directly. If you want the deduction, you will have to contact your part C or D provider to arrange it.


We need to understand Social Security Deduction have to do with Social Security Tax and are inseparable.

Social Security Tax provides for retirement benefit and disability care of an employee.

The Tax are paid by employer to the service provider on behalf of the employee. The half amount of levy paid by employer are subsequently deducted by from the employee income.

The social security deduction are based on the rate determined by the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) and these rate cannot vary until the commission adjusts.

In conclusion, the premium paid for the social security service is based on the rate determined by Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA).

Learn more about social security deduction here

all of the areas belong to the _______ hemisphere of the______



The Antarctic is a cold, remote area in the Southern Hemisphere encompassed by the Antarctic Convergence

all of the areas belong to the long line hemisphere of the long line

You work in the Human Resources department of a small company. You just typed up the new personal time off policy in Word and want to email it to your boss for comment and approval. How should you attach it?



c. Using the Share, Email command and Send as Attachment.


Documents to be shared via email are uploaded as an attachment and sent to a specified E - mail address. In the scenario above, Once the off time policy has been typed using a word program, the document is saved. Since it is to be sent to an email address, the Share command of an E-mail allows documents and files to be shared through E-mail. The document is uploaded and sent using the attach functionality which allows documents and files to be transferred between mail recipients as an attachment.

Hello everyone, if I ask a question that I think is difficult and I want your opinion on the answer to it


C . Change in the workspace




Not everyone knows how to manage change, But soon, Time recover itself!

- So option D .

I hope I helped...!

Where is the organ of corti located?


[tex]\huge\bold\pink{ANSWER} [/tex]



The Organ of Corti is an organ of the inner ear located within the cochlea which contributes to audition. The Organ of Corti includes three rows of outer hair cells and one row of inner hair cells. Vibrations caused by sound waves bend the stereocilia on these hair cells via an electromechanical force.8 May 2021.

Hope it helps please support someone on YT ^^

BCBS fee-for-service, or traditional coverage, is selected based on what criteria?



The correct answer would be - Individuals who do not have access to a group plan Many small business employers.


BCBS fee-for-service or traditional coverage is a plan in which the health care provider or doctor is paid a fee for each particular service completed, In such coverage instead of outcomes volume and number of services are in focus as it is rewarding for providers.

This type of coverage is generally is selected for the criteria of Individuals who do not have access to a group plan Many small business employers.

pharmacy and pharmacist are very important in medical science.
Please try to give long answer.
I will mark you as brainlialist and give you 5 star. :) <3​



The practice of pharmacy requires excellent knowledge of drugs, their mechanism of action, side effects, interactions, mobility, and toxicity. Pharmacy practice has played a very important role in building the trust of patients in the health care system, reducing treatment cost, achieving better health outcomes, reducing the risk of treatments and side effects of medication, safe access to the treatment and improved quality of life in many countries. Pharmacists are the experts on drug therapy and are the primary health professionals who optimize the use of medication for the benefit of the patients. Clinical pharmacists play a crucial role in different health care setups by evaluating and revising the medicines, medication history, dispensing errors, administration errors, analyzing drug interactions, pointing out the adverse drug reactions, exhorting individualization of dosage regimen, and contributing to patient's counseling. By participation in clinical discussions and ward rounds, the clinical pharmacists can help in identifying, preventing, and reducing drug interactions and other drug-related problems


Express in your words two reasons to which to decide to become a practical nurse



you can enter the workforce faster, it also offers a large amount of variety


Ace Inhibitors (ACEIs) are the first line of therapy for most people with _______________ and has a side effect of _______________?


High blood pressure / hypotension

what is the benefits of egss



proteins eggs give us proteins we eat egg that is not catchable because it doesn't have that special DNA that makes it edible and it wont hatch the other type is edible but if kept warm and in a couple  of weeks it will hatch there now you know why we need eggs

probably wrong

Many Asian Americans ______ when they drink which may curb excessive alcohol intake and reduce their risk of developing alcoholism.



I am pretty sure the answer is that they have a lower usage.


I hope this helps

Flush/ it’s also called Asian flush. Face gets really red or blotched of red

samples collected before an animal has eaten referred to as



before eating is known as preprandial sample and

after eating is known as postprandial sample

the provider is seeing a patient what situation would you put the caller directly through to the physician



Let the patient speak. ... ...

Involve the family always. ...

Always ask open-ended questions


it will involve the family members...

What type of tooth is #20and how many canals could be affected


2nd premolar and one canal can be affected.

What is the function of MHC class II expression in thymic cortical cells?​


a critical and unique role for positive selection of CD4 T cells
CD4 T is the correct answer for this problem

In a recent case control study on hypertension and the use of Oral Contraceptives (OC) in Queens, NY, a total of 2,700 women were diagnosed with hypertension and 1,200 did not have a history of OC. Of the 700 women without hypertension, 300 did not have a history of OC. What is the odds ratio for the association between OC use and hypertension



≈ 0.94


Number of women diagnosed with Hypertension = 2700

Number without history of OC  = 1200

women with history of OC = 2700 - 1200 = 1500

300 out of 700 of women without hypertension do not have history of OC

400 out of 700 of women without hypertension have history of OC

Determine the odds ratio between OC use and hypertension

Hence :

The odds ratio = ( 1500 / 1200 ) / ( 400/300 )

                         = 1.25 / 1.333 = 0.9377 ≈ 0.94

• Antimicrobial agents usually work best at high temperatures and high pH levels.



Antimicrobial agents usually work best at high temperatures and pH levels. An environment may contain some microbes and still be considered sterile. Slow freezing is more damaging to microbial cells than quick freezing. Organs that are commonly affected by drug toxicity include the kidneys and the liver.

A court decision that was applied to a previous case that is used to guide how to decide on a current issue is known as



Judicial precedent


When a previous court decision is used as a guide to decide a current issue, this is referred to as Judicial precedent. The previous decisions and judgement of a higher court concerning a similar current case in a lower court can be considered and followed to understand the Ration Decidendi of the higher court. It can either be an original precedent, binding precedent or persuasive precedent.

Judicial precedent saves the time of the court, and makes law consistent and fair. Though might make law rigid and mechanical.

People who take medications always have to report their current medications when they go for a doctor's visit. The doctor most likely wants to know their current medications to prevent


Probably giving them a medication that reacts with their current medication, as it could cause an overdose or other complications
any complications that could arise when a new drug is introduced to the system. they have to make sure that it doesn’t counteract with any of the medication is that the patient is already using.

la importancia de la precisión y la
documentación adecuada de las tablas en caso de que la
reclamación de nuestro médico sea denegada o la
compañía de seguros reduzca el pago.



don't understand


Don't understand

Mitochondria are
A. found in the plasma membrane.
B. organelles that contain the genetic material for the cell.
C. cells with flagella.
D. "batteries" that provide energy for cells.




Mitochondria are the powerhouses of cells

The correct answer is D

Submit your neatly typed or written speech of at least 500 words, as well as the visual information that goes with your presentation. Remember, your speech must be structured like an essay, including an introduction with a strong thesis (this is your argument), a body, and a conclusion.
Make sure your speech addresses your audience's concerns, and includes the background information on vaccines.


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Sally Baggett holds a master’s in literature. She enjoys inspiring students, cooking with her family, and helping others achieve their dreams.

Sally Baggett holds a master’s in literature. She enjoys inspiring students, cooking with her family, and helping others achieve their dreams.Just like there is more than one way to skin a cat (or so they say), there is more than one way to write an essay. One is not required to produce a perfectly formatted five-paragraph essay every time one composes a piece of writing. There is another type of essay you can write that may just be simpler than the traditional style: the three-paragraph essay. This type of essay might be beneficial for beginning writers as it offers the organizational structure of a longer essay without requiring the length. It also offers a challenge to more advanced writers to condense their points.

Sally Baggett holds a master’s in literature. She enjoys inspiring students, cooking with her family, and helping others achieve their dreams.Just like there is more than one way to skin a cat (or so they say), there is more than one way to write an essay. One is not required to produce a perfectly formatted five-paragraph essay every time one composes a piece of writing. There is another type of essay you can write that may just be simpler than the traditional style: the three-paragraph essay. This type of essay might be beneficial for beginning writers as it offers the organizational structure of a longer essay without requiring the length. It also offers a challenge to more advanced writers to condense their points.The Parts of the Essay and Its Benefits

Sally Baggett holds a master’s in literature. She enjoys inspiring students, cooking with her family, and helping others achieve their dreams.Just like there is more than one way to skin a cat (or so they say), there is more than one way to write an essay. One is not required to produce a perfectly formatted five-paragraph essay every time one composes a piece of writing. There is another type of essay you can write that may just be simpler than the traditional style: the three-paragraph essay. This type of essay might be beneficial for beginning writers as it offers the organizational structure of a longer essay without requiring the length. It also offers a challenge to more advanced writers to condense their points.The Parts of the Essay and Its BenefitsAs with most essays, the three-paragraph essay has three parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Yet with this type of essay–unlike its five-paragraph counterpart–each one of these sections has only one paragraph. The three-paragraph essay, therefore, might be ideal for young writers or those who are currently mastering the English language.


g Many individuals infected with hepatitis C will fail to clear the virus in the acute phase of infection and progress to chronic infection. Which factors are most likely to contribute to this failure to clear hepatitis C infection



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Within six months of exposure, around 30% (15–45%) of infected people naturally eliminate the virus without any therapy. The remaining 70% (55–85%) of people will get HCV and develop degenerative disease. Cirrhosis is a danger for people with persistent HCV infection that varies from 15% to 30% within 20 years.

What do you do with leftover food? Do you store it away to eat later or throw it out? For the food that you do store, how do you label this food? If you do not label it, why might it be a good idea to start labeling it? Discuss your personal habits with food storage and how they might change after what you’ve learned in this unit.



I dont throw food if i dont eat it i save it for later


Antibiotics, pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls are ________ which can cause foodborne illness.


- Natural Toxins

Explanation: Antibiotics, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls represent natural toxins that can lead to foodborne illness.

Antibiotics, pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls are natural toxins that can cause foodborne illness.

What are natural toxins?

Natural toxins may be characterized as those chemical products which are forged by various living organisms innately. Such chemical products are not harmful to the same organism but they may be toxic to other living entities including humans.

Antibiotics are manufactured in nature by soil bacteria and fungi. Pesticides are formed by various plant species as well as microorganisms.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Natural toxins, refer to the link:


How might you evaluate the CPOE implementation process at University Health Care System? Give examples of different methods or strategies you might employ.




Since the early 1990s, the use of health information technology (HIT) or Health Information System (HIS) across all aspects of the US health care delivery system has been increasing. Electronic heath records (EHRs), telehealth social media, mobile applications, and so on are becoming the norm even common place today. Health care providers and organizations across the continuum of care have come to depend on reliable HIS to aid in managing population health effectively while reducing costs and improving quality care.

Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) is an application that allows health care providers to use a computer to directly enter medical orders electronically in inpatient and ambulatory settings, replacing the more traditional order methods of paper, verbal, telephone, and fax. CPOE systems can allow providers to electronically enter medication orders as well as laboratory, admission, radiology, referral, and procedure orders. Strictly defined, it is the process by which providers directly enter medical orders into a computer application. CPOE systems with clinical decision support systems can improve medication safety and quality of care as well as compliance with guidelines and the efficiency of hospital workflow; they can also reduce the cost of care.

Fortunately, the potential benefits of a CPOE system are many, including reducing clinical practice variation, operating expenses, adverse drug events, drug utilization, ancillary testing, and unit workloads.

CPOE implementation process in University health care system is running slow. The EMR project will be incomplete without CPOE system. We must ensure patient safety by insisting on efficiency and accuracy. A slower phase approach never benefited for the organization. We should put some additional effort and pain at this stage and ensure quality and safety.

The CPOE methods that could be implemented at university Health Care System are as follows: The CPOE can provide renal dosing guidance and adverse drug event prevention, it is evident that the implementation has serious medication errors and decrease adverse drug events. The systems may also include prompt clinicians to prescribe appropriate medications or suggest appropriate laboratory test for a particular conditions, including standards screening tests when they are due. The accuracy of electronic delivery can reduce turnarounds times of the medication delivery and complete diagnostic tests.

The following are goals that are to be implemented: “optimize patient safety, improve quality outcomes and reduce variation in practice through the use of evidence-based practice guidelines, reduce risk for errors, accommodate regulatory standards expectations, enhance patient satisfaction, standardize processes, and improve efficiency”.

4. Zach is a high school football player. He took a hard blow to the left flank and has a large bruise. He came into the ER with a suspected acute kidney injury. What signs and symptoms would you expect to see


he ate his doggo yum yum yum
There are some pretty stereotypical acute kidney symptoms. I researched and found that there can be fatigue, loss of appetite, extreme headaches, vomiting, as well as nausea. Hope this helps!!!!

The brain is the seat of _______________ and _______________.


the seat of intelligence and control voluntary actions

Discuss how epidemiologic methods are used to evaluate Healthy People 2020 objectives. Give an example. The example can be one you created or one from an actual study. Include the primary goal/purpose of the descriptive or analytical study, design type in the category chosen, uses of analytic or descriptive type, at least one advantage and disadvantage of the design type.


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Experimental studies

Experimental studiesIn an experimental study, the investigator determines through a controlled process the exposure for each individual (clinical trial) or community (community trial), and then tracks the individuals or communities over time to detect the effects of the exposure. For example, in a clinical trial of a new vaccine, the investigator may randomly assign some of the participants to receive the new vaccine, while others receive a placebo shot. The investigator then tracks all participants, observes who gets the disease that the new vaccine is intended to prevent, and compares the two groups (new vaccine vs. placebo) to see whether the vaccine group has a lower rate of disease. Similarly, in a trial to prevent onset of diabetes among high-risk individuals, investigators.

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