Okay, guys, I know this one will be very hard however while trying to finish this assignment I got overwhelmed and lost by the sheer size of it! Alrighty! Here are the instructions:
Modify the TaxReturn class with fields that hold a taxpayer’s Social Security number (snn), last name (last), first name (first), street address (address), city (city), state (state), zip code (zipCode), annual income (income), marital status (status), and tax liability (tax). Include a constructor that requires arguments that provide values for all the fields other than the tax liability. The constructor calculates the tax liability based on annual income and the percentages in the following table.

Income Single Married
0 - 20,000 15% 14%
20,001 - 50,000 22% 20%
50,001+ 30% 28%

In the TaxReturn class, also include a display method that displays all the TaxReturn data.

Implement the PrepareTax application that prompts a user for the data needed to create a TaxReturn. Continue to prompt the user for data as long as any of the following are true:

• The Social Security number is not in the correct format, with digits and dashes in the appropriate positions—for example, 999-99-9999.

• The zip code is not five digits.

• The marital status does not begin with one of the following: S, s, M, or m.

• The annual income is negative.

After all the input data is correct, create a TaxReturn object and then display its values.

An example of the program is shown below:

Enter your Social Security number
Enter your first name
Enter your last name
Enter your address
1961 Mulberry Street
Enter your city
Enter your state
Enter your Zip code
Enter marital status
Enter your annual income
Taxpayer ssn: 999-99-9999 Jane Doe
1961 Mulberry Street
Springfield, Massachusetts 01101
Marital status: S
Income: $20000.0 Tax: $3000.0
I also want to point out that this assignment has two different files with one being PrepareTax.java and the other being ReturnTax.java!


Answer 1
Enter your information ℹ️
Answer 2

TaxReturn.java: Pt. 3

// Write your code here


public void display() {

System.out.println("Taxpayer ssn: " + ssn + " " + first + " " + last + "\n" +

address + "\n" + city + ", " + state + " " + zipCode +

"\n Marital status: " + status + "\n" +

"Income: $" + income + " Tax: $" + tax);

What is program?

A computer can run multiple programs simultaneously, and each program can be in a different state. There are three states a program can be in: running, blocked, and ready. If a program is running, it means that it is currently using the computer's resources, such as the processor, memory, and I/O devices, to perform its tasks.

On the other hand, if a program is blocked, it means that it is waiting for a resource to become available, such as a file, network connection, or input from the user. In the scenario you mentioned, "Program A" is in the running state, meaning it is actively using the computer's resources.

Therefore, Program B" is in the blocked state, meaning it is waiting for a resource to become available so it can continue to run.

Learn more about program on:



Related Questions

Which is a true statement about automation?

A)human intervention is needed to control all sequences of operations of a task.

B)human intervention is not needed at anytime in initiating or controlling sequences of operations.

C)using computer to control sequences of operations without human intervention.

D)computers are not needed to initiate or control any sequence of operations of a task.



im guessing its a?


Programming Exercise 11 in Chapter 8 explains how to add large integers using arrays. However, in that exercise, the program could add only integers of, at most, 20 digits. This chapter explains how to work with dynamic integers. Design a class named largeIntegers such that an object of this class can store an integer of any number of digits. Add operations to add, subtract, multiply, and compare integers stored in two objects. Also add constructors to properly initialize objects and functions to set, retrieve, and print the values of objects. Write a program to test your class.




The following is written in Java. It creates a class called largeIntegers that creates objects of the built-in BigInteger class to handle operations on very large numbers. The class contains the add, subtract, multiply, compare, toString methods as well as the getter and setter method for the BigInteger. A test class has been provided and the output can be seen in the attached picture below where two numbers are created and added together. Due to technical difficulties, I have added the code as a txt file below.

In today's digital world, companies have created software that makes business communication and productivity more efficient and effective. Explain why it is important for you to know how to use business communication tools such as the Microsoft Office Suite (i.e., Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.).

Include examples of some scenarios you faced or may face in the future (as both a student and in your career) that will require you to use these business communication tools.
300 + words



Business communications tools are widely used and the world is becoming increasingly digital so not having those skills will hinder you.


Many jobs require knowledge of Microsoft tools as a qualification. By not having that expertise, I will be viewed as less qualified for a position and may be passed up for job. In corporate America, presentations are a staple and Microsoft PowerPoint is the primary software. If I deliver a poor presentation due to inexperience, I will make myself look bad and as a result get a bad quarterly review and possibly stunted any future promotions. On the flipside, as a business owner Excel is a handy tool for tracking expenses. Very customizable, quick and easy to understand.

You have just been hired by a large organization which uses many different AWS services in their environment. Some of the services which handle data include: RDS, Redshift, ElastiCache, DynamoDB, S3, and Glacier. You have been instructed to configure a web application using stateless web servers. Which services can you use to handle session state data



Elasticache and DynamoDB


The session data can be stored on Elasticache and DynamoDB

ElastiCache is the best fit for front end data stores thereby ensuring a high performance with extremely high request rates and/or low latency requirements

What is the primary function of RAM?

What is the basic unit of measurement for RAM specs?

A computer with sufficient RAM will be able to

with greater ease.

What can you do if a computer is running slowly and you suspect it is because you have insufficient


How many bits are in one computer byte?

those questions have a drop-down box.


Answer :

1 . Stores Information temporarily

2 . byte

3 . switch between applications

4 . upgrade the RAM

5 . 8

JUST DID IT (Edge 2021)

What does GUI stands for and what is it function?​



A GUI (graphical user interface) is a system of interactive visual components for computer software. A GUI displays objects that convey information, and represent actions that can be taken by the user. The objects change color, size, or visibility when the user interacts with them.



GUI stands for Graphical User Interface.

It's main functions are to :-

present data files & apps in a graphical format (icons) .

GUI is easy to use & enables you to easily exchange information between software using cut and paste or 'drag and drop'.

ʰᵒᵖᵉ ⁱᵗ ʰᵉˡᵖˢ

# ꧁❣ RainbowSalt2²2² ࿐

An organization's Finance Director is convinced special malware is responsible for targeting and infecting the finance department files. Xander, a security analyst, confirms the files are corrupted. Xander is aware the Director possesses privileged access but not the security knowledge to understand what really happened. What does Xander believe happened


Answer: Malware infected the Director's machine and used his privileges


Malware simply means malicious software variants, which consists of spyware, viruses, ransomware etc. These can be used by cyberattackers to cause damage to data or in order to have access to a network.

With regards to the question, Xander believed that malware infected the Director's machine and used his privileges which results in the corrupt of the files.

What will the Document search option search through?






What are the steps for creating a bookmark? 1. Place the insertion point where the bookmark should appear. 2. Click the tab. 3. In the group, click Bookmark. 4. When a dialog box opens, name the bookmark, and click . 5. To see bookmarks within the document, go to Backstage view and click Options. 6. In , select Show Bookmarks to have them appear as a locked cursor within the document.



2. Insert

3. Links

4. Add

6. Advanced


HTML is an acronym for hypertext markup language and it is a standard programming language which is used for designing, developing and creating web pages.

A website refers to the collective name used to describe series of web pages linked together with the same domain name.

On the other hand, a webpage is the individual HTML document (single page) that makes up a website with a unique uniform resource locator (URL).

A bookmark can be defined as a placeholder or saved shortcut for a webpage and for future reference. Thus, it avails an end user the ability to quickly access a bookmarked webpage by automatically directing the web browser to the webpage.

Basically, the steps for creating a bookmark are;

1. The insertion point of the webpage should be placed at the point where the bookmark should appear.

2. Click the "INSERT" tab.

3. In the "LINKS" group, click "Bookmark"

4. When a dialog box opens, the bookmark should be named with a specific title, and then click "ADD"

5. To see bookmarks within the HTML document, you should go to Backstage view and click on "Options"

6. In ADVANCED, select Show Bookmarks to have them appear as a locked cursor within the HTML document.

Scientists have put genes into potato plants to make vaccines against cholera and hepatitis B.This type of research is called



Edible vaccines


In the recent years, biotechnologist have developed a new concept known as the edible vaccines. The Edible vaccines are a subunit vaccines. Here the selected genes are first introduced into the plants and then the transgenic plant is induced to make the encoded protein. Foods like potato, corn, banana, soybean, lettuce, legumes and rice are used for these applications.

These edible vaccines can reduce diseases like the cholera, Hepatitis-B, diarrhea and other disease.

True or False: Using “OR” between search terms helps narrow down


the answer is true. nemenekekkelelsps
Yeah the answer is true

SOMEONE HELP 60 POINTS!!!!! When creating business publications, these two factors must be determined before planning the layout.


Answer:Audience and Goals



I hope This will help you... Please mark me as Brilliant



You want to make sure you prepare thoroughly before starting a business, but realize that things will almost certainly go awry. To run a successful business, you must adapt to changing situations.

Conducting in-depth market research on your field and the demographics of your potential clientele is an important part of crafting a business plan. This involves running surveys, holding focus groups, and researching SEO and public data.

Before you start selling your product or service, you need to build up your brand and get a following of people who are ready to jump when you open your doors for business.

This article is for entrepreneurs who want to learn the basics steps of starting a new business.

Tasks like naming the business and creating a logo are obvious, but what about the less-heralded, equally important steps? Whether it's determining your business structure or crafting a detailed marketing strategy, the workload can quickly pile up. Rather than spinning your wheels and guessing at where to start, follow this 10-step checklist to transform your business from a lightbulb above your head to a real entity.

1. Refine your idea.

If you're thinking about starting a business, you likely already have an idea of what you want to sell online, or at least the market you want to enter. Do a quick search for existing companies in your chosen industry. Learn what current brand leaders are doing and figure out how you can do it better. If you think your business can deliver something other companies don't (or deliver the same thing, only faster and cheaper), or you've got a solid idea and are ready to create a business plan. 

Define your "why."

"In the words of Simon Sinek, 'always start with why,'" Glenn Gutek, CEO of Awake Consulting and Coaching, told Business News Daily. "It is good to know why you are launching your business. In this process, it may be wise to differentiate between [whether] the business serves a personal why or a marketplace why. When your why is focused on meeting a need in the marketplace, the scope of your business will always be larger than a business that is designed to serve a personal need." 

Consider franchising.

Another option is to open a franchise of an established company. The concept, brand following and business model are already in place; all you need is a good location and the means to fund your operation.

which key helps us exit from the current window​



Control + F4 : it closes the current window

What is the organizational management practices on planning during a pandemic like corona virus.



wear a mask use hand sanitizer dont get in contact with anyone between 6 feet


Explica la importancia que tiene el plan de trabajo (cronograma) en los proyectos y porque se realiza antes de ejecutar la solución seleccionada. ayuda es para hoy :c



El plan de trabajo permite delimitar la necesidad a la cual se debe responder con una solución (descripción del problema), los hitos que se deben alcanzar (objetivos general y específico), los recursos requeridos para lograr desarrollar y aplicar la solución (marco teórico), los posibles beneficios derivados del proceso exitoso (justificación del proyecto) y una administración racional y realistas de los recursos a disposición en cuanto a disponibilidad, tiempo y personal mediante una secuenciación de tareas (i.e. diagramas de Gantt), todo reduce el componente iterativo inherente a diseño y producción de un producto, permite prever posibles imprevistos y mantener una perspectiva realista y una eficiencia aceptable en cuanto a presupuesto, metodologías y tecnologías a usar.

El plan de trabajo debe incluir principios de ingeniería concurrente para minimizar para manera mejor los posibles imprevistos, usualmente difíciles de manera con principios de ingeniería secuencial.


El plan de trabajo permite delimitar la necesidad a la cual se debe responder con una solución (descripción del problema), los hitos que se deben alcanzar (objetivos general y específico), los recursos requeridos para lograr desarrollar y aplicar la solución (marco teórico), los posibles beneficios derivados del proceso exitoso (justificación) y una administración racional y realistas de los recursos a disposición en cuanto a disponibilidad, tiempo y personal mediante una secuenciación de tareas (i.e. diagramas de Gantt), todo reduce el componente iterativo inherente a diseño y producción de un producto, permite prever posibles imprevistos y mantener una perspectiva realista y una eficiencia aceptable en cuanto a presupuesto, metodologías y tecnologías a usar.

El plan de trabajo debe incluir principios de ingeniería concurrente para minimizar para manera mejor los posibles imprevistos, usualmente difíciles de manera con principios de ingeniería secuencial.

Write a program that takes as input: - the current hour - the number of hours to add and outputs the new hour. For example, if the inputs are 2 (as the current hour) and 51 (as the number of hours to add), your program should output the answer from part (a) of this problem. Note that your program should always output an integer between 1 and 12. We will get you started with this program with the two lines that gather the input from the user. You'll need to write the rest.



The program in Python is as follows:

cTime = int(input("Current Hour: "))

while(cTime <1 ):

   cTime = int(input("Current Hour: "))

aTime = int(input("Additional Hours: "))

while(aTime <0):

   aTime = int(input("Current Hour: "))

tTime = cTime + aTime




This gets input for current time

cTime = int(input("Current Hour: "))

The following ensures that the user enters a time greater than 0

while(cTime <1 ):

   cTime = int(input("Current Hour: "))

This gets input for additional time

aTime = int(input("Additional Hours: "))

The following ensures that the user enters a positive time

while(aTime <0):

   aTime = int(input("Current Hour: "))

This calculate the new hours

tTime = cTime + aTime

This gets the hour equivalent between 1 and 12


This prints the new hour


Which of the components of the systems model provides information so
the system can adjust its function? *
A. input
B. feedback
C. process
D. output


Answer: Feedback


The input components of the systems model can consist of resources like people, energy, tools, capital, etc.

The feedback components of the systems model provides information so

the system can adjust its function. An example of the feedback mechanism for a system is the progress bar which shows when one is downloading a file on iTunes.

Isa wants to find out if his co-worker Alexis is available for an event on Wednesday, February 10th. Which calendar
view should he use?

O Schedule View

O Day View

O Week View

O Appointment View

Please help ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!


Appoint view
Hope this helps

After migrating the company’s entire datacenter infrastructure to a private IaaS solution, while at the same time maintaining the current network and server logical configuration, the IT director eliminated 50% of the IT engineering staff. The remaining staff has now shifted focus from a daily server maintenance and upkeep role, to more of a service provisioning, performance, and reporting role. Which of the following was MOST impacted by this migration?
A. Service design
B. Service strategy
C. Service operation
D. Service transition


Answer: C. Service operation


Based on the information given in the question, the service operation will be mostly impacted by the migration.

Service operation simply means the day-to-day activities, and processes which are responsible for the delivery of value through technology to the business.

Since the the company’s entire datacenter infrastructure has been migrated to a private IaaS solution, this will affect the service operation.

An example of computer hardware is ? A. keyboard B. app C. web browser D. operating system



D. Operating system


A keyboard is a secondary item like a mouse and is not apart of computer hardware and app is also not a computer hardware because its coding not hardware. Web Browser is a Internet thing not hardware.


option A


Computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer, such as the monitor, mouse, keyboard.

C. Assessment Application
Directions: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided.
1. Disk Cleanup
A. Repairs and cleans the Windows Registry
2. ASC
3. Scandisk
B. Repairs registry errors, remove "junk" files,
and ensure your PC is fully protected
C. Creates and deletes disk partitions
D. Accesses various information's about your
E. Tunes up and maintains your PC automatically
F. Optimizes use of space on a disk.
4. ASC Pro
5. Format
6. CPU-Z
7. Defrag
G. Tunes up and maintains your PC, with anti-
spyware, privacy protection, and system
cleaning functions
H. Prepares a hard drive prior to use.
I. Checks for physical errors on the disk surface
J. Removes unused files.
8. ARO 2013
9. Fdisk
10. RegDoctor
--00 End of the Module 00--​



[tex]\begin{array}{lll}&A&B\\1&Disk \ cleanup& Removes \ unused \ files\\2&ASC&Tunes \ up \ and \ mantains \ your \ PC \ automatically\\3&Scan \ disk &Checks \ and \ removes \ errors \ on \ the \ disk \ surface\\4&ASC \ Pro& Tunes \ up \ and \ maintains \ your \ PC, \ with \ anti-spyware, \ privacy \ prot \\\\\end{array}[/tex][tex]\begin{array}{lll}\\5&Format&Prepares \ the \ hard\ drive\ prior \ to \ use\\6&CPU-Z&Accesses \ various \ informations \ about \ your \ computer\\7&De-frag&Optimizes \ use \ of \ space \ on \ disk\\8&ARO \ 2013& Repirs \ registry \ errors, \ removes \ "junk" \ files\\9&Fdisk&Creates \ and \ deletes \ disk \ partitions\\10&RegDoctor&Repair \ and \ cleans \ the \ windows \ registry \end{array}\right][/tex]


You are preparing to install Windows Server 2012 on a new server. The server has the following hardware: 2 TB RAM 16 64-bit Intel-VT processors 10 GB mirrored hard disk for the system partition You will use the server for the following server roles: File and Storage Services Print and Document Services Windows Deployment Services You want to select the minimum Windows Server 2012 edition to support the required roles and hardware. Which edition should you install



The ideal edition of the Window you should install is Standard.


Customers that require a physical or moderately virtualized environment should choose the Standard edition. With each license, you may operate up to two virtual instances of Windows Server and get all of the same capabilities as the Datacenter edition. Standard version has the same processor plus CAL (Client Access License) licensing as Datacenter edition, with each license covering up to two physical processors on a single server.

With these features, the server is able to perform the roles file and storage services, print and document services, and Windows Deployment Services.

Therefore, the ideal edition of the Window you should install is Standard.

in your own ideas what are the disadvantages of participating in a videoconference write your answer inside the circle​


Some disadvantages of taking part in a video-conference are:

1) Lack of communication from social cues (social cues are what we use to see if someone is in a good or bad mood)

2) There is a high chance of unstable network connection.

3) Technical and personal issues because not everyone is comfortable speaking on a video-conference platform.

4) It causes more stress due to the lack of organization when preparing meetings (because it’s so easy to just get on a device without preparing anything beforehand).

Hope this helped!

In what way, if any, are scripting languages different from markup languages?

A) Markup languages tell the computer what content to present, while scripting languages make things run faster.

B) Markup languages tell a single computer what to do, while scripting languages help computers communicate with each other.

C) Scripting languages tell the computer what content to present, while markup languages make things run faster.

D) Scripting languages tell a single computer what to do, while markup languages help computers communicate with each other.



Markup languages tell the computer what content to present, while scripting languages make things run faster. A


It's most likely A in edge.


My father works in IT, and I am taking a Fundamentals of Dig. Media class. If I remember correctly, the lesson for markup languages said that markup is used for online documents, like Wiki for example. Thus, I believe it is A.

Planning to finance higher education helps people prepare for their financial future because it teaches them about

Loans and interest
Savings and accounts
Filing taxes
Short term goals



savings and account


because that will convince them


Loans and Interests.



Mencione algunos ejemplos en donde sean utilizadas las máquinas de aire comprimido. Justifique su respuesta.



Los ejemplos en los que se utilizan máquinas de aire comprimido incluyen

Donde se utilizan máquinas de aire comprimido incluye;

1) Compresor de aire, que es un dispositivo que utiliza energía mecánica para almacenar aire a presión, como

i) Aire obtenido en una gasolinera

ii) Aire presurizado utilizado para bombear neumáticos con una bomba de bicicleta manual

2) Equipo de ejercicio neumático, que previene ligeramente el movimiento mediante el uso de cilindros llenos de aire

Los ejemplos incluyen máquinas de entrenamiento de resistencia y máquinas de entrenamiento elípticas.

3) Instrumentos musicales neumáticos que producen sonido debido al movimiento del aire en las tuberías. El ejemplo incluye el órgano de tubos

4) Algunas madres lactantes utilizan máquinas neumáticas en los extractores de leche para proporcionar leche materna almacenada a los bebés que el niño puede tomar mientras la madre no está

5) Se conecta una pistola de aire a una fuente o máquina de aire comprimido para proporcionar aire presurizado cuando sea necesario


write a program to find area of rectangle​



program by INPUT statement



REM to find the area of rectangle




LET " AOR = "; AOR


                                                                                                     Press F5

Area of Rectangle - Python

Assuming that the question needs Python program to find the area of a rectangle. Since we are not given in the Question only by which programming language we write the required program, therefore here we use python program.

Before we write the required program for this question, let's first take some hint for better understanding and know that what we need to do in this program.

Let us take a look at what we need to do in this program.

We know that, the area of rectangle is defined as the product of its length and breadth respectively.

→ Area of rectangle = length * breadth

First we would take user input to accept the values of length and breadth of the rectangle from the user.

We then calculate the area of the rectangle using the required formula of it.

The Program

# Program to find the area of rectangle

# Take user input to accept length

length = float(input("Enter the measure of length: "))

# Take input to accept breadth

breadth = float(input("Enter the measure of breadth: "))

# Calculate the area of rectangle using the formula

area = length * breadth

# Assign the result

print("The area of rectangle is", area, "square units.")

[Hashtag (#) is only a single line comment in Python, It's not printed in the program, I have used them here for understanding the program step-by-step. If you want then you can remove those comments from the program.]

The Output

Enter the measure of length: 5

Enter the measure of breadth: 10

The area of rectangle is 50.0 square units.

There are eight primitive data types in Java. If the the size of 4 different datatype sizes are as follows then what is maximum value they can store? Show using the chart as in our example.


Answer and Explanation:

The eight primitive data types in Java include:

byte , short , int , long , float , double , boolean and char.

By size of datatype we mean the amount of memory the data type occupies. For a 32-bit processor/CPU,

The size of int data type(with whole numbers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) in Java is 4 bytes

The size of byte data type is 1 byte

The size of short data type is 2 bytes

The size of long data type is 8 bytes

how much video does a 10gb video hold i will give brainliest for first correct answer



2,000 songs


Explain the effects of disposing electronic equipments to the environment ​



When electronics are improperly disposed and end up in landfills, toxic chemicals are released, impacting the earth's air, soil, water and ultimately, human health.

Other Questions
A right rectangular prism is made with 8 small cubes.Each cube has an edge length of 1/5 inch.What is the volume, in cubic inches, of the prism?. Use jumbled words to make sentences.ExampleA I'm so thirsty!B I'll get you a drink. (get | drink | you)1 A It is so hot in this classroom. B You're right. .................................................................................. (window | open | I)2 A I need your photo. B My photo? .....................................................................................? (you | it | what | do | with)3 A Have they bought the train tickets yet? B Yes, they have. .............................................................................. (catch | 6.35 | they | train)4 A Can I borrow your laptop? B No problem. ...................................................................................? (it | need| how long | you)5 A Have you decided about your entrance exam? B Yes, I have. .................................................................................... (not | at | I | study | university)6 A We spent our holiday in Prague last summer. B Really? ........................................................................................... (Prague | May | go | we | in | to)7 A Look at the man on the motorbike! B Oh, no! ...........................................................................................? (crash | he | car | our | into)8 A There's someone at the door. Can you answer it for me? B At midnight? .................................................................................. (not | it | I | answer)9 A Natasha is having a welcome party on Friday night. Are you going? B Of course, I am. .............................................................................. (not | anything | I | do | Friday | on) How Hedy Lamarr Invented Early Wireless TechnologyUnhappy being pigeonholed due to her looks, the most beautiful woman in the world" set out to develop a secret communication system that would take down Nazi submarines. A lonely immigrant from Austria slips out of her stage clothes and kicks off her heels. Carefully removing her movie makeup, she's dissatisfied that she's been overlooked for more significant roles. Instead of throwing a pity party, however, she heads determinedly for her drafting table, a place where she has previously invented an improved traffic stoplight. This is where she'll prove to the world that she's more than a pretty face. This is the real-life story of Hedy Lamarr, Hollywood actress turned tech hero. An inventor whose contributions helped develop a system used in Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi.She had a knack for designing problem-solving technologies. Transforming the drawing room in her house into an innovation studio with a drafting table and the necessary tools Lamarr invented an aid to help people with limited mobility get in and out of the bath. She also invented a fluorescent dog collar and a bouillon cube* that would dissolve to turn water into soda. Her best-known success was a passion project that still has applications today. The secret communication system" she developed with composer George Antheil, a neighbor and friend, was the precursor to today's top wireless technologies. Together, they developed a radio communication system based on the 88 piano keys. It was a success, and the duo received a patent for their work in 1942. Unfortunately, the U.S. Navy ignored their technological feat for another 20 years. Late, the system became the precursor to modern wireless technologies. Their work remained unrecognized until 1997, when the Electronic Frontier Foundation acknowledged Lamarr and Antheil. When Lamarr heard the EFF was giving her an award, her first words were, 'Well, it's about time.' Glossary: *bouillon cube- A cube of evaporated seasoned meat extract1-1: Based on the passage, which of these is most likely to be true about Hedy?(1 Point)A. Her favourite pastime was to design inventions.B. She never received recognition for her inventions.C. She had secretly worked for the American government.D. Her inventions were made only through her own efforts.2.The 'secret communication system', developed by Hedy and George was______________.(1 Point)A. a project Hedy was paid to doB. immediately put into use by the militaryC. outdated within twenty years of its discoveryD. a forerunner of today's communication systems3.Which of these is mentioned in the passage?(1 Point)A. how the 'secret communication system' worksB. whether the war effort was successful or notC. which movies Hedy has acted inD. where Hedy was originally from4.Well,it's about time. This line means that _________________(1 Point)A. it was too soon to receive the awardB. the award should have been given long agoC. the award had been given for her first inventionD. it was not the most important award in her lifetime5.One of the reasons why Hedy became an inventor was because ______________.(1 Point)A. she was not happy with her looksB. she wanted to contribute to the warC. she wanted to show that she had other talentsD. she was not passionate about her acting career6.Which of these could be a suitable title for the passage?Immersive Reader(1 Point)A. The Real War HeroineB. Hollywoods Star innovatorC. The Prettiest American ActressD. Scientist From the Music World The answer to this maths question Microbeads are tiny, smooth, plastic spheres found in common household products such as facial soap. These beads, measuring from 0.0004 to 1.24 mm, roughly the size of some fish eggs, are too small to be removed by water treatment systems. Thus, they end up in rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. The accumulation of these microbeads is an environmental concern for aquatic biologists because microbeads(1) make the lakes and rivers cloudy and dirty, affecting their appearance(2) may stick to some household water pipes, preventing drainage problems(3) could be mistaken for food by some species, working their way up the food chain(4) could clog fishing nets, affecting the ability of fishermen to catch fish Why the earth is flat On January 1, 2012, Fei Corp. issued a 3-year, 5% coupon, $100,000 face value bond. The bond was priced at an effective interest rate of 8%, yielding proceeds of $92,137. This is the first and only bond that Fei has ever issued.Feis Statement of Cash Flows for fiscal year 2012 had the following line items: 2012 2011Net Income $11,500 $10,350Depreciation $25,478 $23,675Amortization of Bond Discount $2,418 $0What was Feis Interest Expense on the bond during fiscal year 2012?a. $2,418b. $7,371c. $7,418d. $8,000e. $5,000 write an equivalent logarithmic equation for e^x=24 The results of The Election of 1912 ended with: the passage of the prohibition amendment Harry Truman elected as President the election of Woodrow Wilson as President Franklin D. Roosevelt election as President what are the characteristics or properties that you can use to classify elements what Enlightenment ideals were in the French Revolution? the expanded form of 6,398 is Both adam smith and ayn rand would agree that what is 6x1/2 a. 7/2b. 7/8c. 6/12d. 6/2 PLEASE HELP QUICKLY!!! There is a tree standing in the desert; the sun is rising to the east. Which hygiene practice can help prevent spreading a cold?A washing your hands regularlyB cooking food thoroughly C taking a fever reducerD brushing and flossing your teeth Please help asap thanks Which of the following pairs of elements is most likely to form an ionic compound? magnesium and sodium nitrogen and sulfur oxygen and chlorine magnesium and chlorine carbon and fluorine Write the quadratic function in the form g(x) = a(x-h)^2 +kThen, give the vertex of its graph.g(x)= 2x^2+8x-11 Writing in the form specified: gx=Vertex: When the economy is in a recession, expansionary fiscal policy can be used to stimulate and encourage economic growth. Which of the following scenarios represent expansionary fiscal policies from both a supply and demand perspective at the same time? When choosing the answer, please look if it meets three description, expansionary, fiscal policies, and involving both the supply side and the demand side. (There could be more than one answer).A. The government lowers tax rates and undertakes a replacement of old bridges and roads.B.The government lowers tax rates and issues a partial refund of taxes that have already been paid.C. The government raises tax rates and reduces unemployment insurance payments.D. The Federal Reserve increases the money supply and lowers the interest rate while the government simultaneously reduces future taxes.