On a baseball field, the pitcher's mound is 60.5 feet from home plate. During practice, a batter hits a ball 214 feet at an
angle of 36° to the right of the pitcher's mound. An outfielder catches the ball and throws it to the pitcher. Approximately
how far does the outfielder throw the ball?


Answer 1

9514 1404 393


  169 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

The law of cosines can be used to find the distance from the outfielder to the pitcher. It tells you for triangle ABC, the length of side c can be found from ...

  c² = a² +b² -2ab·cos(C)

Here, we hve a=60.5, b=214, and C=36°. Then the desired distance is ...

  c = √(60.5² +214² -2·60.5·214·cos(36°)) ≈ √28507.56 ≈ 168.84

The outfielder throws the ball about 169 feet.

Related Questions

in 1990 sausage cost an average of $2.42 per pound. In 1994 it cost 51.35 per pound. What was the percent of depreciation (percent of decrease)?
*(show your work)*​



Cumulative price change 105.96%

Average inflation rate 2.36%

Converted amount ($100 base) $205.96

Price difference ($100 base) $105.96

CPI in 1990 130.700

Step-by-step explanation:

factor x^2-3x-28 using the x method



[tex] {x}^{2} - 7x + 4x - 28 \\ = x(x - 7) + 4(x - 7) \\ = (x - 7)(x + 4)[/tex]

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



choice A is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]5 + 2.75s \leqslant 21 \\ 2.75s \leqslant 21 - 5 \\ s \leqslant 16 \div 2.75 \\ s \leqslant 5.82[/tex]

but since we only can have a whole number in the number of stops, she can only travel 5 stops with the money she has.

Determine whether the mapping is a relation or a function or neither.

the 4th awnser was cannot be determined



The answer is not a function

Step-by-step explanation:

I think at least

Please i need the correct answer, no funny business.



Age of the spear head = 6349 years.

Step-by-step explanation:

Expression to be used to calculate the age of the spear head,


Here, [tex]N_t[/tex] = Final amount of C-14

[tex]N_0[/tex] = Initial amount

[tex]k[/tex] = 0.0001

[tex]t[/tex] = Time in years

If [tex]N_t[/tex] = 53% of [tex]N_0[/tex] = [tex]N_0\times (0.53)[/tex]

[tex]0.53N_0=N_0e^{-0.0001\times t}[/tex]




[tex]t=6348.78[/tex] years

[tex]t[/tex] ≈ [tex]6349[/tex] years

Therefore, age of the spear head = 6349 years.

I need to know the transformation of the shape



is there anything underneath it? it says which of the following

Step-by-step explanation:

use the information in the diagram, set up a proportion to solve for the height of the tree



Step-by-step explanation:

There are a couple of ways you could solve this problem. B is one of them.

The correct answer is going to be Small hypotenuse / Large hypotenuse = tree / building height

Let the tree equal x

100/220 = x / 176           Multiply both sides by 176

100 * 176 / 220 = x

x = 80

Notice that 80 is almost 1/2 of 176 so the answer should be right since 100 is nearly 1/2 of 220

stuck on a maths question please help with an explanation thank you stay safe :)​


Answer is  7:13



He answered 5/7 of the 35 short-answer questions correctly. So he got (5/7)*35 = 25 of those questions correct. At 2 marks each for these questions, he earned 25*2 = 50 points from this group alone.

There are 35 short-answer questions and 15 long-answer questions. That's 35+15 = 50 questions total.

We're told that he answered 60% of all the questions correctly. So he answered 0.60*50 = 30 questions correctly.

Earlier we found that he answered 25 short-answer questions, which must mean he got 30-25 = 5 long-answer questions done correctly. At 4 marks a piece, Keith earns 5*4 = 20 points in this group.

So overall, he earned 50+20 = 70 points from both types of questions.


If he got all answers correct, then he would earn 35*2 = 70 points from the short-answer questions and 15*4 = 60 points from the long-answer questions. That's a total of 70+60 = 130 points to get a perfect score.

The ratio of his score to the perfect score is 70:130 which reduces to 7:13 when dividing both parts by the GCF 10.

9514 1404 393


  70/130 . . . . reduces to 7/13

Step-by-step explanation:


The problem statement describes 2 kinds of quiz questions, and different relations regarding the numbers of questions answered correctly. The problem asks for the number of marks Keith had relative to the total number of marks.

This means you need to find Keith's marks and the available marks for each question type (4 numbers).

Because of the way the problem tells you the number of long-answer questions answered, additional computations are required to find the total number of questions Keith answered and the number of short-answer questions Keith answered. (The difference of these is the number of long-answer questions answered.) That's 3 more computations.

You have to keep in mind the purpose of each computation and how it fits in to the final result. This is why we label the intermediate results.


Short Answer Marks

There were 35 short-answer questions for 2 marks each. That's a total of ...

  (35)(2) = 70 . . . . marks for all short-answer questions

Keith got 5/7 of those, so got ...

  (5/7)×70 = 50 . . . . Keith's marks for short-answer questions.


Long Answer Marks

There were 15 long-answer questions for 4 marks each. That's a total of ...

  (15)(4) = 60 . . . . marks for all long-answer questions

The total number of questions on the quiz was 35 +15 = 50. Keith answered 60% of them, so answered ...

  0.60×50 = 30 . . . . total number of questions Keith answered

We know Keith answered (5/7)(35) = 25 short-answer questions, so must have answered 30-25 = 5 long-answer questions. His marks for those were ...

  (5)(4) = 20 . . . . Keith's marks for long-answer questions


Total Marks

Then the total number of marks for all answers on the quiz is ...

  short marks + long marks = 70 +60 = 130 . . . available marks

And Keith's overall score was ...

  (Keith's short marks + Keith's long marks)/(available marks)

  = (50 +20)/130 = 70/130 . . . . Keith's score ratio for the quiz

how to do?? helppppp



x = - 3, x = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


(2x - 1)(x + 3) = 0

Equate each factor to zero and solve for x

x + 3 = 0 → x = - 3

2x - 1 = 0 ⇒ 2x =  1 ⇒ x = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]


x = 0.5 and -3

Step-by-step explanation:

(2x - 1)(x + 3) = 0

We are solving for the two x values (since this is a polynomial)

(2x-1) = 0/(x + 3)

2x - 1 = 0

2x = 1

x = 1/2 = 0.5

And the second x value

(x + 3) = 0 / (2x - 1)

x + 3 = 0

x = -3

Please help me solve this problem


The answer for this is X+2g= 0

Daniel expanded the expression as shown.

What errors did he make? Select three options.




Step-by-step explanation:

The second term should be positive.

The last term should be -1 1/2 not -1 1/4.

He did not correctly multiply -8 and -2.



Step-by-step explanation:

(.*_*)hope this helps(- _-.)

Is each line parallel, perpendicular, or neither parallel nor perpendicular to a line whose slope is −34?

Parallel Perpendicular Neither

Line M, with slope3/4 Line N, with slope 4/3 Line P, with slope -4/3 Line Q, with slope -3/4



The slope of a line is [tex]-\dfrac{3}{4}[/tex].

To find:

The lines in the options are parallel, perpendicular or neither parallel nor perpendicular to the given line.


We know that the slopes of parallel lines are equal.

The slope of line Q and the slope of given line are same, i.e., [tex]-\dfrac{3}{4}[/tex]. So, the line Q is parallel to the given line.

The slope of a perpendicular line is the opposite reciprocal of the slope of the line because the product of slopes of two perpendicular lines is -1.

The slope of a line is [tex]-\dfrac{3}{4}[/tex]. It means the slope of the perpendicular line must be [tex]\dfrac{4}{3}[/tex]. So, the line N is perpendicular to the given line.

The slopes of line M and P are neither equal to the slope of the given line nor opposite reciprocal of the slope of the line.

Therefore, the lines M and P are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

help me with this math question



Step-by-step explanation:

Just count from -1 to positive 2 the dot doesn’t move

solve for x,ty!
No links



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{-3x}{2}[/tex] = 5

multiply both sides by 2

2 ( [tex]\frac{-3x}{2}[/tex] = 5 )

-3x = 10

divide both sides by  [tex]\frac{-1}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{-1}{3}[/tex] ( -3x = 10 )

x = [tex]\frac{-10}{3}[/tex]

got it?


x = -10/3

Step-by-step explanation:

2(-3x/2) = (5)2

-3x = 10

-----    ---

-3     -3

x = -10/3

How far apart are -14 1/2 and 2 on the number line


Its 16 and a 1/2 have a great day!

Will Mark brainlest !please help. (The probabilty of germenating a new flower seed is found to be 0.92,if you sow a packet of 500 seeds in the field ,how many seeds will you expect to be germinated) ​


Answer: 0. 92 = 92%

100% = 500

92% = 500 × 92/100 = 460

Step-by-step explanation:

When a coin and die are tossed together find the probability of getting:
a)coin with head and die with prime number
b)coin with head and die with composite number
c)coin with tail and die with even prime number



a) 1/4

b) 1/6

c) 1/12

Step-by-step explanation:

Let S be the sample space.


n(s) =12


A: coin with head and die with prime number .

B:coin with head and die with composite number.

C:coin with tail and die with even prime number.

a) A={H2,H3,H5}

n(A) = 3

P(A) =n(A)/n(S)


= 1/4

b) B={H4,H6}

n(B)= 2

P(B) = n(B)/n(S)

= 2/12

= 1/6

c) C ={T2}

n(C) = 1

P(C) = n(C)/n(S)

= 1/12

2. Dentre as formas de representar um número decimal, a mais comum é a que utiliza vírgula. Valor como 0,25 está presente nos comércios, nos hospitais, nas lanchonetes e em muitos outros lugares. Esse valor também pode ser representado por A. ( ) 25/10 B. ( ) 1/4 C. ( )1/25 D. ( ) 1/25



B: 0.25 = 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

Queremos encontrar otra representación del número 0.25

Notar que hay dos decimales luego de la coma, por lo que podemos multiplicar este número y dividir por 100.

0.25 = 0.25*1 = 0.25*(100/100) = (0.25*100)/(100) = 25/100

Ahora tenemos el número escrito como una fracción, la cual debemos simplificar.


Podemos ver que tanto el numerador como el denominador son multiplos de 5, por lo que podemos dividir ambos por 5:

25/100 = (25/5)/(100/5) = 5/20

Nuevamente, ambos son multiplos de 5, por lo que podemos dividir ambos por 5.

5/20 = (5/5)/(20/5) = 1/4

así tenemos:

0.25 = 25/100 = 5/20 = 1/4

0.25 = 1/4

La opción correcta es B.

Consecutive numbers are whole numbers that follow in order such as 7, 8, 9, 10, and so forth. Suppose the average of 15 consecutive numbers is 15. What is the average of the first five numbers of the set?




Step-by-step explanation:

First, we need to find the sum of the 15 consecutive numbers. The formula to finding the average of a set of numbers is the sum of the terms divided by the number of terms. So to find the sum, you do 15x15 because the average is 15 and there are 15 numbers. 15x15=225, so you know the sum of the consecutive numbers is 225. Let X be equal to the first consecutive number of the 15 consecutive numbers.






So the first consecutive number of the 15 is 8. Therefore, the second consecutive number is 9, the third is 10, and so on. The question asks for the average of the first five numbers, which is 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

The summation formula is [tex]S=(\alpha_{1}+\alpha_{n})\frac{n}{2\\}[/tex].

[tex]S=(\alpha_{1}+\alpha_{n})\frac{n}{2\\}\\ S=(8+12)\frac{5}{2}\\ S=(20)2.5\\ S=50[/tex]

So the sum of the first five consecutive numbers is 50. Since there are 5 numbers, you do 50÷5=10. Therefore, the answer is 10.

teresa repartee un chocolate entre sus hermanos. ella le dio 1/3 a miguel y 1/4 a diego. que parte de chocolate repartido teresa?




Step-by-step explanation:

Deje que el chocolate total se represente como 1

La cantidad de tarta de chocolate que le llega a Teresa es:

1 - (1/3 + 1/4)

Mínimo común denominador = 12

1 - (4 + 3/12)

1 - 7/12

= 5/12

La cantidad o fracción de la tarta de chocolate que le queda a Teresa es 5/12

You need to design a rectangle with a perimeter of 11 cm. The length must be 2.8 cm. What is the width of the rectangle? (You might want to draw a picture.)
a) Let w = the width of the rectangle. Write the equation you would use to solve this problem.


Step-by-step explanation:

p = 2×( l+w)

p = 2×l + 2×w

=> 2×w = p - 2×l

w = (p - 2×l) / 2

w = (11 - (2×2.8))/2

= (11- 5.6)/2

= 5.4 /2

= 2.7 cm

Need help please !!!!!!!



go to scan an solve on brainly and it should bring up the answer, your welcome

Step-by-step explanation:

here is the answer to your question

Which of the following will simplify to the
correct solutions of y = 2x2 + 5x - 7?
-5+ 25 - 56 525-56
-5 + 25 +56 5+25+ 56



f the answer to the question is A


Step-by-step explanation:

geometry!!!!!! helppp select the ones that are true!



Through any three collinear points, there is exactly one plane.False [ i.e. non collinear points]

A segment is part of a line between two points on the line called the endpoints.False[I.e. mid point]

If there is a line and a point not on the line, then there exists exactly one line through the point

that is parallel to the given line.True

The midpoint of a segment is equidistant from the endpoints.True

If two angles are supplementary to the same angle, then the angles must be obtuse.True

If two angles form a linear pair, then the angles are complementary.False [I.e. supplementary]

A reporter announces that there is an 80% chance of a thunderstorm tomorrow, and if the thunderstorm materializes, there is a 14% chance that it will produce a tornado.What is the probability that there will be a tornado tomorrow? What is the probability that there is a storm, but does not produce a tornado?


Answer & Step-by-step explanation:

We will only get a tornado if there is already a thunderstorm materializing

0.80 * 0.14 = 0.112

Probability of a tornado = 11.2%

There is a 100 - 14 = 86% chance of a tornado not being produced.

0.80 * 0.86 = 0.688

Probability of a storm and no tornado = 68.8%

match the absolute value functions with their vertices



Vertex: (5, 2/3) - > f(x) = 3/5 |x - 5| + 2/3
Vertex: (-1, -3/7) - > f(x) = 1/2 |x + 1| - 3/7
Vertex: (0, -4/5) - > f(x) = 1/2 |x| - 4/5
Vertex: (2/5, 5/3) - > f(x) = 3/2 |x - 2/5| + 5/3

Step-by-step explanation:

please help she wont go to the next aswer



$9.04 /gal

Step-by-step explanation:

1 gallon = 128 oz

8 * 4.23 oz = 33.84 oz

$2.39 /33.84 oz = .0707 $/oz

 .0707 $/oz * 128 = $9.04 $/gal

At a gas station during a road trip, Gerard has $32.00 to spend on fuel and windshield washer fluid for his car. Fuel costs $2.75 per gallon, and each bottle of windshield washer fluid costs $3.00. The car's average fuel efficiency is 38 miles per gallon. If Gerard must fill his car with enough fuel to drive 250 miles, what is the maximum number of bottles of windshield washer fluid Gerard can buy? (Note: all prices include taxes.)​



Step-by-step explanation:

Total amount with Gerald = $32

Cost of fuel per gallon = $2.75

Cost of each bottle of windshield = $3

38 miles per gallon. If Gerard must fill his car with enough fuel to drive 250 miles,

Total gallons of fuel = 250 miles / 38 miles

= 6.5789473684210 gallons

Total cost of fuel = Total gallons of fuel × cost per gallon

= 6.5789473684210 × $2.75

= $18.1

Amount left for windshield = Total amount with Gerald - Total cost of fuel

= $32 - $18.1

= $13.9

what is the maximum number of bottles of windshield washer fluid Gerard can buy?

= Amount left for windshield / Cost of each bottle of windshield

= $13.9 / $3

= 4.6333333333333 bottles

Maximum number of bottles =

4 bottles

A student survey was conducted at a major university. Data were collected from a random sample of 206 undergraduate students, and the information that was collected included physical characteristics (such as height and handedness), study habits, academic performance and attitudes, and social behaviors. In this exercise we will focus on exploring relationships between some of those variables. The variables are:



Students Major

Cheat reporting response

Number of Alcohols taken

Student's Height

Step-by-step explanation:

The Variables are the following:

Categorical variables

1. Major – The student's majors -

Arts & Social Science or STEM

2. Cheat - Response about reporting cheating - Yes or No

Quantitative Variables

3. Alcohol - Number of alcoholic beverages consumed in a typical week

4. Height - Self-reported height (in inches)

What’s the answer? I don’t understand the question and I came to see if you all can help



15/2 that is the answer man

Other Questions
answer this question after a gymnastic competition, the coaches reviewed all the gymnasts scores to identify areas for improvement. a missed landing on an aerial cartwheel deducts 2 points from the score. the coaches found that aerial cartwheels were missed 5 times across the competition. how did these missed landings affect the scores overall WHAT DOES A DOCTOR CHECK UP CONSIST OF? For a 16 year old girl, (I mean a doctor, NOT a gynecologist) List at least 3 things that doctors do during 30 minute check ups. (Besides getting new vaccinations) 1/2a=11a=? P.S I am not in high school I am in 4TH GRADE!!! Given C(4, 3) and D(-4, -3) are two points on a circle, centered at the origin. Giventhat CD is a diameter of the circle,a) Find the radius of the circle.b) State the equation of the circle Rylie recently moved from the United States to Italy. She was amazed and annoyed to find that parents in Italy openly allow their children to drink alcohol. The feelings that Rylie experienced are an example of: Group of answer choices Which best describes the authors viewpoint toward the actual Rosetta Stone in "The Rosetta Stone? The firm has bonds with par value of 10,000,000 VND, coupon rate of 11%, annual interest payment, and the remaining maturity period is 07 years. If the bond's interest rate and current risk level have a return rate of 12%, what price should company C sell the bond in the present?a. 10,000,000b.14,152,000c.12,053,000d. 11,150,000 What are the x-intercepts of the parabola? A: (4.5, 0) and (5, 0)B: (0, 4.5) and (0, 5)C: (0, 5) and (0, 4)D: (5, 0) and (4, 0) Consumer products are required by law to contain at least as much as the amount printed on the package. For example, a bag of potato chips that is labeled as 10 ounces should contain at least 10 ounces.Assume that the standard deviation of the packaging equipment yields a bag weight standard deviation of 0.2 ounces. Assume the bag weight distribution is bell-shaped. Determine what average bag weight must be used to achieve at least 99 percent of the bags having 10 or more ounces in the bag. Which of the following is not a function of protein?A. Supplies the body with energy.O B. Helps keep the body warm. O C. Helps build and maintain muscles.O D. Helps fight off infection. The over-the-counter securities market Multiple Choice is similar to organized stock exchanges. does not include illiquid bank stocks. does not trade corporate bonds. does not have a central location. accounts for the least total dollar value of all of the secondary markets. Enter an equation in point-slope form for the line.Slope is 4 and (-2,-1) is on the line.The equation of the line in point slope form is: The circumference of a circle is 11 pi ft. find its diameter, in feet In poetry, what is the use of an object to represent an idea or emotion?O A. SimileB. MetaphorC. PersonificationO D. Symbolism Please write an SOP (Supported Opinion Paragraph) based on the story the flying machine Which of the following is perpendicular to 4x - 3y = 8?Select one:a. -8x + 12y = 7b. 6x + 8y = 9c. -4x - 3y = 8d. -8x + 6y = 5 7/18 - 1/3 , 1/2 - 1/5 - 1/10 and 3 1/2 - 2 5/9 please help thank you Monday, September 28, 1942"I'm dying to tell you about another one of our clashes, but before I do I'dlike to say this: I think it's odd that grown-ups quarrel so easily and so oftenand about such petty matters."- Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young GirlIdiomOImageryHyperboleO Metaphor i spend 3 hours a day out of a 8 hour shift, what percentage is that