On Beverly's last project, the team identified only a few lessons learned. Which approach to lessons learned

can she implement on her current project to identify most of the lessons learned?

Select an answer.

reminding team members to be positive

providing an anonymous method for submitting lessons learned

making lessons learned a regular part of meetings

holding lessons learned meetings without managers present


Answer 1

Option C (making lessons learned a regular part of meetings) is the correct approach.

As nothing more than a general rule, typically construction companies only plan lessons that have been learned exercises or initiatives towards the end of a particular endeavor or segment.As almost a result of the team knowing, valuable lessons are intended to increase the comprehensive implementation of quality management practices as well as deadlines.

Aside from this, none of the choices are viable methods to learning lessons or gaining knowledge from the past. As a result, the methodology outlined above is the appropriate one.

Learn more about project teamwork here:


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i don’t even know lol i’m just tryna bring my points up sorry.

What are three types of land reform ​



Abolition of intermediaries (rent collectors under the pre-Independence land revenue system); Tenancy regulation (to improve the contractual terms including the security of tenure); A ceiling on landholdings (to redistributing surplus land to the landless);

Types of Land Reform

Abolition of Intermediaries

The first step taken by the Indian government under land reforms post-independence was passing the Zamindari Abolition Act. The primary reason of a backward agrarian economy was the presence of intermediate entities like, jagirdars and zamindar who primarily focussed on collecting sky-rocketing rents catering to their personal benefits, without paying attention to the disposition of farms and farmers. Abolition of such intermediaries not only improved conditions of farmers by establishing their direct connection with the government but also improved agricultural production.

Regulation of Rents

This was in direct response to the unimaginably high rents which were charged by intermediaries during British rule, which resulted in a never-ending cycle of poverty and misery for tenants. Indian government implemented these regulations to protect farmers and labourers from exploitation by placing a maximum limit on the rent that could be charged for land.

Tenure Security

Legislations were passed in all states of the country to grant tenants with permanent ownership of lands and protection from unlawful evictions on expiry of the lease. This law protects tenants from having to vacate a property immediately after their tenure is over unless ordered by law. Even in that case, ownership can be regained by tenants with the excuse of personal cultivation.

động cơ không đồng bộ 3 pha là gì



uhhhhhhh lemme think


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The answer is false

A 40-mm-diameter solid steel shaft, used as a torque transmitter, is replaced with a hollow shaft having a 40-mm outer diameter and a 36-mm inner diameter. If both materials have the same strength, what is the percentage reduction in torque transmission





we have the following information to answer this question

diameter of the solid steel shaft = 40 mm

outer diametr of the hollow shaft = 40mm

inner diametr pf the hollow shaft = 36mm

[tex]percentage reduction in torque transmission = \frac{Tsolid-Thollow}{Tsolid} *100[/tex]

= (40³ - (40⁴-36⁴)/40)/40³ * 100

= (40³ - 22009.6)/40³ * 100

= 41990.4/64000 * 100

= 0.6561 x 100

= 65.61%

percentage reduction in torque transmission = 65.61%

Race cars at the Indianapolis Speedway average speeds of 185 mi/h. After determining the altitude of Indianapolis, find the Mach number of these cars and estimate whether compressibility might affect their aerodynamics.



- the Mach number is 0.24.

- Compressibility becomes effective when Mach number is greater than 0.3, the Mach number of the race cars is less than 0.3, hence, compressibility will not affect their aerodynamics.


Given the data in the question;

Average speed V = 185 miles per hour = ( 185 /2.237 ) m/s = 82.7 m/s

From Almanac, we can find that Indianapolis is at 220 m altitude.

So from table, at that altitude, the standard speed of sound will be 339.4 m/s .

Mach number of the race car will be;

Mach Number = Velocity / sound speed

we substitute

Mach Number = ( 82.7 m/s ) / ( 339.4 m/s )

Mach Number = 0.24

Therefore the Mach number is 0.24.

We know that, compressibility becomes effective when the Mach number is greater than 0.3.

Since the Mach number of the race cars is less than 0.3, compressibility will not affect their aerodynamics.


An Otto cycle with air as the working fluid has a compression ratio of 8.2. The ambient temperature is 298K. The maximum temperature of the Otto cycle is 2000K. Under cold air standard conditions, the thermal efficiency of this cycle is ____



The correct answer is "57%".




[tex]T_a = 298 \ K[/tex]

[tex]T_3 = 2000 \ K[/tex]

Compression ratio (r),

= [tex]8.2[/tex]

For Otto cycle, the thermal efficiency will be:

⇒ [tex]\eta =1-\frac{1}{(r)^{\nu-1}}[/tex]

By substituting the values, we get



       [tex]=57[/tex] (%)  

A binary system of species 1 and 2 consists of vapor and liquid phases in equilibrium
at temperature T. The overall mole fraction of species 1 in the system is z1 = 0.65. At
temperature T, lnγ1 = 0.67 x2
2; lnγ2 = 0.67 x1
2; P1
sat = 32.27 kPa; and P2
sat = 73.14 kPa.
Assuming the validity of Eq. (13.19),
Final PDF to printer
13.10. Problems 511
smi96529_ch13_450-523.indd 511 01/06/17 03:27 PM
(a) Over what range of pressures can this system exist as two phases at the given T and z1?
(b) For a liquid-phase mole fraction x1 = 0.75, what is the pressure P and what molar
fraction of the system is vapor?
(c) Show whether or not the system exhibits an azeotrope


The answer in photo
Please don't forget put heart ♥️

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Mark as brainlist pls hello

At steady state, a thermodynamic cycle operating between hot and cold reservoirs at 1000 K and 500 K, respectively, receives energy by heat transfer from the hot reservoir at a rate of 1500 kW, discharges energy by heat transfer to the cold reservoir, and develops power at a rate of (a) 1000 kW, (b) 750 kW, (c) 0 kW. For each case, apply Eq. 5.13 on a time-rate basis to determine whether the cycle operates reversibly, operates irreversibly, or is impossible.



a. impossible

b. possible and reversible

c. possible and irreversible


a. 1000kw

Qh - Wnet

we have

QH = 1500

wnet = 1000

1500 - 1000

= 500kw

σcycle = [tex]-[\frac{QH}{TH} -\frac{QC}{TC} ][/tex]

Qh = 1500

Th = 1000

Tc = 500

Qc = 500

[tex]-[\frac{1500}{1000} -\frac{500}{500} ][/tex]

solving this using LCM

= -0.5

the cycle is impossible since -0.5<0

b. 750Kw

Qc = 1500 - 750


Qh = 1500

Th = 1000

Tc = 500

Qc = 750


[tex]-[\frac{1500}{1000} -\frac{750}{500} ]\\= 1.5 -1.5\\= 0[/tex]

This cycle is possible and it is also reversible

c. 0 kw

Qc = 1500-0

= 1500

Qh = 1500

Th = 1000

Tc = 500

Qc = 1500

σ- cycle

[tex]-[\frac{1500}{1000} -\frac{1500}{500} ]\\-(1.5-3)\\-(-1.5)\\= 1.5[/tex]


so this cycle is possible and irreversible

At what depth in water is the increased pressure five times greater than atmospheric pressure (101 kPa)?​





Pressure at depth is given as

P = P, + pgh

Final pressure at depth h= 5 Po

5Po= Po + pgh

pgh = 4Po = 4 x 1.01 x 10^5

h = (4.04×10^5)/ (1000x10)


Question in Probability and Statistics 2


Since we both have a question in same subject may u help me with this For a confidence level of 80% with a sample size of 21, find the critical t value

Current is measured in units called



current is measured in Ampere (A)


Ampere (A)


The ampere is defined so the elementary charge e is 1.602 176 634 × 10−19 C or A•s.

Hope this helps <3

: A cyclical load of 1500 lb is to be exerted at the end of a 10 in. long aluminium beam (see Figure below). The bar must survive for at least 10° cycles. What is the minimum diameter of the bar?



the minimum diameter of the bar is 1.634 in

The host at the end of the video claims that ___________ is crucial to his success as a driver. A. Reaction time B. A safe space C. His seat belt



answer is C. his seat belt

What is working fluid and mention five example of working fluid.​



For fluid power, a working fluid is a gas or liquid that primarily transfers force, motion, or mechanical energy. ... Examples without phase change include air or hydrogen in hot air engines such as the Stirling engine, air or gases in gas-cycle heat pumps, etc.



A working fluid is a gas or liquid that primarily transfers force, motion or mechanical energy

Examples:Air, pentane, chlorofluorocarbons, butane, propane and ammonia

Two glass tubes diameter 2 and 4 mm respectively, are attached to the side of a water tank
to measure the level inside the tank,(0 = 0.074N/m). Use this information to express the
capillary rise in the tube in the form h= mr + c where m and c are constants and r is the
tube radius and hence determine the ideal tube diameter.


Fails iris send me a text message or

Mention any four thermodynamic properties.​



They are pressure, temperature, volume, entropy, internal energy, enthalpy, Gibbs function and Helmholtz functions

Explain the LWD process why is it important in drilling operations?



Logging while drilling (LWD) is a technique of conveying well logging tools into the well borehole downhole as part of the bottom hole assembly (BHA). ... In these situations, the LWD measurement ensures that some measurement of the subsurface is captured in the event that wireline operations are not possible.


pls mark brainliest

tính toán dung lượng bộ nhớ yêu cầu để lưu trữ 6 phút tiếng nói theo định dàng truyền trong mạng PSTN?



hugdxvb huiiiuttyuj ftfrr

Consider a laminar forced flow inside a pipe with constant wall temperature, the heat flux will have a higher value near the ____________ of the pipe.





Consider a laminar forced flow inside a pipe with constant wall temperature, the heat flux will have a higher value near the INLET of the pipe.

This is because the friction factor is experienced at the highest level when a laminar forced flow is at the tube inlet where the thickness of the boundary layer is zero. Also, the friction factor decreases step by step at a lower rate to the fully augmented value.

what is the term RF exiciter?


The exciter provides fully coherent receiver local oscillator signals at radar frequency band as well as requisite, auxiliary high frequency clock signals. The exciter function is divided into an internal frequency synthesizer and an upconverter.

Hope this helps :)))

thì nghiệm nén xác định cường độ của bê tông trên ba mẫu thí nghiệm hình trụ HxD=300x150(mm). kết quả thu được lực phá hoại P1=45200daN, P2=46800daN, P3=46000daN. hãy xác định cường độ chịu nén của bê tông theo TCNV 3118:1993




the above question is written in spanish

While reflecting on the solutions and the process of concept generation, the development team takes a look at some critical questions such as:________.
1. Is the team developing confidence that the solution space has been fully explored?
2. Are there alternative diagrams and alternative ways to decompose the problem?
3. Have external sources been thoroughly pursued, and everyone’s ideas been accepted and integrated in the process?
4. All of the above



While reflecting on the solutions and the process of concept generation, the development team takes a look at some critical questions such as:________.

4. All of the above


The team must explore its solution space, including some external sources. Then, it must integrate its findings with the ideas of team members, ensuring the consideration of all possible ways to decompose the problem. This is because employing a structured process to concept generation enables the team to come up with creative solutions to design concepts.

The mass flow rate through a centrifugal compressor is 1 kg/s. If air enters at 1 bar and 288k and leaves at 200 kN/m² and 370k, determine the power of the compressor. Take Cp = 1.103 kJ (kg.K), R = 287 kJ (kg.k)​




That's the correct answer to the question , thanks

Hot air is to be cooled as it is forced to flow through the tubes exposed to atmospheric air. Fins are to be added in order to enhance heat transfer. Would you recommend attaching the fins inside or outside the tubes? Why? When would you recommend auaching fins both inside and outside the tubes?



Fins should be attached outside the tube Fins can be attached on both sides when convection coefficient of air inside the tube is equal to the convection coefficient of atmospheric air outside the tube


The main function of the fins that are to be added is to ensure the speedy transfer of heat from the Hot air.

The fins should be attached outside the tube because the convection coefficient of air is higher inside the tube than the convection coefficient of the outside air ( atmospheric air ),  BUT

When convection coefficient of air inside the tube is equal to the atmospheric air outside the tube, it is recommended that the fins can be added on both sides of the tube ( i.e. in and outside the tube )

Future solution for air pollution in new zealand



New Zealand may use some of these solutions to prevent air pollution


Using public transports.

Recycle and Reuse

No to plastic bags

Reduction of forest fires and smoking

Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner

Use filters for chimneys

Avoid usage of crackers

What is the built-in pollution control system in an incinerator called




Cho thanh có tiết diện thay đổi chịu tải trọng dọc trục (hình 1).
Biết d1 = 5 cm, d2 = 8 cm, a= 15 cm, b=10cm, P1 =400kN, P2 =200kN, E= 2.104 kN/cm2.
a) Vẽ biểu đồ lực dọc.
b) Kiểm tra bền của thanh AC, [ϭ] =10 (kN/cm2).
c) Xác định chuyển vị theo phương dọc trục của tâm tiết diện C



saay in English language

Design a ductile iron pumping main carrying a discharge of 0.35 m3/s over a distance of 4 km. The elevation of the pumping station is 140 m and that of the exit point is 150 m. The required terminal head is 10 m. Estimate the pipe diameter and pumping head using the explicit design procedure g





From the question we are told that:

Discharge rate [tex]V_r=0.35 m3/s[/tex]

Distance [tex]d=4km[/tex]

Elevation of the pumping station [tex]h_p= 140 m[/tex]

Elevation of the Exit point [tex]h_e= 150 m[/tex]

Generally the Steady Flow Energy Equation SFEE is mathematically given by









Generally h is give as


[tex]h=\frac{8Q^2fL}{\pi^2 gD^5}[/tex]


[tex]10=\frac{8Q^2fL}{\pi^2 gD^5}[/tex]



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