One day you conduct a family session: the boy, the mother, and the father are all present. After the session, you realize that your client’s father was your parents’ lawyer. Discuss your possible actions and remember Standard 1.3 from the AAMFT Code of Ethics and the first standard in the CAMFT Code of Ethics.


Answer 1

Answer: The answer is provided below


The ethical details which is relevant to the present case, based on standard 1.3, relating to the power differential between the client and therapist and avoiding close personal relationships or business with a client or client’s immediate family, as this could impair the professional judgment or lead to an increase in the risk of exploitation.

It would be tough to substantiate that the father’s role in the provision of legal representation to my parents results in an unequivocal impediment on my professional judgment, since the personal connection belongs to an unclear past. In this ethical interpretation, I am tempted to choose a lenient approach and will continue to include the father in future therapy sessions. Based on the requirements of standard 1.3, I will document the existence of a potential multiple role and take appropriate precautions in limiting interactions with the father strictly to only therapeutic collaborations, and do away from any personal discussions or maybe transactions.

The main reason for this ethical decision is based on the standards of beneficence i.e pursuing the greatest good for the greatest number. Additionally, I will also consider it beneficial to continue involving an abusive parent in the therapeutic efforts, as a way of effecting change and monitoring the systemic power imbalance.

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I believe it is conservativism. the people are called conservatives

A high school principal has reason to suspect some students of bringing weapons on to campus. After receiving a tip from a teacher, the principal search is the lockers of three students and finds a pocket knife in one student's locker. The other two lockers turned up nothing. 3) On the high school campus authorities be allowed to search students lockers whenever they want?





Campus authorites are allowed to search lockers because anything brought on campus or that belongs to the school there allowed to search

When you sign up for a locker you are agreeing to have it searched upon suspicion of a illegal items

Suppose that during construction, Lafayette asked Carl Davidson to rent space in a warehouse that was close to the bridge so that she could work on her sculptures near the site where they would eventually be installed. Carl Davidson signed the rental contract in his own name rather than the name of the LLC. The other members of Davidson Masonry were not aware of the rental agreement. In this situation, would a court likely hold that Davidson Masonry was liable on the contract that Carl Davidson had entered


Answer: Yes, a court would likely hold that Davidson Masonry was also liable on the contract that had been entered by Carl Davidson.


Yes, I believe that Davidson Masonry would also be bound by the contact that has been entered into by Lafayette. Carl Davidson did so for the purpose and goal of the project that they were all working on in their joint venture.

Even though Carl Davidson entered into this separate agreement without the knowledge of Davidson Masonry’s, Carl still did so while in the joint venture with them and also for the purposes of the joint venture project. Therefore, Davidson Masonry would likely be bounded by a court to this contract.

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gagah means manly but whats the question?


Which international conflict resulted from tensions between the US and Soviet Union A)Cuban missile crisis B)the Vietnam war C) the Korean War D) The bay of pigs invasion



The bay of pigs invasion


The Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 was a failed attack launched by the CIA during ... Bay of Pigs: President Kennedy and the Cold War ... with the Soviet Union, and the United States responded by prohibiting the ... In 1962, the Cuban missile crisis inflamed American-Cuban-Soviet tensions even further.

Law is a practical discipline, theory has no place in law. In two pages, Discuss with specific references to the law of contract.​



Check Explanation since we have to discus it.




Law is truly a practical discipline because at one time in our various lives we all have actually observe the law. Here, our reference is going to be on the LAW OF CONTRACT.

CONTRACT is a form of aggreement between two or more people. Contract may be written or maybe spoken. Contracts are enforceable under the law if there is a physical evidence that shows that their is surely an agreement.

We all at some point in our lives make agreements and sign a contract(written) or even just with mouth for instance your oath to be law abiding to school rules and regulations and many more.

When contract are breached, the LAW OF CONTRACT is being used in determining the guilty and the innocent. These laws are that is LAW OF CONTRACTS are made BASED ON REAL LIFE CASES which makes law LAW to be A PRACTICAL DISCIPLINE.

Almost everyday in our various lives, we all practice law, hence LAW IS A PRACTICAL DISCIPLINE, THEORY HAS NO PLACE IN LAW.

California's constitution outlines the structure of government 1 point at the municipal level only. at the local level only. at the State level only. at both the State and local levels



California's constitution outlines the structure of government at the State level only.


The 1879 California constitution establishes and describes the duties, powers, structure and function of the California government.  Unlike other states' constitutions, it also strongly protects the corporate existence of cities and counties by granting them broad plenary home rule powers.

The implication is that some laws of cities even trump the California constitution.  Therefore, the constitution does not outline the structure of government at the municipal or local levels.

Case 4.3, Taylor v. Baseball Club of Seattle, L.P., involved a Mariners fan, Delinda Middleton Taylor, who was injured by a baseball that entered the stands during team warm-ups. The issue in the case was a. whether the risk of injury from an errant baseball was foreseeable to a reasonable person with Taylor's familiarity with baseball. b. whether the ball was thrown into the stands intentionally. c. whether Taylor suffered a legally recognizable injury. d. false imprisonment.





Taylor v Baseball club of seattle case was filed by Taylor against Baseball club of Seattle for being negligent. The baseball club in their defence argued that Taylor was quite familiar with the game and the fact that there is a chance that a ball can hit a spectator.

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Iran and Afghanistan


Connect each type of case on the left with a court that would most likely hold jurisdiction to hear

that case.

a person who wants to dispute a

traffic court

speeding ticket

a company declaring bankruptcy

juvenile court

a company that wants to appeal a case

involving two different states

bankruptcy court

a couple getting divorced

US Supreme Court

a crime by a 12-year-old girl

family court



a) Traffic court: a person who wants to dispute a speeding ticket

b) Bankruptcy court: a company declaring bankruptcy

c) US supreme court: a company that wants to appeal a case  involving two different states

d) Family court: a couple getting divorce

e) Juvenile court: a crime by a 12-year-old girl


a) Traffic court: a person who wants to dispute a speeding ticket

A Traffic court is court used for the handling of cases regarding traffic cases.

b) Bankruptcy court: a company declaring bankruptcy

A bankruptcy court is a type of federal court that deals with matters relating to bankruptcy.

c) US supreme court: a company that wants to appeal a case  involving two different states

The supreme court is the highest federal court having jurisdiction over all federal and state court cases that involve a point of federal law, and original jurisdiction over a narrow range of cases.

d) Family court: a couple getting divorced

The family court us a court to where matters relating to family law are handled.

e) Juvenile court: a crime by a 12-year-old girl

Juvenile Court is a court that deals with under-age defendants who violate any federal, state or municipal law, and any child who is abused, neglected or dependent.

The case and the court that would most likely hold jurisdiction to hear about it

A person who wants to dispute a speeding ticket.Traffic court

A company declaring bankruptcy.Bankruptcy court

A company that wants to appeal a case involving two different states.US supreme court

A couple getting divorce.Family court

A crime by a 12-year-old girl.Juvenile court


Traffic court deals with traffic cases.

Bankruptcy court settles issues relating to bankruptcy

Family court handles family matters.

Juvenile court deals with cases relating to underage children

US supreme Court handles issues between states.

Learn more about court:

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law is a practical discipline, theory has no place in law. With specific reference to the law of contract discuss. ​



The reference about the law used is its clarity, efficiency and specificity.


When people claim that "law is a practical discipline, theory has no place in law," they mean that the law allows us to get specific answers from right and wrong, and not assumptions and concepts about what is right and wrong within. of a society, that is, if the law does not tolerate assumptions, the theory has no place within the law.

This can be seen, because a theory is an assumption about how something happens and an assumption of the events that cause it to happen.

The law is something clear, direct, dynamic and practical, which shows a certainty and not an assumption.

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