One function of both the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union (EU) is to


Answer 1


They both aim at reducing the barriers which exist between the two organizations and this is with the aim of promoting trade


Related Questions

How does the number of Electoral College vote a presidential candidate has compared to the number of popular votes a presidential candidate has?

A. Sometimes the Electoral College votes do not reflect the popular vote. It's the number of Electoral College votes that determines who is elected president.
B. The Electoral College votes are calculated using the popular vote. So the candidate who is elected president will have the most votes in both categories.
C. The president is elected based on the popular vote, or the number of people who voted. The Electoral College votes only matter if there is a tie between candidates.
D. The popular vote determines who will be president. The Electoral College votes determine whether the Democratic or Republican party will have the most influence in government.


A that’s what I know it is


Sometimes the Electoral College votes do not reflect the popular vote. It's the number of Electoral College votes that determines who is elected president.

proof in the pic

Which of the following limited resources must businesses consider when determining the best allocation of its resources and making trade-off decisions?

A. consumer preferences

B. labor

C. profit

D. attention




The limited resources must businesses consider when determining the best allocation of its resources and making trade-off decisions are the consumer preferences Option(a) is correct.

What are Consumer preferences?

Consumer preferences are characterized as the abstract (individual) tastes, as estimated by utility, of different heaps of products. They grant the consumer to rank these heaps of products as indicated by the degrees of utility they give the consumer.

Understanding consumer conduct is significant for organizations since it can assist them with coming to better conclusions about their items and administrations. By understanding the reason why individuals buy specific items and how they use them, organizations can adjust their contributions to more readily suit the requirements and needs of their objective market.

Five elements were found significantly to impact consumer preferences in the two business sectors, specifically propensity, food quality, item accessibility, the inclination to help nearby food, and the accessibility of data and information. Preference is preferring a certain something or one individual better than others. An illustration of preference is the point at which you like peas actually and generally better than carrots.

Therefore Option(a) is correct.

Learn more about Consumer preferences here:


in what ways can culture impact economics check all that apply





seems most logical as now a days what we watch,hear and see can decide what we think a good house should look like.

People can learn work ethic from any one and any where especially with technology .

Music comes down to your personality and your up bringing with what is exposed to you from an early age and so on.

Family history goes the best with culture and there for you might take days off on Thanks giving to spend time with family.

Perhaps this explanation help you get the answer on your own.

Answer: A,B,C,D all of them are the correct answers


Frazin. Which of the following is an example of governments role in providing services?

A. making divorce laws
B. licensing professional workers
C. issuing paper money
D. protecting public parks


Answer: Protecting public parks

Explanation: Just helped someone else with this question.

What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?

(A) To help newly freed slaved establish schools and settle disputes
(B) To help newly freed slaved organize themselves into political parties
(C) To help African Americans move to Liberia and establish their own nation
(D) To fund African Americans who wanted to run for public office



(A) To help newly freed slaved establish schools and settle disputes

I think that this is the answer


(A) To help newly freed slaves establish schools and settle disputes


The Bureau also took up the fight for African American education, establishing scores of public schools where freed people and poor whites could receive both elementary and higher education.

please help doesn’t have to be 3 paragraphs!!


Answer: can you make the picture bigger?


critically discuss the rise of Afrikaaner Nationalism in SA​



Afrikaner nationalism gained ground within a context of increasing urbanisation and secondary industrialisation during the period between the two world wars, as well as the continuing British imperial influence in South Africa.


Asa cultural and political phenomenon, a specifically ethnic nationalism and narrowly defined Afrikaner nationalism undoubtedly left its mark on twentieth-century South African history. This is about the only non controversial statement that can be made in connection with Afrikaner nationalism. There are differing interpretations concerning the origins of Afrikaner nationalism, its nature and content, the way in which it has been manufactured, and the precise correlation between Afrikaner nationalism and socio-economic developments.

It is also important that we do not see Afrikaner nationalism in isolation. In the rest of Africa, particularly from the 1950s onwards, a wave of black nationalism swept over the continent and led to the independence of many countries. Although Afrikaner nationalism differed from black nationalism in many respects, it also displayed some similar characteristics. It shared, for example, the idea that foreign powers should not be allowed to dominate local populations.

The Earth has height, width, and depth. This means that it exists in
A four
B. three
C. two
D. one
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



this is a good question




Do not copy off of others answer

How did Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy philosophy benefit the United States?



Answer:Big stick ideology, big stick diplomacy, or big stick policy refers to President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy: "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."[1] Roosevelt described his style of foreign policy as "the exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis."[2] As practiced by Roosevelt, big stick diplomacy had five components. First it was essential to possess serious military capability that would force the adversary to pay close attention. At the time that meant a world-class Navy. Roosevelt never had a large army at his disposal. The other qualities were to act justly toward other nations, never to bluff, to strike only when prepared to strike hard, and the willingness to allow the adversary to save face in defeat.[3]

The idea is negotiating peacefully but also having strength in case things go wrong. Simultaneously threatening with the "big stick", or the military, ties in heavily with the idea of Realpolitik, which implies a pursuit of political power that resembles Machiavellian ideals.[4] It is comparable to gunboat diplomacy, as used in international politics by the powers.



Imperialists often used claims of barbary or the lack of civilization to justify their colonization of African states. How does “Things Fall Apart” challenge these justifications?


This if 2679 true I know what I’m talking about


What was the average daily salary of a coal miner in the late 1800s and early 1900s?
A. $1.00 per day
B. $2.00 per day
C. $5.00 per day
D. $20.00 per day​


I’m pretty sure it’s B. $2.00 per day

In the Fourth Party System, Democrats versus Republicans (GOP), which party was the “liberal” party in terms of wanting to use the power of the federal government and which is the “conservative” party?



In the Fourth Party System, the "liberal" party in terms of wanting to use the power of the federal government was the Republican Party, while the "conservative" party was the Democratic Party.

During this political period, which lasted from the 1890s until the presidency of F.D. Roosevelt and his New Deal, the Republican Party dominated politics almost alone at the federal level, establishing through this domination a system of non-interference by the federal government in regulatory matters, thus favoring large companies that, except in matters of monopolies They did not have major regulations and could carry out their activities practically without controls.

I'm confused help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



First option


The XYZ affair

it’s the XYZ Affair. hope it helps

40 points
Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

argued Soviet Union would collapse if communism spread no further



Axis powers


George F. Kennan


East Timor

Battle of Britain


Pearl Harbor



The allied powers


The allied powers and most notably, Harry S Truman and the Truman Doctrine and the US policy of containment.

The correct option is E. George F. Kennan argued the Soviet Union would collapse if communism spread no further. According to Kennan, Soviet communism was a fundamentally flawed form of government and society that would eventually fall under American containment efforts.

What was the collapse of the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union's dissolution (1988–1991) was a process of internal disintegration within the USSR that ended the existence of the nation and its federal government as a sovereign state and gave its constituent republics full autonomy.

The Cold War saw the United States pursuing a containment-based foreign policy. The doctrine, which was first outlined by George F. Kennan in 1947, claimed that communism needed to be confined and isolated in order to prevent it from spreading to other nations. To "weaken the strength and influence of Western Powers over colonial backward, or dependent peoples," in Kennan's opinion, the Soviet Union would exert every effort. Thankfully, despite being "impervious to logic of reason," the Soviet Union was "very susceptible to logic of force." 

Learn more about George F. Kennan here:


Can YALL help real quick please ?!?!



The answer is "Option C".


The currency is a prominent example of a means of exchange. In its role as a means of trade, cash acts as an intermediary between products and services. Due to this role of money, value creation is decreased by increasing the requirement for two demands to coincide. This currency function minimizes transaction fees; management fees are all costs excluding the price of the product being transacted, that's why option c is the correct choice.

Why did Marxists come to believe that this distinction was paramount for understanding history and shaping the future?



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Capitalism, according to Marx, contained the germs of its own demise. He explained how the bourgeoisie's riches was dependent on the proletariat's labour. As a result, capitalism necessitates the existence of a working class. However, Marx foresaw that continuing to exploit this lower class would result in widespread discontent.

A rebellion against the capitalists would eventually be led by the proletariat. Capitalism and its followers would be overthrown in the ultimate battle.

Question 1 The National Anthem of Ghana was composed by Ephraim Amu Philip Gbeho Theodosia Okoh None of the above​



Philip Gbeho


The title of the National Anthem of Ghana is "God bless our homeland Ghana" and it was adopted in 1957 when it became an independent country under the British Crown.

In 1957, Philip Comi Gbeho composed the master copy of the National Anthem of Ghana after winning an open competition on the eve of Ghana's independence celebration.

Philip C. Gbeho was a Ghanian teacher, composer and musician. He was born on the 14th of January, 1904 in Vodza, Gold Coast, Ghana and died on the 24th of September, 1976.

During his life time, he was a conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra in Ghana, a director of music and played a significant role in the establishment of the Arts Council of Ghana.

(Percent of Total
(Percent of Total
Which factor most directly contributed to the population trend shown in the
A. The westward migration of homesteaders
B. The emancipation of African Americans
C. A growing wave of new immigrants
O D. The relocation of American Indians



the answer is a because it has to do with your question

The recon quits a was the recon quest of


The Reconquista[note 1] (Spanish, Galician and Portuguese for "reconquest") was a period in the history of the Iberian Peninsula of about 781 years between the Umayyad conquest of Hispania in 711, the expansion of the Christian kingdoms throughout Hispania, and the fall of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada in 1492.

Depiction of battle, taken from the Cantigas de Santa Maria

The beginning of the Reconquista is traditionally marked with the Battle of Covadonga (718 or 722), the first known victory in Hispania by Christian military forces since the 711 military invasion undertaken by combined Arab-Berber forces. The rebellion led by Pelagius defeated a Muslim army in the mountains of northern Hispania and established the independent Christian Kingdom of Asturias.[1]

In the late 10th century, the Umayyad vizier Almanzor waged military campaigns for 30 years to subjugate the northern Christian kingdoms. His armies ravaged the north, even sacking the great Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. When the government of Córdoba disintegrated in the early 11th century, a series of petty successor states known as taifas emerged. The northern kingdoms took advantage of this situation and struck deep into al-Andalus; they fostered civil war, intimidated the weakened taifas, and made them pay large tributes (parias) for "protection".

After a Muslim resurgence in the 12th century, the great Moorish strongholds in the south fell to Christian forces in the 13th century after the decisive battle of Navas de Tolosa (1212)—Córdoba in 1236 and Seville in 1248—leaving only the Muslim enclave of Granada as a tributary state in the south. After 1492, the entire peninsula was controlled by Christian rulers. The conquest was followed by a series of edicts (1499–1526) which forced the conversions of Muslims in Spain, who were later expelled from the Iberian peninsula by the decrees of King Philip III in 1609.

Beginning in the 19th century, traditional historiography has used the term Reconquista for what was earlier thought of as a restoration of the Visigothic Kingdom over conquered territories.The concept of Reconquista, consolidated in Spanish historiography in the second half of the 19th century, was associated with the development of a Spanish national identity, emphasizing nationalistic and romantic aspects.

What was Civil Defense supposed to do for Americans?


United States civil defense refers to the use of civil defense in the history of the United States, which is the organized non-military effort to prepare Americans for military attack. Late in the 20th century, the term and practice of civil defense fell into disuse. Emergency management and homeland security replaced them.

What did the concept of “rational use” suggest?
did the concept of “rational use” suggest?



Patients receive the appropriate right of medication. In dose that meets their own individual requirements. To be adequate over a period of time & at the lowest cost to the patients and to the community.

What happened in the US during the oil crisis? Check all that apply.

A. Long lines formed at gas stations.
B. Automobile design changed.
C. Speed limits were not enforced.
D. Gasoline supplies were unlimited.
E. New energy sources were explored.
F. Inflation increased.



Its A,B,E,F


I got it right on edge 2021

the United States during the oil crisis At gas stations, there were long lineups. The design of automobiles evolved. There were investigations into new energy sources. The cost of living went up. As a result, the choices (A), (B), (E), and (F) are the best ones.

What do you know about 1973 oil crisis?

When the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), under the leadership of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, declared an oil embargo in October 1973, the 1973 oil crisis—also known as the first oil crisis—began. Aiming at countries that had backed Israel during the Yom Kippur War, the embargo.

 Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States were the first countries to be subject to the embargo, but later it was also imposed on Portugal, Rhodesia, and South Africa. By the time the embargo ended in March 1974 oil prices had increased by about 300%, from US$3 per barrel ($19/m3) to almost $12 per barrel ($75/m3) internationally;

US prices were much higher. With numerous short- and long-term effects, the embargo resulted in an oil crisis, or "shock".

Learn more about 1973 oil crisis, from :


If the following paragraph were in a personal essay, where would it go?
For the first time in my life, I felt the heat of
embarrassment creep up my neck. As uncomfortable as I
felt, making that huge mistake in front of everyone I cared
about taught me to accept my failures and learn from
them. There have been many opportunities for me to learn
from my mistakes since then.
A. In a body paragraph
B. In the concluding paragraph
C. In the introductory paragraph
D. None of the above


In the concluding paragraph in my view.


Introductory Paragraph


It is most definitely right.

Lainey is looking for a new apartment and her realtor keeps calling her with new listings. The calls only take a few minutes, but a few minutes here and there are really starting to add up. She's having trouble concentrating on her work. What should Lainey do? a) Tell her realtor she can only receive text messages O b) Limit the time spent on each call O c) Turn off her phone until she is on a break O di Call her realtor back when customers won't see her on the phone





i think she should limit the time spent on each call..that way she will have some breaks in between.

I hope this helps

What were the three purposes of the Declaration of Independence



The Declaration of Independence was designed for multiple audiences. The King, the colonists, and the world. It was also designed to multitask. Its goals were to rally the troops, win foreign allies and announce the creation of a new country.

rally the troops, win foreign allies, and to announce the creation of a new country.

Why did people begin to challenge guilds in the 1400s?


they felt that the guilds keep them from increasing their trade and profits. It was getting hard for apprentices to become masters.

The Magna Carta led to the creation of parliament,England



In 1215, the tenants-in-chief secured Magna Carta from King John, which established that the king may not levy or collect any taxes (except the feudal taxes to which they were hitherto accustomed), save with the consent of his royal council, which gradually developed into a parliament.

What was the result of European settlement I. South Africa in the early 1900



The result of European Settlement in South Africa was that the South Africans had no representation in their own country, but were being governed by another part of the world, or country, without being treated fairly.

Hope this Help! Please Mark Brainliest!

What accounted to the late development of media in west Africa​


Answer:The Development of Media Freedom in West Africa . ... years later when Senegal would launch its first newspaper2. The first major spike in the media freedom ...


This quotation describes the role in an industrial economy played by
"They are the leaders on
the way to
progress. ... They guess
what the consumers
would like to have and
are intent on providing
them with these things."



Industries plays an important role.


This quotation describe that the industries plays an important role in the progress of a country because it provides all the necessary materials that are needed daily as well as the exported to other countries to earn valuable foreign currency which leads to better the economy. The industries translate the mind of the consumers and produce only those products that the consumer wanted or used in daily life.

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