One type of atomic particle that is found in the nucleus does not contribute to
an element's atomic number. What are two characteristics of this type of
atomic particle?


Answer 1


1) They are electrically neutral

2) They have slightly more weight than protons


The given atomic particle found in the nucleus has the following characteristics;

The location of the particle = The nucleus

The (numbers of the) particle does not contribute to (change) the atomic number of the element

The particles found within the nucleus of an atom are; Neutrons and protons

The particle within the nucleus that determines the atomic number = The number of protons

Therefore, the particle referenced in the question is the neutrons

The two characteristics of the neutron are;

1) The neutrons are neutral, electrically

2) Neutrons have slightly more weight than protons

3) Neutrons are magnetic

4) Neutrons are very small

5) Neutrons consist of three quarks; One 'Up', and two 'Down' quarks

Therefore, two characteristics of the particle are;

1) They are electrically neutral and 2) They are slightly heavier than protons.

Related Questions

A system consists of multiple objects connected by ropes. How many equations need to be written to solve this problem?

A) two for each object
B) one or two for each object
C) one for each object
D) two for the system



the correct answer is B


To solve the system they must have the same amount of unknowns as equations,

a) If the system does not have friction, we must write the x-axis equation for each body, therefore we need to write N equations

b) if the system has friction, two equations are needed for each particle

therefore the correct answer is B

What is an electric fuse? What is the working principle of electric fuse?


What is an electric fuse?Answer: Electric fuse is a safety device used to limit the current in an electric circuit which melts and breaks the circuit whenever there is an excess flow of current through the circuit.What is the working principle of electric fuse?An electric fuse is based on the principle of heating effect of electric current. It is made up of thin metallic wire of non-combustible material. A fuse is always connected between the ends of the terminal in a series connection with the circuit.

If mass is the amount of MATTER present in the
object, will it be different on Earth and the moon?



Yes it would be different on Earth and the moon




Mean diameter of cylinder measured by A is 2.50 cm with a possible error of 0.25 cm whereas mean height of cylinder measured by B is 10.0 cm with a possible error of 0.5 cm. Whose measurement is more accurate?



The measurement of first cylinder is more accurate.(A)


The least possible error higher will be accuracy.

A squirrel jumps into the air with a velocity of 4 m/s at an angel of 50 degrees. What is the maximum height reached by the squirrel?




Assuming the squirrel is jumping off the ground, here's what we know but don't really know...

v₀ = 4.0 at 50.0°

So that's not really the velocity we are looking for. We are dealing with a max height problem, which is a y-dimension thing. Therefore, we need the squirrel's upward velocity, which is NOT 4.0 m/s. We find it in the following way:

[tex]v_{0y}=4.0sin(50.0)[/tex] which gives us that the upward velocity is

v₀ = 3.1 m/s

Moving on here's what we also know:

a = -9.8 m/s/s and

v = 0

Remember that at the very top of the parabolic path, the final velocity is 0. In order to find the max height of the squirrel, we need to know how long it took him to get there. We are using 2 of our 3 one-dimensional equations in this problem. To find time:

v = v₀ + at and filling in:

0 = 3.1 - 9.8t and

-3.1 = -9.8t so

t = .32 seconds.

Now that we know how long it took him to get to the max height, we use that in our next one-dimensional equation:

Δx = [tex]v_0t+\frac{1}{2}at^2[/tex] and filling in:

Δx = [tex]3.1(.32)+\frac{1}{2}(-9.8)(.32)^2[/tex] and using the rules for adding and subtracting sig fig's correctly, we can begin to simplify this:

Δx = .99 - .50 so

Δx = .49 meters

In 'coin on card' experiment a smooth card is used. ​



In coin card experiment smooth card is used so that the card can slide easily from glass

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. ― Robert Frost

(a) What is the escape speed on a spherical asteroid whose radius is 301 km and whose gravitational acceleration at the surface is 0.412 m/s2





From the question we are told that:

Radius [tex]r=301Km[/tex]

Gravitational acceleration [tex]g=0.412 m/s^2[/tex]

Generally the equation for Escape velocity is mathematically given by






The brakes in car A and car B stop working and they need to stop. Car A and car B have the same mass. Car A is traveling at 30 miles per hour, smashes into a big wall, and is brought to rest in a collision that lasts for a fraction of a second. Car B was also traveling at 30 mph but it drives out into a field of grasses and sand and finally comes to rest after a bumpy 20 second ride. Which car gets the larger impulse?



Both have equal impulse.


Let the mass of cars be m.

Then the Force acting on each of them for taking them to state of rest:

(Using Newton's second law of motion)

[tex]F_A=\frac{m\times (0-30)}{\Delta t_A}[/tex]

[tex]F_A=-30\frac{m}{\Delta t_A}[/tex] ...................................(1) (negative sign is associated with direction, here we are concerned about the magnitude only)

[tex]F_B=\frac{m\times (0-30)}{\Delta t_B}[/tex]

[tex]F_B=-30\frac{m}{\Delta t_B}[/tex] ...................................(2)

[tex]\because \Delta t_A<\Delta t_B[/tex]

[tex]\therefore F_A>F_B[/tex]

We know that impulse is given as:

[tex]J=F\times \Delta t[/tex] ........................................(3)

So, from eq. (1), (2) & (3)

[tex]J_A=F_A\times \Delta t_A[/tex]



[tex]J_B=F_B\times\Delta t_A[/tex]


Hence both have equal impulse.

If no braking occurs, a total of how much power would be required to keep the railcar moving at 40 m/s



40 kW


A railcar has a continuous 1000 N decelerating force any time it is in motion. If no braking occurs, how much power would be required to keep the railcar moving at 40 m/s


Power in Physics is the rate of doing work and the work can be mechanical, electrical, etc. The S.I unit of power is the watts (W).

The power required to keep the car moving must match the work done by the friction force (decelerating force) that tends to slow down the railcar.

Work done = Force * displacement

Power = Work done / time = (Force * displacement) / time

Power = Force * (displacement / time)

Power = force * velocity = 1000 N * 40 m/s = 40000 W

Power = 40 kW

A scientist that applies the laws of science to the needs of communities is called _____.

the experimental scientist
the engineer
the teacher
the technician



The experimental scientist

a 2kg object is dropped from height of 10m. ignoring air resistance calculate:

1. mechanical energy of the object

2. kinetic energy of the object when it is 3m above the ground



ME= 196.2 J

KE= 136.2


potential energy=mgh 2*9.81*10

Our ME is quivalent to PE as that is the toal amount of energy in the system

Kinetic energy= 1/2 m[tex]v^{2}[/tex]

to solve for kinetic enrgy we need to use a kinaetmtic equation that help us find velocity

vf= vi+at

but we need to find time first



t= 1.19 s

vf= 0+ 9.81*1.19

vf= 11.67 m/s


1/2 m[tex]v^{2}[/tex]


= 136. 2

or we could just (PE/10)*7

so (196.2/10)*7

The Earth orbits around the sun because the gravitational force that the sun
exerts on the Earth:
O A. causes Earth's acceleration toward the sun.
O B. is very small because the sun is so far from the Earth.
O c. is smaller than the force the Earth exerts on the sun.
O D. pushes the Earth away from the sun.


Question -:

The Earth orbits around the sun because the gravitational force that the sun

exerts on the Earth:

O A. causes Earth's acceleration toward the sun.

O B. is very small because the sun is so far from the Earth.

O c. is smaller than the force the Earth exerts on the sun.

O D. pushes the Earth away from the sun.

Answer -:

O A. causes Earth's acceleration toward the sun.

I hope this helps, have a nice time ahead!

the electric charge remains at rest in a. static electricity, b. current electricity, c. none of these​



Option (a) is correct.


The electric charge is the inherent property of matter which appears due to the deficiency of charge or the excess number of electrons.

There are two types of charges, positive and negative.

When an object has deficiency of charge it becomes positive charge and when it gains some electrons, it becomes negative charge.

When the charge is in motion, it is called electric current and when the charge is at rest, it is called static current.

A charge at rest contributes the electric field only while the charge is in motion contributes the electric and magnetic field both.

Name the fundamental units involved in the derived unit joule.​



[tex]we \: know \: that \: joule \: is \: the \: unit \: of \\ energy \: we \: have \: energy = \frac{1}{2} m {v}^{2} \\ unit \: of \: this \: is \\ joule = kg {( \frac{m}{ s }) }^{2} \\ thank \: you[/tex]

What is the correct equation for the y axis of object B?



[tex]N_B-W_B = 0[/tex]


There are two forces acting on object B. If we consider the law of equilibrium, then the two forces must be equal in magnitude, for the object to remain in equilibrium position:

[tex]N_B = W_B\\\\N_B-W_B = 0[/tex]

Therefore, the correct answer of the given question, from the given choices, is:

[tex]N_B-W_B = 0[/tex]

URGENT A student runs at 4.5 m/s [27° S of W] for 3.0 minutes and then he turns and runs at 3.5 m/s [35° S of E] for 4.1 minutes. a. What was his average speed? b. What was his displacement? PLEASE SHOW ALL WORK​




As far as the displacement goes, we have 2 displacement vectors. If we didn't have the angles to deal with, this would be a much simpler process, but then that wouldn't be any fun at all, would it? I'll deal with the average speed first, then the displacement, which is a vector addition problem.

The average speed is found by adding together the distances the student traveled and then dividing this sum by the total time he spent traveling. If we are told that the student runs at 4.5 m/s for 3.0 minutes, we can use this to find out the distance he ran during that time interval. However, the units are not the same. We will find the distance the student traveled by convering the time to seconds.

3.0 minutes = 180 seconds, and

4.1 minutes = 246 seconds.

That means that the distance he ran in 180 seconds is found by multiplying this time be the speed at which he ran:

4.5 m/s(180 s) = 810 m and

3.5 m/s(246 s) = 860 m (rounded to follow the rules of sig dig).

This makes the speed equation look like this:

[tex]s=\frac{810+861}{180+246}=\frac{1671}{426}=3.9\frac{m}{s}[/tex] That's the average speed, which is NOT at all the same as the displacement. Displacement is where he ended up in reference to where he started. The angles play a huge part in this math (that is very involved, to say the least). We begin by restating the displacement of each "leg" of this journey.

The first leg took him 810 m at 207 degrees and

the second leg took him 860 m at 325 degrees

To find the x and y components of these 2 legs, or parts, we have to use the cos and sin formulas. We will call the first leg A and the second leg B. First the x components of both A and B:

[tex]A_x=810cos207[/tex] and


[tex]B_x=860cos325[/tex] and

[tex]B_x=704[/tex] and we add these to get the x-component of the resultant vector, C:


+  704

   -10 (rounded, as needed, to the tens place).

Now for the y-components of the resultant vector:

[tex]A_y=810sin207[/tex] and


[tex]B_y=860sin325[/tex] and

[tex]B_y=-490[/tex] and we add these to get the y-component of the resultant vector, C:


+ -490


Since the x component is negative and so is the y, we are in QIII, so when we finally find our angle, we will have to add 180 to it.

For the magnitude of the displacement vector, in m:

[tex]C_{mag}=\sqrt{(-10)^2+(-860)^2}[/tex] which gives us


Now, because displacement is vector, we also need the angle. We find that is the formula

[tex]\theta=tan^{-1}(\frac{C_y}{C_x})[/tex] and filling in:

[tex]\theta=tan^{-1}(\frac{-860}{-10})=90[/tex] (rounded correctly), and then we add 180 to give us a final direction of 270 degrees.

So the final displacement of the student is 860 m at 270 degrees

help help help please please​





that is the procedure above

Which two factors affect the size of the gravitational field?




mass and distance

prove that vector addition obeys commutative and associative laws​


the order of vector addition doesn't affect the resultant vector and grouping or order of pair doesn't effect the sum.

Assertion: When I P+ Q I = I P- QI, then P must be perpendicular to Q. Reason: The relation will hold even when Q is a null vector.



The assertion is true and reason is false.


Assertion: I P+ Q I = I P- QI, then P must be perpendicular to Q.

Reason : The relation will hold even when Q is a null vector.


[tex]\left | P + Q \right |=\left | P - Q \right |\\\\P^2 + Q^2 + 2 P Q cos \theta =P^2 + Q^2 - 2 P Q cos \theta\\\\4 P Q cos \theta = 0 \\\\cos \theta = 0 \\\\\theta = 90 degree[/tex]

So, P and Q are perpendicular to each other.

So, the assertion is true.

Reason is false.

What is the current flowing through the circuit shown? (V= 110 V, R, = 200, R2 = 300, R3 = 10 0) (Ohm's law: V = IR)
A. 1.8 A
B. 20 A
C. 0.05 A
D. 0.55 A​





The first thing you have to do is go back and list the resistances correctly. R1 = 20 R2 = 30 and R3 = 10.

Leave the units off if you can't make an omega.

The resistance of a series circuit (that's what this is) is r1 + r2 + r3 = 10 + 20 + 30 = 60 ohms

Now use ohms law.

R = 60 ohms

V = 110 volts.

I = V / R

I = 110/60

I = 1.833 to the nearest 1/10 = 1.8

If you connected 10 of these 12V (10 W) lamps in parallel, to the 12V source, how much current would the source have to supply





From the question we are told that:

Number of battery [tex]n=10[/tex]

Voltage source[tex]E=12V[/tex]

Lamp Power[tex]P=10W[/tex]

Generally the equation for Resistance is mathematically given by







Generally the equation for Current is mathematically given by




An acceptable radiograph was taken using 40 mAs at 80 kVp at a distance of 60 inches. A second radiograph is requested at 40 inches. What mAs should be used to produce this radiograph with a 40-inch distance



17.8 mAs


The exposure maintenance formula shows that as SID increases, intensity decreases, causing a decrease in film exposure and density. The mAs is directly proportional to the square of the distance. That is as mAs increases, distance increases, and vice versa, in order to maintain image receptor exposure. It is given by:


Given that mAs₁ = original mAs = 40 mAs, D₁ original distance = 60 in, D₂ = new distance = 40 in, mAs₂ = new mAs

[tex]\frac{mAs_1}{mAs_2}=\frac{D_1^2}{D_2^2}\\\\mAs_2=\frac{mAs_1*D_2^2}{D_1^2}=\frac{40*40^2}{60^2}=17.8\\\\mAs_2=17.8\ mAs[/tex]

The weight of a body is 600 N. What is the mass of the body on the surface of the earth?​






gravity=9.8 m/s²



hope it helps.

stay safe healthy and happy.


m = 61.22 kg


F = 600 N

g = 9.8 m/s²

m = ?

F = mg

600 = m(9.8)

---> m = 61.22 kg

How does the construction of dams positively affect natural resources?
by providing water for irrigation and restoring trees to areas where forests once existed
by creating reservoirs, preventing flooding, and renewing destroyed ecosystems
by preventing flooding, creating reservoirs, and providing water for irrigation
by renewing destroyed ecosystems and restoring trees to areas where forest once existed


Other person is incorrect, I did the test on edg.


A. by providing water for irrigation and restoring trees to areas where forests once existed

The construction of dams positively affect natural resources by providing water for irrigation.

What is natural resources?

Natural resources serves as materials thst is found in nature which are used by humans. These natural substances are soil, water.

Therefore, building of dams can help irrigation by using water which is a natural resources.

Learn more about natural resources at;

Why would an airplane flying at 10,000 meters above the ground have more gravitational potential
energy than the same airplane flying at 1,000 meters above the ground?



The gravitational potential energy (gpe) possessed by an object or body is directly proportional to the height of the object or body.


Gravitational potential energy (GPE) is an energy possessed by an object or body due to its position above the earth.

Mathematically, gravitational potential energy is given by the formula;

G.P.E = mgh


G.P.E represents potential energy measured in Joules.

m represents the mass of an object.

g represents acceleration due to gravity measured in meters per seconds square.

h represents the height measured in meters.

Generally, the gravitational potential energy (gpe) of an object or body is directly proportional to the height of the object or body. Thus, the gravitational potential energy of a body increases as the height of the body increases.

In conclusion, an object with a higher height would have a higher gravitational potential energy.

What is the size of the force acting on a copper wire with a magnetic flux density of 3.6 x 10-2 T acting at
right angles to the wire of length 24 m and current of C:048 A? Give your answer to an appropriate
number of significant figures.



F = 0.414 N


Given that,

Magnetic flux density,[tex]B=3.6\times 10^{-2}\ T[/tex]

The length of the wire, l = 24 m

Current, I = 0.48 A

We need to find the force acting on the wire. The formula for the force is given by:


Put all the values,

[tex]F=0.48\times 24\times 3.6\times 10^{-2}\\\\F=0.414\ N[/tex]

So, the force acting on the copper wire is equal to 0.414 N.

The magnetic force of the copper wire is  41.472 N.

Magnetic force of the copper wire

The magnetic force of the copper wire is calculated by applying the following equation.

F = BIL x sinθ


θ is the inclination of the magnetic fieldI is the currentL is the length of the wireB is the magnetic field strength = flux density

F = (3.6 x 10⁻²) x (48) x 24 x sin(90)

F = 41.472 N

Thus, the magnetic force of the copper wire is  41.472 N.

Learn more about magnetic force here:

Clothes are flung to the sides of a round tub during the spin-cycle of a washing machine.If the tub's period of rotation is 0.2s and the tub's radius is 35cm,answer the related qestions below: (a)The frequency of roation (b)The circumference of rotation (c)The spinning of speed (d)The centripetal acceleration (e)The centripetal force of rotation if total mass rotated is 30kg (f)The power of washing machine​




First I need to tell you that I used .20 s for the period of rotation instead of just .2, and I used 30.0 kg for the mass instead of just 30. The reason being that both those numbers as stated in the problem only have 1 significant digit and that's not generally enough to get the accuracy you're looking for. Adding a 0 to the ends of each of those numbers doesn't change the value of the numbers, only the number of sig fig's in each. Beginning with a:

a. [tex]f=\frac{1}{T}[/tex] so [tex]f=\frac{1}{.2}[/tex] and f = 5.0 Hz

b. The circumference is the distance around the outside of the washer's drum. We need to find that, but before we do, I'm going to state the radius in meters instead of cm. 35 cm = .35 m. Therefore,

C = 2(3.1415)(.35) so

C = d = 2.2 m

c. The speed of the washer is found in d = rt, where r is the rate and our velocity and d is the distance around the outside of the drum (circumference). Therefore,

2.2 = v(.20) so

v = 11 m/s

d. The centripetal acceleration has an equation

[tex]a_c=\frac{v^2}{r}[/tex] so

[tex]a_c=\frac{(11)^2}{.35}[/tex] and

[tex]a_c=\frac{121}{.35}[/tex] so


e. The centripetal force has an equation

[tex]F_c=\frac{mv^2}{r}[/tex] and

[tex]F_c=\frac{(30.0)(11)^2}{.35}[/tex] and

[tex]F_c=[/tex] 1.0 × 10⁴ N

f. The equation for Power is

[tex]P=\frac{W}{t}[/tex] where W is work and W = FΔx (force times displacement). Therefore,

[tex]P=\frac{(1.0*10^4)(2.2)}{.20}[/tex] so

P = 1.1 × 10⁵ Watts

what happens to gravitational force when distance is quarter from the original
please answer it faster help me



The force of gravitational attraction between them also decreas

(c) The metal block had a mass of 1.50 kg
The specific heat capacity of the metal was 900 J/kg °C
Calculate the change in thermal energy of the metal during 240 seconds.
Use the Physics Equations Sheet.
Give your answer in kilojoules.​



Explanation: I did the test

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