out of solid and liquid which has more effect on gravitation​


Answer 1


The effect of gravitation is more in liquid than on solid because inter molecular force of attraction is less in liquid and it is weak than that of solid. ... Whereas in solid the molecule are densely packed together an the inter molecular forces are constantly acting upon one another, this results in higher forces.

Related Questions

A person with a gravitational force of 750 N is sitting in the centre of a hammock which is strung between two trees. The ropes supporting the hammock make an angle of 20.0 degrees to the level ground. What is the magnitude of the force on each rope?



Answer in photo


Answer in photo

what is refraction and reflection​



Reflection is simply the property of a light that rebounds or bounces back after hitting a surface.

Refraction is when the light, which passes through a surface, undergoes some changes in appearance whenever it usually passes through a medium.

give reason
Husking rice in a rice mill is faster than husking with dhiki



Because rice mill is more advanced than dhiki.

It is the developed form of the dhiki.

What is the apparent deflection of a light beam in an elevator which is 2.7 m wide if the elevator is accelerating downward at 9.8 m/s^2?





From the question we are told that:

Width [tex]w=2.7m[/tex]

Acceleration [tex]a=9.8m/s^2[/tex]

Generally the equation for The apparent deflection is mathematically given by

X= 0.5 *g*t^2


[tex]t=\frac{width}{Velocity of light}[/tex]




[tex]X= 0.5 *9.8*(8.3*10^{-9})^2[/tex]


An object moving north with an initial velocity of 14 m/s accelerates 5 m/s2 for 20 seconds. What is the final velocity of the object?
39 m/s
90 m/s
114 m/s
414 m/s



option C


Final velocity of the object is 114 m / s. Hence, final velocity of the object is 114 m / s.

Here is the answer ! Hope it helps.

If the resistance reading on a dmm’s meter face is 22.5 ohms and the range selector switch is set to the R x 100 range what’s the actual measured resistance of the circuit
A.22.5 kohms

B.2.25 mohms

C.2.25 kohms

D.225 ohms





A ferrari has a mass of 1485kg.what is it's weight on Earth ​


F = m · g

m = 1485 kg

g = 10 N/kg

F = 1485 kg · 10 N/kg = 14 850 N = 14,85 kN

Answer: The weight on Earth is 14,85 kN.

Enample: the motion of moon around the earth Describe the motion of an object in which its speed constant but the velocity is changing



To summarize, an object moving in uniform circular motion is moving around the perimeter of the circle with a constant speed. While the speed of the object is constant, its velocity is changing. Velocity, being a vector, has a constant magnitude but a changing direction.


Speed refers to how fast an object is moving. It can be thought of as the rate at which an object covers distance.

Velocity refers to the rate at which an object changes its position. If you picture a person moving rapidly - one step forward and one step back- always returning to the original starting position, the speed is very rapid, but the velocity is zero. Because the person always returns to the original position, this motion would bébé result in a change in position. Since velocity is defined as the rate at which the position changes, this motion results in zero velocity. To maximize velocity, every effort must be made to maximize the amount an object is displaced from its original position. Every movement should be moving the object further from where it started. Velocity is DIRECTION AWARE. When evaluating the velocity of an object, you have to keep track of direction. This is one of the essential differences between speed and velocity: speed does not keep track of direction, while velocity is directionally aware.

So, when the moon moves around the Earth, the speed remains constant, but since it's moving in an elliptical orbit, it's direction is constantly changing.

reasons. 5. Why is the unit of temperature called a fundamental unit? Give reasons. ring derived unit.​



It doesn't depends upon other.

It have it's own identity.

It's a lot easier to measure temperature than to measure the motion of component particles.

Write the dimension of a / b in the x = at + bt2. Where x is the distance and t is the time?​


The dimension of a/b where x is the distance and t is the time is T

Given the expression

x = at + bt²


x is the distance

t is the time

Based on the homogeneity principle, the expression on the left-hand side must be equal to that on the right. Hence;

x = at

[tex]a = \frac{x}{t}[/tex]

Since x is the distance and distance is measured in metres, the dimension equivalent will be the length 'L'

Since t is the time and time is measured in seconds, the dimension equivalent will be the seconds 'T'



x  = bt²


Next is to get a/b;

[tex]\frac{a}{b} = \frac{L}{T} \div \frac{L}{T^2}\\\frac{a}{b} = \frac{L}{T}*\frac{T^2}{L} \\\frac{a}{b} =\frac{T^2}{T}\\\frac{a}{b} =T[/tex]

Hence the dimension of a/b is T

Please help have due very soon?thank you


The answer is :78 I think

The magnetic coils of a tokamak fusion reactor are in the shape of a toroid having an inner radius of 0.700 m and an outer radius of 1.30 m. The toroid has 900 turns of largediameter wire, each of which carries a current of 14.0 kA. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field inside the toroid along (a) the inner radius and (b) the outer radius.



(a) 11.3 T

(b) 6.09 T


Current, I = 14 kA = 14000 A

number of turns, N = 900

inner radius, r = 0.7 m

outer radius, R = 1.3 m

The magnetic field due to a circular coil is given by

[tex]B = \frac{\mu o}{4\pi}\times \frac{2 N\pi I}{R}[/tex]

(a) The magnetic field due to the inner radius is

[tex]B = 10^{-7}\times \frac{2\times 900\times 3.14\times 14000}{0.7}\\\\B = 11.3 T[/tex]

(b) The magnetic field due to the outer radius is

[tex]B = 10^{-7}\times \frac{2\times 900\times 3.14\times 14000}{1.3}\\\\B = 6.09 T[/tex]

The radius of the base of a wooden cylinder 2m and its altitude is 7m. What is its mass?​



88 m ^2


► If you walk 4 meters east then 3 meters
north, what displacement did you



The answer is mentioned above.

Hope it helps.

Observe the given figure and find the the gravitational force between m1 and m2.​



The gravitational force between m₁ and m₂, is approximately 1.06789 × 10⁻⁶ N


The details of the given masses having gravitational attractive force between them are;

m₁ = 20 kg, r₁ = 10 cm = 0.1 m, m₂ = 50 kg, and r₂ = 15 cm = 0.15 m

The gravitational force between m₁ and m₂ is given by Newton's Law of gravitation as follows;

[tex]F =G \cdot \dfrac{m_{1} \cdot m_{2}}{r^{2}}[/tex]


F = The gravitational force between m₁ and m₂

G = The universal gravitational constant = 6.67430 × 10⁻¹¹ N·m²/kg²

r₂ = 0.1 m + 0.15 m = 0.25 m

Therefore, we have;

[tex]F = 6.67430 \times 10^{-11} \ N \cdot m^2/kg \times \dfrac{20 \ kg\times 50 \ kg}{(0.1 \ m+ 0.15 \ m)^{2}} \approx 1.06789 \times 10^{-6} \ N[/tex]

The gravitational force between m₁ and m₂, F ≈ 1.06789 × 10⁻⁶ N

Ans it fastly
i need the ans fastly ​


12. C

13. A

14. B

15. D

16. D

17. B

Find the amount of force required to move an object of 1200 kg at a velocity of 54 km/hr?​​



0 Newtons


The velocity of the object does not change, it is a constant 54 km/hr. When velocity does not change, acceleration is zero. Using the formula Force = mass x acceleration, we find:

mass = 1200 kg

acceleration = 0

F  = (1200)(0) = 0

The word ‘radiation’ is used to describe particles or waves that are emitted by an object (known as a ‘source’) and carry energy. Name two types of radiation other than nuclear radiation. For each type, name one source of that type of radiation.



The word ‘radiation’ is used to describe particles or waves that are emitted by an object  

In physics, radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. This includes: electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma radiation (γ)


There are four major types of radiation: alpha, beta, neutrons, and electromagnetic waves such as gamma rays. They differ in mass, energy and how deeply they penetrate people and objects.

The first is an alpha particle. These particles consist of two protons and two neutrons and are the heaviest type of radiation particle. Many of the naturally occurring radioactive materials in the earth, like uranium and thorium, emit alpha particles

The second kind of radiation is a beta particle. It's an electron that is not attached to an atom. It has a small mass and a negative charge. Tritium, which is produced by cosmic radiation in the atmosphere and exists all around us, emits beta radiation. Carbon-14, used in carbon-dating of fossils and other artifacts, also emits beta particles. Carbon-dating simply makes use of the fact that carbon-14 is radioactive. If you measure the beta particles, it tells you how much carbon-14 is left in the fossil, which allows you to calculate how long ago the organism was alive.

The third is a neutron. This is a particle that doesn't have any charge and is present in the nucleus of an atom. Neutrons are commonly seen when uranium atoms split, or fission, in a nuclear reactor. If it wasn't for the neutrons, you wouldn't be able to sustain the nuclear reaction used to generate power.

The last kind of radiation is electromagnetic radiation, like X-rays and gamma rays. They are probably the most familiar type of radiation because they are used widely in medical treatments. These rays are like sunlight, except they have more energy. Unlike the other kinds of radiation, there is no mass or charge. The amount of energy can range from very low, like in dental x-rays, to the very high levels seen in irradiators used to sterilize medical equipment.

A cricketer throws a ball sideways with an initial velocity of 30 m/s. She releases the ball from a height of 1.3m. Calculate how far the ball travels before hitting the ground.






What is the total distance covered during its complete motion? (CCT TYPE) *
2 points
350 km
20/3 km
50 km
40/3 km

What is the SI unit of speed? ( CCT type) *
2 points
None of the above

. In which period is the bus decelerating? (CCT type) *
2 points
0-5 min
8- 12 min
11-19 min
5-10 min

Only answer who knows, don't spam. because I am in hurry.​






These are the answers

Hope it’s help you

cho 11,2 lit hỗn hợp gồm metan và etilen tác dụng với dung dịch brom. sau phản ứng xảy ra toàn thấy có chất khí thoát ra và 40 gam brom tham gia phản ứng .
a) viết phương trình phản ứng xảy ra
b) tính thành phần phần trăm thể tích mỗi chất trong hỗn hợp
c) đốt cháy toàn bộ thể tích khí thoát ra sau đó cho chất khí thu được tác dụng với 100ml dung dịch Ca(OH)2 1,25 M. tính khối lượng chất thu được sau phản ứng . biết metan ko tác dụng với brom , các chất khí đo ở điều kiện tiêu chuẩn


Yes he was the strongest hahaha

Suppose high tide is at midnight, the water level at midnight is 3 m, and the water level at low tide is 0.5 m. Assuming the next high tide will occur 12 hours later (at noon), find the time, to the nearest minute, when the water level is at 1.125 m for the second time after midnight.


We have that the time, to the nearest minute, when the water level is at 1.125 m for the second time after midnight is


From the Question we are told that

Maximum height [tex]h_{max}=3m[/tex]

Minimum height  [tex]H_{min}=0.5m[/tex]

Time for  next high tide will occur[tex]T=12 hours =>720 min[/tex]

Generally Average Height


Therefore determine Amplitude to be


Generally, the equation for Time is mathematically given by

At t=0






Hence the Time at [tex]T=1.125[/tex] is




For more information on this visit


when a body moves from point A to point B the distance travelled in 500 meters with in a given time of 0.6 hours and find out the velocity and acceleration in a body.

what is correct answer .​




Convert the time to seconds = 0.6 × 60 × 60

= 2160seconds

Velocity = distance ÷ time

Velocity = 500 ÷ 2160

Velocity = 0.23meters per seconds(m/s)

Acceleration = Velocity ÷ time

Acceleration = 0.23 ÷ 2160

Acceleration = 0.000106meters per seconds ²(m/s²)

what will be the gravitational force between two bodies if the mass of each is doubled and the distance between them is halved?



Gravitational force will be 16 times more.


we know;

Gravitational force (F) = (Gm1m2)/d^2

when mass of each is doubled and distance between them is halved;

F= (G2m1×2m2)/(d/2)^2





Why do scientists not use US customary units when reporting their data?


One of the scientist's jobs is to report the results of his experiments to all the other scientists in the world.

There isn't a single real science shop anywhere in the world that uses the US customary system of units. Not one.

Even in the measly three countries that use it for measuring carpet, pumping gas, and weighing fish ... Myanmar, Liberia, an the USA ... the scientists do their work in the SI/MKS/metric system.

Why do scientists not use US customary units when reporting their data?


from britaññica it said time and money. They didn’t have either to switch over from the industrial period and never did. Also from my own person reasoning i think most of the world uses not US customary, so to make stuff more accessible. hope this helps!

Which type of reactions usually happens slowest?



option b is correct..................

A particular electric car is supplied with 300 kJ of chemical energy by the battery. Of this, a total of 70.5 kJ of energy is wasted as heat.
Calculate the overall efficiency of the electric car.


Supplied energy=300kJ

Wasted energy=70.5J

Used energy:-

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 300-70.5=229.5kJ[/tex]

We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf Efficiency=\dfrac{Used\:Energy}{Supplied\:Energy}\times 100}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Efficiency=\dfrac{229.5}{300}\times 100[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Efficiency=\dfrac{229.5}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Efficiency=76.5\%[/tex]

The overall efficiency of the electric car = 76.5 %

To find the efficiency the given values are:

Energy supplied = 300 kJ

Energy wasted = 70.5 kJ

Define efficiency and calculate the value of efficiency.

      In the system the output energy is compared to the input energy is known as efficiency. That can be written as percentage ratio of output energy to the input energy.

Formula of efficiency is,

             Efficiency = ( E out / E in ) × 100

Here, Energy supplied = 300 kJ

so, energy used = Energy supplied - Energy wasted

                           = 300 - 70.5

                           =  229.5 kJ

Thus, substituting E out = 300 kJ , E in = 229.5 kJ

            Efficiency = ( 229.5 / 300 ) ×100

                             = 229.5 / 3

                             = 76.5

Hence, The overall efficiency of the electric car is 76.5 %

Learn more about efficiency,



The mass of an object is 4kg and it has a density of 5gcm^-3. what is the volume ​



density =   mass/ volume

5=4000/ volume


volume=800 cm^-3

How do we find the weight of a beam



Standard weight: We calculate the standard weight as follows: G = L * mweight, where L is the length of the beam calculated as the difference between the extreme points of the beam body along the direction of the beam axis, taking into account all features except holes.


I want Brainliest plz!!

: Lili

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