Over the last ten years productivity grew faster in Oceania than in Freedonia and the population and total hours worked remained the same in both countries. It follows that:

a. real GDP per person must be higher in Oceania than in Freedonia.
b. real GDP per person grew faster in Oceania than in Freedonia.
c. the standard of living must be higher in Oceania than in Freedonia.
d. All of the above are correct.


Answer 1


it's d. All are correctamundo

Related Questions

Explain the importance of technical education providing organization in nepal. plz say simple and correct answer. ​


Most important education systems for employment generation. With vocational and soft skills, people can enhance their competency, thereby increasing their chances of securing a job.

Department G had 2,280 units 25% completed at the beginning of the period, 13,200 units were completed during the period, 1,900 units were 20% completed at the end of the period, and the following manufacturing costs were debited to the departmental work in process account during the period: Work in process, beginning of period $29,400 Costs added during period: Direct materials (12,820 units at $9) 115,380 Direct labor 77,400 Factory overhead 25,800 All direct materials are placed in process at the beginning of production, and the first-in, first-out method of inventory costing is used. What is the total cost of the units started and completed during the period (round unit cost calculations to whole dollars and round your final answer to the nearest dollar)?



Department G

The total cost of the units started and completed during the period is:

= $184,717.


a) Data and Calculations:

FIFO Inventory costing method is used

                                           Units       Materials     Conversion

Beginning inventory        2,280          100%             25%  

Cost of beginning inventory  = $29,400

Units started                  12,820

Total units available       15,100

Units completed            13,200

Ending inventory             1,900           100%              20%

Started and completed 10,920 (13,200 - 2,280)

Equivalent units of production

                                                   Units       Materials         Conversion

Units in Beginning inventory    2,280              0 (0%)        1,710 (75%)

Units started and completed  10,920      10,920 (100%)  10,920 (100%)

Ending inventory                       1,900         1,900 (100%)       380 (20%)

Equivalent units                                         12,820               13,010

Costs added during the period          $115,380         $103,200

Equivalent units                                      12,820               13,010

Cost per equivalent unit                         $9.00                $7.93

Costs assigned to:

Beginning inventory                            $0             $13,603     $13,603

Cost of units started and completed 98,280       86,437       184,717

Ending inventory                                   17,100         3,013         20,113

When a company records depreciation it debits:_____.
A. Depreciation Expense and credits a contra-asset account.
B. Depreciation Expense and credits Cash.
C. a long-lived tangible asset account and credits Depreciation Expense.
D. a liability account and credits Depreciation Expense.


Answer: A. Depreciation Expense and credits a contra-asset account.


Depreciation is an expense which means that when it is incurred, it will be debited because expenses are debited to show that they have increased.

Depreciation reduces the value of an asset so the asset needs to be credited which is what is done when an asset reduces. The full entry would therefore involved a debit to the Depreciation account and a credit to the asset account that is being depreciated.

team skills do not require the ability to communicate effectively.
true or false



I think false .


I think so because while working in a team the most important thing that we need is communication skill.

Aztec Inc. produces soft drinks. Mixing is the first department, and its output is measured in gallons. Aztec uses the FIFO method. All manufacturing costs are added uniformly. For July, the mixing department provided the following information:

Units in process, July 1, 60% complete 18,000 gallons
Units completed and transferred out 141,000 gallons
Units in process, July 31, 45% complete 16,000 gallons
Work in process, July 1 $36,000
Costs added during July 398,460

Prepare a production report.



Aztec Inc.

Mixing Department

Production Report

For the month of July

Equivalent units of production:

Beginning work in process       18,000                  7,200 (40%)

Units started and completed 139,000               139,000 (100%)

Ending work in process           16,000                   7,200 (45%)

Total equivalent units of production                 153,400

Cost per equivalent unit:

Costs added during July $398,460

Equivalent units                 153,400

Cost per equivalent unit = $2.60 ($398,460/153,400)

Cost to be accounted for:

Work in process, July 1                  $36,000

Costs added during July               398,460

Total costs to be accounted for $434,460

Costs assigned:

Beginning work in process = $18,720 (7,200 * $2.60)

Units started and completed = $361,400 (139,000 * $2.60)

Ending work in process =  $18,720 (7,200 * $2.60)

Costs assigned to:

Units completed and transferred out:

 Beginning work in process costs:

   60% completion =     $36,000

   40% completion =        18,720

 Units started and

  completed in July =   361,400

Total costs assigned to

 units transferred out =                 $416,120

Cost of ending work in process =    18,720

Total costs assigned =                 $434,840


a) Data and Calculations:

FIFO Method

                                                      Units       Degree of Completion

July 1 work in process                 18,000                   60%

Units transferred out                 141,000

July 31 work in process              16,000                    45%

Production units available       157,000

Beginning work in process       18,000                   40% to be completed

Units started and completed 139,000                   100%

Should we, as Americans, be concerned with the economies and standard of living of other countries?


Answer: No the economy and standard of living should be american's focus.

Explanation: If we as american's can't find a solution to our own problem's then it's unlikely that we would be able to solve another countries problems.

No, If we as Americans can't find a solution to our own problem because there exist many differences in the levels of living between various countries.

What is the standard of living?

Standards of living can concern multiple aspects of a population, including satisfaction and productivity. This stands significant because the more significant productivity and happiness exist, the more suitable an economy grows to be as a whole.

The real cause for the dissimilarities in the levels of living between various countries exists the dissimilarity in their levels of national income. The group of national income relies upon the entire volume of an exhibition in the country.

To learn more about standard of living refer to:



You're trying to save to buy a new $207,000 Ferrari. You have $57,000 today that can be invested at your bank. The bank pays 6.5 percent annual interest on its accounts. How long will it be before you have enough to buy the car?



19.84 years


Number of years =  in ( fv / pv) / r  

FV = future value

PV = present value

r = interest rate

IN(207000 / 57000) / 0.065

IN (3.631579) / 0.065 = 19.84

At the end of the previous year, a customer owed Days Company $400. On February 1 of the current year, the customer paid $600 total, which included the $400 owed plus $200 owed through February 1st. The journal entry on February 1 is? (Check all that apply.)



The relevant journal entry would be:

Date                    Account Title                                           Debit            Credit

February 1          Cash                                                       $600

                          Accounts Receivable                                                   $400

                           Revenue                                                                       $200

The entire $600 will be debited to cash to show that $600 was received in cash.

$400 will go to Accounts Receivable to cancel out the debt owed by the customer.

Revenue will be credited $200 for the amount owed through February 1st. Revenue is credited when it increases.

Answer: Cash will debited for $600

Accounts receivable will be credited for $400

Service revenue would be credited for $200

Explanation: it’s was the correct answer on the homework

Each of Professor A and Professor B at UTD has a private secretary, who can type four letters per hour. The letters are generated at a rate of three per hour by each of the two professors, who have been wondering if they would benefit from pooling the two secretaries. Perform a queuing analysis. What is the average waiting time of a letter in the system.



Average waiting time = 7.5 minutes


UTD private secretary can type the number of letters = 4  per hour by each.

By professor, the letter generated = 3 per hour by each

Thus by pooling the average time will be the time that comes by dividing the one hour with total letters in an hour.

Use the below formula:

Average waiting time = Minutes in one hour / total letters

Average waiting time = 60 / 8

Average waiting time = 7.5 minutes

On June 30, 2021, Moran Corporation issued $9.0 million of its 8% bonds for $8.1 million. The bonds were priced to yield 10%. The bonds are dated June 30, 2021. Interest is payable semiannually on December 31 and July 1. If the effective interest method is used, by how much should the bond discount be reduced for the six months ended December 31, 202





Calculation to determine by how much should the bond discount be reduced for the six months ended December 31, 202

First step

Semiannual interest paid on 31.12.2021 = $9,000,000*8%*6/12

Semiannual interest paid on 31.12.2021= $360,000

Second step

Effective interest expense on 31.12.2021 = $8,100,000 * 10% * 6/12

Effective interest expense on 31.12.2021= $405,000

Last step

Bond discount to be reduced for 6 months ended 31.12.2021 = $405,000 - $360,000

Bond discount to be reduced for 6 months ended 31.12.2021=$45,000

Therefore by how much should the bond discount be reduced for the six months ended December 31, 202 will be $45,000

Joe had made an agreement with Auto Insurance Co. not to use his van for commercial business purposes when he purchased auto insurance. Joe had an accident while delivering pizzas for Bigger Pizza, Inc. For which type of violation will Joe not be covered under his insurance?





From the question we are informed about Joe who had made an agreement with Auto Insurance Co. not to use his van for commercial business purposes when he purchased auto insurance. Joe had an accident while delivering pizzas for Bigger Pizza, Inc. the type of violation that Joe will not be covered under his insurance is Concealment.

Concealment can be regarded as omission of information during insurance process, which would definitely has effect on the issuance as well as the rate of an insurance contract. In a case whereby the insurer is unable to get access to the nondisclosed information and the

nondisclosed information is material as regards the decision-making process, nullification of the insurance contract can be carried out by the insurer.

Network externalities: Select one: A. exist when the usefulness of a product increases with the number of consumers who use it B. are created when celebrity endorsements of products lead to a surge in the demand for those products C. can only exist when there are economies of scale D. prevent the dominance of a market by one firm.



A. )exist when the usefulness of a product increases with the number of consumers who use it


Network externality can be regarded as a change that occur in benefit as well as in surplus, which is been derived by agent from a good when there is a change in number of other agents that consumes this same type of good. Network externality can as well be regarded as "network effect" this effect is one is that is been had by one user of a good/service on the value of the product with respect to each other people.

It should be noted that Network externalities exist when the usefulness of a product increases with the number of consumers who use it

Swifty Corporation manufactures a product with a unit variable cost of $100 and a unit sales price of $176. Fixed manufacturing costs were $480000 when 10000 units were produced and sold. The company has a one-time opportunity to sell an additional 1000 units at $145 each in a foreign market which would not affect its present sales. If the company has sufficient capacity to produce the additional units, acceptance of the special order would affect net income as follows:
Income would increase by $45000.
Income would increase by $3000.
Income would increase by $145000.
Income would decrease by $3000.
Coronado Industries is using the target cost approach on a new product. Information gathered so far reveals:
Expected annual sales 350000 units
Desired profit per unit $0.35
Target cost $168000
What is the target selling price per unit?
a. $0.48
b. $0.35
c. $0.70
d. $0.83



1. Swifty Corporation

If the company has sufficient capacity to produce the additional units, acceptance of the special order would affect net income as follows:

Income would increase by $45000.

2. Coronado Industries:

The target selling price per unit is:

d. $0.83


a) Data and Calculations:

Swifty Corporation:

Variable cost per unit = $100

Sales price per unit = $176

Contribution margin per unit = $76 ($176 - $100)

Fixed manufacturing costs = $480,000

Production and sales units = 10,000 units

Revenue from special order = $145,000 ($145 * 1,000)

Variable costs for 1,000 units    100,000 ($100 * 1,000)

Contribution margin                  $45,000 ($145,000 - $100,000)

Fixed costs for special order         $0

Net income =                             $45,000

Coronado Industries:

Expected annual sales 350,000 units

Desired profit per unit $0.35

Target cost $168,000

Desired profit = $122,500 (350,000 * $0.35)

Total sales revenue = $290,500 ($168,000 + $122,500)

Target selling price per unit = $0.83 ($290,500/350,000)

As of December 31, Drake Inc. reported the following (in millions): Current AssetsLong-term AssetsCurrent LiabilitiesTotal Liabilities $31,967$42,737$26,132$61,491 What amount did Drake Inc. report as equity on December 31





The computation of the equity is shown below:

As we know that

Total assets = total liabilities + total stockholder equity


Totalassets be

= $31,967 + $42,737

= $74,707

ANd, the total liabilities is $61,491

So, the equity should be

= $74,707 - $61,491

= $13,213

Jebali Company reports gross income of $340,000 and other property-related expenses of $229,000 and uses a depletion rate of 14%. Calculate Jebali's depletion allowance for the current year. $fill in the blank 1





Depletion = depletion rate x (gross income - expenses)

0.14 x ($340,000 - $229,000) = 15,540

Cheers Corporation purchased for $500,000 5,000 shares of Beer Corporation common stock (less than 5% of the outstanding Beer stock) at the beginning of the current year. It used $400,000 of borrowed money and $100,000 of its own cash to make this purchase. Cheers paid $50,000 of interest on the debt this year. Cheers received a $40,000 cash dividend on the Beer stock on September 1 of the current year. Cheers has $5 million of taxable income before any dividends-received deduction. a. What amount can Cheers deduct for the interest paid on the loan



Cheers Corporation

The amount that Cheers can deduct for the interest paid on the loan is:

= $50,000.


a) Data:

Investment in Beer Corporation = $500,000

Number of Beer shares purchased = 5,000

Percentage shareholding in Beer Corporation < 5%

Amount borrowed for the investment = $400,000

Own cash used for the purchase = $100,000

Interest paid on the debt for this year = $50,000 = 12.5%

Cash dividend received for the year = $40,000

Cheers taxable income before dividends = $5 million

The amount of interest deductible = $50,000

b) Since the interest was made for the purpose of the investment in Beers Corporation, the whole amount of interest expense for the year is deductible.

Define the KPI ‘rate of staff absenteeism’.



KPI, Key Performance Indicators are used for measuring the average absenteeism rate per employee. This is computed as a % of the total working days.


Individual employee Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics that assist in tracking the ability of your employees to meet your expectations and their impact on the business goals.

A company like Motorola might establish a goal of reducing its inventory by 50 percent over the next year. To ensure that it reaches this goal, the company could monitor its progress on a quarterly or monthly basis. If the managers at Motorola discover that there is a danger of not achieving this goal, they can take corrective action to adjust for the deficiency. This is a description of the managers' ____ function.



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Super Garage was started on June 1 by Mr. Peter Thomson . A summary of June transactions

is presented below.

June 1. Invested $25,000 cash to start the garage.

2. Purchased repair equipment for $5,000 cash.

4. Paid $500 cash for the space rent.

4. Hired an employee

5. Paid $700 for a one-year fire insurance policy.

6. Received $10000 in cash from customers for repair service.

10. Provided repair service on account to customers $1750.

21. Collected cash of $5000 for services provided on June 6.

27. Withdrew $1,000 cash for personal use.

30. Paid employee salaries $3,000.

30. Received an electricity bills $170.


i. Journalize the transactions

ii. Post and balance the transactions to ledger accounts


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Explain how the hotel business could create added value to the goods they buy in?



Well-designed rooms, attractive and comfortable appliances, well-dressed and respectful assistants, good quality entertainment equipment, and delightful food made by experienced chefs.


Guests will feel more welcomed to a clean and comfortable hotel. Respectful assistants, good quality entertainment equipment, and food made by experienced chefs can boost the morale of guests.

A consumer's weekly income is $250, and the consumer buys 12 bars of chocolate per week. When weekly income increases to $280, the consumer buys 13 bars per week. The income elasticity of demand for chocolate by this consumer is about





Given that we have the formula for calculating income elasticity of demand as the percent change in quantity demanded divided by the percent change in income, hence, we have the percent change in quantity demanded => 13 - 12 = 1 ÷ 12 = 0.083

the percent change in income => 280 - 250 = 30 ÷ 250 = 0.12

Therefore we have => 0.083 ÷ 0.12 = 0.69

Hence, the final answer is 0.69

the gap between 'where we are now' and 'where we want to be' is known as the.....​



Planning gap.


Planning can be defined as the process of developing organizational objectives and translating them into action plans or courses of action.

This ultimately implies that, planning is a strategic technique used by organizations to make an aggregate plan for its manufacturing (production) process typically ahead of time, in order to have an idea of the level of goods that are to be produced and what resources are required so as to reduce the total cost of production to its barest minimum.

The planning gap can be defined as the gap between "where we are now?" and "where we want to be?"

Basically, "where are we now?" describe the current situation of things or financial and non-financial activities that a business firm currently holds.

On the other hand, "where we want to be?" is a vision and mission statement that focuses on achieving the goals and objectives set for a business firm.

During 2017, Benson purchased $1,450,000 of raw materials, incurred direct labor costs of $250,000, and incurred manufacturing overhead totaling $160,000. How much raw materials were transferred to production during 2017 for Benson



Raw Materials transferred to production during 2017 $1,466,000


The computation of the raw material transferred to production is given below:

Opening raw material 2016 $80,000

Add : Purchase of Raw material $1,450,000

Less Closing Stock raw material 2017 $64,000

Raw Materials transferred to production during 2017 $1,466,000

Hence, the same should be relevant

Your father offers you a choice of $120,000 in 11 years or $48,500 today. Use Appendix B as an approximate answer, but calculate your final answer using the formula and financial calculator methods. a-1. If money is discounted at 11 percent, what is the present value of the $120,000





Present value is the sum of discounted cash flows

Present value can be calculated using a financial calculator

Cash flow in year 1 to 10 = 0

Cash flow in year 11 = $120,000

I = 11

PV = 38,074

To determine PV using a financial calculator take the following steps:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. after inputting all the cash flows, press the NPV button, input the value for I, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.  

3. Press compute  

Given the choice, i would choose $48,500 today.

MC Qu. 101 The following information... The following information describes a company's usage of direct labor in a recent period. The direct labor rate variance is: Actual hours used 46,000 Actual rate per hour $ 16 Standard rate per hour $ 15 Standard hours for units produced 48,000



$46,000 Unfavorable


Calculation to determine what The direct labor rate variance is:

Using this formula

Direct labor rate variance = Actual hours * ( Actual Rate - Standard Rate)

Let plug in the formula

Direct labor rate variance=46000*($16- $15)

Direct labor rate variance=46,000*$1

Direct labor rate variance=$46,000 Unfavorable

Therefore The direct labor rate variance is: $46,000 Unfavorable

Identify whether each of the following statements best illustrates the concept of consumer surplus, producer surplus, or neither.
Statement Consumer Surplus Producer Surplus Neither
Even though I was willing to pay up to $83 for a watch, I bought a watch for only $75.
I sold a used textbook for $55, even though I was willing to go as low as $47 in order to sell it.
A local store was having a sale on sweaters, so I bought a jersey sweater for my brother.



Consumer surplus

producer surplus



Consumer surplus is the difference between the willingness to pay of a consumer and the price of the good.

Consumer surplus = willingness to pay – price of the good

The willingness to pay for the watch was $83 but the watch was bought for $75. There is a consumer surplus from the purchase

Producer surplus is the difference between the price of a good and the least price the seller is willing to sell the product

Producer surplus = price – least price the seller is willing to accept

The least price the seller was willing to accept for the purchase was $47 but he was paid $55 for the textbook. This is a producer surplus

The closer the smoothing constant, ALPHA, is to 0 the greater the reaction to the most recent demand the greater the dampening, or smoothing, effect the more accurate the forecast will be the less accurate the forecast will be


Answer: the greater the dampening, or smoothing effect


The smoothing constant determines the level at which a forecast is influenced by previous observations. It simply determine the sensitivity of forecasts with regards to the changes in demand.

It should be noted that large values of α will lead to a scenario whereby forecasts will be more responsive to the more recent levels. On the other hand, the smaller values will result in a damping effect. Therefore, the closer the smoothing constant to α, the greater the dampening, or smoothing effect.

At year-end (December 31), Chan Company estimates its bad debts as 0.30% of its annual credit sales of $896,000. Chan records its Bad Debts Expense for that estimate. On the following February 1, Chan decides that the $448 account of P. Park is uncollectible and writes it off as a bad debt. On June 5, Park unexpectedly pays the amount previously written off. Prepare Chan's journal entries for the transactions.




Dec 31:

Debit Bad debts expense = 0.003 × $896000 = $2688

Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts = $2688

February 1:

Debit Allowance for doubtful accounts $448

Credit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

June 5:

Debit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts $448

June 5:

Debit Cash $448

Credit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

Stephen is a graduate student at West University. He works part-time at the campus coffee shop earning $5,000 this year. Stephen also receives a $25,000 scholarship that pays for his tuition, fees, and books. What amount does Stephen include in his gross income





Stephen is a graduate student at a university

He works part time at a shop where he earns 5,000 this is als like compensation

He receives $25,000 for scholarships

The amount Stephen includes in id groas income is 5,000

Read the argument below and determine the underlying principle that was used to come to the conclusion presented: A free college education for every citizen is important because it helps the United States create the best-educated workforce in the world. European countries like Germany are able to provide a free college education to their citizens, and the United States should as well. Which other argument uses the same underlying principle as the argument above?

a. Children should get free dental care, even if they drink a lot of soda which causes cavities.
b. Children should get free dental care because it will help prevent more serious issues later on and reduces future healthcare costs.
c. Every child should get free dental care, even if they can afford to pay for it.



1. The underlying principle is

to create the best-educated workforce in the world.

2. The argument that uses the same underlying principle as the argument  1 above is:

b. Children should get free dental care because it will help prevent more serious issues later on and reduces future healthcare costs.


The underlying principle is a general rule which can be applied to different situations.  It shows the reason for doing something or embarking on a program.  For example, to offer free college education for every U.S. citizen, the underlying principle is to "create the best-educated workforce in the world."

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