p and q are two numbers.whrite down an expression of. a.) the sum of p and q. b) the product of p and q​


Answer 1


A. p+q

B. (p)(q)

Step-by-step explanation:

A. The sum of the variables will be p+q, since we are just adding the two variables together.

B. The product of the variables will be (p)(q), or just pq, since you are simply multiplying the two variables.

Hope this Helps!!

Related Questions

A computer parts company wants to make a rectangular memory board that has a perimeter of 14 cm and a diagonal of length 5 cm. What are the dimensions of the​ board?



A computer parts company wants to make a rectangular memory board that has a perimeter of 28 centimeters and a diagonal length of 10 centimeters. Find the dimensions of the board. Consider the length to be the longer side.: Call the two sides L & W: the perimeter 2L + 2W = 28 Simplify, divide by 2 L + W = 14 L = (14-W); use this form for substitution

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer:  3 cm by 4 cm



x = width

y = length

both x and y are positive real numbers, and the units of which are in cm.

The perimeter of any rectangle is found by saying

P = 2*(length+width)

P = 2*(x+y)

Plugging in P = 14 leads us to

P = 2*(x+y)

14 = 2*(x+y)

14/2 = x+y

7 = x+y

Solve for one of the variables. Let's say we solve for y. That should get us y = 7-x which we'll use a bit later.


Notice how the diagonal forms two identical right triangles. The legs of which are x and y as defined earlier. The hypotenuse is 5, which is the diagonal length.

Use the pythagorean theorem to help solve for x

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

x^2 + y^2 = 5^2

x^2 + (7-x)^2 = 25 ... plug in y = 7-x

x^2 + 49 - 14x + x^2 = 25 ... use FOIL rule

2x^2-14x+49 = 25

2x^2-14x+49-25 = 0

2x^2-14x+24 = 0

2(x^2-7x+12) = 0

x^2-7x+12 = 0

(x-3)(x-4) = 0

x-3 = 0 or x-4 = 0

x = 3 or x = 4

If x = 3, then y = 7-x = 7-3 = 4

If x = 4, then y = 7-x = 7-4 = 3

We have this symmetry going on. If x is one of 3 or 4, then y is the other of those values. Because x = 3 and y = 4, or vice versa, this means we have a 3-4-5 right triangle (well to be fair we have two identical copies of such a triangle to form the rectangle).

Therefore, the dimensions of the rectangular board is 3 cm by 4 cm. The order doesn't matter so you could easily say "4 cm by 3 cm" to mean the same thing.



P = perimeter

P = 2*(length+width)

P = 2*(x+y)

P = 2*(3+4)

P = 2*7

P = 14

That helps confirm the answer.

Find the value of a.
A. 58
B. 130
C. 86
D. 65



[tex]C. \ \ \ 86[/tex]°

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Approach

In order to solve this problem, one must first find a relationship between arc (a) and arc (c). This can be done using the congruent arcs cut congruent segments theorem. After doing so, one can then use the secants interior angle to find the precise measurement of arc (a).

2. Arc (a) and arc (c)

A secant is a line or line segment that intersects a circle in two places. The congruent segments cut congruent arcs theorem states that when two secants are congruent, meaning the part of the secant that is within the circle is congruent to another part of a secant that is within that same circle, the arcs surrounding the congruent secants are congruent. Applying this theorem to the given situation, one can state the following:

[tex]a = c[/tex]

3. Finding the degree measure of arc (a),

The secants interior angle theorem states that when two secants intersect inside of a circle, the measure of any of the angles formed is equal to half of the sum of the arcs surrounding the angles. One can apply this here by stating the following:









what is the volume of a cube with a length of a 10cm,
a width of 8cm and a height of 8cm​




Step-by-step explanation:

Volume = Length • Width • Height

Volume = 10 • 8 • 8

Volume = 640



Step-by-step explanation:

muntiply all the number length width height

on the same graph draw line 2y-x=10 and y=3x​



Step-by-step explanation:

Which figure always has exactly one line of symmetry?
A. rectangle
B. trapezoid
C. isosceles right triangle
D. circle


Trapezoid only has one because sides are slanted

A shape of a trapezoid has exactly one line of symmetry. The correct option is B.

What is a trapezoid?

An open, flat object with four straight sides and one pair of parallel sides is referred to as a trapezoid or trapezium.

A balanced and proportionate likeness between an object's two halves is referred to as symmetry in geometry. It implies that one half is the other's mirror image.

A trapezium's non-parallel sides are referred to as the legs, while its parallel sides are referred to as the bases. The legs of a trapezium can also be parallel. The parallel sides may be vertical, horizontal, or angled.

Therefore, the shape of a trapezoid has exactly one line of symmetry. The correct option is B.

To know more about Trapezoids follow



It is estimated that 75% of all young adults between the ages of 18-35 do not have a landline in their homes and only use a cell phone at home.
(a) On average, how many young adults do not own a landline in a random sample of 100?
(b) What is the standard deviation of probability of young adults who do not own a landline in a simple random sample of 100?
(c) What is the proportion of young adults who do not own a landline?
(d) What is the probability that no one in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline?
(e) What is the probability that everyone in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline?
(f) What is the distribution of the number of young adults in a sample of 100 who do not own a landline?
(g) What is the probability that exactly half the young adults in a simple random sample of 100 do not own a landline?



a) 75

b) 4.33

c) 0.75

d) [tex]3.2 \times 10^{-13}[/tex] probability that no one in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline

e) [tex]6.2 \times 10^{-61}[/tex] probability that everyone in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline.

f) Binomial, with [tex]n = 100, p = 0.75[/tex]

g) [tex]4.5 \times 10^{-8}[/tex] probability that exactly half the young adults in a simple random sample of 100 do not own a landline.

Step-by-step explanation:

For each young adult, there are only two possible outcomes. Either they do not own a landline, or they do. The probability of an young adult not having a landline is independent of any other adult, which means that the binomial probability distribution is used to solve this question.

Binomial probability distribution

The binomial probability is the probability of exactly x successes on n repeated trials, and X can only have two outcomes.

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

In which [tex]C_{n,x}[/tex] is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

And p is the probability of X happening.

The expected value of the binomial distribution is:

[tex]E(X) = np[/tex]

The standard deviation of the binomial distribution is:

[tex]\sqrt{V(X)} = \sqrt{np(1-p)}[/tex]

75% of all young adults between the ages of 18-35 do not have a landline in their homes and only use a cell phone at home.

This means that [tex]p = 0.75[/tex]

(a) On average, how many young adults do not own a landline in a random sample of 100?

Sample of 100, so [tex]n = 100[/tex]

[tex]E(X) = np = 100(0.75) = 75[/tex]

(b) What is the standard deviation of probability of young adults who do not own a landline in a simple random sample of 100?

[tex]\sqrt{V(X)} = \sqrt{np(1-p)} = \sqrt{100(0.75)(0.25)} = 4.33[/tex]

(c) What is the proportion of young adults who do not own a landline?

The estimation, of 75% = 0.75.

(d) What is the probability that no one in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline?

This is P(X = 100), that is, all do not own. So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 100) = C_{100,100}.(0.75)^{100}.(0.25)^{0} = 3.2 \times 10^{-13}[/tex]

[tex]3.2 \times 10^{-13}[/tex] probability that no one in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline.

(e) What is the probability that everyone in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline?

This is P(X = 0), that is, all own. So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = C_{100,0}.(0.75)^{0}.(0.25)^{100} = 6.2 \times 10^{-61}[/tex]

[tex]6.2 \times 10^{-61}[/tex] probability that everyone in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline.

(f) What is the distribution of the number of young adults in a sample of 100 who do not own a landline?

Binomial, with [tex]n = 100, p = 0.75[/tex]

(g) What is the probability that exactly half the young adults in a simple random sample of 100 do not own a landline?

This is P(X = 50). So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 50) = C_{100,50}.(0.75)^{50}.(0.25)^{50} = 4.5 \times 10^{-8}[/tex]

[tex]4.5 \times 10^{-8}[/tex] probability that exactly half the young adults in a simple random sample of 100 do not own a landline.

The sum of three numbers is 124
The first number is 10 more than the third.
The second number is 4 times the third. What are the numbers?



182/3,3 8/3, 152/3

Step-by-step explanation:


a trừ c=  10




Step-by-step explanation:



=> a+b+c=c+10+4c+c=124

=> c=19

=> a= 29, b=79

[tex] \frac{3x - 2}{7} - \frac{5x - 8}{4} = \frac{1}{14} [/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:


In order to factor an integer, we need to divide it by the ascending sequence of primes 2, 3, 5.

The number of times that each prime divides the original integer becomes its exponent in the final result.

In here,  Prime number 2 to the power of 2 equals 4.

[tex]\frac{3x-2}{7}-\frac{5x-8}{2^{2} }=\frac{1}{14}[/tex]

First, We need to add fractions-


[tex]\frac{A}{B} +\frac{C}{D} =\frac{\frac{LCD}{B}+\frac{LCD}{D}C }{LCD}[/tex]

LCD = [tex]7 \cdot 2^{2}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{4(3x-2)+7(-(5x-8))}{7*2^{2} } =\frac{1}{14}[/tex]






[tex]x = y^3+5y[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Complete question

[tex]\frac{x - 5y}{y^3} - 1=0\\[/tex]


Solve for x

We have:

[tex]\frac{x - 5y}{y^3} - 1=0[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]\frac{x - 5y}{y^3} = 1[/tex]

Multiply through by [tex]y^3[/tex]

[tex]x - 5y = y^3[/tex]

Make x the subject

[tex]x = y^3+5y[/tex]

In an assembly-line production of industrial robots, gearbox assemblies can be installed in one minute each if holes have been properly drilled in the boxes and in ten minutes if the holes must be redrilled. Twenty-four gearboxes are in stock, 6 with improperly drilled holes. Five gearboxes must be selected from the 24 that are available for installation in the next five robots. (Round your answers to four decimal places.) (a) Find the probability that all 5 gearboxes will fit properly. (b) Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the time it takes to install these 5 gearboxes.



The right answer is:

(a) 0.1456

(b) 18.125, 69.1202, 8.3139

Step-by-step explanation:


N = 24

n = 5

r = 7

The improperly drilled gearboxes "X".


⇒ [tex]P(X) = \frac{\binom{7}{x} \binom {17}{5-x}}{\binom{24}{5}}[/tex]


P (all gearboxes fit properly) = [tex]P(x=0)[/tex]

                                               = [tex]\frac{\binom{7}{0} \binom{17}{5}}{\binom{24}{5}}[/tex]

                                               = [tex]0.1456[/tex]


According to the question,

[tex]X = 91+5[/tex]

Mean will be:

⇒ [tex]\mu = E(x)[/tex]




       [tex]=9.\frac{5.7}{24} +5[/tex]


Variance will be:

⇒ [tex]\sigma^2=Var(X)[/tex]






Standard deviation will be:

⇒ [tex]\sigma = \sqrt{69.1202}[/tex]


Given the central angle, name the arc formed.
Major arc for ∠EQD

D. EDˆ


9514 1404 393


  C. EGD

Step-by-step explanation:

A major arc is typically named using the end points and a point on the arc. Here, the end points are E and D, and points on the major arc include C, G, and F. The major arc ED could be named any of

arc ECDarc EGD . . . . choice Carc EFD

Of course, the reverse of any of these names could also be used: DCE, DGE, DFE.

A telescope contains both a parabolic mirror and a hyperbolic mirror. They share focus ​, which is 46feet above the vertex of the parabola. The​ hyperbola's second focus is 6 ft above the​ parabola's vertex. The vertex of the hyperbolic mirror is 3 ft below . Find the equation of the hyperbola if the center is at the origin of a coordinate system and the foci are on the​ y-axis. Complete the equation.


the center is at the origin of a coordinate system and the foci are on the y-axis, then the foci are symmetric about the origin.

The hyperbola focus F1 is 46 feet above the vertex of the parabola and the hyperbola focus F2 is 6 ft above the parabola's vertex. Then the distance F1F2 is 46-6=40 ft.

In terms of hyperbola, F1F2=2c, c=20.

The vertex of the hyperba is 2 ft below focus F1, then in terms of hyperbola c-a=2 and a=c-2=18 ft.

Use formula c^2=a^2+b^2c






to find b:

\begin{gathered} (20)^2=(18)^2+b^2,\\ b^2=400-324=76 \end{gathered}












The branches of hyperbola go in y-direction, so the equation of hyperbola is

\dfrac{y^2}{b^2}- \dfrac{x^2}{a^2}=1









=1 .

Substitute a and b:

\dfrac{y^2}{76}- \dfrac{x^2}{324}=1







=1 .

The sum of the 3rd and 7th terms of an A.P. is 38, and the 9th term is 37. Find the A.P.



The AP is 1, 11/2, 10, 29/2, 19, ....

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the first term be a and d be the common difference of the arithmetic progression.

ATQ, a+2d+a+6d=38, 2a+8d=38 and a+8d=37. Solving this, we will get a=1 and d=9/2. The AP is 1, 11/2, 10, 29/2, 19, ....

Team A scored 30 points less than four times the number of points that Team B scored. Team C scored 61 points more than half of the number of points that Team B scored. If Team A and Team C shared in the victory, having earned the same number of points, how many more points did each team have than Team B?



team a and team c scored 74 points which is 48 points more than team b, scoring 26 points.

Step-by-step explanation:

Plz help a beggar I don’t get it


Answer: 3

happy learning



Step-by-step explanation:

From the point (-1,0) the next point on the graph is up 3, right 1, making the slope a positive 3.

help pls! I need the answer quickly and pls explain. thank you!



h = 6[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The given is the special right triangle with angle measures : 90-60-30

and the side lengths for the given angles are represented by :


the side length that sees 60 degrees is represented by a[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex] (h in this case)

the area of a triangle is calculated by multiplying height and base and that is divided by 2

a[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]*a/2 = 18[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex] multiply both sides by 2

a^2[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex] = 36[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex] divide both sides by [tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

a^2 = 36 find the roots for both sides

a = 6

since h sees angle measure 60 and is represented by a[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

h = 6[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

The equation (blank) has no solution​



Just to recap, an equation has no solution when it results in an incorrect "equation".

For  example:

Equation: x+3 = x+4

Subtract x: 3 = 4???

But clearly, 3 is not equal to 4, so this equation has NO SOLUTION.

Now onto our problem:

13y+2-2y = 10y+3-y

11y+2 = 9y+3



9(3y+7)-2 = 3(-9y+9)

27y+61 = -27y+27

54y = -34

y = -34/54




infinite solutions

5(2.2y+3.4) = 5(y-2)+6y

11y+17 = 11y-10

17 = -10??

That's not true, so the option "5(2.2y+3.4) = 5(y-2)+6y" has no solution.

Let me know if this helps

Which of the following inequalities matches the graph?
Oy 2-1



y > -1

Step-by-step explanation:

the line is going across the y axis and is everything above -1

Each course at college X is worth either 2 or 3 credits. The members of the men's swim team are taking a total of 48 courses that are worth a total of 107 credits. How many 2-credit courses and how many 3-credit courses are being taken?



Let the number of courses that are worth 3 credits each be x and those worth 4 credits be y. With the given information, you can write the following equations:  

x + y = 48

3x + 4y = 155


You can solve the above equations by method of elimination/substitution

x + y = 48 ⇒ x = 48 - y (Now, substitution this equation into 3x + 4y = 155)

3(48 - y) + 4y = 155

144 -3y + 4y = 155

y + 144 = 155

y = 11


Now plug this solution back into x = 48 - y  

x = 48 - 11 = 37  


Check work (by plugging the solutions back into the 3x + 4y and see if it's equal to 155):

3(37) + 4(11) = 155

Answer: There are 37 of the 3-credit course and 11 of the 4-credit course

find the measure of d


You’re looking at an 90 degree angle. So you would just subtract 14 degrees from 90 degrees. Your answer is 76 degrees

Assume the random variable X is normally distributed with mean μ = 50 and standard deviation σ = 7. Compute the probability

P(35 < X < 58)= ________



Probability-Between    .8574 = 85.74%

Step-by-step explanation:

Z1=-2.14 Z2=1.14

*x-1 35

*x-2  58

*µ 50

*σ 7

The weekly amount of money spent on maintenance and repairs by a company was observed, over a long period of time, to be approximately normally distributed with mean $440 and standard deviation $20. How much should be budgeted for weekly repairs and maintenance so that the probability the budgeted amount will be exceeded in a given week is only 0.1



$465.6 should be budgeted.

Step-by-step explanation:

Normal Probability Distribution

Problems of normal distributions can be solved using the z-score formula.

In a set with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the z-score of a measure X is given by:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The Z-score measures how many standard deviations the measure is from the mean. After finding the Z-score, we look at the z-score table and find the p-value associated with this z-score. This p-value is the probability that the value of the measure is smaller than X, that is, the percentile of X. Subtracting 1 by the p-value, we get the probability that the value of the measure is greater than X.

Normally distributed with mean $440 and standard deviation $20.

This means that [tex]\mu = 440, \sigma = 20[/tex]

How much should be budgeted for weekly repairs and maintenance so that the probability the budgeted amount will be exceeded in a given week is only 0.1?

The 100 - 10 = 90th percentile should be budgeted, which is X when Z has a p-value of 0.9, so X when Z = 1.28. Then

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

[tex]1.28 = \frac{X - 440}{20}[/tex]

[tex]X - 440 = 1.28*20[/tex]

[tex]X = 465.6[/tex]

$465.6 should be budgeted.

If it takes 5 years for an animal population to double, how many years will it take until the population


9514 1404 393


  7.92 years

Step-by-step explanation:

We want to find t such that ...

  3 = 2^(t/5)

where 2^(t/5) is the annual multiplier when doubling time is 5 years.

Taking logs, we have ...

  log(3) = (t/5)log(2)

  t = 5·log(3)/log(2) ≈ 7.92 . . . years

It will take about 7.92 years for the population to triple.

If Bobby drinks 5 waters in 10 hours how many does he drink in 1 hour ?


Water drunk by Bobby in 10 hours = 5 units

So, water drink by Bobby in 1 hour

= 5/10 units

= 1/2 units

= 0.5 units


1/2 water

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use a ratio to solve

5 waters        x waters

-----------   = ------------

10 hours             1 hours

Using cross products

5*1 = 10 *x

5 = 10x

Divide by 10

5/10 = x

1/2 waters =x

After leaving an airport, a plane flies for 2 hours on a course of 60 degrees at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. The plane then flies for 3 hours on a course of 210 degrees at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour What is the distance of the airport from the plane in kilometers? Round to the nearest tenth​


Answer: 205.3

I suppose all measures of angles are done from the same axis (for example x-axis)

Step-by-step explanation:

You just have to use the theorem of Al'Kashi:


Suppose that 22 inches of wire costs 66 cents.
At the same rate, how much (in cents) will 17 inches of wire cost?



51 cents for 17 inches of wire

Step-by-step explanation:

22 = 66

17 = x

22x = 66 * 17

22x = 1122

x = 51 cents


22 inches costs 66 cents

1 inch costs 3  cents (66 / 22 = 3  cents)

17 inches costs 51  cents (17 * 3 = 51 cents)

Given f(x) = 4x - 3 and g(x) = 9x + 2, solve for (f + g)(x).



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (f+g)(x)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto f(x)+g(x)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x-3+9x+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x+9x-3+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 13x-1[/tex]


13x - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) + g(x) = 4x - 3 + 9x + 2

f(x) + g(x) = 4x+9x + 2 - 3

f(x) + g(x) = 13x - 1

a) __m=10km 25m =___km

b) __m=__km__m=1.5 km

Example :
a) 7250m= 7km 250m = 7.250km

Please help me



a) 10,025 m = 10km 25m = 10.025 km

b) 1,500 m = 1 km 500 m = 1.5 km


a) 10025m = 10km 25m = 10.025km

b) 1500m = 1km 500m = 1.5km

Step-by-step explanation:


Here, we need to know the idea of unit conversion.

Unit conversion is the conversion between different units of measurement for the same quantity.

1 km = 1000 m



10km 25m = 10×1000 + 25 = 10025 m10km 25m = 10 + 25/1000 = 10.025 km


1.5km = 1 + 0.5 × 1000 = 1km 500m1.5km = 1.5 × 1000 = 1500m

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

A lottery ticket has a grand prize of $41.7 million. The probability of winning the grand prize is .000000023. Determine the expected value of the lottery ticket. (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.) Expected value



000023 because if we take three 0's we can get 000023 and 417 million

How many square inches of sheet metal are used to make the vent transition​ shown? (The ends are​ open.)



Area of the metal sheet required = 364 square inches

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of the metal sheet required = Surface area of the lateral sides of the vent transition

Since, lateral sides of the vent is in the shape of a trapezoid,

Therefore, surface area of the vent = 4(Surface area of one lateral side)

                                                           = [tex]4[\frac{1}{2}(b_1+b_2)h][/tex]

Here, [tex]b_1[/tex] and [tex]b_2[/tex] are two parallel sides and [tex]h[/tex] is the distance between these parallel sides.

Surface area of the vent = [tex]4[\frac{1}{2}(8+5)14][/tex]

                                         = 364 square inches

Therefore, area of the metal sheet required = 364 square inches

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