pangunang lunas words


Answer 1


pangunang lunas meaning is first aid

Related Questions

What is dopamine??

1.)feel good hormone
2.) a drug teens use
2.) a form of a pain killer
3.)type of marijuana


a form of pain killer


1. A feel good hormone.


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for how we feel happy. Your nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells. That is why when someone uses drugs, they may feel pleasure, and take more, similar to how we want more sweets even after knowing it isn't good for you. This develops into addiction.

I am doing this lesson in Health class too!

Happy learning!


What is the most important thing to remember when lifting weights?



Have someone there bc if something is wrong then they can help and brig water to stay highdrated or you can faint


Form is the most important thing when lifting weights. If your form sucks you are setting yourself up for injury!


By far the most important is attitude. People have to push themselves. They must push their bodies where others won't. They have to work hard in the gym, and just as hard outside of the gym to learn and recover.

Stretching can help to increase your range of _____________.


increase the range of motion in your joints :D

________________ is a warning to stop.




red light is it or not


This (is)?


Just i don't understand you


When participating in a weight training program, it is good to train

1 day a week
2 days a week
3 times a month
At 3 times a week



I believe the answer is 3xs a week


I think its 3 times a week

the PAC-R was designed to identify health risks before anyone starts an excercise routine true or false?





The PAC-R is not related to the determination of health risks in individuals who will start physical exercise. PAC-R is a modified cellulosic polymer. it is nothing more than a fluid used mechanically in physical objects. PAC-R has a very high viscosity. This makes it essential in the infiltration control of other bentonite drilling fluids, as its viscosity limits the movement of these fluids.

6th grade work help me please and thank you !
What's the difference between a smooth muscle and a skeletal muscle?




Smooth muscle fibers are located in walls of hollow visceral organs, except the heart, appear spindle-shaped, and are also under involuntary control. Skeletal muscle fibers occur in muscles which are attached to the skeleton. They are striated in appearance and are under voluntary control


Help i really need it to pass the class



13. D

14. False

15. C (If I remember correctly)

13) D. They are sad after the family dog, Muffin died.

14) False, making someone feel guilty for being suicidal & telling them they will burn is counterproductive.

15) C. Gonorrhea

Which statement BEST describes common communicable diseases?
Most communicable diseases are either bacterial or viral and infect the respiratory tract.
All communicable diseases are viruses that cause pneumonia.
Most communicable disease are bacteria and viruses that infect the intestinal tract.
All communicable diseases are bacteria that grow in the respiratory tract.


A. Because it is extremely easy to contract germs do to the nose and the mouth which is are body most open organs that why during the pandemic they promoted people to keep a good distance because of that.



Most communicable diseases are either bacterial or viral and infect the respiratory tract.


because it is correct on EDGE2022

Most the bones in our body are made of the same materials. Each bone has four main layers. The outside of the bone is called the periosteum. This layer contains nerves and blood vessels that bring nutrients to the bone. Next is the compact bone. It is the hardest part of the bone. Inside the compact bone is the cancellous bone. This part of the bone is light and spongy, but still strong. The innermost layer of bone is called the marrow. This layer is almost like a thick jelly. Bone marrow produces red blood cells, which help to bring oxygen to all the different parts of our body, and white blood cells, which our body uses to fight off diseases and infections.

Our skeleton also gives our body its shape and allows us to move. The skeleton is our body’s frame; if we did not have bones, we would all flop around like jellyfish. The special way our bones connect enable movement. The places where our bones meet are called joints. These are the parts of your body that you can bend and move, like your knees, elbows, shoulders, and fingers. For an example, look at one of the legs on the diagram of the skeleton. You will see bones called the femur, the tibia, and the fibula. The place where these bones meet is the knee. The knee is a joint; it is protected by the patella bone (also called the kneecap).

Finally, our bones also protect our most important organs. As you might imagine, bones are much harder than the soft, fragile organs inside of our body. For example, the ribs and sternum protect our heart, lungs, and major blood vessels. The skull protects our brain. The vertebrae in our spine protect the nerves in our spinal column. Without our bones, our bodies’ most vital organs would be much more vulnerable.

The next time you see a skeleton while watching a scary movie or visiting a haunted house, remember: those bones may be creepy, but you would not be able to live without them!
According to the passage, all of the following are protected by a bone EXCEPT

the stomach

major blood vessels

the brain

the knee joint


Answer: A. the stomach

Which factors influence how drinking and binge drinking affect a person? Check all that apply.



umm according to me, drinking is caused mainly due to either mental health factors(breakup, divorce, death of a loved one, fired from job, bankrupt,etc) or due to addiction. Binge eating is maybe caused due to an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of a constant source of filling food source, again mental health factors such as loss, depression or anxiety.

hope this helps

What would you do if you realize that you are going to die after few hours??​



im going to enjoy the moment with my friends and most important with my family and be happy

Below are parenting scenarios from the previous videos. Pick one of these and provide at least two thought out and complete solutions for that scenario. Your answer should be at least 4-5 sentences with an explanation of why your solutions are the answer to the problem.

Shawnta and Juan are 20-year-old high school graduates with a 3-year-old daughter, Lia. Juan works on the help desk solving customer IT (information technology) issues for a small company. He has $340 in child support withheld from his wages every month. Shawnta works part time and is attending community college to become a nurse. Shawnta depends on the child support from Juan to pay for child care and other monthly bills. Two months ago Juan got laid off and hasn’t been able to find another job. Without money for child care, Shawnta has been missing some of her classes. Juan has begun to receive past-due notices from the child support office. He wants to pay but doesn’t have the money. He’s stopped spending time with Lia because he’s embarrassed about not having any money. Shawnta is frustrated with Juan because he’s not providing any money and not spending time with Lia. What can Shawnta and Juan do about their situation?


What they can do is take Juan off of child support they can still take their classes but they would have to hold off of their classes until they can find out a way they can work together they can do their classes online so one person will have the child while the other one goes to class or they both can do online classes and have someone watch their child until they are done and then they can work night shifts and that pays good for it

In the space provided, describe how the intestines, liver, stomach, and pancreas all work together

1-2 sentences


Your pancreas makes a digestive juice that has enzymes that break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The pancreas delivers the digestive juice to the small intestine through small tubes called ducts. Liver. Your liver makes a digestive juice called bile that helps digest fats and some vitamins.

Your pancreas makes a digestive juice that has enzymes that break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The pancreas delivers the digestive juice to the small intestine through small tubes called ducts. Liver. Your liver makes a digestive juice called bile that helps digest fats and some vitamins.

1. A class of energy giving nutrients that are made up of amino acids, which are needed
to repair body structures and to regulate processes in the body. *
(7 Points)





write a letter to your fellow classmates advising them on how to protect themselves and their families from fraudulent health products plsss help mere:(((​



Fraudulent products are not scientifically proven to be safe and effective so when using it, it can be potentially dangerous and hazardous.  If you wish to avoid such scams, read the labels carefully and search it up online first. If you can't find any information about that it's going to be a bit suspicious but to clarify this, you can go to your doctor or contact your doctor about this. You doctor can help out as well as a pharmacist from your local (store name). Doing this, you can protect yourself and people around you from being scammed and also protect their health.


(You can change up the format a bit and add some other stuff from what you've learned. )

Fraudulent products are not scientifically proven to be safe and effective so when using it, it can be potentially dangerous and hazardous.

If you wish to avoid such scams, read the labels carefully and search it up online first. If you can't find any information about that it's going to be a bit suspicious but to clarify this, you can go to your doctor or contact your doctor about this.

Your doctor can help out as well as a pharmacist from your local (store name). Doing this, you can protect yourself and people around you from being scammed and also protect their health.

What are the types of fraudulent health products?

Electric beltHeroin cough suppressants.Vibration machinesDr. Scott’s electric flesh brush

Learn more about health products below,


which of the following is an example of mechanical AIDS for lifting
A. Rope
B.Piece of string and stone
C. A fort lift truck
D. Levitation​



The correct answer is - C. fort lift truck.


Mechanical aids help n reducing the risk of injury and extra effort when used properly. Fort lift truck is an example of mechanical aid for lifting. There are many other mechanical aids that help in lifting such as hand trucks, carts, book trucks, and pallet jack. Some mechanical aids can only be used with proper certification including fort lift trucks.

Thus, the correct answer is - C. fort lift truck.

How does a person’s sense of self change from infancy to age 7 or 8 and from ages 10 to 11 into the teenage years?



Well, there body's start changing more and more. As they grow older it gets easier for them to start trusting you  and other adult. But 10, 11 to teenage years they start being more independant. and some kids are differnt some may start out with indpendance from the very moment they are born, and grow to love people and not want to be alone.

What are malignant tumors?





Cancer disease

Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. These contrast with benign tumors, which do not spread.


Its A. jwjwiwisidididododod


Just trust me lol

when do babies generally develop full sensitivity for taste.



normally it would take 9 months to a year


Between 12 to 19 months


12 to 19 months the babies starts to develop full taste.


1. What are 3 problems associated with alcohol? Think about what
problems someone under the influence might have, or how society could
be effected by someone using alcohol, etc.

2. If alcohol is so dangerous, why does it remain legal?



1. Three problems associated with alcohol

a. High blood pressure
b. Liver and kidney disease or cancer
c. Heart diseases

2. “The direct answer to this question is that the government does not decide the legal status of drugs based on scientific assessment of potential for harm.

The ranking of drugs is a very interesting and controversial topic (subject to the apples and oranges problem), but it is simply not the basis by which governments make these decisions. The chart is worth analyzing, but it won't answer the question.

Practically speaking, making alcohol illegal is untenable. It was attempted in the United states in the 1920s, and I am not aware of any credible historians that consider prohibition to have been a success. Alcohol use has been present amongst humankind for millennia. It spans society, race, social class, etc. It does certainly present great potential for harm, individually through the detrimental health effects of abuse, and societally through the impact of impaired decision making, most notably drunk driving.

Despite that, alcohol also clearly provides some benefits that drive some people to use it. Others choose not to use it at all. Many use it without issue, and some develop problems. It is an effective social lubricant. In many cultures it is a common component of traditional celebrations, and in some cultures it is even a component of formal business interactions. It is one of the central rituals in the Catholic church.

Many of the problems associated with alcohol use can be reasonably mitigated without blanket prohibition, i.e. drunk driving and age restrictions. Many of the problems are also solved through basic social structures, in which friends and family address issues independently.

Given the above, the clear follow-on question is why these other, less harmful, drugs are illegal? If alcohol has demonstrated that it is actually more effective to manage these problems with regulation, how are other legalization decisions being made?

Those are much more complicated questions. The brief answers have to do with legacy (less history of widespread human use with other chemicals) and institutional racism.”

This is from the web so find details that will helped you and make sure to paraphrase!!

If helped mark me the brainiest!!

how floor and natural disasters are impacting on health population and environment?



Heat waves, floods, storms, fires, and droughts will increase the number of deaths, cases of disease, and injuries. Increased malnutrition, diarrheal disease, and malaria in some areas will jeopardize public health. Development goals will be threatened by longer-term damage to health systems from disasters


respuestas de la página 128 ciencias naturales sexto B​


Que son las preguntas en la pajina

3. The leading preventable cause of death in the United States is:

A. tobacco use

B. drunk driving

C. overdose of prescription drugs.

D. illegal drug abuse.


4. Snuff and chew are harmful because they:

A. contain nicotine.

B. increase problems with gum and tooth disease.

C. significantly increase the risk of cancers of the mouth, lip, throat, and esophagus.

D. All of these choices are correct.



3 is c

4 is b

because some people chew anything that goes in their mouth so they dont care what will happen and that gives gum and tooth disease

3 is C and 4 is actually D.

[1] Write answers the following questions.
a) What are differences between pulmonary blood circulation and
systemic blood circulation?
nce of remular health check un



Pulmonary blood circulation is the part of the circulatory system in which blood moves between the heart and the lungs. It brings oxygen-less blood to the lungs to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide there. The oxygen-rich blood then flows back to the heart from the lungs.

Systemic blood circulation is the second part of blood circulation in which blood moves between the heart and the rest of the body. The oxygenated blood moves from the heart to the rest of the body and deoxygenated from the rest of the body to the heart.

How has chicken production changed over the
past 50 years?



Chicken production has changed in the past 50 years because of new hormones and steroids placed in chickens to increase the growth of the chickens. Population increase has also created a need for more chicken so production companies have looked for new ways to make more chicken faster like cloning.


Which example best illustrates the maintenance stage of behavior change?




Need examples listed

Cardio respiratory fitness can be measured by the....​



Cardiorespiratory endurance is measured by maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and how it's used during intense exercise. Higher amounts of oxygen uptake show that you're using more oxygen and that your cardiorespiratory system is functioning efficiently.

What parenting quality do parents who control themselves under stressful conditions demonstrate?
plz i need answer in less then 5 min!


Doing enjoying activities
Talking to friends
Writing things down to relieve stress

Identify an activity that enhances flexibility and explain how it can be beneficial.



ummm so like yoga does, well atleast for me  think


Yoga is relaxing and lots of times good yoga instructors give off good vibes and thats always good to be around.

Stretching increases flexibility. Stretching also benefits you by loosening your muscles before a work out, preventing strains and injury
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