Pick out the incorrect statement about the partition (a) the year 1947 was a year of unprecedented violence and trauma of displacement (b) according to the two-nation theory, india consisted of two people-hindus and Muslims (c) punjab and bengal were bifurcated according to religious majority (d) there was a plan for transfer of the people across the border after partition


Answer 1


a is incorrect statement

Related Questions

"All Girls' or all Boys' Schools provide
a better learning environment than
Co-educational Schools." Express your
views either for or against the statement.​



I am against the satement


Primarily, the males and females learn hard and dress neatly in order to impress the opposite sex. Moreover, mixed schools are well known for performing well at national competitions.

Point out any three differences between present day's Banking system and Indigenous Banking system.



difference is


1 now aday all system is electronic

2 credit system

3 mastercard system

this was the new banking system

Why do East and South Asia form a region?
Check all that apply.
A. They have the same forms of government.
B. For thousands of years, Asian civilizations were separated from
Europeans and Africans.
C. The earliest civilizations developed along the Indus and Yellow
River valleys in India and China.
D. They both have natural barriers like the Himalayas.



B. For thousands of years, Asian civilizations were separated from

Europeans and Africans.

D. They both have natural barriers like the Himalayas.


The reasons East and South Asia form a region is because of the following:

1. For thousands of years, Asian civilizations were separated from

Europeans and Africans - Over the years in human history, Europe and Africa had little or no contact with East and South Asia. Thereby, the region developed its civilizations and ethnic groups in its way or pace. This also made the region not form part of the advancing and conquering powers of the Mediterranean empires such as Rome, Egypt, Greek, etc.

Also, they both have natural barriers like the Himalayas which joined the two regions together as the Himalayas is formed between many countries in the area, including present-day China, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, etc


For thousands of years, Asian civilizations were separated from Europeans and Africans.


even though it says check all that apply it is just this answer

Noor, a 16-year-old girl, frequently engages in highly abstract thoughts and can understand events that she has never seen. She also thinks about her future and compares the consequences of pursuing a college degree with the consequences of getting a job directly after high school. In the context of Piaget's stages of cognitive development, Noor is most likely in the



Formal operational stage


According to paiget's theory of cognitive development which divides the development of cognitive skills as a child grows with age. Noor could be said to be in the formal operational stage of cognitive development which is the fourth and final stage which starts around the age of 12 till adolescent. This stage is largely marked by enhanced level of cognition and a child's ability to think abstractly (being able conjure ideas or thought in the mind with a concrete existence). This is a reflection of Noor's cognition in the scenario described above.

Which organization was integrated into the Department of Homeland Security to manage catastrophic events such as bioterrorism; chemical and radiation emergencies; mass casualties as a result of explosions, natural disasters, and severe weather; and disease outbreaks


The organization that was integrated into the Department of Homeland Security to manage catastrophic events such as bioterrorism; chemical and radiation emergencies; mass casualties as a result of explosions, natural disasters, and severe weather; and disease outbreaks is FEMA.

FEMA is an acronym for Federal Emergency Maintenance Agency.

It was formed by President Jimmy Carter with the intent of helping citizens to prepare for emergencies and disasters. It is an agency of the Department of Homeland Security.

This organization helps individuals to develop measures like insurance plans that will mitigate against disaster.

Learn more about FEMA here:


The organization that was integrated into the Department of Homeland security to manage such issues is FEMA.

FEMA stands for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This organization was created originally by president Jimmy Carter.

The goal of the organization after its integration into the Department of Homeland Security in March 2003, is to respond to states, territories and areas that have been hit by disaster.

The relief efforts are sent across the cities, states and other volunteer organizations. An example of such organization is the red cross.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/2685711?referrer=searchResults

what are the major challenges of development in karnali province​



The region is characterised by widespread poverty, unemployment, food scarcity and insecurity, malnutrition, starvation, inequality, isolation and underdevelopment. The main problems and challenges of development in this province is poverty, lack of employment, illiteracy, inequality, malnutrition and so on.


The major challenges of development in this province is poverty, lack of employment, illiteracy, inequality, malnutrition etc.

what are the areas that are affected by population growth explain any one of them???​



The areas that are affected by population growth are :-

Hospital schoolRiver lakesPark



Park is the place where many peoples likes to visit but when the population growth will increase it may harms the beauty of park .

park is the place where many peoples visit for entertainment, pleasure , cookout so there is big chance of affecting the environment of the park .

Hope it is helpful to you ☺️

Anwar is hiking in the woods and he gets lost. He spends several days trying to find his way back to his basecamp, but he has the knowledge to gather wood, start a fire, and keep himself warm at night. He is also able to identify local berries and mushrooms growing that he can eat without being poisoned. Anwar is demonstrating _________ intelligence from the triarchic theory.
A. analytic
B. functional
C. practical
D. fluid


The answer should be A.Analytic

The correct option is C. He is also able to identify local berries and mushroom growing that he can eat without being poisoned. Anwar is demonstrating practical intelligence from the triarchic theory.

According to Baum, gaining practical intelligence involves learning from the past and applying that information to advance the company.

Which intelligence is most important?

The king of the hill in terms of prominence used to be cognitive intelligence. It then manifested as emotional intelligence. Now though, "successful intelligence" may be more important than all the other intelligence categories you've heard about, according to Cornell University's Robert J. Sternberg, professor of human development.

Practical intelligence is the capacity to adapt to, shape, or choose a new environment in the pursuit of personally significant goals in order to achieve a more ideal fit between oneself and the demands of the environment.

Learn more about Intelligence here:



what is a bill in the Constitution



A bill in the constitution is a draft of proposed law presented to parliament for discussion.

diferencia entre limite y frontera


Un límite es una línea imaginaria creada por un estado para poner fin a su soberanía.Una frontera es una región o franja de territorio situada en torno a límites internacionales para definir donde termina un país y empieza otro.

I think this answer

Multiculturalism is defined as:
A. efforts to establish English as the official language of the United States
B. the idea that the United States should have only one dominant culture
C. efforts to encourage immigration to the United States
D. an educational program recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting equality of all cultural traditions


D. An educational program recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting equality of all cultural traditions

Felix is training for a triathlon, a timed race that combines swimming, biking, and running. Consider the following sentence: Because his pool sessions are helping him swim more quickly, Felix plans to reduce by 1 hour per week the time he spends training on the bike and increase by 1 hour the time he spends in the swimming pool; however, his wife says that he should stop doing any biking and running and spend all 20 hours per week in the pool. Which basic principle of individual choice does Felix's plan illustrate that his wife's advice does not


Answer: Opportunity cost


Opportunity cost is basically arranging your schedule from that which is of great importance to the next, till the least important. It is understood that most of our activities are not giving same energy, especially when we understand some better than the others, this is where opportunity cost comes in, allowing you to arrange all activities from that which needs much attention to that which needs less, this is what Felix was doing that his wife needed to understand

Name at least 2 major social and cultural institutions in Australian society and evaluate what role they play generally and how they can impact clients as individuals and as part of community and family groups.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached or further context or references, we can say the following.

The two major social institutions in Australian society are the family and the government of Australia.

In the case of the family, it is a social institution in Australia that is the foundation and the pillar of Australian society. The family takes care of children and educates them in the family environment. Through family, Australian people inherit culture, traditions, and belief systems.

On the other hand, the government of Australia impact family and the community in that the government has the obligation of protecting society from any internal risks or international threats. The government has to create the proper conditions for Australian citizens to thrive. We are talking about the economic conditions and social peace so people can work and invest their money in Australia. In the cases needed, it has to regulate the economy and maintain political stability. The government has to create laws and legislation to maintain the social order, protecting the constitutional rights of the citizens.

Learning Task 4: Write the correct word/words to complete the answers to the questions about greenhouse effect.
What are the greenhouse gases? 1._____________, 2.______________, 3.________________

What do greenhouse gases do? (4.) ____________ the atmosphere by trapping (5). _________.

What is the greenhouse effect? The (6). ____________________ of the atmosphere because of insulation by ____________________________

How does the greenhouse effect work? Incoming (7)_____________________ from the sun (8)______________ the Earth and is (9)__________________by the greenhouse gases, warming and insulating the Earth like a “blanket”

Is the greenhouse effect a good thing? (10)_______!! Because it maintains _(11)___________________

So why is the greenhouse effect considered a bad thing and is linked to global warming? (12)______________ of the greenhouse effect is a bad thing. Since there are more and more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, more (13)_______________ is trapped which makes the earth (14)____________. This is called (15)___________________________.

gagawin ko pong brainliest ang makakasagot ng tama, pa answer po plsss... ASAP PO TY




1. Carbon Dioxide

2. Methane

3. Nitrous Oxide

4. Insulates

5. Heat

6. Warming, Greenhouse gases

7. Rays

8. Move towards

9. Trapped

10. Yes

11. Earth's temperature

12. The consequences

13. Heat

14. Even warmer

15. Climate Change



What do greenhouse gases do? It INSULATES the atmosphere by trapping the HEAT

What is the greenhouse effect? The WARMING of the atmosphere because of insulation by GREENHOUSE GASES

How does the greenhouse effect work? Incoming RAYS from the sun MOVE TOWARDS the Earth and is TRAPPED by the greenhouse gases, warming and insulating the Earth like a “blanket”

Is the greenhouse effect a good thing? YES!! Because it maintains EARTH'S TEMPERATURE

So why is the greenhouse effect considered a bad thing and is linked to global warming? The CONSEQUENCES of the greenhouse effect is a bad thing. Since there are more and more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, more HEAT is trapped which makes the earth EVEN WARMER. This is called CLIMATE CHANGE

why does air transport come next to road transport in nepal​



because of your unkmow


cuz air transport is faster than road transport bit road transport is common in Nepal.

Many of Ahmed's family have moved from Yemen to the U.S., adapting and adopting to much of American culture while retaining a number of beliefs and customs from home. Ahmed's aunt, who still lives in Yemen, worries that this Americanized family is no longer Yemeni. Ahmed's teenage daughter feels like her family is not American. Sociologically speaking, Ahmed's family is experiencing ___________.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question.

However, trying to help, we can comment on the following.

Sociologically speaking, Ahmed's family is experiencing Ethnogenesis.

In sociological terms, Ethnogenesis means that an ethnic group is forming out of an original one. The members of the group are increasingly identifying with the new culture and are adding more elements of this new culture into their daily lives.

In this case, that is why Ahmed's aunt, who still lives in Yemen, worries that this Americanized family is no longer Yemeni. Ahmed's teenage daughter feels like her family is not American.

Immigrants are prone to adapting and adopting the American culture due to mass media, social media, and the daily interaction with members of the American community.

Millions of West Africans who migrated to Nigeria during the 1970s, when the country's economy expanded, were expelled during the 1980s, when the country's economy declined. This is an example of Group of answer choices emigration changing to immigration. an economic migration factor changing to an environmental migration factor. forced migration changing to voluntary migration. a push factor changing to a pull factor. a pull factor changing to a push factor.



yes because the price is going higher

This is an example of a pull factor changing to a push factor. A whole lot of people had to leave their home and immigrate towards better places due to various reason like crop failure, land issues and rising taxation. Often people look for a land of economic opportunities.

What are Push and Pull factors?

" Push and Pull Factors are meant that a push factor encourages people to leave their origin migrate to other places, where as a pull factor is something that attracts he migrants towards other new places."

What is meant by Immigrate?

" Immigrate is a process called when people come to a foreign country for a permanent living."

What is Crop Failure?

" Crop Failure is a situation where the crops fail to yield enough food in order to maintain sustainability in using and selling it."

What is meant by Rising Taxation?

" Rising Taxation is a situation where the amount at which government levied tax is continuing to increase."

To learn more about Immigration here



during whose reign sundarijal hydropower situation established write its production capacity​


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.

Answer: The Sundarijal hydro-power station was established during the reign of Judda Shumsher and had a production capacity of 640 KW.


The Sundarijal Hydropower Plant was established at Sundarijal, in the north of Kathmandu, commissioned in the 1930s, during the reign of Juddha Shumsher, and it had a production capacity of 640 KW. It was the second hydro-power station in Nepal, the first one being the one near Pharping, south of Kathmandu, with a capacity of 500 KW.

After commissioning of Sundarijal power plant,

Hydroelectricity construction became stalled for decades in Nepal after this development.

In the functional approach to small group roles the following is true: Group of answer choices Focus is on the communicative behaviors used by group members during group meetings. Communicative behaviors emerge in the form of questions. Positive statements direct the group's discussion toward goal attainment. Negative statements prevent the group from attaining their goals.


Answer: Focuses on the communicative behaviors used by members during group meetings


Communication in small groups typically consists of about three or more people who have a common goal and work towards the achievement of the goal. During small group communication, data is analysed, the problem is looked into and a possible solution is given by the interdependent participants.

In the functional approach to small group roles, the focus is on the communicative behaviors used by members during group meetings.

"as people age and remain active in their roles and activities, they are more satisfied." This statement represents which sociological theoretical perspective



The functionalist perspective


The functionalist perspective is the best theoretical sociological perspective to explain the relationship between activities and the satisfaction individuals feel in performing them. According to this perspective, as people age and are able to stay active in their activities, improving them and feeling useful, the more satisfied these people are. The opposite also happens and people who get older and become obsolete, unable to perform their activities actively, are less satisfied and prone to have a lower quality of life.

Which statement describes the influence of latitude on temperature?

Latitude determines the duration of daylight.
Latitude prevents extreme heat and cold in coastal regions.
Latitude causes areas to experience cooler air at high elevations.
Latitude influences the movement of warm and cool air over land.



Latitude determines the duration of daylight.


Latitude has a strong influence on the duration of daylight, which makes the temperature of a region strongly influenced. In addition to the influence that temperature receives from the seasons of the year, regions with greater latitude have a longer duration of daylight, which allows the temperature to be higher, since the presence of solar energy warms the region. Regions with low latitudes, on the other hand, have a shorter duration of daylight, even in summer, which causes lower temperatures.


Explanation:on edge

What is the difference between sub overseer and overseer job? Explain with examples​



An overseer is a person who supervises a work whereas a sub overseer is the substitute or second in command of an overseer.


In construction, for example, the Civil Overseer supervises the work done by manual laborers. The Civil sub overseer is a basic-level technician. The Civil Overseer and Sub overseer also differ in qualifications. The sub overseer learns from the overseer who is the main and responsible engineer. In the business setting, an overseer can be likened to a Director while the sub overseer is the Manager.

Select the two correct answers.
In what ways are state and federal courts similar?
They both hear cases about the US Constitution.
They both decide cases about state laws.
They both have a high court called a supreme court.
They both have an appeals system with levels.


Both systems enact written Rules of Court that provide mandatory procedures as to how a case is conducted. Since state and federal courts handle criminal as well as civil cases, both have rules of civil procedure and rules of criminal procedure that apply and are enforced.

The philosophy of John Locke strongly supported the idea that: Group of answer choices political leaders are born, not made. property rights should be subordinated to human rights. reason is an inadequate guide in establishing a political order. equality of goods and income is necessary for the political order. government ought to rest on the voluntary consent of the governed.


Answer: leaders are born, not made


John Locke is one of the person who had great influence on philosophy. One of the theory he had was that leaders are born than made.

He strongly believed that those who had and would occupy leadership position would inherit the traits from their parents.

give me this answer ​



2. An organized political entity under one government, exercising permanent power over a territory

3. A permanent population, defined territory, government and the capacity to enter into relations with other states.

4. A self-governing state, the ability to govern one's own state.

Diaz conducts a decision-making experiment to determine if people reason more logically when they have more time to decide. All the participants who are under 40 are allowed 15 minutes to reach a decision about a problem; all the participants who are over 40 are allowed 20 minutes to reach a decision about the same problem. Diaz has a problem with his experimental design because



- the age of the participants is confounded with the independent variable.


In the given experimental design, the problematic area is that 'the participant's age is being disoriented with the independent variable.' The age of participants is creating an element of the puzzle in the experiment that will not only negatively affect the outcomes but it will lead to an unworthy/unreliable conclusion as well. Age in this experiment must not be considered as the aim is to test the impact of having extra time on the logical decision-making of the participants which may or may not vary across distinct age groups.

name of seven province on nepal



The name of seven provinces are not yet fixed although government have separated the region or area of provinces.

The province or state are as follows:

Province 1 which capital Biratnagar

Province 2 which capital is janakpur

Province 3 which capital is Hetauda

Province 4 called as Gandaki which capital is Pokhara

Province 5 which capital is Butwal

Province 6 called Karnali which capital is Biratnagar

Province 7 called Sudurpachim which capital is called

where do you know what are you doing



Write the importance of human resource development
for a country



development is important because it is an investment in one's employees that will ultimately result in a stronger and more effective workforce. When an organization develops their employees, they are strengthening their assets and making these employees even more valuable.


hope this helps u

Great job above. That should help a lot. Good explanation

national heritage reflect our identity and glory justify this statement ​



National heritages can be defined as valuable assets of a country, which is inherited from one generation to another. National heritages reflect our identity and glory as they are monumental wonders which represent us all around the world flourishing our dignity and pride.


We rescue, restore, preserve and protect our heritage not only because it is our past, or because it is unique or beautiful. Our cultural heritage is our identity, it represents our values, belongings, our strength, continuity, and our pride. It is the treasure that we want our children to learn about and to keep for the following generations. It is the connections between the past and future, a part of history to understand correctly and learn from.

Social loafing would be best demonstrated by members of:A.Group 1 arriving at their individual estimates after careful consideration.B.Group 2 spending the most time discussing compared to Groups 3 and 4.C.Group 3 arriving at a consensus in the shortest amount of time compared to Groups 2 and 4.D.Group 5 spending less time discussing compared to Groups 2, 3, and 4.



Social loafing would be best demonstrated by members of:

C. Group 3 arriving at a consensus in the shortest amount of time compared to Groups 2 and 4.


In social psychology, the term social loafing refers to our tendency to work less or to make less effort when we are working with a group instead of alone. When in groups, we tend to worry less about doing our best, which explains why, sometimes, groups are less effective than individuals.

An example of that would be, as mentioned in option C, a group that arrives at a consensus in the shortest amount of time when compared to two other groups. That fact may be indicative of social loafing. It is likely that the members simply did not feel like discussing and chose to go with the first idea or opinion presented.

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