Please answer as soon as possible!!

Read the excerpt from Pygmalion.

THE FLOWER GIRL. Oh, we are proud! He ain't above giving lessons, not him: I heard him say so. Well, I ain't come here to ask for any compliment; and if my money's not good enough I can go elsewhere.
HIGGINS. Good enough for what?

THE FLOWER GIRL. Good enough for ye—oo. Now you know, don't you? I'm come to have lessons, I am. And to pay for em too: make no mistake.

HIGGINS [stupent] WELL!!! [Recovering his breath with a gasp] What do you expect me to say to you?

THE FLOWER GIRL. Well, if you was a gentleman, you might ask me to sit down, I think. Don't I tell you I'm bringing you business?

HIGGINS. Pickering: shall we ask this baggage to sit down or shall we throw her out of the window?

THE FLOWER GIRL [running away in terror to the piano, where she turns at bay] Ah—ah—ah—ow—ow—ow—oo! [Wounded and whimpering] I won't be called a baggage when I've offered to pay like any lady.

Motionless, the two men stare at her from the other side of the room, amazed.

PICKERING [gently] What is it you want, my girl?

THE FLOWER GIRL. I want to be a lady in a flower shop stead of selling at the corner of Tottenham Court Road. But they won't take me unless I can talk more genteel. He said he could teach me. Well, here I am ready to pay him—not asking any favor—and he treats me as if I was dirt.

MRS. PEARCE. How can you be such a foolish ignorant girl as to think you could afford to pay Mr. Higgins?

THE FLOWER GIRL. Why shouldn't I? I know what lessons cost as well as you do; and I'm ready to pay.

HIGGINS. How much?

THE FLOWER GIRL [coming back to him, triumphant] Now you're talking! I thought you'd come off it when you saw a chance of getting back a bit of what you chucked at me last night. [Confidentially] You'd had a drop in, hadn't you?

HIGGINS [peremptorily] Sit down.

THE FLOWER GIRL. Oh, if you're going to make a compliment of it—

HIGGINS [thundering at her] Sit down.

MRS. PEARCE [severely] Sit down, girl. Do as you're told. [She places the stray chair near the hearthrug between Higgins and Pickering, and stands behind it waiting for the girl to sit down].

THE FLOWER GIRL. Ah—ah—ah—ow—ow—oo! [She stands, half rebellious, half bewildered].

PICKERING [very courteous] Won't you sit down?

LIZA [coyly] Don't mind if I do. [She sits down. Pickering returns to the hearthrug].

HIGGINS. What's your name?

THE FLOWER GIRL. Liza Doolittle.

HIGGINS [declaiming gravely] Eliza, Elizabeth, Betsy and Bess, They went to the woods to get a bird's nes':

PICKERING. They found a nest with four eggs in it:

HIGGINS. They took one apiece, and left three in it.

They laugh heartily at their own wit.

LIZA. Oh, don't be silly.

MRS. PEARCE. You mustn't speak to the gentleman like that.

LIZA. Well, why won't he speak sensible to me?

HIGGINS. Come back to business. How much do you propose to pay me for the lessons?

LIZA. Oh, I know what's right. A lady friend of mine gets French lessons for eighteenpence an hour from a real French gentleman. Well, you wouldn't have the face to ask me the same for teaching me my own language as you would for French; so I won't give more than a shilling. Take it or leave it.

HIGGINS [walking up and down the room, rattling his keys and his cash in his pockets] You know, Pickering, if you consider a shilling, not as a simple shilling, but as a percentage of this girl's income, it works out as fully equivalent to sixty or seventy guineas from a millionaire.


HIGGINS. Figure it out. A millionaire has about 150 pounds a day. She earns about half-a-crown.

LIZA [haughtily] Who told you I only—

HIGGINS [continuing] She offers me two-fifths of her day's income for a lesson. Two-fifths of a millionaire's income for a day would be somewhere about 60 pounds. It's handsome. By George, it's enormous! it's the biggest offer I ever had.
Part A
What is a theme developed in this scene from Pygmalion?

A) Complimenting people may make them more agreeable.

B) For some, there are other things in life more valuable than money.

C) Success is often possible with persistence.

D) It is unwise to expect something for nothing in return.

Question 2
Which detail from the scene best supports the answer in Part A?

A) THE FLOWER GIRL [, coming back to him, triumphant, ] Now you're talking! I thought you'd come off it when you saw a chance of getting back a bit of what you chucked at me last night. [, Confidentially, ] You'd had a drop in, hadn't you?

B) "HIGGINS. Figure it out. A millionaire has about 150 pounds a day. She earns about half-a-crown.

C) "Well, here I am ready to pay him—not asking any favor—and he treats me as if I was dirt."

D) "Well, you wouldn't have the face to ask me the same for teaching me my own language as you would for French; so I won't give more than a shilling. Take it or leave it."


Answer 1

The theme developed in this scene from Pygmalion is "C) Success is often possible with persistence" and the detail from the scene that best supports the answer is C) "Well, here I am ready to pay him—not asking any favor—and he treats me as if I was dirt."

In this excerpt from Pygmalion, Liza Doolittle, a flower girl, approaches Professor Henry Higgins and Mr. Pickering, offering to pay for lessons in order to improve her speech and become a lady in a flower shop. Professor Higgins and Mr. Pickering are initially dismissive and rude towards Liza, but Mrs. Pearce intervenes and asks Liza to sit down.

Liza agrees, but is hesitant and coy, and Professor Higgins and Mr. Pickering continue to joke and mock her. Eventually, Professor Higgins agrees to give Liza lessons for a fee of one shilling per lesson, and Liza agrees to the terms. The excerpt ends with Liza leaving to get the money for her first lesson.

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What is the historical conflict in the book moon over manifest



Literary Conflict Examples in Moon Over Manifest

The mine owner, Arthur Devlin, creates a conflict for many of the townspeople of Manifest, including Ned Gillen. Devlin works the men too hard, pays them poorly, and feeds ethnic prejudices.

The Gettysburg Address

Which of the following is the best summary of the line in bold?

government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."


The best option that sums up the highlighted line is "the government we founded years ago will not fall."

How important is the Gettysburg Address?Reaffirm the government's commitment to the people.Demonstrate national unity.Honor wounded and dead soldiers.Underscore the determination of the American people.

One of the most important points in the Gettysburg Address is the reaffirmation of the government's commitment to the people and vice versa.

This happens when Lincoln asserts that the American government was founded many years ago with a single objective, which was to protect and promote the happiness of the American people.

In return, the American people were determined to maintain this government and ensure its security. Although this commitment was weakened by the establishment of civil war, the government remained standing, as the alliance, it established with the people would not be broken even in very difficult times, such as war.

Thus, Lincoln congratulates the American people, especially the ancestors who managed to establish political and social standards so strong that they continue to stand even after adversity.

His question is incomplete. The full question can be read below:

"government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

Which of the following is the best summary of the line in bold?

The government we founded years ago will not fall

The government owes great riches to the people.

The government has turned against its people,

The government is similar to many ancient empires."

Learn more about the Gettysburg Address:


Compare and contrast the three spirits who visit Scrooge. What are their main
similarities? What are their main differences? Do their differences have an



similarities are that they come from certain times in scrooges timeline

Their main differences are they each come for different parts of scrooges time line to teach him

ex. ghost of the past, ghost of the present and ghost of the future

what writes in black and different colors too? but has to be pushed to write to who?? GIVING BRAINLIEST


The thing that writes in black and different colors too but has to be pushed to write is Pen and marker.

What is the statement about?

Based on the above, It sounds like you are describing a pen or a marker. A pen is a writing instrument that uses ink to produce lines on a surface. Some pens have ink that is only one color, such as black or blue, while others have ink that is multi-colored.

A marker is also a writing instrument, but it uses a different type of ink that is typically thicker and more opaque than pen ink. Markers come in a wide variety of colors, and they are often used for drawing or coloring.

Both pens and markers work by applying ink to a surface through the use of a nib or tip that is pressed against the surface. The amount of pressure applied determines the thickness or intensity of the line or mark that is produced. In general, pens are designed to produce finer, more precise lines, while markers are designed to produce bolder, more vibrant marks.

Learn more about Pen and marker from


When do you use a comma in a sentence? (1 point)

to denote an omission
to mark the end of a sentence
to indicate an abrupt break in thought or structure
to show a pause in a sentence or separate items in a list



To show a pause in a sentense or seperate items in a list.


Example: My friend has blue eyes, pretty hair and a lovely personality!

A comma used in a sentence when to show a pause in a sentence or separate items in a list. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is comma ?

The comma is a punctuation symbol that has many variations across various languages. In many typefaces, it has the same shape as an apostrophe or a single closing quote mark, but it varies from other symbols in that it appears on the text's baseline.

If both independent sentences are concise and the meaning is obvious, the comma is optional. John, for instance, ducks when he enters rooms because he is tall. Note: A comma should not be used when the same subject performs both actions (a compound verb but not a compound phrase). She skips and sprints down the sidewalk, for instance.

The listing, joining, gapping, and bracketing commas are the four different forms of commas.

Thus, option D is correct.

To learn more about the comma, follow the link;


i want an informational text about dogs​


The dog is a domesticated descendant of the wolf. Also called the domestic dog, it is derived from the extinct Pleistocene wolf, and the modern wolf is the dog's nearest living relative. Dogs were the first species to be domesticated by hunter-gatherers over 15,000 years ago before the development of agriculture.
A dog is one of the most popular pets in the world and has been referred to as 'mans best friend'. Whether you are poor or rich, a dog will be faithful and loyal to you and love you to bits.

Choose the most effective revision for the underlined part of the sentence. If no revision is necessary, choose "Leave it as is."

When Shasta and me got home from the game, we called Marla to tell she about our victory.

When Shasta and I got home from the game, we called Marla to tell her about our victory.
When they got home from the game, they called Marla to tell her about our victory.
When Shasta and she got home from the game, we called Marla to tell her about their victory.
Leave it as is.


When Shasta and I got home from the game, we called Marla to tell her about our victory.

According to studies of Occupy Wall Street, the single most effective element in the movement's framing process was


According to studies of Occupy Wall Street, the single most effective element in the movement's framing process was its motto.

A motto is a word or term that expresses a conviction, a goal, or the overarching drive or desire of a person, family, social group, or organization. Unlike slogans, which can also be stated orally, mottos are typically found in written form. They can be the result of long-standing social foundations or important historical events like civil wars or revolutions. Any language may be used as a motto, however, the Western world has historically chosen Latin the most.

To know more about Motto, refer to this link:


Personality traits determine
a. each individual's own way of interacting with other people and his/her social environment


do you have other options?

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

Shakespeare performed his plays at the globe Theater, which could seat an audience of up to 3,000.

X Shakespeare performed his plays at The Globe Theater which was a venue that could seet an audience of up to 3000.

X Shakespeares plays were performed at The globe Theater, which could seat an audience of up to 3,000.

Shakespeare's plays were performed at the Globe Theater; the venue could seat an audience of up to 3,000.


Answer: D


The sentences which are grammatically correct are Shakespeare's plays were performed at the Globe Theater; the venue could seat an audience of up to 3,000. Thus, option fourth is correct.

Who was Shakespeare?

Shakespeare was a playwright, poet, and actor from England. He is largely recognized as the greatest English-language author and the greatest playwright in history. He is frequently referred to as the "Bard of Avon" and England's national poet.

A sentence must have a singular or plural subject and verb in order to be grammatically valid. To put it another way, the tenses of the subject and verb must match. The verb should be in plural form if the subject is plural, and vice versa.

Shakespeare's plays were presented at the Globe Theater, which had seating for up to 3,000 people. The phrases are grammatically valid. So, the fourth choice is the correct one.

Learn more about Shakespeare here;


strategies used by african nationalist leaders to build unity and win public support for the fight for the freedom of africa


The strategies used by African nationalists were negotiation, peaceful pressure, diplomacy etc.

African nationalists employed a variety of tactics, including diplomatic pressure and negotiation, nonviolent resistance and pressure, as well as harsh armed conflict. Additionally, they encouraged democratic and civil rights movements throughout the area and engage in peaceful civil uprisings. They also promoted black separatism, African American race pride, and economic self-sufficiency.

African nationalism emerged as a reaction to colonial authority intended to grant nation-states independence. She attained political independence from forty African nations in the late 1980s thanks to African nationalism, which was largely headed by elites of African descent with Western education. The pan-African movement was the catalyst for the trade unions' significant victory in the African nationalist movement.

Read more about African nationalists on:


krause (2016) found that humility was related to ______ without it, the balance between appropriate humility and self-deprecation might be weak.


The aforementioned manifestations of humility might be thought of as the moral aspect of virtues, but virtues can also have an intellectual aspect.

Nevertheless, virtues can have more than only a moral dimension. Christian scripture and subsequent Christian thinking placed humility at the center of the moral life in an effort to prove that Christians did not create humility as a virtue. It is proposed here that there is one virtue that is specifically human, even at the risk of undermining the  aspect aforementioned thesis. It simultaneously discovers its wholeness and meaning in the One of the three main schools of normative ethics at the moment is virtue ethics. It may at first be recognized as the one that highlights

To learn more about aspect please click on below link


According to the author, when you are deciding on a speech topic -

it is usually best to choose something you care strongly about

the subject itself is less important than your speaking style

you should avoid ideas that have been used too many times

the issue should reflect concerns you share with other people


When it comes to making speeches, which includes the process of writing the speech itself and organizing the details, when you are deciding on a speech topic, A it is usually best to choose something you care strongly about

What is a Speech?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the action of making a formal talk to a group of people about a particular topic that aims to convince or persuade them about a point of view which they might have had trouble with before.

Hence, it can be seen that although your question is incomplete, when deciding a speech topic, it is important that you consider the topic that you care strongly about as this would help you be more passionate about it and this shows when talking to the people in order to change their minds,

Read more about speeches here:


what are your main reasons for referring your child for possible gate identification? share your insights about his/her talents, abilities, and learning needs. please note: teachers are expected to challenge every student according to his/her abilities. therefore, a desire to have your child challenged is not a reason for gate referral.


Child challenged is not a reason for gate referral. Career decisions may be influenced by personality and hobbies. A kind, patient, and sympathetic person might work as a nurse or doctor, for instance.

A precise and meticulous person can work as a project manager or statistician.A career is a job or line of work that a person wants to pursue. Career decisions are influenced by personality. An individual who is patient can find a profession in medicine gratifying.

And a job in law might suit someone with an analytical personality.Lerato's personality was left out of this explanation, however the rationale offered can help you select a career for Lerato based on her personality.

To know more about Personality visit:


Which 8 letter word has all 5 vowels?


Word Facetious has all of the eight vowels in the correct order.

What is vowels?A vowel letter is one that represents an open sound. The English language has six vowels: a, e, I o, u, and sometimes y. Y is sometimes a vowel, as in the word story, but it can also be a consonant, as in the word yes. Vowels represent vocal sounds that are open and free of friction.Vowels have been derived from the Latin word vocalis, which means "voice". In English, the term "vowel" refers to both vowels and their corresponding written symbols (a, e, i, o, u).Vowels vary in quality, volume, and quantity (length). Typically vocals, they play an important role in thriving variations such as intonation, intonation, and emphasis.

To learn more about vowels refer to :


Which one word can you use to replace “liable to be called upon to account for his own actions





Accountable can replace “liable to be called upon to account for his own actions".

What theme is best expressed in this excerpt?
O Miep shows great generosity in bringing them cake.
O Bravery and kindness can come at great personal cost.
O You can only count on friends during difficult times.
O Kindness is best shown through gifts and gestures.


This text best illustrates the notion that B. Courage and kindness can cost a person dearly.

Miep presents something to Mr. Frank.

Otto Frank, who survived the Holocaust, goes back to the attic where he spent two years hiding with his family. There, Miep Gies meets him and hands him the journal.

As the lone survivor of the death camps, Miep put Anne's unread writings in a desk drawer and gave them to Anne's father when he came home after the war. He made sure Anne's heirloom, Het Achterhuis, was published in 1947. (The Secret Annex). Anne wrote her last entry in her diary on August 1st, 1944. The Nazi Gestapo showed up three days later, ending 25 months of isolation. Two of the Christians who had assisted in providing shelter for Anne and the others were also detained after they were turned in by an unidentified informant.

To know more about The Diary of Anne Frank  visit:


What can you conclude based on this information?
A. The Green Book was a way for Black Americans to protect themselves from harm
while traveling before there were laws that protected them.
B. Black Americans usually bought copies of the Green Book as a novelty item or a
collectible, but not many people actually used it as a tool for safety.
C. The first edition of the Green Book, which only covered businesses in New York, was
mostly meant for tourists and other people visiting the city without time to plan.
D. The best sales for the Green Book came after President Lyndon B. Johnson passed a
law that provided more protections to Black American travelers.



C. The first edition of the Green Book, which only covered businesses in New York, was mostly meant for tourists and other people visiting the city without time to plan.


Which sentence correctly punctuates a direct quotation from the publication Childhood Sports Injuries and Their Prevention?


The sentence tjat correctly punctuates a direct quotation from the publication Childhood Sports Injuries and Their Prevention is C. According to the publication Childhood Sports Injuries and Their Prevention, "Any organized team activity should demonstrate a commitment to injury prevention."

What is a direct quotation?

Direct quotation is the act of reproducing verbatim text from another author's work or from previously published work of your own. Include the quotation in your paragraph and enclose it in double quotation marks if it is less than 40 words. Put it in front of the full stop. In a written work, a direct quotation is a report of the precise words of an author or speaker that is encased in quotation marks.

Direct quotes are frequently used in the middle of a paragraph. Use double quotation marks at the start and end of the quote, stick to the original text verbatim, and cite your sources correctly to avoid being accused of plagiarism. In conclusion, the correct option is C.

Learn more about quotation on:


Complete question

Which sentence correctly punctuates a direct quotation from the publication Childhood Sports Injuries and Their Prevention? "According to a publication, "Any organized team activity should demonstrate a commitment to injury prevention."

According to the publication "Childhood Sports Injuries and Their Prevention," "Any organized team activity should demonstrate a commitment to injury prevention."

According to the publication Childhood Sports Injuries and Their Prevention, "Any organized team activity should demonstrate a commitment to injury prevention."

"According to a publication any organized team activity should demonstrate a commitment to injury prevention."

Which two sentences taken together provie
the BEST evidence to support the idea that
Native Americans have struggled to maintain
their culture?




I would say 4 beacause it looks more reasonable when you say it outloud lol

qualitative research by reczek (2014) has suggested that there are four fundamental ways to foster bonds between the child and the aging gay or lesbian parent. they include .


According to Reczek research, four fundamental ways to foster bonds between the child and the aging gay or lesbian parent include integration, inclusion through language, social support, and affirmations

It has been observed that aging gay or lesbian parent find it difficult to build the bond with their children. This observation caused Reczek to carry out his research in 2014. For Reczek research, 50  detailed interviews were carried out with the concerned parents.

As a result of Reczek research, it was found out that their are four fundamental ways through which this bond can be strengthened. These four ways included integration, inclusion through language, social support, and affirmations.

You can learn more about Reczek research from


Which statement describes a property of a proton?

is found outside the nucleus
has a positive charge
has less mass than an electron
is repelled by electrons


Answer:Has a positive charge


Imagine you are writing a research paper on how extracurriculars influence college students’ success. Decide if the following examples are primary, secondary, or tertiary sources.



i think it would be secondary i am not beginner my id got misplaced

Emma has a lot of old bank documents and checkbooks that she no longer uses. What is the BEST way for Emma to deal with these items that she no
longer uses?
O A. Give them to her grandchildren so they can play "bank" with them.
Store them in a cardboard box in her garage.
Shred them all before discarding them.
D. Scan them all into her computer and send to family members.


Answer: C. Shred the all before discarding them.


Be safe <3

Brave New World Chapter 13 Questions

1. Why is Lenina having a hard time concentrating.

2. Why does the savage get upset with Lenina?

3. Why doesn't John fall for Lenina's advancements.

4. What does John do to Lenina?

5. What does John learn about Linda


Lenina is frustrated because she wants to have sex with "the Savage," but she sees John's lack of interest as just shyness that she can get over.

What omitted Lenina?

Soon after, Lenina realizes she has missed her soma, forcing her to confront the Indian town of Malpais in an unmedicated state. When Lenina starts feeling drawn to John, her tendency toward longer-term sexual relationships worsens.

Does John and Lenina have a happy ending?

Finally, we witness John and Lenina leading what appears to be an idyllic existence, much like the one he had previously described. However, it quickly becomes clear that he is not with her because he is living alone in an run-down city, possibly below ground. He is utilizing a "Sprite," a technological device that projects Lenina.

To know more about  John and Lenina visit:


Question 22 Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(01.01 MC)
Read the excerpt from The Jester's Sword by Annie Fellows Johnston. Then answer the question that follows.
And as he journeyed on he pictured often to himself the day of his returning, the day on which his vow should find fulfillment. How wide the gates would be thrown open for his
welcome! How loud would swell the cheers of those who thronged to do him honor! His dreams were always of that triumphal entrance, and of Vesta's approving smille. Never
once the shadow of a thought stole through his mind that it might be far otherwise. Was not he born for conquest? Did not the very stars foretell success?
The connotation of the bolded words and phrases creates a certain mood in this passage. Which word best represents that mood?


The word with the strongest meaning that best captures the mood in the excerpt above is sorrow.

What is third-person omniscient?

The third person omniscient point of view is known to be a form of  an open and flexible form that is made available to writers. It is said that the omniscient narrator has all-encompassing knowledge of all subjects.

This is a typical style of third-person narration in which the storyteller adopts an omniscient (all-knowing) perspective on the events being told: delving into personal thoughts, telling secret or concealed happenings,...

Note that in the excerpt above, the writer talk about A little child who was said to be crying as though its prized toy had been damaged, and this song evokes sadness over the loss.

Hence, In the excerpt above, The connotation  word best that represents that mood is Sorrow.

The complete question is : Third-person omniscient

Question 18(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

(01.01 MC)

O Hope

A little child came crying towards him in the marketplace, its world a waste of woe because the toy it cherished had been broken in its play. Aldebaran would

turned aside on yesterday to press the barbed thought still deeper in his heart that he had been denied the joy of fatherhood.

The connotation of the bolded words and phrases creates a certain mood in the beginning of this passage. Which word best represents that mood?

O Happiness

O Sorrow


O Well-being


To learn more about third-person omniscient refer to :


Which sentence uses a verb that agrees with its subject?
answer choices
On the stalk of a carrot plant grows seeds.
In the middle of the living room rug were several dirty footprints.
Through those trees are a nice Italian restaurant.
Have Grandmother returned the books to the library?


The 2nd sentence: in the middle of the living room rug were several dirty footprints.
The 3rd should replace “are” with “is” and the 4th should replace “have” with “has”

A rough draft involves looking at your writing in a different way, whereas a final draft involves correcting any conventions errors.
O True


This statement is false and does not correctly define rough draft and final draft.

What are the rough draft and final draft?The rough draft is the text that will undergo revisions.The final draft is the text that is already finalized and will be published or submitted for publication.

The final draft cannot be revised and include corrections to modify grammar, syntax, or even text color errors. In this case, we can say that the final draft is the final version of the text, where all errors have already been corrected and all necessary modifications have been made, making the text ready to be offered to the public.

The rough draft, in turn, is the text that has not been corrected and should receive several corrections, modifying all errors and inconsistencies to make it efficient and correct.

The rough draft can be performed several times until the text is in its most efficient format, thus forming the final draft which is the essay itself.

Learn more about the rough draft:


he is swims in the pool (change into present perfect) ​


"he is swimming in the pool" would be correct present tense

B.1 Identify and correct errors with subject-verb agreement
Find the error with subject-verb agreement. Select the incorrect verb and type it correctly-
Candice doesn't have enough time to maintain a large garden, so four square
feet are enough space for her.


The correct errors with subject-verb agreement is:

Candice doesn't have enough time to maintain a large garden, so four square feet is enough space for her.

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement refers to the consistency between the subject of a sentence and the verb that agrees with it. In other words, the subject and verb must agree in number. This means that if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular as well, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural.

For example:

The cat is sleeping. (singular subject, singular verb)The dogs are barking. (plural subject, plural verb)

Therefore, Subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of grammar because it helps to make sentences clear and easy to understand. It is important to pay attention to subject-verb agreement when writing or speaking to avoid confusing or incorrect sentences.

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Which statement most accurately reflects the colonists Reactions to British policies Select the mechanism(s) where the concentration of the nucleophile or base has no effect on the reaction rate. a.E1 b.E2 c.SN2 d.S1 The sentiments such as those depicted in the cartoon above most directly contributed to which of the following? (Sumner-Brooks cartoon) Let the discrete random variable X have the geometric distribution with parameter p. (a) Give a real-life example in which the geometric distribution can be applied. (b) Use the definition of the expected value to show that: E[X] = 1/p. (c) Explain why it makes sense that the expected value of X is inversely proportional to p. how would queuing theory be useful in a foodservice facility? it can be used to analyze layout and flow of cash register lines it is a tool for menu rotation it is used to trace usage dates for produce it is used to calculate profit margins Graph Y= -1/4 x + 6. If 1.5 liters of washing up liquid is 2.70$ find the cost of 1 liter calculate the payback period, if the cost to renovate a restaurant is $30,000 and the project will generate annual incremental cash flows of $15,000. A building has a height of 125 meters and a length of 80 meters. On a scale drawing of the building, the height is 25 centimeters. What is the length of the building on the scale drawing in centimeters? Please help me out with all the pictures please due today A bag contains 3 red, 6 blue, and 7 yellow marbles. What isthe probability of drawing 2 marbles of different colors out ofthe bag? A nerve that receives sensory information from the hip and leg and sends motor information to skeletal muscles in those same regions would _____________. Select all that apply.Apossess an integrative functionBhelp analyze the sensory informationCinclude aspects of the brain and spinal cordDbe part of the peripheral nervous systemEconsists of both afferent and efferent neurons if a point is characterized as having both a nonzero x and y coordinate and oppositely signed coordinates, then the point must be in which of the labeled quadrants in the standard xy coordinate plane? 15.Why do you think developing nations in Africa or Asia might report a high number of deaths from diseases that can be controlled in the United States? What factors prevent access to prevention and treatment? The four-firm concentration ratio, expressed as a percentage, is the ratio of the total industry _____ of the four largest firms in an industry relative to total industry sales.sales How do I solve this problem. Please explain step by step if u could0.25 + (-3) = In this project you will use selection lists to store long lists of hypertext links that might overwhelm a page if displayed within a navigation list. The name of a linked page is displayed as the text of a selection list option while the URL is stored as that options value. By selecting an item from one of the selection list options, the browser will open the web page with that selected URL. To script this action, you will use the event object. One of the properties associated with the event object is as follows:where evt is the variable name assigned to event object and target is the object that received the event. In this project the target is the option selected by the user from one of the selection lists. The event will be the change event. A preview of the page is shown in Figure 6-39.Figure 6-39Completed Project 6-2Do the following:Use your code editor to open the project06-02_txt.html and project06-02_txt.js files from the js06 project02 folder. Enter your name and the date in the comment section of each file and save them as project06-02.html and project06-02.js, respectively. 1. Eliza said to me,'I can't come with you '.(Into indirect speech)2. Who was the glass broken by?(into active)3. Does Anjana owe any money?(into statement) how does the author use the incident of the french girl comforting him to advance the plot of the story in night? The blade of a framing square is how many inches long