Please formalize the argument seen in the following passage:
look round the world: contemplate the whole and every part of it: you will find it to be nothing but one great machine, subdivided into an infinite number of lesser machines, which again admit of subdivisions to a degree beyond what human senses and faculties can trace and explain. all these various machines, and even their most minute parts, are adjusted to each other with an accuracy which ravishes into admiration all men who have ever contemplated them. the curious adapting of means to ends, throughout all nature, resembles exactly, though it much exceeds, the productions of human contrivance; of human designs, thought, wisdom, and intelligence. since, therefore, the effects resemble each other, we are led to infer, by all the rules of analogy, that the causes also resemble; and that the author of nature is somewhat similar to the mind of man, though possessed of much larger faculties, proportioned to the grandeur of the work which he has executed. by this argument a posteriori, and by this argument alone, do we prove at once the existence of a deity, and his similarity to human mind and intelligence


Answer 1


This is an analogical argument. Following is its representation:

1. Machines and world are quite similar in their minute parts are adjusted with accuracy to each other and there is adopting means to ends.

2. Machines are product of the human minds.

3. The world is a design by something similar to a human mind.


This is an analogical argument. Following is its representation:

1. Machines and world are quite similar in their minute parts are adjusted with accuracy to each other and there is adopting means to ends.

2. Machines are product of the human minds.

3. The world is a design by something similar to a human mind.

The strength of the analogical argument mainly depends on the relevance of the shared properties of the targeted properties.

Related Questions

Which of the following is the difference between Athenian direct democracy and American representative democracy? A. In a direct democracy, citizens elect others to represent them, and in representative democracy, citizens participate directly. B. In a representative democracy the citizens are not allowed to vote for their representatives, and in a direct democracy citizens are allowed to elect representatives. C. In a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision making, and in a representative democracy, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf. D. In a representative democracy the citizens are allowed to vote for their representatives, and in a direct democracy citizens are not allowed to particpate in the government.



did you try searching it up I don't really know?

What aspect of psychoanalytic theory is John referring to in his joke?



Psychoanalytical perspective was produced by Sigmund Freud. It was the famous and mostly used by other psychologist in their own theories.


The Uncanny is the concept that is used by Freud in his theory to understand the unthinking and trick. Jokes are simultaneously and irrationally perceived by people in both the conscious and unconscious way. The jokes that are tendentious are most type of uncanny or can be called innocuous. These are satirical jokes. The satirical can be called less ambiguous jokes ever that more exposed the unconscious material. The unacceptable material rework in conscious part that express in the conscious part of the brain.

Evaluate the statement: "If there are sacrifices to be made for human progress, is it not essential to hold to the principle that those to be sacrificed must make the decision themselves?"



Sacrifices are necessary in order to achieve the progress.


This statement means that for things to progress it moves in forward direction sometimes certain sacrifices have to be made in order to achieve the progress for which sacrifices should be done. There are many sacrifices done by the people in order to achieve progress in their lives such as they sacrifice their valuable time for that progress. without sacrifices there will be no progress in life and in career.

Compared to other types of bonds, what are the minimum denominations of savings bonds?
relatively high
relatively moderate
relatively low



relatively low


There are various types of bonds which include corporate bonds, investment-grade bonds, high municipal bonds, saving bonds, etc.

Saving bonds are low denomination bonds that are given by the government and their minimum denomination is about $25 which is very low when compared with other types of bonds.

Saving bonds are long term investments that take about twelve years to mature.

"In terms of motor development during middle childhood, which gender is superior in movement accuracy?"



The male child


Male children during middle childhood get to have accuracy in speed and flexible

According to Jung, the deepest, impersonal layer of the unconscious mind that is shared by all humans is called the



collective unconscious


The collective unconscious is an idea originated by psychologist Carl Jung, also called the objective psyche or autonomous psyche today. The collective unconscious suggests that the deepest part of unconscious mind in humans is shared by all equally, inherited and not influenced by personal experience. This idea is differentiated from the personal unconscious mind of Freud's psychoanalysis and is much broader. According to Carl Jung, the collective unconscious is made up of human instincts and archetypes(universal symbols) and experiences only bring meaning to them

Match the political and military leaders to the roles that they played during World War II.

General Dwight Eisenhower
General George Patton
Benito Mussolini
General Bernard Montgomery
General Erwin Rommel

British commander in the
North African campaign

prime minister of Italy

commander of German troops
in the North African campaign

US commander in the European
theater of war

leader of the US forces in
the Italian campaign




Mongomary:Commander of Bristish troops in North Africa

Eisenhower US commander in the

European Campaign

George Patton:Usleader in the Italian Campaign

Benito Mussolini Prime Minister of Italy

Rommel Commander of the German forces in North Africa



British commander in the North African Campaign - GENERAL BERNARD MONTGOMERY

Prime minister of Italy - BENITO MUSSOLINI

Commander of German troops in the north African campaign - GENERAL ERWIN ROMMEL

US commander in the European theater of war - GENERAL DWIGHT EISENHOWER

Leader of the US forces in the Italian campaign - GENERAL GEORGE PATTON

Your friend who is an exchange student is interested in becoming a US citizen. Describe the steps to become a naturalized citizen.



Naturalization refers to the procedure of becoming a naturalized citizen, in the case where the applicant was not born in the U.S.


The process starts when an individual becomes a green cardholder or a lawful permanent resident of the United States. Secondly, he or she needed some living history in the U.S before applying for naturalization. Personal requirements include that the applicant must be capable of speaking, writing, and reading in English. Then they l need to pass an exam to prove your language skills. And the final steps including an interview with a USCIS office and swearing the Oath of Allegiance.

Although used condom should not be flushed down a toilet, if a person did flush a used condom, this type of wastewater pollutant would represent



Debris and grit


Debris and grit represent the wastewater pollutant. The used condom will serve as debris in the sewage system and may eventually result to sewage blockage.

Such debris and grit wastewater pollutant should be prohibited from the sewer system in order to avoid the danger of blockage.

Debris and grit removal stations can be set up and installed in order to collect the debris.

how would you like to work against brain drain​



Brain drain is taking place at a very fast rate in developing countries; Pakistan being no exception. People get disenchanted with low rewards available for their qualifications and experience, which compels them to migrate to developed countries in search of greener pastures. If we want to arrest brain drain, we will have to

— Provide better job opportunities irrespective of caste, creed, race or nationality.

— Promote people on merit alone.

— Provide attractive salaries to highly qualified people on the basis of their qualifications and experience.

— Improve the quality of our universities and bring them at par with universities in Europe and America.

— Provide adequate research facilities.

— Do away with the quota system at once if not done till now.

Through this system, the less intelligent and inefficient people have been getting admission to professional colleges.

Hop it helps!!!

By the end of Meditation III, Descartes is willing to admit three things he no longer doubts. Identify the thing that Descartes still has reason to doubt.

a. I think
b. The physical material world exists
c. I exist
d. God exists



Correct Answer:

b. The physical material world exists


Descartes is an accomplished philosopher whose works is well known. Part of his work is his writing on Meditation which is a series of his personal reflections he penned down in a book.

In The Meditations on First Philosophy,  which was written by him in a similar autobiographical style as his other work the Discourse, he describes a six-day philosophical journey from radical skepticism to rational certainty. The only thing he still have reasons to doubt is the physical world existence.

Shanti's Workshop Shanti recently went to a communication workshop to help improve her workplace performance. She learned that in effective communication, she should resist forming an opinion until the speaker has finished, then attempt to empathize with the listener, and finally effectively respond to the speaker. She learned techniques regarding maintain eye contact and sending back channel signals to show interest. When Shanti attempts to empathize with the speaker, this is known as:



This question lacks options, options are:

A. sensing

B. evaluating

C. understanding

D. responding

E. identification

The correct answer is B.


The active listening process is a series of logically linked acts to obtain the entire message, interpreting its correct meaning. The evaluating stage of listening happens when the listener, when receiving the message, constantly compares what the speaker says, with his/her own thought. It is a constant evaluation, that is, it is when our senses are ready to evaluate certain information, we contemplate the judgments and the intention of a message. An important aspect of evaluative listening is to differentiate between facts and words charged with emotion or manifestations, typical of an intention. Assertive behavior allows us to reflect on the facts and provide objective information, which is the idea of evaluative listening and is not always followed, since it is inevitable not to include our own assessments.

For the past two months, Tim has been experiencing delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech. Based on these symptoms, which diagnosis would you give to Tim?



These are some of the symptoms for schizophrenia.

For the past two months, Tim has been experiencing delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech. Based on these symptoms,  schizophrenia diagnosis would be the Tim. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is symptoms?

Then we talk about symptoms, we're talking about a mental or physical characteristic that is thought to point to a sickness or sickness, especially one that the person is aware of. A proof of something's reality, especially one that a bad condition exists.

Tim claims that experiencing delusions, hallucinations, and disorganization are symptoms of schizophrenic and serve as a diagnostic indicator. Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness in which reality is perceived by sufferers strangely.

As a result, the Tim has been experiencing delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech. Based on these symptoms,  schizophrenia diagnosis. Therefore, option (a), is correct.

Learn more about on symptoms, here;


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

a. Schizophrenia b. Schizophreniform disorder c. Schizoaffective disorder d. Delusional.

Examine four factors that promote good child-parent relationship​



Child parent relation promote that they are children most important relation are with the parents.


Promote the child parent relation help learn about the safe and secure ,what happens they laugh and cry or make a face .

Parent child relation spending the time with your child , caring environment of respect and trust and the moment with your child.

If are the child parent relation are built in time,know about feelings interests this is great for your child relationship.

Showing that take time to communicate positive messages , smiles , eye contact and gentle touches,and that plan one on one regular time.

Parent child relation to promote and play the child an goes to the park his friends used to playing with you,and play loves cricket cheer her and players.

Parent child relation is a developing trust and respect is to important ways.

The dollar value consist of all the goods and services sold by each of the following enteties EXCEPT



The options are

A the government

B consumers

C unemployed

D net exports

The answer is D. Unemployed


Dollar value is the value of all the goods and services which are produced locally/ in a given country. The dollar value deals with goods and services that aren’t imported.

The government, consumers and net exports may involve bringing or smuggling goods into the country. The unemployed don't have a job and they aren’t interested in the sale of any goods and services.

How does a high employment rate affect the economy



If everyone has a job or is employed one way or the other it will affect the economy because everyone will be able to fend for themselves and also because the economy will be a developed economy because everyone is employed with good jobs. If everyone is able to have jobs then high crime rate in the country will reduce because the crime rate made by people are from those who are unemployed so if there is employment in the country it will hep the society, the community and the economy in different ways. Thank you for the question

As a person becomes an expert in an area, he or she will begin to ________ to help organize the information.



use large chunks


Expertise refers to the elitist, record high, or extraordinarily high-performance levels on a specific task or within a specific area. One who accomplishes this status is called an expert and the term is intended to mark anyone who is at the top of the division. The foundation for being an expert is to gather a large chunk of information on a particular subject. It takes dedication, practise, best usage of time, calarity about the objective, etc to beacme an expert.

Imagine you are a candidate for president. Your campaign manager tells you that Social Security reform is the “third rail of politics” and is considered an issue to be avoided. Why would your campaign manager give you this advice?



The Social Security reform is very popular with the senior citizens who are more active during elections than other age groups and they usually don't want any changes to their security programs.


Since the inception of the Social Security program due to the Great Depression in 1935, there have been changes applied to it since then. This program was targeted to help vulnerable people such as the old, the poor, widows, etc.

In recent times, however, there have been calls to review this program to be more inclusive to other people and Democrats tend to favor a budget increase to include other groups while Republicans are more conservative about the idea. Any adjustment made to this program would create a ripple effect and could seriously damage a candidate's popularity.

Claire's daughter brings her in today after Claire fell at her home. Which assessments are indicated at this time?



Orthostatic vital signs

Review of her medications

Assessment of gait and balance


Health assessment can simply be said to defined as an outline of care that helps to know the various/urgent needs of an individual and how those needs will be looked upon by the healthcare system or skilled nursing facility. It aim at  evaluation of the health status by physically examining the Patient, conduct an  exam after taking a health history.

An assessment helps you to know what is wrong with the patient and how to recognize what is wrong and the treatment to recommend.

Consider the following Causal Claim:
All of a sudden he's all Let's go to Beano's for a change. Right. Am I supposed to think it's just coincidence his old girlfriend started working there?
This is an example of:_______.
A. Common Thread reasoning.
B. Relevant Difference reasoning.



Relevant Difference reasoning


Relevance Difference Reasoning is a term in psychology that describes a type of Casual Argument Form, in which an incident X as the only appropriate difference that has resulted in the effect Y.

In other words, it is when effect B occurs in a circumstance that it has not occurred in similar situations before in. There is a relevant difference A. Therefore A is the cause of effect B.

Hence, in this case, his old girlfriend working at Beano is the relevant difference. Therefore, it is the cause-effect of him, saying we should go to Beano, all of a sudden.

A political party is an organization:__________ a. that falls under section 501(c)(4) of the U.S. tax code. b. established by the Constitution to nominate candidates. c. that tries to influence the government by getting its members elected to office. d. that collects fees from its members in order to pay the salaries of government officials.



I think the answer is C since it talks about election

Researchers studied the relationship between honesty and age for children between ages 5 to 15. Experiment is conducted with 160 children. What is the population of interest in this study



Children within age of 5-15


population of interest are those people who research are Carried out about.

Here the research is to be conducted to generate information from children between age 5-15 which are the main reason for the experiment hence they are the target group.

Information to be gathered, data to be collected are related to the target group which is the main subject of the research.

Target group may vary with the type of research that is been conducted.

What is meant when talking about the sociological perspective



The basic insight of sociology is that human behavior is shaped by the groups to which people belong and by the social interaction that takes place within those groups. We are who we are and we behave the way we do because we happen to live in a particular society at a particular point in space and time. People tend to accept their social world unquestioningly, as something "natural." But the sociological perspective enables us to see society as a temporary social product, created by human beings and capable of being changed by them as well.

The sociological perspective invites us to look at our familiar surroundings in a fresh way. It encourages us to take a new look at the world we have always taken for granted, to examine our social environment with the same curiosity that we might bring to an exotic foreign culture.

The study of sociology leads us into areas of society that we might otherwise have ignored or misunderstood. Since our world view is shaped by our personal experience and since people with different social experiences have different definitions of social reality, sociology helps us to appreciate viewpoints other than our own and to understand how these viewpoints came into being.

Sociology also helps us understand ourselves better. Without the sociological perspective (which has been called the "sociological imagination"), people see the world through their limited experience of a small orbit of family, friends, co-workers. The sociological imagination allows us to stand apart mentally from our limited experience and see the link between private concerns and social issues. It permits us to trace the connection between the patterns and events of our own and the patterns and events of our society.

Sociological perspective could be said to mean the observations and inferences made when a society is viewed through a lens devoid of personal opinions.

This creates a category or pattern based on the root causes of peoples action.

It is important to note that Sociological perspectives aims at understanding patterns behind repetitive attributes of social interactions  in relation to the study of how these interactions influence a certain peoples action.

Sociological Perspective is divided into three main divisions;

Structural functionalist perspectiveSymbolic InteractionismConflict theory

These divisions helps one to fully grasp the holistic idea of sociological perspective.

Learn more about sociological perspective at

Arizona Senate Bill 1070, often referred to colloquially as the "papers, please" law, was aimed widely at those of:



Arizona Senate Bill 1070, often referred to colloquially as the "papers, please" law, was aimed widely at those of: Mexican descent


The dollar value consist of all the goods and services sold by each of the following enteties EXCEPT



"Unemployed" is the correct choice.


Dollar value seems to be the market value of all finished goods as well as commodities generated domestically throughout the target country. Whose currency amount corresponds with the non-imported products and services. Which might include importing or trafficking goods from other countries through administration, customers, and private consumption. The unemployed have no jobs because they're not involved in selling any products or goods.

Which kind of research would best enable you to predict academic success on the basis of performance on standard intelligence tests



IQ test


In simple words, The intelligence quotient refers to the composite score obtained from a series of standardised assessments or subtests intended to measure artificial intelligence.

IQ ratings are used for school selection, evaluation of mental illness and evaluation of work applicants. In the background of study, they have been analysed as predictor variables of work success and wages. They are often used to research levels of psychometric knowledge in populations and associations among samples as well as other factors.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the study examining how video clips influence perceptions and behaviors related to driving?
a. Driving behavior is positively influenced by viewing long video clips, but negative influenced by viewing short clips.
b. Watching several risky driving clips in a row can scare people into watching their own behavior more closely
c. Viewing clips of risky driving skews people's perceptions and makes that kind of behavior seem normal.
d. Showing people video clips of driving influences how they perceive other drivers, but doesn't influence their actual behavior



b. Watching several risky driving clips in a row can scare people into watching their own behavior more closely


Perception: In psychology, the term "perception" is determined as an individual's "sensory experience" associated with the world. However, perception tend to involve both i.e, "recognizing or evaluating environmental stimuli" and then different actions that occurs in response to the given stimuli. Thus, perception is not only responsible for creating an individual's experience to the given world yet it allows the person to react accordingly in his or her environment.

Answer: c. Viewing clips of risky driving skews people's perceptions and makes that kind of behavior seem normal.


Koch makes seven points to support his claim that "life is precious and the death penalty helps to affirm that fact"; some are good, and some are not. Which one of his seven points is the weakest? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.



Taking life of innocent people for the sake of fulfilling its own advantage


Taking life of innocent people for its own advantage is the weakest point that claim that ''life is precious and the death penalty helps to affirm that fact''. Some companies killed innocent people with the virus made artificially in the laboratory in order to provide the medicine for that disease to make good profit. Terrorists do the same, they killed innocent people in order to complete its goal of instability in the country.

The assumption that standard-form claims have subject and predicate clauses that have at least one number each is called a(n):_______



Existential Assumption


Existential Assumption is characterized as the logical fallacy in which there is 'an assumption that standard-form claims have subject and predicate classes which have at least one member each' yet the premises do not necessarily guarantee the existence of both of them. Thus, due to the presence of two premises, the validity of the conclusion is not assured that makes the statement/argument flawed. Thus, 'existential assumption' is the correct answer.

Research conducted on prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviors revealed that college students who expressed higher than average feelings of prejudice toward Arab-Americans were



Research conducted on prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviors revealed that college students who expressed higher than average feelings of prejudice toward Arab-Americans were more willing than those low in prejudice to convey bad news to Arabs.


Prejudice can be defined as preconceived ideas or opinions that are not based on facts or experience. In other words, it is what we think of others from afar, without having actually taken the time to get to know them, their culture, their lifestyle, and without truly trying to understand anything concerning those people. It is common for people who display prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviors to, in a way or another, have less empathy for those who they are prejudiced against. That would explain why those students would be willing to convey bad news to Arabs. In a way, telling them bad news is a way of hurting them, making them worried or sad. A person who is not as prejudiced would have more empathy and, therefore, find it more difficult to convey such news.

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