Please give me the name of 13 district of province no 3​


Answer 1



Rapti District (Chitwan, Ramechhap, Makwanpur) Chautara District (Sindhupalchok, Kavrepalanchowk) Trishuli District (Nuwakot, Dhading) Kathmandu District (Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur.

Related Questions

What is the most effective method interest groups have for achieving their legislative and judicial goals



Groups use varied methods to try to achieve their aims including lobbying, media campaigns, publicity stunts, polls, research, and policy briefings.

The most effective way for interest groups to achieve their legislative and judicial objectives is to develop or make direct contact with the government leader, lawmakers, media, and a variety of other personalities who have direct influence.

What are the legislative goals?

The goals that are made for balancing power, for representing the constitution, and for making new laws come under the legislative goals.

Therefore, developing direct contact with leaders and lawmakers will affect the groups that have to achieve the legislative goals.

Learn more about the legislative goals from here:


Buôn làng ở khu vực Tây Nguyên có vai trò như thế nào đối với đời sống các dân tộc thiểu số?


Kung Lao Liu Kang Rick & Morty

Can someone please help me huhu it's very URGENT!!!!

Suppose you are the president of the Supreme Student Government in your School or the top 1 in your class. How will you show humility to others? What is the importance of being humble?​



I can show humility to others by helping them. by not discriminating anyone, by loving juniors and respecting seniors, by being kind, by showing my humbleness to others.

The importance of being humble is that it helpsus to become good person, it helps us to win over theheart of other people, it helps us in various ways.

i hope this will help you. Staysafe

"Suppose you are the president of the Supreme Student Government in..."How you show humility is by acting informally with your peers. it's important to be humble as it's a trait of Diplomacy. This is further explained below.

What is humility?

Generally, humility is simply defined as having a low opinion of one's own significance.

In conclusion, In order to exhibit humility, you should treat your coworkers in a more casual manner. Diplomacy requires humility, and it's a quality that should be cultivated.

Read more about humility


Jill, Kevin's supervisor, asked for a sales update today. Jill is too busy to go back and forth between the different store locations. How can Kevin give her an update more effectively? O a) Call with a quick update O b) Text a detailed OC) Book a one-hour meeting for tomorrow tomorrow morning d) Send a detailed email



b. text a detailed message



d) Send a detailed email

what is meant by peace? write in a sentence.​



Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there's no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom.

freedom from disturbance; tranquillity


a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended.

phân tích sự biến đổi của cấu trúc gia đình theo hướng hạt nhân hóa


Answer: i don't understand the language you used and it's kinda hard to read.


Đặc điểm chung quan niệm duy vật thời kỳ cổ đại là tìm nguồn gốc của thế giới những dạng vật chất cụ thể. Đúng hay sai và giải thích



hola no si


1. List and discuss the different factors that can influence your adoption of mobile telephone for academic and social activities/endeavors. In your response, you may add more factors to the ones in the articles based on your personal experience(s) in the use of mobile telecommunication services.​



The form of social and professional communication was directly impacted by the internet and the creation of mobile phones. Today, it is possible to connect with anyone in the world through a smartphone, which reduces time and distances, facilitates business and socialization.

There are different factors that influence the adoption of the mobile phone to carry out academic and social activities/enterprises. Some of them are:

Demographic factors: Income, age, gender, occupation, easy access to the network.

Personal factors: status, preferences, lifestyle, usage.

Social factors: media, knowledge, experiences, influence.

un animal vertebrado es aquel que tiene un ​



un animal vertebrado es aquel que tiene columna vertebral.

What describes an official request for congressional attention on a specific issue?
bond issue






A referendum is one way through which the electorate can make a direct vote on a particular issue or proposal without having a representative. This could lead to the creation of new laws.

Therefore, an official request for congressional attention on a specific issue is known as referendum.

________ is the extent to which people like or dislike themselves. Group of answer choices Locus of control Self-efficacy Emotional stability Self-esteem Self-awareness


Answer: Self esteem


Self esteem refers to the extent to which people like or dislike themselves. The way we value ourselves and assert ourselves refers to self esteem.

When an individual has a high self-esteem, such person believes that he or she has what it takes to succeed while someone with low self esteem doesn't believe in himself or herself.

sould i take my brother shopping with me


sould i take my brother shopping with me?

I suggest yes.he would help you carry your things....

sure if you are willing to pay

Which investment is best for someone who is likely to need cash soon?



Savings account


Saving account is the only option that can be used by someone who is likely to need cash soon. The mutual funds cannot be withdrawn before three years as the amount will be taxable.

Answer is: savings account or tesla stock!!

The use of animals, farming, bows and arrows, and canoes are most associated with which age?



Bronze age


This may or may not be the answer but I do know the bronze age was somewhat renowned for technology advancments


they're associated with mesolithic age

cual era el pensamiento de las personas de la edad media sobre el planeta​



я не знаю ответа :(







2 What are the major challenges to tackle your district? ​


The major challenges to tackle my district by those :-

Transportation facilitiescommunicationwater supplySuperstitious Beliefs Gender inequalityUntouchabilityUnemployment

Hope it is helpful to you ❣️☪️❇️✌️☺️

Who decided the outcome of Athenian trials?
A. A council of elders
B. A large number of citizens
C. A panel of Supreme judges
D. The two kings



B. A large number of citizens


Athenian trials were decided by a group of jurors. These jurors were the citizens of the city, who were randomly drawn to compose the jury, if they met certain requirements. These courts are believed to have been decided by some 6,000,000 jurors, all citizens of Athens.

These citizens had to be at least 30 years old and not have physical or psychological defects, that is, they could not have any type of disability.

[tex]good behaviour \: is \: a \: behaviour \: which \: leads \: good \: habit[/tex]
Please help me. ​


[tex]\boxed{ \sf{Answer}} [/tex]


Good behavior gets respect in every corner of the world. It is considered as an ornament of a man’s character.

In this world, a person is often examined on the basis of his or her behavior which speaks of his culture.


Good behavior can be anything which is done with a warm heart. All those things that possess a good intention, a good salutation, greetings, polite speech, and good manners are considered as good behavior. A man following good behavior always receives esteem and love of the entire world. Conversely, a man who has cruel nature is often ignored by the world. Signs of bad behavior include abusive language, wrong face expression, angry, reactive nature, and much more negative qualities.


It is necessary to maintain a good behavior while living in a social world. We must offer respect towards all living beings. We should learn to respect human beings as well as animals. There are several practices that bring goodness in behavior. We must adopt those good qualities to become a man with good behavior.


We can maintain our behavior in numerous ways. Some of these ways are explained below. Good behavior includes gentleness and esteem towards our parents, teachers, relatives, friends, women, elders and animals. It costs nothing to show respect but in return we receive much more precious things such as love, respect, admiration etc. In short, it is a way to catch many hearts. One can buy or borrow the good qualities but one has to develop them. A person learns these qualities gradually. Thus, we must show respect to receive the same in return. For this, we can connect our day to day speech with some simple words such as thank you, sorry, please, dear, sir or madam. These words show good manners of a person. Does it cost anything to speak these words? Nothing, these words cost nothing but their usage and presence can definitely please someone. Good behavior of a child speaks more about his family. It shows that the child has been brought up in a well mannered family. Traditions play an important role in growing good manners. Courtesy costs nothing.


Person having good behavior often gets respected. He can do many difficult tasks through his good behavior. Communication plays an important role in showing our good manners. In this way, we can win many hearts. We can live a peaceful life when we are polite. A man with good behavior is always fair to the truth and to others. Good behavior and pleasant manners leave an indelible impression on others and become an example for others.


Hence, from this we can conclude that good behaviour leads to good habits.

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The only real difference between good and bad habits is that good habits involve good behaviors or actions you want to repeat, while bad habits involve bad behaviors or actions you want to avoid doing.....

people having good behaviours are always repected and praised .they are always loved by everybody.However they are always worried about what others think about them and have a sence of self steem.So they are always civilized..

How does the climate affect the traditional food habits in kerala​



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Climate has a major impact on our eating patterns as a geographical element. This is because the growing season for food is determined by the environment, which also impacts the planting seasons each year. Furthermore, geographic location has a significant impact on eating patterns and cultures.

Climate change is anticipated to have a substantial impact on agriculture sector. According to another estimate, key agricultural output might drop by as much as 25%.

Children who supposedly suffer from child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome (CSAAS) are likely to show behavioral symptoms that could also be evident in children misled into admitting such abuse.

a. True
b. False


I’m pretty sure that answer is True

Socialization has many striking characterstic. Menton any two of them?​



Search online pls it will help Jesus loves you


The self, the core of personality, develops out of the child's interaction with others. In the socialisation process the individual learns the culture as well as skills, ranging from language to manual dexterity which will enable him to become a participating member of human society.

A _____ occurs when employees refuse to work because they are dissatisfied with their employer about working conditions and benefits or salary.



A strike occurs when employees refuse to work because thay are dissatisfied with their employer about working conditions and benefits or salary.

Henry is an economist and wants to understand the relationship between inflation and consumer spending habits



he can understand through practicing

Which selection is written in the first-person point of view?
O A. Michaela and Reed strapped on their backpacks. Michaela had
calculated that their trip to the top of the mountain would take
about three hours. She knew the climb would be tough, but having
Reed along for conversation would help pass the time.
O B. Josh trudged up the rocky slope, trying hard to keep his negative
thoughts to himself. Kris, a fellow Explorers Club member, limped
along a few feet behind him, complaining with every step. Neither
one had realized how hard it would be to earn a hiking badge.
C. After I had hiked four hours, the trail opened up before me to a
meadow of beautiful green grass. Mountains stood majestically
on the horizon. Exhausted but happy, I plopped down in the middle
of the blanket of grass.
D. Emily peered at her watch. It had been four hours since she and
Finn had started hiking the trail, but the destination had not yet
appeared. What if they were lost? She hoped Finn couldn't sense
her worry.





Saying 'I' is speaking from the first person pov

Which phrase best completes the table?

Characteristics of Civilizations
Advanced technology
Social organizations
Hieroglyphic writing
Hunting and gathering
Temporary villages
Job specialization



the answer is Job specialization


hope it helps :)

Is it likely an extremist party to emerge on either end of the political spectrum?





No, an extremist party will not emerge on either end of the political spectrum because extremist party only emerge when all the members of this party are extremists so their ideology also turn extremists while on the other hand, if the number of non-extremists are more in the party than extremists then the party will not turn into extremist party so it depends on the ideology of members that is present on that party.

Nely is new at ABC company and makes the mistake of not refilling the coffee pot after taking the last cup of coffee. After the second time this happens, her coworkers lightly joke with her that no they cannot work for the rest of the day because they do not have caffeine. Her coworkers' joking is an example of:





In the field of the social sciences, define sanction in as a reaction that could be in the form of a threat or a promise by members of a group showing their disagreement or agreement of a particular mode of conduct and how they try to enforce certain standards of behaviour in the group.

We can see this clearly in the joke Nelly's co-workers made. Just trying to let her know of her actions which they do not approve of.

What is a limitation that affects the generalization of research results?


Small sample size affects the generalization of research results

How is assimilation relevant to previous waves of immigration to the U.S?



Social Policy and Welfare

Employment and Income Dynamics

The Context of Immigration


Immigration researchers disagree about many major issues that are essential for revising social policy, including the criteria used to admit immigrants and the extent of social supports required to ensure their successful integration. More specific areas of disagreement include: whether recent arrivals are less skilled than earlier arrivals; whether the pace of socioeconomic assimilation has slowed in recent years and, if so, why; whether the net social and economic impacts of immigration are positive or negative; Contextual analyses of immigrants' integration experiences are an important area of needed information. In practical terms, this means that future national surveys of immigrants should not only permit subgroup analysis, but should also represent the social and economic spectrum of communities in which immigrants reside.

I didnt have much to explain base on your question i hope this helps but good luck <333

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