Answer the question below in one paragraph of at least four sentences. Your first sentence should state your opinion. Use specific evidence from this activity to support your answer.

Evaluate the accuracy of the following claim:
"The differences between India and Algeria show that economic imperialism is less damaging to a country than traditional, formal imperialism."


Answer 1

Answer: The claim is true due to the fact that formal, traditional imperialism is indeed more damaging to the other than the economic imperialism. Traditional imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending the rule over peoples and other countries, for extending political and economic access, power and control, often through employing hard power, especially military force, but also soft power. Economics imperialism is the economic analysis of non-economic aspects of life, such as crime, law, the family, prejudice, tastes, irrational behavior, politics, sociology, culture, religion, war, science, and research. So as you can see the traditional imperialism has more effective parts, as in extending political and economic access, it makes one country more powerful and therefore more likely to be even more damaging to the other country

Answer 2


The claim, which states, “The differences between India and Algeria show that economic imperialism is less damaging to a country than traditional, formal imperialism,” is true because formal and more traditional imperialism is indeed more detrimental than economic imperialism in the long run. An imperialist policy or ideology is a strategy for extending rule over other countries and peoples, for exercising influence and power, with the use of both hard and soft power. The economic analysis of non-economic issues is known as economic imperialism. It can include topics like crime, law, the family, prejudice, tastes, irrational behavior, politics, sociology, culture, religion, war, science, and research. As is made clear in my previous statements, the traditional form of imperialism does have more effectively damaging parts, such as the extension of political and economic access, which makes one country more powerful and therefore more damaging to the other.


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Hope his helps

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The history of feminism comprises the narratives (chronological or thematic) of the movements and ideologies which have aimed at equal rights for women. ... First-wave feminism of the 19th and early 20th centuries focused on overturning legal inequalities, particularly addressing issues of women's suffrage.

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During the eighteenth century France witnessed the emergence of a middle class. Reason (R): The emergence of the middle class happened on account of royal patronage. *
1 point
A Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
C A is true but R is false.
D A is false but R is true.


The middle class emerged in France in the 18th century and it occurred due to the trading activities like silk to other countries and not royal patronage.

During the eighteenth century, it should be noted that a social group emerged in France that was known as the middle class.

Their wealth were gotten from the manufacturing of goods like silk textile and woolen textile that were and these goods were then sold overseas and this group of people got money from such trade. It should be noted that the emergence of the middle class was not due to royal patronage.

In conclusion, A is true but R is false. Therefore, the correct option is C.

Read related link on:

were considered the upper class of colonial society.



In Colonial America, there were three main social classes. They were the gentry, the middle class, and the poor. The highest class was the gentry. They could vote

Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal was most notable for a ending the Great Depression. b providing moderate social reform without radical revolution or reactionary fascism. c undermining state and local governments. d aiding big cities at the expense of farmers. e attacking the American capitalist system.


The correct answer is A) ending the Great Depression.

Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal was most notable for ending the Great Depression.

Although he received critics from his political rivals, the action that helped to bring the United States out of the Great Depression in the late 1930s was that Franklin Roosevelt started the New Deal.

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The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution for the United States. Along with this, it is known for being incredibly weak and giving little power to the federal government. Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government could not tax the states, draft soldiers, regulate trade, or even amend and create new laws.

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When the Constitutional Convention of 1787 happened, the original goal was just to simply amend the Articles of Confederation. This obviously did not happen though, as the Articles of Confederation was scrapped as a whole and the United States Constitution was created instead, which gave power to the federal government.

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In the internment camps, four or five families, with their sparse collections of clothing and possessions, shared tar-papered army-style barracks. Most lived in these conditions for nearly three years or more until the end of the war.

ai là người tìm ra châu Mĩ




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• China’s economy stalled as battles among warlords disrupted planting and destroyed crops.
• China’s economy contracted as normans from the north raided villages and threatened cities.
• China’s economy was threatened by Huang River floods, resulting in widespread famine.
• China’s economy expanded as farmers using iron tools were able to grow more food.



The answer is China economy contracted as Norman's from the North raided village and threatened cities. China economy expanded as farmers using iron tools were able to grow more food

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Development of Platypus is an example of how isolation has affected the Australasian ecozone. It is endemic to Australia and has developed by combining different parts of different animals. ... Platypus is, therefore, unique, and is Australian in origin and conservancy.


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the United States that the government needed to be less dependent on foreign oil production

hope that helps you


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it is landowners, i had the same question and i got it right by putting landowners

Answer: Landowners

Explanation:history book

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the pilgrims


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The House Judiciary Committee


Impeachment does not refer to the removal of an elected official from office, but rather it represents the first of a two-step process in potentially removing that official. Based on the findings of a House committee or independent panel, the House Judiciary Committee can then draft and approve articles of impeachment.

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To me, it looks like Cairo would be the best answer for this. Always make sure to double check just in case!

ww1 aftermath
1. What are the pros (Yes) to holding Germany reponsible for damage to any country's land and buildings they damaged during WW I? List 3 pros:

2. What are the cons (No) to not holding Germany reponsible for damage to any country's land and buildings they damaged during WWI? List 3 pros:

3. Which side do you favor and why answer in 3-5 sentences:



1. a) The War Guilt Clause was added in order to get the French and Belgians to agree to reduce the sum of money that Germany would have to pay to compensate for war damage. The article was seen as a concession to the Germans by the negotiators. It was bitterly resented, however, by virtually all Germans who did not believe they were responsible for the outbreak of the war. This article was a constant thorn in the side of the Weimar leaders who tried to meet the terms of the agreement while trying to have these terms modified.

2: a) Its money is useless

Their country is in smaller space

The factor that germons are waste

3.) I have the favor of the cons because germans got more loss. They also are in poor. The german public is in needs.



I believe this helps

What event occurred from 1861-1865

A. Revolutionary War
B. Battle of Bunker Hill
C. Civil war
D. World War I



C. Civil war


The American Civil War from April 12, 1861 to May 9, 1865, was a civil war in the United States fought between northern and Pacific states ("the Union" or "the North") and southern states that voted to secede and form the Confederate States of America ("the Confederacy" or "the South").



C. Guerra civil

examples of how chemical weathering may benefit people.



One benefit that chemical weathering has for people is that it helps combat carbon dioxide. By trapping carbon dioxide in the sediment, chemical weathering removes it from the atmosphere. The decrease in carbon dioxide helps counter global warming.

What is today's date

❗️ᗴᗩᔕY ᑭOIᑎTᔕ❗️


July 17th, 2021 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Today is: July 17th 2021 :p
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