Please Help Asap!! I will mark brainliest for the best answer!!!
Explain how scientific and technological innovations (e.g. the steam engine, new textile technology, steel processing, medical advances, electricity, and new methods of transportation) led to massive social, economic, cultural, and demographic changes


Answer 1


The Industrial Revolution (1750–1900)

The term Industrial Revolution, like similar historical concepts, is more convenient than precise. It is convenient because history requires division into periods for purposes of understanding and instruction and because there were sufficient innovations at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries to justify the choice of this as one of the periods. The term is imprecise, however, because the Industrial Revolution has no clearly defined beginning or end. Moreover, it is misleading if it carries the implication of a once-for-all change from a “preindustrial” to a “postindustrial” society, because, as has been seen, the events of the traditional Industrial Revolution had been well prepared in a mounting tempo of industrial, commercial, and technological activity from about 1000 CE and led into a continuing acceleration of the processes of industrialization that is still proceeding in our own time. The term Industrial Revolution must thus be employed with some care. It is used below to describe an extraordinary quickening in the rate of growth and change and, more particularly, to describe the first 150 years of this period of time, as it will be convenient to pursue the developments of the 20th century separately.


Meanwhile, British windmill construction was improved considerably by the refinements of sails and by the self-correcting device of the fantail, which kept the sails pointed into the wind. Spring sails replaced the traditional canvas rig of the windmill with the equivalent of a modern venetian blind, the shutters of which could be opened or closed, to let the wind pass through or to provide a surface upon which its pressure could be exerted. Sail design was further improved with the “patent” sail in 1807. In mills equipped with these sails, the shutters were controlled on all the sails simultaneously by a lever inside the mill connected by rod linkages through the windshaft with the bar operating the movement of the shutters on each sweep. The control could be made more fully automatic by hanging weights on the lever in the mill to determine the maximum wind pressure beyond which the shutters would open and spill the wind. Conversely, counterweights could be attached to keep the shutters in the open position. With these and other modifications, British windmills adapted to the increasing demands on power technology. But the use of wind power declined sharply in the 19th century with the spread of steam and the increasing scale of power utilization. Windmills that had satisfactorily provided power for small-scale industrial processes were unable to compete with the production of large-scale steam-powered mills.

Steam engines

Although the qualification regarding older sources of power is important, steam became the characteristic and ubiquitous power source of the British Industrial Revolution. Little development took place in the Newcomen atmospheric engine until James Watt patented a separate condenser in 1769, but from that point onward the steam engine underwent almost continuous improvements for more than a century. Watt’s separate condenser was the outcome of his work on a model of a Newcomen engine that was being used in a University of Glasgow laboratory. Watt’s inspiration was to separate the two actions of heating the cylinder with hot steam and cooling it to condense the steam for every stroke of the engine. By keeping the cylinder permanently hot and the condenser permanently cold, a great economy on energy used could be effected. This brilliantly simple idea could not be immediately incorporated in a full-scale engine because the engineering of such machines had hitherto been crude and defective. The backing of a Birmingham industrialist, Matthew Boulton, with his resources of capital and technical competence, was needed to convert the idea into a commercial success. Between 1775 and 1800, the period over which Watt’s patents were extended, the Boulton and Watt partnership produced some 500 engines, which despite their high cost in relation to a Newcomen engine were eagerly acquired by the tin-mining industrialists of Cornwall and other power users who badly needed a more economic and reliable source of energy.


Hope this helps

Answer 2
Helped get around faster, produce things faster, basically just made things faster

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Hope this helps!

I don’t know I just need points so pls

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hope it may help you...

plsss help will mark brainliest!! 13 points!


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Excuse but how do you ask others for help because I really need help with this right now

plsss help will mark brainliest! nd extra pointss!


The answer is D (Vasco Nunez de Balboa).

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Sargon created the world’s first empire by :

A :defeating Hammurabi in battle

B: destroying the city-state of Ur.

C: uniting Akkadian and Babylonian lands.

D:conquering Mesopotamian city-states.


Sargon created the world’s first empire by conquering Mesopotamian city-states. Thus the correct option is D.

What is Sargon?

The world's first empire is attributed to Sargon of Akkad, a monarch who governed the city of Akkad in Mesopotamia (current-day Iraq) in the 23rd century BCE.

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Then, he started to expand his domain by conquering neighboring city-states after first establishing himself as a strong leader in Akkad. He attacked and conquered these cities with the aid of his army, and after that, he replaced their native rulers with slaves that served him.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Sargon, here:


The theory of uniformitarianism refers to the idea that geological processes that occur today are ________ they were in the past.
A different than
B the same as



B The same as.


The answer is B. The same as