Please help ASAP!!!!!!


Answer 1


Boundary- a border that separates one region governed areadeom another

Resource - something that can be used to accomplish a goal.

Data - information used for calculation, analysis and planning.

Trend- a pattern in a certain direction.

Related Questions

why is the failure more honorable than to win cheating ? justify​


Answer: When you fail, you learn how to do it better than when you cheat to pass


When you fail, you learn how to do it better than when you cheat to pass. Failure doesn't means it's the worst or the end, it just means there is a better way to do it than the method which is already applied, but when you cheat you won't be able to learn or defend what you were caught doing. There is no honour in cheating but there is a failing, especially when you don't give up but see it as an avenue to improve better in what you failed at.

Which US landmark is located in the Northeast?

Trail of Tears Statue
Statue of Liberty
Mount Rushmore


Statue of Liberty is located in the north east



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Write an essay highlighting the positive and negative features of the three forms of government -Democracy, Monarchy and Dictatorship. Explain with examples.



As given below



Pros: It encourages the public, prevents warfare, eliminates violence, protects the environment. Cons: lack of knowledge, corruption, dived and rule cause antagonism between the workers.

Monarchy :

Pros: Efficient way to carry out decisions, loyal to the monarch, clear lines of succession. Cons: Quality of leadership varies, difficult in operating big nation-states.

Dictatorship :

Pros: Decisions are made easily, power is in hands of the single military. Cons: rights are protected and limited freedom.

what is rodhighar? what is its significance ? what might be the reasons on its criticism nowdays?​



: Rodhi Ghar was essentially a place to relax, a house in the village where the community gathered after a full day's work to sing, dance and be festive. Men and women gathered at Rodhi Ghar, sat on two opposing sides, and engaged in a playful battle of wit, deep into the night.

Which of the following is the same for both Senators and Representatives?
1. The number of years they serve per term.
2. The number of times they can be re-elected.
3. The minimum age at the time of their election.
4. The length of time they have been US citizens.





1: not 1. Senators 6, Reps 2

2: As far as I know, both can serve as many times as they are elected by a popular vote.

3. Not the same. Reps are 25 Senate is 30

4. Not the same. I think Reps are 7 senators are 9


2. The number of times they can be re-elected.


There are two houses within the U.S. Congress. The founding fathers wanted to make the two houses different enough so that all citizens would be represented equally. Senators and Representatives have other numbers of years that they serve (Senators 6 years, Representatives 2 years), several elected officials in their house (Senators 100 members, Representatives 435 members), and the groups of people they are accountable to (Senate is responsible to citizens of their home state, Representatives accountable to citizens in their Congressional districts). They also have a different minimum age at the time of their election. (Representatives must be at least 25 years old, while Senators must be at least 30 years old at the time of their election.) The length of citizenship is also different for a Senator and a Representative. (A Senator has to be a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, while a Representative only has to be a citizen for seven years.) One similar detail between the Senate and the house is that officials can be re-elected unlimited times.

what is corruption ? why is it a social crime? Elucidate​



Explanation : corruption is regarded as social crime as it is lawbreaking by a salaried employee or senior.... The public post holders involve in corruption individually and

Institutionally also. Corruption also creates social conflict, inequality and problems.


Corruption is regarded as social crime as it is lawbreaking by a salaried employee or senior . ... The public post holders involve in corruption individually and institutionally also. Corruption also creates social conflict, inequality and problems.02-Jul-2020

Fiona has very vivid memories of a car accident she witnessed 3 years ago. If she closes her eyes and thinks about it, she feels like she can recall every detail, right down to the bumper sticker on one of the cars. Psychologists refer to vivid memories of this type as:



Flashbulb memory

compare traditional technology with modern technology​



technology is probably easiest to compare. We tend to think of communication tech, and computation tech when we say ‘modern,’ but traditional? Lets define that just a bit. Are we talking machines and devices, or the uses themselves, like fire from rubbing two sticks together to fire from an ‘electronic,’ cigarette lighter?Some things are just novelties. There are times when cheap, non electronic devices provide practical and very necessary service in places where an electronic device is too high-maintenance to be equally practical. There is no need to put a computer on a well pump if you’re in a back-water where electronic replacement parts are hard to come by. You just hand pump the thing and it works fine and at your convenience. Certain ‘Green,’ tech, like solar ovens, are a far cry from a fire pit, or even a gas barbecue, and though it’s marketed as ‘new’ technology, depending of course on design and materials used, it is very low-tech. Useful technology seems really only cosmetically changed, with new clothes over old bones, so-to-speak. A different package, a different color, but it’s the job it does that matters. The best comparison between ‘modern,’ tech and ‘traditional,’ tech that springs to mind though, is that modern tech is very modular and if it breaks it’s often disposable, rather than fixable, for most of us.

The variations between modern and traditional techniques are traditional technology becomes primarily based totally on easy laws and mechanics even as the modern technology is shaped via way of means of the combination of many simple mechanics.

What is traditional technology?

A form of technology that is primarily based on any tradition or culture that is typically transferred from one generation to any other generation until a lot has changed in the brand new, here we are talking about traditional technology.

The modern era is constructed on the existing conventional era.

Therefore, these are the differences between traditional technology and modern technology​.

Learn more about modern technology here:


What is weapon plzz help​



A weapon is a harmful device


A tool used to generally kill people and animals.


Explain the Thomas Theorem. What does the Thomas Theorem suggest about reality? What would the Thomas Theorem suggest about the legitimacy of Santa Claus? How would the Thomas Theorem explain the belief in Santa Claus? Is the belief legitimate? Explain?


Answer and Explanation:

The Thomas Theorem shows that reality totally depends on people's beliefs about it. That's because the Thomas Theorem claims that if people define something as real, that "something" will be real within its own circumstances. In this case, the Thomas Theorem claims that belief in Santa Claus makes it real, within very specific circumstances and we can recognize this, as during Christmas we see Santa Claus in so many places that this vision creates a circumstance,where it becomes real.

In this case, the Thomas Theorem shows that the popular use of Santa Claus supports the belief that revolves around it, which makes the belief legitimate and palpable, mainly because it is a belief that no one disputes.

make a list of the areas of work of gehendra shumsher



Gehendra Shumsher (Nepali: गेहेन्द्र शमशेर, 1871–1906) was a Nepali innovator, firearm designer, and general in the then Nepali Army. He was the eldest son of Bir Shumsher, the third prime minister of the Rana dynasty. He is generally regarded as the first scientist of Nepal.


Gehendra was born in Poush, 1928 BS (1871 CE).[a] He was born in the Nepal where his father was sent to serve as the Nepali representative to India. Born in a noble Rana family, he had the rare privilege to study. Apart from being privately tutored within the palace in English, he later also attended Durbar High School – the oldest modern school of Nepal. With the enrollment in Durbar High School, his interests were kindled, now that he was trying his hand at sports and music as well. However, past Durbar High School, not much is known about his academic part of life. While some references suggest he was sent to Japan along with 5 others to pursue engineering studies, his precise academic qualification remains unknown.

As a kid, Gehendra was intimately drawn to mechanics and ammunition. After the murder of Ranodip Singh Kunwar in 1942 BS, his father, Bir Shumsher, became the nation's prime minister, and opportunities popped up for him. At a tender age of 14 years, he was appointed to take care of the ammunition department in the Royal Nepal Army. This early exposure gutted in him a lifelong fascination for arms, ammunition, and the like.

when did Industrial society begin?​



Industrial societies are a product of the industrial revolution, which began in the mid-18th century with the harnessing of natural elements such as water .

How can the children enjoy their child rights​



By choosing their own thoughts, opinions and religion.


What are the role of students at home?​



The role of students at home is Reading on a regular basis. Respecting themselves and others. Attending classes on time and regularly.


Rendering help to their parents by doing the house chores

Reading what they have been taught in school

Doing their assignment

Jose enjoys biking every single day after he gets home from school. However, he lives in Florida and the summer season is approaching, which means rain almost every day at about 3 p.m., exactly when he would begin his bike rides. To modify his activity to avoid bad weather, he can


Answer: Bike at the gym on a stationary bike until the season passes


Exercising at gyms could fit in for some normal outdoor exercises. One of those that can be done either ways is cycling. Asides the sight exposure, cyclist tend to gain the same energy when they equally race at gym's. Due to the weather condition Jose can consider this option too as racing under the rain is convenient and could lead to ill health or accident.

Kira's parents let her stay up as late as she wants. She is allowed to pick out her own clothes and decide when and what she wants to eat. Her parents act more like her friends than authority figures. What kind of parenting style is this, out of the four parenting styles we discussed





Parenting Styles

This is also a form of genetics influence. It is said that parent's behaviors and attitudes is directly linked to parent and child interactions. Parenting style tend to remain stable across situations and it is said to be biologically in all situations because interactions remain stable.

4 Types of Parenting Styles

1. Authoritarian Parenting

2. Authoritative Parenting

3. Permissive Parenting

4. Uninvolved Parenting

Characteristics of Permissive Parenting

1. Parents here are often high in warmth but low on control

2. There is no form of punishment and this makes the child to do as they pleases.

3. Parents here do accept their child's behavior and punishment is irregular.

4. Children under this parenting style are very impulsive and usually act out more etc.

This parenting style simply covers when parents do not give much discipline. They can step in sometimes, in a serious problem. They are said to be more of a friend role than a parent role. It usually increases confidence and creativity. Example is when a child gets an F as good .and the parents rather pay for better grades than punishing their child for it.

who are called Guthiyaar and thakali​



here u go


Each member of the guthi is known as a guthiyar and have responsibilities according to the current leadership formation within the group. Thakali people are an ethnolinguistic group originating from the Thak Khola region of Mustang District in the Dhaulagiri zone of Nepal

Hope this helps u

2)which dynasty did the kushanas belong to?​



He belongs to khusan dynasty.

which counthy became full-fledged territorial state in Europe in the year 1789?
(a) Germany
(b) France
(c) England
(d) Spain​


b) France as you would remember

was a full fledged territorial state in 1789 under the rule of an absolute monarch the political and constitutional change that came in the wake of the french revolution led to the transfer of sovereignty from monarchy to a body of french citizen .

diffrent theories of the origin of religion



The central thesis of Muller's theory is that religion arises out of myths and cults which were based upon an original personification of natural phenomena. ... Sociology was used by Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) to explain the origin of religion.

Discuss how citizens can remain active in influencing or participating in government.


The way that the citizens of a place can actively participate in government are by

VotingObeying government laws.Proposing policies that need change.

What does it mean for citizens to be a part of the government?

This is a situation where the people are able to exercise their rights as citizens of a nation.

This would mean being able to vote during election and also being able to propose new legislations.

Raed more on government here:



Active citizenship helps ensure that citizens can have their voices heard in government. It also helps to promote a consciousness outside of our immediate families and communities by offering opportunities to help people around the world. Organizations like UNICEF or the American Red Cross offer active citizens roles and responsibilities that help expand awareness of people’s needs outside of American borders. Additionally, in times of crises like Hurricane Katrina and September 11th, it helps America pull together as a nation.


hope this helps

difference between literate and illiterate​



Literate people can read and write, while illiterate people can't

pleas help me im on the struggle bus





because is the shortest amount of time.

some of the World Heritage site from Nepal are under pressure how can they be saved from on natural disaster​




a.Timely renovation should be made according to the situation.

b.Proper supervision of the work should be done using experts and concerned authorities.

c.Government must be serious in this matter and corruption in work should be avoided.

Keep smiling and have a nice day :)

what does heritage reflect?



Heritage is the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture. Most important, it is the range of contemporary activities, meanings, and behaviors that we draw from them. Heritage includes, but is much more than preserving, excavating, displaying, or restoring a collection of old things.


heritage reflects our culture our tradition our rich and glorified history

3. Do you think honesty and dedication in work gave fishermen benefit fro their occupation? Give reasons. ​


Answer: i mean yes and no

Explanation: fishing cqn be considerd competitve


Commercial fisheries is a hazardous occupation. Every day hundreds of fishers are injured and more than 80 fishers die while involved in fishing operations. Fishers often work long hours under harsh weather conditions, which increases the likelihood they will experience accidents or injury. Climate change has aggravated the hazardous conditions under which most fishers work, as extreme weather events continue to increase in number and severity, and natural disasters become more prevalent and destructive.

How much greater are the negative effects of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and cognitive difficulties including memory issues for older adults who have lost a spouse compared to older adults who have not lost a spouse



please mark me brainliest


Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression. Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. More women are affected by depression than men.

An especially comforting nineteenth-century origin story speculated that Indian mounds were actually built by


An origin story speculates that the Indian mounds were built by an ancient civilization called Adena.

The Adena people are considered an ancient native society. They are classified as Mound Builders. They are believed to have lived in the Ohio River Valley 400 years ago b.c.

Although this is a very old civilization, much research has been done on the Adenas. It is currently known that:

They were hunters and gatherers.They had several villages spread across the Ohio River Valley.They build mounds for religious celebrations, but they also build mounds for protection and for funerary purposes.

You can find more information about this in the ink below:

What process must happen for clouds to form?



Evaporation and condensation must happen to form clouds.

When the invisible water vapour in the air condenses into visible water droplets or ice crystals, clouds form. To achieve this, the parcel of air must be saturated, or incapable of holding all of the water it contains in vapor form, causing it to condense into a liquid or solid form.

What are clouds?

A cloud is an aerosol composed of a visible mass of miniature liquid droplets, frozen crystals, or other particles suspended in a planetary body's or similar space's atmosphere. The droplets and crystals could be made of water or other chemicals.

Clouds form on Earth as a result of air saturation when it is cooled to its dew point or when it gains sufficient moisture (usually in the form of water vapor) from an adjacent source to raise the dew point to the ambient temperature.

Therefore, evaporation and condensation are two important process to happen for clouds to form.

To learn more about clouds, click here:


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