Please help! :)

An expression is shown below:

10n3 − 15n2 + 20xn2 − 30xn

Part A: Rewrite the expression by factoring out the greatest common factor. (4 points)

Part B: Factor the entire expression completely. Show the steps of your work. (6 points)


Answer 1

The completely factored expression of 5n²(2n − 3) + 10x(2n − 3) is (5n²+ 10x)(2n − 3)

Rewrite the expression

The expression is given as:

10n³ − 15n² + 20xn² − 30xn

Factor out 5n² and 10xn in the expression

5n²(2n − 3) + 10x(2n − 3)

Factor completely

In (a), we have:

5n²(2n − 3) + 10x(2n − 3)

Factor out 2n - 3

(5n²+ 10x)(2n − 3)

Hence, the completely factored expression of 5n²(2n − 3) + 10x(2n − 3) is (5n²+ 10x)(2n − 3)

Read more about factored expressions at:


Related Questions

(solving rate problems). Michelle can
complete a
landscaping job in 6
days and Danielle
can complete the
same job in 4 days.
Working together, in
how many days
could they complete
the job


They could complete the job together in 2.4 days

The known parameters are;

The number of days it would take Michelle to complete the landscaping job = 6 days

The number of days it would take Danielle to complete the landscaping job = 4 days

The unknown parameter;

The number of days can the job be completed if they work together

The process of finding the solution;

The rate at which Michelle works = 1/6 of the landscaping work per day

The rate at which Danielle works = 1/4 of the landscaping work per day


Find their combined work rate, from which the time would take them to complete the job together can be found

Let, C, represent their combined work rate

Therefore, we have;

C = (1/6 + 1/4) = 5/12 of the landscaping (work) job/(per) day

The number of days they could complete the, 1, job = 1 job(work)/(5/12 (work)job/day) = 12/5 days = 2.4 days

∴ The number of days they could complete the job together = 2.4 days.

Learn more about unit rate here;

Solve T=L(2+RS) for R



Step-by-step explanation:

I would begin by distributing the L. It will be easier in the end to do it this way. There are a couple of ways you can do this, but distribution is the easiest. After you distribute the L you have

T = 2L + LRS

Next subtract the 2L to get

T - 2L = LRS. Lastly, to isolate the R, divide away the LS to get

[tex]\frac{T}{LS}-\frac{2L}{LS}[/tex] = R  In that second term, the L's cancel each other out, leaving us with

[tex]\frac{T}{LS}-\frac{2}{S}[/tex] = R

help me, asap, please


answer is 19

the explanation is in the attachment

Hailey is making pizzas for a pizza party. Each pizza requires 1/2 pound of cheese. How many pounds of cheese does she need to make 19 pizzas? Express your answer in simplest form.


Cheese required for 1 pizza = ½ pound

So, cheese required for 19 pizzas

= 19 × ½ pounds

= 19/2 pounds

= 9½ pounds

So, Hailey needs 9½ pounds of cheese to make 19 pizzas.

The solution is 9.5 pounds

The number of pounds of cheese Hailey need to make 19 pizzas is 9.5 pounds

What is an Equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side.

It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and the equal to sign are some of the components of an equation. The "=" sign and terms on both sides must always be present when writing an equation.

Given data ,

Let the number of pounds of cheese for 19 pizzas be A

Now , the equation will be

The number of pounds of cheese for 1 pizza = 1/2 pounds

So , the number of pounds of cheese for 19 pizzas = 19 x number of pounds of cheese for 1 pizza

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

The number of pounds of cheese for 19 pizzas = 19 x ( 1/2 )

The number of pounds of cheese for 19 pizzas = 19/2

The number of pounds of cheese for 19 pizzas = 9.5 pounds

Therefore , the value of A is 9.5 pounds

Hence , the number of pounds of cheese is 9.5 pounds

To learn more about equations click :


Please help me to solve this problem of ordered pairs. The value of x and y should be find. ​




Step-by-step explanation:

Comparing these ordered pairs, we will get

4^(1/x)=1/2 and 9^(1/y)=1/3

x=-2 and y=-2


x = y = - 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the rule of radicals/ exponents

[tex]a^{\frac{m}{n} }[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt[n]{a^{m} }[/tex] , [tex]a^{-m}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{a^{m} }[/tex] , [tex](a^m)^{n}[/tex] = [tex]a^{mn}[/tex]


[tex]\sqrt[x]{4}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] , then

[tex]\sqrt[x]{2^{2} }[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

[tex]2^{\frac{2}{x} }[/tex] = [tex]2^{-1}[/tex]

Since the bases on both sides are equal, both 2 , then equate exponents

[tex]\frac{2}{x}[/tex] = - 1 ( multiply both sides by x )

2 = - x , that is

x = - 2


[tex]\sqrt[y]{9}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] , then

[tex]\sqrt[y]{3^{2} }[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

[tex]3^{\frac{2}{y} }[/tex] = [tex]3^{-1}[/tex]

Equating the exponents gives

[tex]\frac{2}{y}[/tex] = - 1 ⇒ - y = 2 ⇒ y = - 2

Find the reciprocal of 4/5



its 5/4! haha i used to be good at this when i was in 6th grade:)

Find the probability for one roll of a number cube.

P(number greater than or equal to 7)



Step-by-step explanation:

there is no number of 7 or greater.


(x+5). (x-4)-(x+2)^2+(2x+3)^2=(2x-1) (4x^2+2x-1)+18x(2x+3)​



x ≈ -0.73151

Step-by-step explanation:

Daniel incorrectly solved the equations shown. Explain what he did wrong in each situation and then solve both equations correctly. 16x2 - 9 = 16
V16x2 - 19 - + 16
4x - 3 - +4
4x = +7
* = 14
y3 - 1 = 7
= 8
y = 2


Step-by-step explanation:

the scanned description is very hard to understand.

so I think what happened :

16x² - 9 = 16

then the first error :

sqrt(16x²) - sqrt(9) = sqrt(16)

that is wrong, as you cannot split a + or - operation inside a sqrt function into + or - separate sqrt results of the parts.

so, correctly, the only possible transformation involving sqrt for both sides :

sqrt(16x² - 9) = sqrt(16)

but it would be even easier to clean up the various constant numbers with each other.


16x² - 9 = 16

16x² = 25

and now we trashes the square root

sqrt(16x²) = sqrt(25)

4x = 5

x = 5/4 or x = -5/4

and I cannot see or understand for my life what the second equation was, as Daniel did something wrong, so I cannot deduct the original equation out of a supposedly wrong

y³ - 1 = 7

Solve the equation for all values of x.
- 2x(– 8)(10x + 1) = 0



Hi I'm going to answer the question is 0

Step-by-step explanation:


Multiply -2 times -8 is 16


Use the distributive property to multiply 16x by 10x+1

[tex] {160}^{2} + 16 = 0 \\ [/tex]

Factor out x.


To find equation solutions, solve x=0 and 160x+16=0



[tex] - \frac{1}{10} [/tex]

Find the value of x




Step-by-step explanation:

Using exterior angle property, we have 97+4x+7=17x+13. 13x=91, x=7

Un ingeniero civil a cargo de una obra contrata una cierta cantidad de obreros. Estima que, si le

pagara S/ 1.400 a cada uno de los obreros, le faltarían S/ 8.000, pero si le pagara S/ 1.200 a cada

uno, le sobrarían S/ 2.000. El número de obreros que contrató es


Al plantear un sistema de ecuaciones lineales, encontramos que el número de obreros que contrató el ingeniero civil fue 50.

Para encontrar el número de obreros que el ingeniero contrató debemos plantear un sistema de ecuaciones lineales de dos ecuaciones con dos incógnitas, tal como sigue:

[tex] M - 1400*x = -8000 [/tex]   (1)

[tex] M - 1200*x = 2000 [/tex]   (2)

En donde:

M: es la incógnita igual al monto de dinero del ingeniero

x: es la incógnita igual al número de obreros

De la ecuación (1) tenemos:

[tex] M = 1400*x - 8000 [/tex]   (3)

Podemos encontrar el valor de x (número de obreros), introduciendo la ecuación (3) en la ec (2):

[tex] 1400*x - 8000 - 1200*x = 2000 [/tex]

[tex] 200*x = 10000 [/tex]

[tex] x = 50 [/tex]

El monto de dinero inicial del ingeniero sería entonces (ec 3):

[tex] M = 1400*50 - 8000 = 62000 [/tex]

Por lo tanto, el número de obreros que contrató el ingeniero es 50.

Puedes aprender sobre otro método de resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales ingresando acá:                                    


Espero que te sea de utilidad!

Find the income tax of the following cases annual salary=8000,allowance=1450,rate of tax=12℅ ​


Answer: don't know

Step-by-step explanation:

Helpppppppp pleaseeee


Median is the middle number when you put them in descending or ascending order



Step-by-step explanation:

median means the number in the middle

Solve for x. Type your answer below.



Hi there!

[tex]\large\boxed{x = -3}[/tex]

Begin by distributing the 5:

5(2x) + 5(-12) = -90


10x - 60 = -90

Add 60 to both sides:

10x = -90 + 60

10x = -30

Divide both sides by 10:

x = -3


x = -3

Step-by-step explanation:

Isolate the variable, x. Note the equal sign, what you do to one side, you do to the other. Do the opposite of PEMDAS.

PEMDAS is the order of operations, and stands for:


Exponents (& Roots)






First, divide 5 from both sides of the equation:

5(2x - 12) = -90

(5(2x - 12))/5 = (-90)/5

2x - 12 = -90/5

2x - 12 = -18

Next, add 12 to both sides of the equation:

2x - 12 (+12) = -18 (+12)

2x = -18 + 12

2x = -6

Finally, divide 2 from both sides of the equation:

(2x)/2 - (-6)/2

x = -6/2

x = -3

-3 is your answer for x.


given m||n, find the value of x



x =  127º

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 127º    {Corresponding angles}

x = y      {Vertically opposite angles}

x = 127º

Multiply: (2x+y) (n2-3xy+y2)



[tex]{ \tt{(2x + y)( {n}^{2} - 3xy + {y}^{2} )}} \\ = { \tt{(2x {n}^{2} - 3 {x}^{2}y + 2x {y}^{2} + {n}^{2}y - 3x {y}^{2} + {y}^{3} )}} \\ = { \tt{ {y}^{3} - xy(y + 3x) + {n}^{2} y }}[/tex]


(2x+y) (n2-3xy+y2)

2x* n²= 2xn²

2x* -3xy = -6x²y

2x* y² = 2xy²

y*n² = yn²

y*-3xy = -3xy²

y* y² = y³


2xn²- 6x²y + 2xy² +yn²- 3xy² +y³

Consider the function shown on the graph.



Domain x ≥ - 5

Range y ≥ - 2

Step-by-step explanation:

x ≥ - 5

y ≥ - 2

Can anyone help pls :)? Thank you


Answer: 6

Explanation: The EXACT calculation would be 5.9215.. so the closest approximation would be
6, as it's only about .08 -ish away from 6.


It's D:5.3

Step-by-step explanation:

√28 =5.29

Round off therefore is 5.3

Please help!

This is a part 2 of a question, I found the first one and couldn’t find the second one. These are from edginuity. If you guys need the first part lmk.



The vertical line test is basically a way to determine whether or not a graph is a function.  All three of the options are accurate, so I would select all three.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Circle! will give brainly to most detailed answer




Step-by-step explanation:

Angle Formed by Two Secants=  1/2 (difference of Intercepted Arcs)

42 = 1/2 (7m+5 - (3m-1))

Distribute the minus sign

42 = 1/2 (7m+5 - 3m+1))

Combine like terms

42 = 1/2 ( 4m+6)

Distribute the 1/2

42 = 2m+3

Subtract 3 from each side

42-3 = 2m+3-3

39 = 2m

Divide by 2

19.5 = m

The sum of the arcs = 360

IU+ 3m-1 + 7m+5 = 360

IU +10m+4 = 360

IU +10(19.5) +4 = 360

IU +195+4 = 360

IU = 360 - 199


The cars get miles to the gallon. After the car has traveled miles. 2 2/3 gallons of gas has been consummed



80 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

Please find attached the graph used in answering this question

On the graph, the distance travelled is on the vertical axis while the gallons consumed in on the horizontal axis

from the graph, the following can be deduced :

0 gallons is consumed when the car travels 0 mile

1 gallon is consumed when the car travels 30 miles

2 gallons is consumed when the car travels 60 miles

total mile travelled when the gallons consumed is : 2 2/3 x 30

8/3 x 30 = 80 miles

Select the correct answer.

Which equation matches the function shown in the graph?



D. y = cos(4x)

Step-by-step explanation:

The graph passes through the points y = 0 and x = 3π/8

So you solve x = 3π/8 into 4 answers, which is equal to 0 is the correct answer.

A fair spinner has 10 equal sections: 3 red, 3 blue and 4 green.
It is spun twice.
What is the probability of getting 2 different colours?




Step-by-step explanation:


1. How would we name the polynomial below? Think about degree and number of terms.
x^4 + 3x^2 - x

2. Simplify by adding
(x + 4) + (2x + 7)

3. Multiply

4. Divide
8x^3y^5 / 4x^2y^3



2. 3x + 11

3. 15x^5

Step-by-step explanation:

2. Simplify by adding

(x + 4) + (2x + 7)

= x + 4 + 2x + 7

= 3x + 11

3. Multiply


= 3 (5x^2 x^3)

= 3 (5x^2+3)

= 15x^5

Help help help help help


0 and 4 are the answers

Answer: 0 and 4

Step-by-step explanation:

nick was scuba diving at -32 1/2 feet if he descends another 8 3/5 feet what is his location ?



-41 1/10

Step-by-step explanation:

subtract the two numbers may i get brainliest plz

This is a really simple fraction problem. All we have to do is realize that, because he is descending, the [tex]8\frac{3}{5}[/tex] is actually negative, so we get [tex]-32\frac{1}{2}-8\frac{3}{5}=-41\frac{1}{10}[/tex] which can also equal -41.1

Find the shortest side of a triangle whose perimeter is 64 if the ratio of two of its sides is 4:3 and the third side is 20 less than the sum if the other two



The shortest side of the triangle is 18

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the sides the triangle be x, y and z.

From the question, the perimeter of the rectangle is 64, that is

x + y + z = 64 ...... (1)

Also, the ratio of two of its sides is 4:3, that is x:y = 4:3, then we can write that x/y = 4/3 ⇒ 3x = 4y ...... (2)

The third side, z, is 20 less than the sum of the other two, that is

z + 20 = x + y ...... (3)

Substitute equation (3) into (1)


z + 20 + z = 64

2z +20 = 64

2z = 64 - 20

2z = 44

z = 44/2 k

z = 22

From equation (3)

z + 20 = x + y

Then, k

22 + 20 = x +y

42 = x + y

x = 42 - y ...... (4)

Substitute this into equation 2

3x = 4y

3(42-y) = 4y

126 - 3y = 4y

4y + 3y = 126

7y = 126

y = 126/7

y = 18

Substitute this into equation (4)

x = 42 - y

x = 42 - 18

x = 24

∴ x = 24, y = 18 and z = 22

Hence, the shortest side of the triangle is 18.

The mean age of 5 women in an office is 35 years old.
The mean age of 5 men in an office is 24 years old.
What is the mean age (nearest year) of all the people in the office?




Step-by-step explanation:





Solve for x.
x = [?]
5x – 16
X + 10



If it is expression than answer 6x-6

If it is an equation 5x-16=x+10 than answer is 13/2

Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 5x-16=x+10[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 5x-x=10+16[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 4x=26[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x=\dfrac{26}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x=\dfrac{13}{2}[/tex]

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