Which of the following is accurate about the Arms Race A. The Soviets spent about 50% of the gross national product on it's military near the end of the Cold War B. The United States developed the first nuclear weapons through the Manhattan Project during World War 2 C. The Soviet Union successfully tested their own atomic bomb when they dropped it on Hiroshima , Japan D. Only the Soviet Union successfully created a hydrogen bomb that was more powerful than the atomic bomb​


Answer 1


An arms race occurs when two or more countries increase the size and quality of military resources to gain military and political superiority over one another. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union is perhaps the largest and most expensive arms race in history; however, others have occurred, often with dire consequences. Whether an arms race increases or decreases the risk of war remains debatable: some analysts agree with Sir Edward Grey, Britain's foreign secretary at the start of World War I, who stated "The moral is obvious; it is that great armaments lead inevitably to war."


With the Industrial Revolution came new weaponry, including vastly improved warships. In the late nineteenth century, France and Russia built powerful armies and challenged the spread of British colonialism. In response, Britain shored up its Royal Navy to control the seas.

Britain managed to work out its arms race with France and Russia with two separate treaties. But Germany had also drastically increased its military budget and might and built a large navy to contest Britain’s naval dominance in hopes of becoming a world power.

In turn, Britain further expanded the Royal Navy and built more advanced and powerful battlecruisers, including the 1906 HMS Dreadnought, a technically advanced type of warship that set the standard for naval architecture.

Not to be outdone, Germany produced its own fleet of dreadnought class warships, and the standoff continued with both sides fearing a naval attack from the other and building bigger and better ships.

Germany couldn’t keep up, however, and Britain won the so-called Anglo-German Arms Race. The conflict didn’t cause World War I, but it did help to increase distrust and tensions between Germany, Britain and other European powers.

Related Questions

Which type of tax provides money to the federal government?
A) poll tax
B) Income tax
C) Property tax
D) Sales tax



Income tax



Income tax


People pay tax to the government yearly and those government make up the federal revenue

n the 1968 presidential campaign, Richard Nixon called for Group of answer choices stability and national law and order. an immediate withdrawal of American military forces in Vietnam. the diplomatic recognition of China. an end to the Cold War with the Soviet Union.



What is your question this seems like a statement


In the 1968 presidential campaign, Richard Nixon called for Group of answer choices stability and national law and order for "an immediate withdrawal of American military forces in Vietnam"

Who was Richard Nixon?

Richard Milhous Nixon was the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974. Known as Richard M. Nixon for most of his career, he was a member of the Republican Party who previously served as a representative and senator from California and was the 36th vice president from 1953 to 1961

In June 1969 Nixon announced the withdrawal of 25,000 U.S. troops from Vietnam. In September he announced further troop withdrawals, and by March 1970 he was announcing the phased withdrawal of 150,000 troops over the next year.

Hence, option A is correct.

To learn more about Vietnam, here


President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy was based on achieving which of
the following goals?
O A. Forming alliances with moderate communist organizations
O B. Reducing American commitments abroad to reduce military
O C. Ensuring that the U.S. military was larger than the Soviet military
O D. Reducing support for Israel to gain support from Middle Eastern



C.  Ensuring that the U.S. military was larger than the Soviet military


President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy was set to C. Ensure that the U.S. military was larger than the Soviet military.

What is foreign policy?

foreign policy serves as general objectives which direct the activities and relationships of a county in relation with another country.

Therefore, one of the President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy is to achieve a big military set up so as to withstand any nation in the world.

Learn more about foreign policy at;

The main purpose for creating the United Nations was to _____.

1. create a homeland for the Jews
2. help prevent future world wars
3. run the German government
4. write peace treaties


2. Help prevent future world wars

Match the following. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column. 1. United States president during most of World War II German Democratic Republic 2. British prime minister during World War II Roosevelt 3. Russian premier during World War II Churchill 4. document stating British and American goals for World War II United Nations 5. organization for world peace settlements following World War II Stalin 6. new nation formed from occupation zones of the democratic nations Federal Republic of Germany 7. nation formed from communist occupation Atlantic Charter



+United States president during most of World War II- Roosevelt

+British prime minister during World War II- Churchill

+Russian premier during World War II- Stalin

+document stating British and American goals for World War II- Atlantic Charter

+organization for world peace settlements following World War II- United Nations

+new nation formed from occupation zones of the democratic nations- Federal Republic of Germany

+nation formed from communist occupation- German Democratic Republic

Matching the Following-

1. United States president during most of World War II- Roosevelt

2. British prime minister during World War II -  Churchill

3. Russian premier during World War II -Stalin

4. document stating British and American goals for World War II -Atlantic Charter

5. organization for world peace settlements following World War II - United Nations

6. new nation formed from occupation zones of the democratic nations - the Federal Republic of Germany

7. nation formed from communist occupation - German Democratic Republic.

What are the causes of World War II?

World war II was majorly caused by the treaty of Versailles which restricts the arms forces of Germany and Germany wanted to take revenge to gain its power. The causes of economic depression also give rise to World War II

All the scenarios are matched with their respective events.

Learn more about World War II, here:


The map below shows the European Union.

A map of Europe showing the countries that are members of the European Union shaded in green. Countries in Europe that are NOT members include Switzerland, Norway, Serbia, Albania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey.

Which country has chosen to bypass membership in the European Union?




C. Turkey


Answer: C. Turkey


Which of the following describes the author's likely purpose in paragraph 5?
to highlight how much new land the Europeans were able to discover in North
to suggest that the Europeans didn't realize the American Indians were offering
them friendship
to show that the Europeans responded violently to American Indians, even
when offered friendship
to show that the Europeans and American Indians were able to share the land ir
America successfully


The authors purpose in the paragraph 5 clearly depicts the Europeans and Indians relationship.

He tries to explain the cultural and religious differences between the two different nations.

These lines in paragraph 5 tries to explain that Europeans and American Indians were able to share the land together.

The correct option is D among the given options.

Learn more at

Who were the settlers?


Answer: The Spanish were among the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first to settle in what is now the United States.

Explanation: The Spanish were among the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first to settle in what is now the United States. By 1650, however, England had established a dominant presence on the Atlantic coast. The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.

What military role does the British DMoD have



to protect and advance the UK and its interests by reinforcing the transatlantic defence and security relationship.


I hope this can help you let me know if its correct or incorrect

How did the Chinese use their innovative technology to protect themselves from invasion?


Science in China has a long history and developed quite independently of Western science.Needham (1993) has researched widely on the development of science and technologies in China, the effect of culture, and the transference of these principles, unacknowledged, to the West.The Chinese contribution to Western science is particularly interesting because it serves as a center of controversy about the roots of Western science.
According to traditional Western scientists, the roots of science and the scientific method is in Greece and Greek thought.There is a tendency among scientists to claim that not only modern science, but science in general, was characteristic of European thought.The accompanying argument in that all scientific contributions from non-European civilizations were technology-based, not science-based (Needham, 1993).

Realist stories involved events and plots that could be considered reasonable or that one could see actually happening.

True or False


I believe the answer is true.

who was the first nurse on earth



Great question to ask, never heard this question before, but as Researches had said that the great woman who named Florence Nightingale was the first professional nurse on earth.

write about feminism or the feminist movement in contemporary society and it's effect on literature

plz guys help me I need
very important​



Feminism has dramatically influenced the way literary texts are read, taught, and evaluated. Feminist literary theory has deliberately transgressed traditional boundaries between literature, philosophy, and the social sciences in order to understand how gender has been constructed and represented through language.

How was Czar Nicholas' leadership similar to King Louis XVI's during
the French Revolution?



One way in which King Louis XVI of France and Czar Nicholas II of Russia are similar is that both. (1) were executed by revolutionaries. (2) were known as great military leaders. (3) advocated religious reform.J


This is how they are similar.

To what extent does our civil and criminal court systems promote justice? Consider the
following: How does our criminal justice system promote due process and maintain order
in society? How does our civil justice system promote fairness for individuals?


Our civil and criminal court systems promote justice to a great extent that can maintain peace and harmony in the society.

To a great extent our civil and criminal court systems promote justice to the people because our court system is one of the best system which makes decision on the basis of justice and fairness that leads to peaceful environment in the country.

Due to such type of court system, there is peace in the society and the bad persons think hundred times before doing crimes because they know the punishments of the crime. Our civil justice system promotes fairness for individuals by making decisions on the basis of justice in the light of evidence not on the basis of blame or suggestion.

if you lived in America in 1783 what type of government would you have lived under



Explanation: The Articles of Confederation served as the written document that established the functions of the national government of the United States after it declared independence from Great Britain.

If you lived in America 1783 what type of government would you have lived under?
Answer: (Confederation)

Blank, not George Washington, became the first president to live in the White House in blank.



John Adams, 1800


Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in.

Which of these is an example of a service industry job in an urban center?



A bank clerk.


In 1949, Mao Zedong: Group of answer choices represented the Chinese at the United Nations. led a successful communist revolution in China. led a successful communist revolution in Taiwan. was an ally of the United States. cooperated with the Chinese nationalists.



Mao led a successful communist revolution in China.

In 1949, Mao Zedong represented the Chinese at the United Nations. led a successful communist revolution in China. led a successful communist revolution in China. The correct option is A.

Who was Mao Zedong and what did he believe?

Maoism, officially known as Mao Zedong established a form of Marxism-Leninism to realize a socialist revolution in the rural, pre-industrial society of the Republic of China and later the People's Republic of China.

Mao formally established the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949. The Communist victory had a significant impact on the worldwide balance of power: China became the most populous socialist state and, with the 1956 Sino-Soviet split, a third force in the Cold War.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Mao Zedong here:


Which of the following best describes the relationship between the post–World War II baby boom and American economic trends in the 1950s?

A.The baby boom led to an increased demand for consumer goods, which fueled rapid growth in American industries.

B.The baby boom led more young women to become mothers, which resulted in a steep drop in women's employment.

C.The baby boom greatly increased the U.S. population, forcing the government to end expensive social programs.

D.The baby boom affected minorities more than white Americans, creating demand for more diverse products.



A.The baby boom led to an increased demand for consumer goods, which fueled rapid growth in American industries.


The baby boom affected minorities more than white Americans, creating demand for more diverse products of the following best describes the relationship between the post–World War II baby boom and American economic trends in the 1950s. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is World War II?

With more than 30 countries involved, World War II was the largest and deadliest conflict in history. After the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939, the war stretched on for six horrific years until the Allies finally overcame Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945.

During the period of the 1950s, was the economic trends as the depicted the World War II. Americans, creating demand for more diverse products. It was they hardly impacted the baby boom in the affected minorities.

As a result, the significance of the World War II baby boom and American economic trends in the 1950s are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on World War II, here:


What result from the federal system of government in the United States?



The states presidaint


Because the captiol




north america is 0,000 yrs ago

30,000  south america

100,000 in europe

and 200,000 in southwest asia


The supreme court’s decision in marbury v. Madison increased the power of the court by asserting the power of ?



Marbury v. Madison strengthened the federal judiciary by establishing for it the power of judicial review, by which the federal courts could declare legislation, as well as executive and administrative actions, inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution (“unconstitutional”) and therefore null and void.

Reliable sources generally avoid information. One disadvantage of online sources is that they are more likely to . One advantage of online sources is that they are more likely to than offline sources.



Reliable sources provide false information.

One disadvantage of online sources is that they are more likely to include unreliable content.

One advantage of online sources is that they are more likely to  be easy to access than offline sources.


When doing a research, it is very important that the researcher has relevant and efficient research sources that promote true and correct information about the researched subject. This type of source is called a trusted source and its main characteristic is the lack of false information.

It is very common to find reliable sources in books written by experts on the subject, however it is also possible to find reliable sources online, which are available to everyone. The problem with online sources is that the internet allows anyone to write an article without having enough knowledge to do so. In this case, online sources are more likely to present unreliable content. For this reason, it is necessary for the researcher to pay attention to who wrote the article and whether this article is on a website of a trusted institution.




Urgent • how was kristallnacht carried out ?


Kristallnacht means the night of broken glass The nazis broke into stores smashed windows and arrested Jewish store owners

how do you describe philosophy


The term "philosophy" means, "love of wisdom." In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other.

What was the relationship between Western Europe, East Asia, and the
Ottoman Empire in the 16th century?



By the 'taxing trade' between the “Europe and East Asia”, the Ottomans were grown wealthy. The Ottoman Empire and East Asia lived a period of comparative peace and truce in Western Europe in the 16th century, having their boundaries more strongly developed.


taxing trade between the Europe and East Asia

How is the pre history of Trojan war linked to Greek gods and goddesses?



The Trojan War was fought between Greeks and the defenders of the city of Troy in Anatolia sometime in the late Bronze Age. The story has grabbed the imagination for millennia but a conflict between Mycenaeans and Hittites may well have occurred, even if its representation in epic literature such as Homer's Iliad is almost certainly more myth than reality.

The Trojan War has defined and shaped the way ancient Greek culture has been viewed right up to the 21st century CE. The story of gods and heroic warriors is perhaps one of the richest single surviving sources from antiquity and offers insights into the warfare, religion, customs, and attitudes of the ancient Greeks.


hope i helped

Between 1820 and 1860 ,the political party that opposed immigration the most was known as the ____

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



I think the correct answer is c


I believe it's b. the Nativists

Who is Nat King Cole???
Pls answer ASAP!!!
30 pts ​


He is a American singer who was also a jazz pianist and a actor
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