please help me with math


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

a) 4/9*x^4

b) 2/y

Related Questions

Identify the number as prime, composite or neither. If the number is composite, write it as the product of prime



composite number

prime factors={2,3}

factors of 18={1,2,3,6,9,18}

❏ Hello there! ❏

This number is composite.

Prime numbers have only two factors.

An example of a prime number is 5 (it's divisible by itself and 1)

Every prime number is divisible by itself and 1 (only these two numbers)

Composite numbers, however, have 3 or more factors.

18 has more than 3 factors, therefore, it's composite.

Product of prime factors:


2 is prime, because it's divisible by itself and 1

3 is prime as well

Hope it helps you!

~Just a cheerful gal


Answered by

[tex]-SilentNature -[/tex]

Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression. Five more than the product of 8 and Vanessa's savings Use the variable v to represent Vanessa's savings.


Step-by-step explanation:

so, what's the difficulty ?

the product of two things means a multiplication. something times something else.

the product of 8 and Vanessa's savings is therefore expressed as ("×" is the multiplication symbol)

8 × v

and five more than that means just to add 5 to that.

so, in total, we have

8 × v + 5

remember that multiplications and divisions must be executed before any +/- operations (except for any brackets telling us otherwise).





Step-by-step explanation:

please help, I'm so confused how to-do this



Step-by-step explanation:

use the quadratic formula : [tex]x = \frac{ -b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}[/tex], where ax^2+bx+c=0

[tex]y = \frac{ -(-20) \pm \sqrt{(-20)^2 - 4(1)(50)}}{2(1)}[/tex]

[tex]y = \frac{ 20 \pm \sqrt{400 - 200}}{2}[/tex]

[tex]y = \frac{ 20 \pm \sqrt{200}}{2}[/tex]

y = 17.07106~ or 2.928932~

divide the numbers 1 to 8 by 9. observe the decimal and discuss your observation of non terminating recurring decimal



When dividing the numbers 1-8 by 9, we get whatever number was divided as a decimal in repeating form. For example, 2/9 = 0.22222...

Brainliest, please! I'm almost an Ace!

Step-by-step explanation:

1/9 = 0.11111...

2/9 = 0.22222...

3/9 = 0.33333...

4/9 = 0.44444...

5/9 = 0.55555...

6/9 = 0.66666...

7/9 = 0.77777...

8/9 = 0.88888...

Factor the polynomial expression 4x3 - 4.


Answer:  4(x - 1)(x^2 + x + 1)


Work Shown:

4x^3 - 4

4(x^3 - 1)

4(x - 1)(x^2 + x + 1)

In the last step, I used the difference of cubes factoring formula which is

a^3 - b^3 = (a - b)(a^2 + ab + b^2)


1 Your dad asks you to go to the grocery store and buy at least 3 pounds of grapes. Write an inequality for this scenario.



X ≥ 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the number of grapes you'll buy be X, you need to buy at leaF 3 pounds so:

X ≥ 3

Answered by Gauthmath

Simplify (square root 3)(^5 square root 3)



[tex]3^{\frac{7}{10} }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\sqrt{3} *\sqrt[5]{3}[/tex] = 3^1/2 x 3^1/5 = 3^(1/2 +1/5) = 3^7/10


Step-by-step explanation:

Exponent law: [tex]a^{m}*a^{n}=a^{m+n}[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{3} ) )*(\sqrt[5]{3})= 3^{\frac{1}{2}}*(3^{\frac{1}{5}})\\\\=3^{\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{5}}\\\\=3^{\frac{1*5}{2*5}+\frac{1*2}{5*2}}\\\\= 3^{\frac{5}{10}+\frac{2}{10}}\\\\=3^{\frac{5+2}{10}}\\\\=3^{\frac{7}{10}}[/tex]

Can you guys help me ?


The answer is -6.5

Have a good day!



Step-by-step explanation:

you just take whats between the numbers

The average age of a preschool class is 4.5 years old. If there is one 3-year-old, five 5-year-olds, and two other children both of the same age, what is the age, in years, of the other two children?




Step-by-step explanation:

5 x5 =25


the other children are 4 years old

25 points please help me



I can help you with C and I tis non-linear because to make it linear it needs to be a straight line and shouldn't have any curves.

Step-by-step explanation:

martin is filling his bathtub, but he left the drain partially open. martin knows that it takes 8 minutes to fill his 40 gallon tub. the equation v = 2.5t represents the volume, v , of water that drains out of the tub in t minutes. if martin leaves the water on, will the tub ever overflow ?

please someone help ​​



Yes, it will overflow after 16 minutes..

Step-by-step explanation:

The tub fills at a rate of 5 gallons every minute, but it drains at a rate of 2.5 gallons every minute. This means that it fills twice as fast as it drains, so it would take 16 minutes for the tub to overflow. If you subtract the rate of draining from the rate of filling then the net rate of water going up is 2.5 gallons a minute.

if three less than one half a number is equal to one-third of the same number, find the number​


Answer: The number would be 18

Step-by-step explanation:

18/2=9 9-3=6 6*3=18

The equation be (x/2) - 3 = x/3 then, the number of x = 18.

How to estimate the value of x?

To estimate the value of x, bring the variable to the left side and bring all the remaining values to the right side. Simplify the values to estimate the result.

Let x be the number

From the given information, we get

(x/2) - 3 = x/3

The set all the fractions on one side and constants on another side

(x/2) - (x/3) = 3

Multiply by LCM

3x - 18 = 2x

Add 18 to both sides

3x - 18 + 18 = 2x + 18


3x = 2x + 18

Subtract 2x from both sides

3x - 2x = 2x + 18 - 2x

x =18.

Therefore, the number is x = 18.

To learn more about algebraic expression refer to:


Can you guys helppppppppppppp


Step-by-step explanation:

to find this angle you can use the sin ratio seeing that the opposite has been given which is 35 and the hypotenuse which is the solution will be




?=sin inverse of 0.729

?=46.8 rounded off to 47°

I hope this helps


in application of sinus formula : ( must learn your trigonimetric formulas by heart !)

value of ? is sin^(-1) = (35/48) = 46,8. so 47 when rounded to the nearest degree

Belinda is thinking about buying a house for $179,000. The table below shows the projected value of two different houses for three years: Number of years 1 2 3 House 1 (value in dollars) 186,160 193,606.40 201,350.66 House 2 (value in dollars) 190,000 201,000 212,000 Part A: What type of function, linear or exponential, can be used to describe the value of each of the houses after a fixed number of years? Explain your answer. (2 points) Part B: Write one function for each house to describe the value of the house f(x), in dollars, after x years. (4 points) Part C: Belinda wants to purchase a house that would have the greatest value in 30 years. Will there be any significant difference in the value of either house after 30 years? Explain your answer, and show the value of each house after 30 years. (4 points)



A) both functions are linear

B) f(x) = 7446.4x + 178713.6 and f(x) = 11000x + 179000

C) House 2 will value $106894.4 more than house 1.

Step-by-step explanation:

A) Value Increase from year 1 to year 2:

House 1: 193,606.40 - 186,160 = 7446.4

House 2: 201,000 - 190,000 = 11000

Value Increase from year 2 to year 3:

House 1: 201,350.66 - 193,606.40 = 7744.26

House 2: 212,000 - 201,000 = 11000

This means that a constant increament in x variable gives a constant increament in both houses vales. Then, both functions are linear.

B) The slope is the same as the value increment from one year to the next one.

slope (m) of House 1: 7446.4

slope (m) of House 2: 11000

General formula of a line:

f(x) = mx+b

Replacing with a known point:

House 1

186,160 = 7446.4(1) + b

b = 186,160 - 7446.4 = 178713.6

equation: f(x) = 7446.4x + 178713.6

House 2

190,000 = 11000(1) + b

b = 190,000 - 11000 = 179000

equation: f(x) = 11000x + 179000

C) Replacing x = 30 into each equaiton:

Value of House 1 after 30 years

f(x) = 7446.4(30) + 178713.6 = 402105.6

Value of House 2 after 30 years

f(30) = 11000(30) + 179000 = 509000

Then, house 2 will value 509000 - 402105.6 = $106894.4 more than house 1.

What are the solutions to the equation StartFraction w Over 2 w minus 3 EndFraction = StartFraction 4 Over w EndFraction? w = –6 and w = –2 w = 0, w = 2, and w = 6 w = 0 and w = Three-halves w = 2 and w = 6​



Hope it will helps you




and w = –2 w = 0, w = 2, and w = 6 w = 0 and w = Three-halves w = 2 and w = 6

hope it's help you...!!!


Describe fully the single transformation that maps shape A onto shape B.


B is an upside down image of A and is 2 units below A.

The image of A is mirrored across the y axis at y = 2.

Answer: A was mirrored across y= 2 to form B.

please help with number 9!!!



2 + sqrt(3)

Step-by-step explanation:

Roots that contain square roots come in pairs

If there is a root that is a- sqrt(b), there is a root that is a+ sqrt(b)

2 -sqrt(3) means there is a root 2 + sqrt(3)

Click on the sentence that represents the following equation.
m - 15 = 22
A. The difference of a number and 15 is equal to 22.
B. A number plus 15 is equal to 22.
C. A number increased by 15 is equal to 22.




Step-by-step explanation:

'The difference' means minus or subtraction. 'plus' and 'increased' are both for addition.

Brainliest please!

prove that root 3 + root 7 is irrational



√3+√7 is irrational.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let us assume that √3+√7 is rational.

That is , we can find coprimes a and b (b≠0) such that \sqrt{3}+\sqrt{7}=\sqrt{a}{b}














Squaring on both sides ,we get

7=\frac{a^{2}}{b^{2}}+3-2\times \frac{a}{b}\times \sqrt{3}7=










Rearranging the terms ,

\begin{gathered}2\times \frac{a}{b}\times \sqrt{3}=\frac{a^{2}}{b^{2}}+3-7\\=\frac{a^{2}}{b^{2}}-4\end{gathered}

















\implies 2\times \frac{a}{b}\times \sqrt{3}=\frac{a^{2}-4b^{2}}{b^{2}}⟹2×












\begin{gathered}\implies \sqrt{3}=\frac{a^{2}-4b^{2}}{b^{2}}\times \frac{b}{2a}\\=\frac{a^{2}-4b^{2}}{2ab}\end{gathered}


















Since, a and b are integers , \frac{(a^{2}-4b^{2})}{2ab}







is rational ,and so √3 also rational.

But this contradicts the fact that √3 is irrational.

This contradiction has arisen because of our incorrect assumption that √3+√7 is rational.

Hence, √3+√7 is irrational.

Would be grateful if I get help


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 72^{\frac{3}{4}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 72^{\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{4}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2.91+2.91+2.91[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3.73[/tex]

what is the answer the / is division/divided? t+d/8-6




Step-by-step explanation:

The width of a rectangle measures (2h-6) centimeters, and its length measures (7h+8) centimeters. Which expression represents the perimeter, in centimeters, of the rectangle?



18h +4

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by

P = 2(l+w)  where l is the length and w is the width

  =2( 7h+8 + 2h-6)

Combine like terms

  = 2( 9h+2)


   = 18h +4

1. Find the sum of csc230° and cot2 45°.​




Step-by-step explanation:

Based on the given conditions, formulate

Evaluate the expression:

Calculate the power:

Calculate the first two terms:


Find the missing side lengths



u is 172 and v is 17

Step-by-step explanation:

To find u:

[tex]{ \bf{ \sin( \theta) = \frac{opposite}{hypotenuse} }}[/tex]

feed in the terms:

[tex] \sin(45 \degree) = \frac{17}{u} \\ \\ u = \frac{17}{ \sin(45 \degree) } \\ \\ u = 17 \sqrt{2} [/tex]

To find v:

[tex] \cos( \theta) = \frac{adjacent}{hypotenuse} [/tex]

feed in the terms:

[tex] \cos(45) = \frac{v}{u} \\ \\ v = u. \cos(45) \\ v = (17 \sqrt{2} )÷( \sqrt{2} ) \\ v = 17[/tex]

Find the principle that yields and interest of Rs.2240 at the rate of 10% p.a. in a years 6 months.​


Step-by-step explanation:





The sets A and L are given below.
A = (a, b, e}
L={c, k,j}
Find the intersection of A and L.
Find the union of A and L.
Write your answer using notation (in roster form)
Help plzzz


Step-by-step explanation:

A n L =null

A U L= a,b,c,e,k,j

Selling frozen yogurt at a fair, you make $565 and use 250 cones. A single-scoop cone cost $2 and a double-scoop cone cost $2.50. How many of each type of cone did you sell?


The seller sold 120 single-scoop cones and 130 double-scoop cones to make $565.

250 cones were used while selling yogurt and made $565.

There are two types of cones:

Single-scoop cone that cost $2.

Double-scoop cone that cost $2.50.

We need to know how many cones of each type were used while selling yogurt that made $565.

This is a system of linear equations problem.

We will have to make two linear equations using the given statements and apply the substitution method to get our answer.


x = single-scoop cone.

y = double-scoop cone.

Now, we can make two linear equations:

x + y = 250............(A)

2x + 2.50y = 565...............(B)

Apply substitution method.

From (A) we get,

x = 250 - y...............(C)

And putting x = 250 - y in (B) we get,

2 ( 250 - y ) + 2.50y = 565

500 - 2y + 2.50y = 565

0.50y = 565 - 500

0.50y = 65

y = 65 / 0.50
y = 6500 / 50

y = 130

Putting y = 50 in (C) we get,

x = 250 - 130

x = 120

We have,

x = 120 and y = 130

We see that we need 120 single-scoop cones and 130 double-scoop cones to make $565.

Learn more about the system of the linear equations here:


please help me with this



a) 10

b) 2.5

Step-by-step explanation:

2^n = 1024

2^n = 2^10

n = 10

4^(2n-3) = 16

4^(2n-3) = 4^2

2n-3 = 2

2n = 5

n = 2.5


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2^n=1024[/tex]

Equal the bases

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2^n=2^10[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto n=10[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4^{2n-3}=16[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4^{2n-3}=4^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2n-3=2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2n=2+3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2n=5[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto n=\dfrac{5}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto n=2.5[/tex]

what is the external angle of a polygon where the corresponding interior angle equals 105 degrees



75 degrees maybe.......


75 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

the external angle is between the outside of one of the sides of the angle and the continued line of the second side of the angle.

and because it is measured against a line, where we have a total of 180 degrees for angles, we have

exterior angle = 180 - interval angle = 180-105 = 75

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