Read this passage from chapter 5 of The Prince.

But when cities or countries are accustomed to live under a prince, and his family is exterminated, they, being on the one hand accustomed to obey and on the other hand not having the old prince, cannot agree in making one from amongst themselves, and they do not know how to govern themselves. For this reason they are very slow to take up arms, and a prince can gain them to himself and secure them much more easily. But in republics there is more vitality, greater hatred, and more desire for vengeance, which will never permit them to allow the memory of their former liberty to rest; so that the safest way is to destroy them or to reside there.

What is Machiavelli’s primary purpose in writing this passage?

A. to inform readers about the differences between principalities and republics
B. to entertain readers with exciting stories of historical wars, conquests, and rebellions
C. to convince readers that, to hold a conquered republic, a prince must ruin it or live there
D. to persuade readers that a prince must eradicate the royal family of a conquered principality


Answer 1


bro soory but i dont know

Answer 2


i think its d


i have no idea and sorry if im wrong

Related Questions

Which of the following is not a step in writing a draft of an autobiography?



the answer is creating a plot.



answer is creating a plot

V.Rewrite the following sentences.

1. Bao is too young to cycle to school.

Bao isn't ...........................................

2. I received some money from my aunt this morning.

My aunt ......................................................................

3. This table is too heavy for us to carry.

This table isn't ....................................

4. It takes Minh two hours to do his homework every day.

Minh spends ......................................................................



1. Bao is too young to cycle to school.

Bao isn't too old to cycle to school

2. I received some money from my aunt this morning.

My aunt gave some money to me this morning

3. This table is too heavy for us to carry.

This table isn't too light for us to carry.

4. It takes Minh two hours to do his homework every day.

Minh spends two hours to do this homework everyday.

explanation of the play within the play - Hamlet​



The play-within-a-play tells the story of Gonzago, the Duke of Vienna, and his wife, Baptista, who marries his murdering nephew, Lucianus. So Hamlet believes that the play is an opportunity to establish a more reliable basis for Claudius's guilt.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the speech? from Liberalism and Socialism



A new Government has come into being under a Prime Minster who, like his predecessor whose loss we all profoundly deplore, and whose many virtues all parties have joined to celebrate – a new Prime Minister has come into power, tied to Scotland by strong and intimate bonds. Give him a fair chance. [Hear, hear.] Give the Government which he has brought into being the opportunity of handling the great machinery of State

What is an epic?

A. a traditional, symbolic story that often contains accounts of gods or superhuman beings

B. a folk tale that includes magic or supernatural fairies or sprites

C. a lengthy narrative poem describing a hero’s deeds

D. a story concerned with a particular place or person, often based on historical fact


Answer: C. a lengthy narrative poem describing a hero’s deeds


a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the past history of a nation.c

you might have met many people in your life. Recall one of your relatives whom you like most. Can you describe the person?



They are short with soft blond hair flowing all the way down their back, they have crystal blue eyes that sparkle in the sun. They wear long flory dresses all summer long and are the kindest person I’ve met my whole life.

d. on c. of He is jealous ....... his reputation. a. off b. with The passive voice of "His house needs repairing" is : a. his house was repaired. b. His house needs to be repairing c. His house needs to be repaired. d. All of above. I shall give you if I have ...... b. some C. more a. any d. much mootina​





what is your name? what class do you reàd ?​



my name is rabin shrestha and i read in class 12


why you ask this unnecessary question

What is the denotative meaning of canopy


a large bed a type of melon a cloth covering. a cloth covering.


A covering of cloth. Or the top level of a rainforest.

. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D:
1. Rarely ____ she made mistake since she was a manager.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
2. _____ I you, I wouldn’t give him the money.
A. If was B. If were C. Was D. Were
3. So beautiful _____ that the Queen is envious with her.
A. Snow White is B. Snow White are C. is Snow White D. are Snow White
4. Never _____ in such a strange situation.
A. has I been B. have I been C. am I been D. I have been
5. Seldom _____ dinner together.
A. do Mark and Juliet have B. does Mark and Juliet have
C. is Mark and Juliet have D. are Mark and Juliet have



1. Rarely ____ she made mistake since she was a manager.

A. have B. has C. is D. are

2. _____ I you, I wouldn’t give him the money.

A. If was B. If were C. Was D. Were

3. So beautiful _____ that the Queen is envious with her.

A. Snow White is B. Snow White are C. is Snow White D. are Snow White

4. Never _____ in such a strange situation.

A. has I been B. have I been C. am I been D. I have been

5. Seldom _____ dinner together.

A. do Mark and Juliet have B. does Mark and Juliet have

C. is Mark and Juliet have D. are Mark and Juliet have


hope it helped.

° ° °

Which of the following words is the correct possessive form of the bold word?

Many hospital employees backgrounds include medical degrees.

A. employee’s

B. employees’

C. employees’s

D. employees


Im pretty sure it’s D
i believe the answer is A

another word for gasping gasping​




Gasping means catching one's breath with the mouth opened which is as a result of pain or astonishment.

Gasping means snoring, moaning, or snorting, Some common synonym for gasp include exclamation, wheeze. Example of using gasps in a sentence is that John gasps while running.

The underground man is a very straightforward and easy-to-understand narrator. True False 2. The underground man is sick and will leave St. Petersburg because his doctor told him it is bad for his health. True False 3. The underground man makes at least one reference to a concept from mathematics. True False 4. The underground man compares human beings to organ stops and piano keys. True False 5. The narrator and Eliza find happiness and a life together in the end. True False



1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. False


Notes From Underground is the story about a person who is living in some corner of the house basement and he believes that he is experiencing liver disease. He does not wants to consult the doctor because he believes that he can live more without going to medication and treatment. He believes that if he goes to St. peter-burg he can become more sick because of climate there which is not in his health's favor.

plz ans fastly please​



6. A

7. A

8. C

9. A

10. B

11. a. good looking

b. bring

c. monetary value

d. request

The Egyptians constructed walls and embankments _____ marvels even today
A. they are considered
B. which are considered
C. are considered
D. who are considered



If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest


The answer is option B

1. How can stories reveal the fears and worries of a particular culture?


Stories often reveal the fears, worries, and preoccupations of a particular place in time. For example, by looking at stories of epic heroes, we see a preoccupation with fate and the gods. Hope this help

manoj doesn't play guitar​ into affermative



Manoj plays the guitar.


play + does= plays

Answer: Manoj plays guitar / Does Manoj play the guitar?


This sentence can be transformed in 2 ways:

Without changing the meaningBy changing the meaning

If we want to keep the meaning same we could tranform it into a interogative sentence, still it is affirmative, so the answer is -

Does Manoj play the guitar?

Otherwise if meaning does not matter, then the answer -

Manoj plays guitar

Does + play = plays

Brids are adapted for



for aerial mode of life your answer

what brids are mate I would have no idea

IV. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fit each gap of the passage.
Medical research has found that happiness has a strong beneficial effect on health. This healing
properties of (1. laugh)……………are such that humours now are being used alongside more (2.
tradition) ……..… of (3. treat) ………… some hospitals. In a London’s children’s
hospital, for example, two clowns are provided for the (4. entertain) ……………..of patients.
Doctors say that these clowns are (5. success) …………… making the children feel better.
It seems that when we laugh, there can be a (6. reduce) …………… both blood pressure and
the amount of (7. tense) …………… our muscles. Although it is (8. possible) …………… prove
it at the moment, this may also mean that people who feel unhappy and who are, therefore,
(9. likely) …………… laugh so much, suffer more often from physical (10. ill) ……………..



1) laughter

2) traditional

3) treatment

4) entertainment

5) successful

6) reduction

7) tension

8) impossible

9) likely

10) illness

2. Use present perfect tense and simple past tense.
1. They (not see)……………..the film Titanic yet.
2. Tom( call)………………his boss recently.
3.John( not read)…… …………..the letter from Mary yesterday.
4. We(not begin)… ………….to learn for the test yet.
5.I( meet)…… ……………..Robert at the supermarket 2 days ago.
6. Nancy(be)…………………to VietNam several times.
7. I(not see)…………your brother yet.
8. My pen isn’t here any more. Someone(take)……………….it already.



1. haven't seen

2. called

3. didn't read

4. haven't begun

5. met

6. had been

7. haven't seen

8. has token


provided by g a u t h m a t h


1) haven't seen

2) called

3) hasn't read

4) haven't begun

5) met

6) has been

7) haven't seen

8) has taken

Help me with this question plzz ​


Child hood is the answer


Answer:Childhood is an abstract noun .

I HOPE your day goes nice

Write a letter to Letter to your Headmaster and ask permission to absent yourself from school for two days.


The letter format is shown below, this letter is written to headmaster of school for the permission of absent for two days.


The Headmaster,

Avicenna School,


Dear Sir,

With due respect, I would like to request two days leave, because I have to go to another city to meet my sick grandmother. My family has planned to leave on Aug-24 and we will return on Aug-26, and I will be able to come to school again on Aug-27.

Therefore, please grant leave for two days, I shall be very thankful.

your sincerely,

Jane Paul.

Learn more at

What diagram shows causes and one effect using arrows?


The diagram which shows causes and one effect using arrows is called the Fishbone diagram. The term Fishbone diagram is also used interchangeably with Herringbone Diagrams, Ishikawa Diagram, and Fishikawa Diagrams;This diagram is a visual problem-solving tool and is used to investigate the potential reasons for a problem;Working from the left to right potential problems are identified and classified into various categories;Professionals such as product designers, project managers, software engineers, quality assurance technicians, structural engineers, and so on, use this diagram very often as a proactive way of identifying and reducing potential challenges before the commencement or during a project.Because the Fishbone diagram works at proactive mental activity, it is best to use it during a brainstorming session involving a team working on a project.For more about Fishbone diagrams, please see the following link:

Q3.Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow- (3)
From the sea, the island looked much further away.Our dark grey dinghy was very small. Even
though we had paid extra just to be the 38 of us, which was much better than the 50 so we had
seen cramed into earlier boats, it was still more than the double the 15 max' it's said on a box,
particularly with my wheelchair, and it felt very squashed.
1.Nujeen along with other travelled in a
2.Meaning of dinghy is
3. Name of the chapter and name of its author.​



1 dingshy

2 dingshy means a small boat for recreation or racing

3 I don't know I am sorry

I had a cup of tea into yes/no question​



Did i have a cup of tea?

hope this helps you


Did i have a cup of tea?

is the answer

How do characters and conflicts work together



Characters need to overcome the conflict and some characters even create the conflict.


critism of Adam smith​



critic of capitalism. 


I don't know if this right or not

Explain the meaning of the SMART acronym.
In 100-200 words, define what the words “goal” and “success” mean to you.
Summarize your thoughts on whether or not the SMART model can help you become a better college student and/or workplace professional.



a. The full meaning of SMART acronym is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

b. My definition of a goal refers an aim or objective that someone is attempting to meet. My definition of success refers to the achievement of personal goals.

c. Yes, SMART model can help me become a better college student.


a. Explain the meaning of the SMART acronym.

The full meaning of SMART acronym is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Each of these are explained as follows:

Specific: This suggests a well-defined, precise, and unmistakable purpose.

Measurable: This refers to a set of criteria that can be used to track progress toward a goal.

Achievable: This refers to a goal that is both reachable and not insurmountable.

Realistic: This refers to a goal that is both attainable and relevant to your life's goals.

Timely: This refers to a goal with a well-defined schedule, which includes a start and end date. This aims to create a sense of urgency.

b. In 100-200 words, define what the words “goal” and “success” mean to you.

Goal: My definition of a goal refers an aim or objective that someone is attempting to meet. The purpose of a person's ambition or endeavor is referred to as a goal. A goal is a specific aim or objective that you work hard with determination to achieve. A goal therefore refers to an aim or a desired outcome.

Success: My definition of success refers to the achievement of personal goals. Success is the completion of a goal or objective. The state or circumstance of satisfying a certain range of expectations is referred to as success. Some people regard some ambitions to be tiny, while others believe them to be great. What counts is that they are individual; and each person has his or her unique formula for achieving personal success.

c. Summarize your thoughts on whether or not the SMART model can help you become a better college student and/or workplace professional.

Yes, SMART model can help me become a better college student.

This is due to the SMART model's ability to help me as a student to set myself up for academic achievement by developing objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. The SMART model will motivate me to go farther, provide me with a sense of direction in college, and assist me in organizing and achieving academic excellence goals.

You witnessed a fire outbreak at one of the famous market in your area.Write a report on what happened​


Mane so this fire started and I ran and then everyone else started running as well Ian look back so that’s all I know man

(Yo you the feds or sum?

The vioIin and ceIIo are both beautiful strings instruments but the ceIIo is Iatger and more difficult to transport to Iesson the vioIin is smaIIer and generaIIy Iess expensive than the ceIIo





Cello is generally expensive than Violin. both of these instruments are difficult to learn and it takes time to play these instruments professionally. Playing cello is comparatively easier than violin. Cello fills the melodies with lower tones and it makes a base for violin.

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