
Answer 1
2 a’s bc 80 - 30 is 50 / 25 is 2
Answer 2


Sarah gets 2 A's.

Step-by-step explanation:

Sarah's mother gives her $10 for each B she receives. She received 3 B's, so 3x10 is 30. You subtract 80-30. You get 50. She receives $25 for each A. You then divide 50 by 25, and are left with 2. The answer is that Sarah received 2 A's on her report card.

Hope you have a great day,


Related Questions





Step-by-step explanation:

If we want to find the slope, the most easiest way to find the slope is to use 'Rise/Run'. Two points are given, lets use those points and find the slope.

=> We see that the rise is 2. So 2 will be our numerator,

=> We can also see that the run is 3. So 3 will be our denominator.

What do we get?

We get 2/3 as our slope. Therefore, B is our answer. Hoped I helped.

Which function has the graph shown below? *

a. f(x) = x² - 4
b. f(x) = x² + 4
c. f(x) = (x + 4)²
d. f(x) = (x - 4)² opps dont forget to change the sign​




Step-by-step explanation:

yeah-ya......... right?

HELP DUE IN 1 MINUTE 5x^3 + 20x^2-160x


5x(x-4)(x+8) should be ur answer

what is the correct Answer?!




Step-by-step explanation:



then add the ⁶+³+⁶+³ =18


Which function has the greater rate of change? What is that value?



To find the rate of change you use the formula, Y2-Y1/X2-X1.

Function A:

You can substitute in any two points. The points I will use are (0,0) and (1,1).




The rate of change for Function A is 1.

Function B:

The points I will use are (2,1) and (4,2).



The rate of change for Function B is 1/2.

Since 1 is larger than 1/2, Function A has a larger rate of change. The value is 1.

Hope this helps! :)

What is the next term in the sequence 58, 47, 36, 25,. ? –58 –8 14 69.




Step-by-step explanation:

58, 47, 36, 25,. ?

Each term is 11 less than the preceding term

the term after 25 will be

25 - 11 = 14

Jessica and her brother collects stamps. When Jessica gives her brother 1% of her stamps, she has 2,475 stamps left. Calculate how many stamps Jessica had originally.




Step-by-step explanation:

2475 stamps is 99% of her original number of stamps.


[tex]2475 \div 99\% = 2500[/tex]

She originally had 2500 stamps

Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.
Use the ^ symbol (Shift+6 on the keyboard) to signify an exponent. For example, for 2 to the third power, enter 2^3.

Identify the quadratic term in the function.





Step-by-step explanation:


identify the quadratic term in the function f(x)=2x^2-3x+5


The quadratic term is 2x^2.



Step-by-step explanation:

(2x2 -  3x) -  5  = 0


The quadratic term in the function is  

Step-by-step explanation:

Given : Function  

To find : Identify the quadratic term in the function ?

Solution :

The quadratic  form of the function is  

Where,  is quadratic term.

On comparing with given function,  

is the quadratic term.

Therefore, the quadratic term in the function is

Sully built a shelf 8 5/8 inches wide for his DVD collection. If each DVD is 3/8 inches
wide, how many can he fit on the new shelf?




Step-by-step explanation:

8 5/8 = 69/8

Each DVD is 3/8 inches

Ignore the denominators

We have 69 and 3

69 is 23 times bigger than 3, so 23 DVD's can fit









x^2 + 7x- 3/x - 3/x^2 -16

Step-by-step explanation:

Key:  ( ^ ) means exponent

= x^2 + 2x- 3/x -2x^2 + 5x- 3/x^2 -16

= x^2 - 2x^2 + 2x+5x - 3/x- 3/x^2 -16

= x^2 - 2x^2 = -x^2

=  -x^2 + 2x + 5x- 3/x- 3/x^2-16

As you see you add 2x and the 5x and got 7x

= Answer : x^2 + 7x- 3/x - 3/x^2 -16


I think the answer is x^2+3x-4/2x-1

please help with statistic 20


Part A

p = 0.32 = probability of someone voting by internet

n = 13 = sample size

x = 10 = number of people who voted by internet

Apply the binomial probability formula.

[tex]P(x) = (_n C _x)*(p)^{x}*(1-p)^{n-x}\\\\P(10) = (_{13} C _{10})*(0.32)^{10}*(1-0.32)^{13-10}\\\\P(10) = (286)*(0.32)^{10}*(0.68)^{3}\\\\P(10) \approx 0.0010124942242\\\\P(10) \approx \textbf{0.00101}\\\\[/tex]

Note: the [tex]_n C_x[/tex] refers to the combination formula.

Answer:   0.00101


Part B

We could apply the binomial theorem for the following values of x: {10,11,12,13}. Then would add up the results.

However, such a task is fairly tedious and it's more efficient to use computer software (or a graphing calculator). Also, there's the element of limited time that you'll need to consider. I showed the steps for part A above because your teacher may have wanted you to list them. Usually it's better to rely on software for that task as well. At the very least, it's useful to have software to check your answer.

Whichever method you use, you should find the following:

P(10) = 0.00101P(11) = 0.00013P(12) = 0.00001P(13) = 0

The last value isn't exactly 0, but it's so small that it's effectively zero. This is because we only have 5 decimal places to work with.

Add up those four values to get:

[tex]P(x \ge 10) = P(10)+P(11)+P(12)+P(13)\\\\P(x \ge 10) \approx 0.00101+0.00013+0.00001+0\\\\P(x \ge 10) \approx 0.00115\\\\[/tex]

A faster shortcut is to use your calculator's binomCDF function.

This result of 0.00115 is fairly small. The usual distinction we make between whether a probability is small or not is to set up some kind of threshold. This threshold is known as the significance level. By default, it's set to 0.05 unless your teacher specifies otherwise. Another common significance level is 0.01, but it's usually mentioned.

Since 0.00115 is smaller than 0.05, and even 0.01, we consider the probability of getting 10 or more internet voters to be a significant event. It's fairly unusual to get 10 or more people voting by internet in this sample of n = 13 people.

Answer: Choice A) Yes, because the probability of 10 or more is 0.00115, which is low.


Part C

Like with part B, we could find the binomial probability values for x = {1,2,3,...,11,12,13}. We could add up the values like I did, or use the binomCDF function which is faster.

Another approach is to use the complement of the event "at least 1". If x is some number in the set {0,1,2,..,12,13}, then either [tex]x = 0[/tex] or [tex]x \ge 1[/tex]

From this, we can say

[tex]P(x=0) + P(x \ge 1) = 1\\\\P(x \ge 1) = 1-P(x=0)\\\\P(x \ge 1) \approx 1-0.00665\\\\P(x \ge 1) \approx 0.99335\\\\[/tex]

This then rounds to 0.993

Answer:  0.993

Write the equation of the following parabolae in their canonical form and hence find their vertices, foci and directrix.
[tex] {y}^{2} - 6y - 2x + 19 = 0[/tex]
[tex] {x}^{2} + 4x + 4y + 16 = 0[/tex]




y² - 6y - 2x + 19 = 0

This is a horizontal parabola.

Canonical form of horizontal parabola is:

4a(x - h) = (y - k)², where (h, k) is vertex

Focus is:

F(h + a, k)

Directrix is:

x = h - a

Convert the equation:

y² - 6y - 2x + 19 = 0y² - 6y  + 9 - 2x + 10 = 0(y - 3)² = 2x - 10(y - 3)² = 4(1/2)(x - 5)

We got:

h = 5, k = 3, a = 1/2

Focus is:

F(5 + 1/2, 3) = F(5.5, 3)

Directrix is:

x = 5 - 1/2 = 4.5#2


x² +4x + 4y + 16 = 0

This is a vertical parabola.

Canonical form of vertical parabola is:

4a(y - k) = (x - h)², where (h, k) is vertex

Focus is:

(h, k + a)

Directrix is:

y = k - a

Convert the equation:

x² + 4x + 4y + 16 = 0x² +4x + 4 + 4y + 12 = 0(x + 2)² = -4y - 12(x + 2)² = 4(-1) (y + 3)

We got:

h = - 2, k = -3, a = - 1

Focus is:

F(-2, -3 - 1) = F(-2, - 4)

Directrix is:

y = -3 - (-1) = - 2

what is the solution to the system of equations​


Here the answer hope this help

If A(2, 3) and B(-4, -6), find AB.--


[tex] \huge \bf༆ Answer ༄[/tex]

The distance between points can be solved using Distance formula (similar to Pythagoras theorem)

[tex] \boxed { \sf D = \sqrt{(x2 - x1) {}^{2} + {(y2 - y1) {}^{2} } }}[/tex]

Put the values : -

[tex] \sf D = \sqrt{ (2 - ( - 4)) {}^{2} + (3 - ( - 6)) {}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] \sf \: D = \sqrt{ {(6)}^{2} + (9) {}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] \sf D = \sqrt{36 + 81} [/tex]

[tex] \sf D = \sqrt{117} [/tex]

[tex] \sf D = 3 \sqrt{13} [/tex]

Distance between the points = 3√13 units

[tex]꧁ \: \large \frak{Eternal \: Being } \: ꧂[/tex]


If you are trying to find the line, simply use a graph.

Step-by-step explanation:

A store owner has 65.5 pounds of candy. If he splits the candy equally into 5 boxes, how many pounds of candy will each box contain?


Answer: Each box of candy would contain 13.1 pounds of candy.

Step-by-step explanation:

Divide 65.5 by 5. Hope this helps!

A) (2x-10)(3x+1)
B) (3x+2)(2x-5)
C) (2x+5)(3×+1)
D) (2x+1)(3×+5)
E) None of the above. The quadratic f(x) = 6x] + 11X - 10
would have which of the following




Step-by-step explanation:



What number is furthest from 0 on a number line? 16 or 18?


18. _______________________________________

.Learning Task 2: Get the quotient of each item up to the nearest ten thousandths place. Then, round the decimals to their nearest thousandths. Number 1 is done for you.

1.45÷8= 5.6250 -5.625------- example

4.93÷9 = _____ - ______

2. 77÷9 = _____ - ______

5.88 ÷7= _____ - ______

3.81÷7= _____ - ______

6.55÷8=_____ - ______​

sorry if the numbers is a bit confusing


The responses for the quotient given to the nearest thousandths are

presented in the order of the of the questions as follows;

[tex]Question \ 4) \ \displaystyle \underline{\frac{93}{9} = 10.3333 \approx 10.333}}[/tex]

[tex]Question \ 2) \ \displaystyle \underline{\frac{77}{9} = 8.5555 \approx 8.556}[/tex]

[tex]Question \ 5) \ \displaystyle \underline{\frac{88}{7} = 12.4285 \approx 12.429}[/tex]

[tex]Question \ 3) \ \displaystyle \underline{\frac{81}{7} = 11.5714\approx 11.571}[/tex]

[tex]Question \ 6) \ \displaystyle \underline{\frac{55}{8} = 6.8750\approx 6.875}[/tex]


4. The division is presented as follows;

[tex]\displaystyle \mathbf{\frac{93}{9}}= \frac{90 + 3}{9} = 10 + \frac{1}{3} = 10.\overline 3[/tex]

Given that we have;

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{3} = 0.\frac{10}{3} =0.3 \frac{10}{3} = 0.3333[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \underline{\frac{93}{9} = 10.3333 \approx 10.333}[/tex]

2. The division is presented as follows;

[tex]\displaystyle \mathbf{\frac{77}{9}} = \frac{72 + 5}{9} = 8 + \frac{5}{9} = 8. \frac{50}{9} = 8.5\frac{50}{9} = 8.55\frac{50}{9} = 8.555\frac{50}{9} = 8.5555[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \underline{\frac{77}{9} = 8.5555 \approx 8.556}[/tex]

5. The division is presented as follows;

[tex]\displaystyle \mathbf{\frac{88}{7}} = \frac{85 + 3}{7} = 12 + \frac{3}{7} = 12. \frac{30}{7} = 12.4\frac{20}{7} = 12.42\frac{60}{7} = 12.428\frac{40}{7} = 12.4285\frac{5}{7}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \underline{\frac{88}{7} = 12.4285 \approx 12.429}[/tex]

3. The division is presented as follows;

[tex]\displaystyle \mathbf{\frac{81}{7}} = \frac{77 + 4}{7} = 11 + \frac{4}{7} = 11. \frac{40}{7} = 11.5\frac{5}{7} = 11.57\frac{10}{7} = 11.571\frac{30}{7} = 11.5714\frac{20}{7}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \underline{\frac{81}{7} = 11.5714\approx 11.571}[/tex]

6. The division is presented as follows;

[tex]\displaystyle \mathbf{\frac{55}{8}} = \frac{48 + 7}{8} = 6 + \frac{7}{8} = 6. \frac{70}{8} = 6.8\frac{60}{8} = 6.87\frac{40}{8} = 6.875\frac{0}{8} =6.8750[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \underline{\frac{55}{8} = 6.8750\approx 6.875}[/tex]

Learn more here:

please help me with this math problem


Step-by-step explanation:

the group of x friends is SPLITTING the cost of $50. Therefore to find the amount each person pays after the split, you will divide 50 by the amount fo friends (x). Each person is also paying an extra $5 for dessert. Therefore, you will be adding that 5 to everyone's total after splitting.

So the equation you will get is

[tex]a(x) = \frac{50}{x} + 5[/tex]


A(x)= (50/x)+5

Step-by-step explanation:

50 bucks divided by the number of people in the group which is X and each must also pay 5 bucks for dessert.

Finding slope from tables and



m=-5/2 b=2

Step-by-step explanation:

It goes over 2 times ever time it goes down 5 times. and when the y is 0 the x is 2

Em uma avaliação que vale até 5 pontos, João tirou 4,2 pontos. Quanto João teria tirado caso a prova valesse 10 pontos?



8.4 pontos

Step-by-step explanation:


multiplique o numerador e o denominador por 2


The first four terms of a sequence are shown.

7, 25, 43, 61, ...
Which of the following expressions can be used to find the nth term of the sequence?

Question 3 options:








might be the answer sorry if I am wrong

It’ be 7 + 18(n-1)

I plugged in the fourth term for n, and only that expression gave the correct answer of 61

Mason gave the waiter a $14.58 tip, which was 15 percent of the dinner bill. What was the amount of the dinner bill before he added the tip?




Step-by-step explanation:

97.20 x 0.15 = 14.58

Multiply the total by 15 percent, giving you the $14.58 tip, proving it to be correct.

given g(x)=-2x+1 solve for x when g (x)=5



x = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

g(x) = 5

-2x + 1 = 5

-2x  = 5 - 1

-2x = 4

x = 4/-2

x = -2

>> Answer



g(x) = 5

5 = -2x + 1

5 - 1 = -2x

4 = -2x

x = -2

plz help i give brainliest and points



Step-by-step explanation:

To find this, lets make a equation.

We have the expression 8b - 27, lets set this equal to -11 and solve:

8b -27 = -11

Now lets solve.

Lets add 27 to both sides to get 8b alone:

8b = 16

Now lets divide by 8:

b = 2

So our answer is 2.

Hope this helps!

I believe it’s 2, I’m not completlyyyyyy sure

Your above-ground pool has sprung a leak, and you do not have a way to fix it. At 12 noon, the water in the pool is 5 feet deep (in other words, the water level is 5 feet above the ground). You are not sure how quickly the pool level is falling, so you check again after 40 minutes and see that the height of the water level is now feet. You notice that there is a relationship between the time that has passed to the height of the water level in the pool.



Step-by-step explanation:

if 5/6 of the 30 motorcycles were new, how many motorcycles were used​



5 Motorcycles are used

30÷6= 5

5×5= 25


so the answer is 5


5 out of the 30 motorcycles are used

Step-by-step explanation:

First, we should look at what we know. We know that there are 30 motorcycles in total. As a fraction, that'd be 30/30. We also know that of that 30, the equivalent of 5/6 are brand new.

Our next step is to figure out how much 5/6 is out of 30. Since we know that in total there 30/30 motorcycles, we need to convert 5/6 to have a denominator of 30. So what times 6 equals 30.

30 ÷ 6 = ?    opposite of 6 x ? = 30

5                   divide

So now we now that 6 times 5 equals 30. What we do to the denominator we must do to the numerator.

[tex]\frac{5}{6}[/tex] × [tex]\frac{5}{5}[/tex]    


Now we know that 25 of the 30 motorcycles are new and all we need to do is subtract that 25 from the total 30 to get 5. This tells us that 5 of the total motorcycles are used.

I hope this helped :)

12 ≤ 4n < 28



[tex]▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪  {\huge\mathfrak{Answer}}▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪[/tex]

[tex] \boxed{ \boxed{3 \leqslant n < 7}}[/tex]

The equivalent expression is ~

[tex] \large \boxed{ \mathfrak{Step\:\: By\:\:Step\:\:Explanation}}[/tex]

Let's solve ~

[tex]12 \leqslant 4n < 28[/tex]

Now divide each term with 4

[tex]12 \div 4 \leqslant 4n \div 4 < 28 \div 4[/tex]

[tex]3 \leqslant n < 7[/tex]

[tex] \sf \: 12 ≤ 4n < 28[/tex]

Divide all parts by 4

[tex]\sf \longmapsto \frac{12}{4}≤ \frac{4n}{4} < \frac{28}{4} [/tex]

[tex] \sf \longmapsto3≤n<7[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{ \sf 3 \leqslant n<7}[/tex]

Number line attached

i need help on i ready what is the length of the breathing tube



The average size of the tube for an adult male is 8.0, and an adult female is 7.0,

The typical depth of the endotracheal tube is 23 cm for men and 21 cm for women

What is the estimated quotient of 8 455 divided by 17? *.




Step-by-step explanation:

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