Please help! Thank you


Answer 1


(a) 1:12

(b) 12:1

(c) 1:100

(d) 100:1

Related Questions

jsut give a quick




Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180

58+90+x = 180

148+x = 180

x = 180-148



The angle sum property of a triangle:

The total measure of the three angles of a triangle is 180°


[tex]\large\bf \longrightarrow \: {\underline{\red{x \: + \: 58 \degree \: + \: 90 \degree \: = \: 180 \degree}}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\bf \longrightarrow \: {\underline{\red{x \: + \: 148 \: = \: 180 \degree}}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\bf \longrightarrow \: {\underline{\red{x \: = \: 180 \degree \: - \: 148 \degree}}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\bf \longrightarrow \: {\underline{\red{x \: = \: 32 \degree}}}[/tex]

3/4 of the class walk to school while 1/5 ride bicycle. Find the ratio of those who walk to those who ride bicycles.




Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply the fractions to get a common denominator. Multiply 3/4 by 5 and your get 15/20 and multiply 1/5 by 4 and you get 4/20. The numerators represent the ratio.


Name the property of real numbers illustrated by each equation.




The property showed in the number 21 is the distributive property

(a-√a/√a-1) - (√a+1/a+√a) : √a+1/a. solve a



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \ \Large \boldsymbol{} \frac{a-\sqrt{a} }{\sqrt{a}-1 } -\frac{\sqrt{a}+1 }{a+\sqrt{a} } :\frac{\sqrt{a}+1 }{a} = \\\\\\\frac{\sqrt{a}(\sqrt{a} -1 ) }{(\sqrt{a}-1) } -\frac{\sqrt{a}+1 }{\sqrt{a}(\sqrt{a}+1 )}\cdot \frac{\sqrt{a}\cdot \sqrt{a} }{\sqrt{a}+1 } = \\\\\\\sqrt{a} -\frac{\sqrt{a} }{1+\sqrt{a} } =\frac{a+\sqrt{a}-\sqrt{a} }{1+\sqrt{a} } = \\\\\\\frac{a}{\sqrt{a}+1 } \cdot \frac{\sqrt{a}-1 }{\sqrt{a}-1} } =\boxed{\frac{a\sqrt{a} -a}{a-1} }[/tex]

Which set of integers are in the right order from least to greatest?

1-10], -3, 2,7
7, 1-10], -3,2
2, -3, 7, 1-10
-3, 2, 7, 1-10



1-10, -3, 2, 7

im sorry if i give a wrong answer

please help me out :))))​


The answer is 35 because since AC/DC is 90 degrees subtract ACB to get 35 for BCD


Angle BCD=35°



Which expression is the result of solving the equation ax-b=cy for x (For a[tex]\neq[/tex]0)



x = (cy+b)/a

Step-by-step explanation:


Add b to each side


ax = cy +b

Divide each side by a

ax/a = (cy+b)/a

x = (cy+b)/a

Please help plssssssss




Step-by-step explanation:

Given that they have green eyes, we only look at the green row

Total is 3+5+5 = 13

Red hair is 5

P( red hair ) red / total = 5/13 =.384615385


Condition relative frequency is 0.38

Step-by-step explanation:

P( red hair given that has green hair ):

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{P( \frac{red}{green}) }}}[/tex]

From baye's theorem:

[tex]P( \frac{R}{G} ) = \frac{P(RnG)}{P(G)} [/tex]

[tex]{ \sf{ = \frac{5}{(3 + 5 + 5)} }} \\ \\ = { \sf{ \frac{5}{13} }} \\ \\ = { \sf{0.384615…}}[/tex]


The value of a12 is:

can't be done


it's 1 beacuse the exponent has no power so its 1

The correct answer from the given matrix shows that the value of a12 is 1

What is a Matrix?

This refers to a rectangular array of numbers that is arranged in rows and columns to indicate a mathematical property.

Hence, we can see that from the matrix given, we can see that there are different values for each one and to find a12, we can see that because there is no power in the exponent, the answer is 1.

Read more about matrixes here:


Why do 6.52 x 10^3 and 652,000 ÷ 10^2 have the same answer?



6.52 x 10^3 is just basically 6.52 × 1000, which is 6520. But 652,000 ÷ 10^2 is just 652000 ÷ 100, which is 6520. That's why they have the same answer.

A farmer has an orchard that covers an area of 40 acres. He grows apples on 25 acres, peaches on 7 acres, nectarines on 5 acres, and plums on 3 acres. The fruit trees are equally distributed within the orchard. A tree is chosen at random. Rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent, what is the theoretical probability that the tree is not within the acres of apple trees




Step-by-step explanation:

Calculation to determine the theoretical probability that the tree is not within the acres of apple trees

Using this formula

P=(Number of all orchard acres - Apple acres)/(Total orchard acres)*100


P represent Probability

Let plug in the formula

P=(40 acres- 25 acres)/40 acres

P=15 acres/40 acres *100




Therefore the THEORETICAL PROBABILITY that the tree is not within the acres of apple trees is 37.5%


the answer is 37.5

Step-by-step explanation:

it is


Determine the measure of x in the figure below.

show how you go the answer so I can see if it makes sense!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

x is an exterior angle of a triangle.

If you didn't know, an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of its opposite interior angles.

The opposite interior angles of x have measures of 80 degrees and 58 degrees.

Hence, x = 80 + 58 = 138



80+58 = 138

180 - 138 = 42

42+x = 180

x = 180-42 = 138

Step-by-step explanation:

Which is a point on the circle whose center is (0, 0) and whose radius is 5?
A. (2, 3)
B. (0, 0)
C. (3, 4)
D. (4, 5)


I had answer this question for somebody it’s letter c so ( 3,4)

The equation of the circle whose center is (0, 0) and whose radius 5 is x² + y² = 25.

What is an equation of a circle?

A circle can be characterized by its center's location and its radius's length.

Let the center of the considered circle be at (h,k) coordinate.

Let the radius of the circle be 'r' units.

Then, the equation of that circle would be:

(x-a)²+(y-b)² = r²

Where (a, b) is the centre and 'r' is the radius

We have a circle with centre (0, 0) and radius of 5.

Now, Substituting these value into the equation form, we have

(x-0)²+(y-0)² = 5²

x² + y² = 25

Hence, the equation of the circle whose center is (0, 0) and whose radius 5 is x² + y² = 25.

Learn more about equation of a circle here:


What are the x-intercepts of the graph of the function below?
y= x^2+3x – 28
A. (6,0) and (4,0)
B. (-7,0) and (-4,0)
C. (7,0) and (-4,0)
D. (-7,0) and (4,0)


I think the answer is B
The answer is D
I did the math

Cho đa thức f(x) = biết rằng f(1)=f(-1); f(2)=f(-2).

Chọn câu đúng :

A. f ( x ) = f ( −x) với mọi x

B. f ( x ) = − f ( −x) với mọi x

C. f ( x ) = 2 f ( −x) với mọi x

D. f ( x ) = 3 f ( −x) với mọi x




Giải thích:


f(-1) và f(-2)= f(-x)

=> f(1)=f(-1) =A. f(x)=f(-x)

Hello!! Please help me ASAP
Using special right triangles show and explain all work for each problem. Each solution and work should demonstrate your understanding of Special Right Triangles (30-60-90 and 45-45-90)
Find the missing side length and angle of this triangle. I've attached the triangle.



Step-by-step explanation:

The basic 30-60-90 triangle ratio is:

Side opposite to 30° angle is : x

Side opposite to 60° angle is : x √3

Side opposite to 90° angle is : 2x

From the diagram we learn that

x√3 = 10

[tex]x = \frac{10}{\sqrt{3}}=\frac{10*\sqrt{3} }{\sqrt{3}*\sqrt{3}}\\\\x=\frac{10\sqrt{3}}{3}= 5.77\\[/tex]

∠T = 30°, Side opposite to ∠T is AC = 5.77

∠A = 90°, side opposite to ∠A is TC = 2x = 2*5.77 = 11.54

Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (−4,1) and (−9,5). Put your answer in fully reduced point-slope form, unless it is a vertical or horizontal line.

Help plz


Step-by-step explanation:

gradient(m)=change in y/change in x




equation now







y = -4/5x - 11/5

Step-by-step explanation:

First, find the slope using the slope formula.


Then, use the point-slope formula and substitute the values for the variables. I'll use (-4, 1) in this instance.


State the equation, in slope-intercept form, of each of the following graphs of linear relations.
Explain how the equation was determined.


Answer: y=80/5x+80

Step-by-step explanation:

At one point graph goes from (0,400) to (25,800). So the y intercept is 400 because that’s where the line was at x=0. 0 to 25 is 25. 400 to 800 is 400. So the equation would be y=400/25x+400. But you can divide all of it by 5 to get y=80/5x+80.

How many solutions does 6 - 3x = 4 - X-3 - 2x have?
O A. Infinitely many solutions
O B. No solutions
C. Two solutions
D. One solution



6 - 3x = 4 - X-3 - 2x



No solutions


please explain how do you get the answer !​




Step-by-step explanation:

we have the angle of vertex in the isosceles triangle = 180-2*bottom coner= 180-65/2=50

3 angles in the equilateral triangle are equal to 60

we have 50 + 60 +h =the angle of PQR =180


Answer: h = 70°

In the triangle with Angle R = 65

It is a isoceles triangle as two sides are equal

So base angles will be equall too

Then the third angle will which is the q one will be

65+65+q = 180

q = 180 - 130

q = 50

In the other triangle with all sides equal will be equilateral triangle which means all angles equal = 60



60 + 50 + h = 180

h = 180 - 110 (Angles on a straight line adds upto 180)

h = 70

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

Solve the inequality: (x −3)12+ 2 ≥4
Question 14 options:


x ≥ 35


x ≥ 13


x ≥ 11


x ≥ 7


The answer should be C! If you move everything that is not x to the right, you will get x is greater than or equal to 11


Its c

Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:

SecA - TanA

= 1/CosA - SinA/CosA

= 1 - SinA/CosA

We know that Sin2A = 2SinACosA  and Cos2A = Cos²A - Sin²A

Thus SinA = Sin2(A/2) = 2Sin(A/2)CosA/2

       CosA = Cos2(A/2) = Cos²A/2 - Sin²A/2

Now substituting the values back,

=> 1 - 2Sin(A/2)Cos(A/2) / Cos²(A/2) - Sin²(A/2)

// we know that Sin²θ + Cos²θ = 1

=> Sin²(A/2) + Cos²A/2 -  2Sin(A/2)Cos(A/2) / Cos²(A/2) - Sin²(A/2)

//We know that numerator is of form a² + b² - 2ab which is (a - b)².

//Similarly denominator is of form a² - b² which is (a - b)(a + b)

=> [Sin(A/2) - Cos(A/2)]² / [Cos(A/2) + Sin(A/2)][Cos(A/2) - Sin(A/2)]

=> [ - {Cos(A/2) - Sin(A/2)}]² / [Cos(A/2) + Sin(A/2)][Cos(A/2) - Sin(A/2)]

=> [Cos(A/2) - Sin(A/2)]² /  [Cos(A/2) + Sin(A/2)][Cos(A/2) - Sin(A/2)]

=> [Cos(A/2) - Sin(A/2)] / [Cos(A/2) + Sin(A/2)]

= R.H.S

Hence proved.

kendra is 3 times her dauters age plus 7 years kendra is 49 years old. write an equation to find he duaghters age?



3x+ 7 =49

Step-by-step explanation:

49-7= 42

42 divided by 3 = 14

her daughter is 14 years old

I truly hope this helped, it makes sense to me. I wasn't sure whether or not you needed a more detailed equation, but that's one.

have a great day!

QUESTION 2 Write the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line through the gran point micia the grea slope through: (5,-2), siope--1 Oay=-2=6 Oby=-2-3 O cy=-x=3 Ody=-z-6​



y = -x+3

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope intercept form of a line is

y = mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

y = -1x +b

Using the point for x and y we can calculate b

-2 = -1(5)+b

-2 = -5+b

Add 5 to each side

-2+5 = b

3 = b

y = -x+3

D.2 please help I’ll mark brainliest



At 2

Step-by-step explanation:

I think it is because it slants down instead of going up. That is the reason why I say my answer is at 2.


What is 51809 rounded to 1,2 and 3 significant figures?



1 significant figure: 50,000 2 significant figures: 52,000 3 significant figures: 51,800

Step-by-step explanation:

FIrst, a significant figure is basically a non-zero digit (at least in your case). Basically, the 1 significant figure in your case would be to the nearest 10 thousand, which would be 50,000. Now, for 2 significant figures. This would be the nearest thousand, 52,000. Finally, 3 significant figures is to the nearest hundred, aka 51,800. Note: If you find a problem like this again 0 in between two digits that aren't 0 is a significant digit, aka the 0 in 51809. Hope this helped!

Find the area of the regular polygon. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.



Step-by-step explanation:

The central angle of a hexagon is 60 degrees. Drop a line from the center to the middle of the side marked 7.

Use the  tan of the angle so formed (which is 30 degrees)

Tan(30)= opposite / height (which is the line you just drew).

Tan(30) = 3.5 / h

Tan(30) = 0.5774

Tan(30) = 3.5 / h                multiply both sides by h

h*Tan(30) = 3.5                  Divide by tan30

h = 3.5 / Tan(30)

h = 3.5 / 0.5774

h = 6.062

Now from both ends of the given side, draw 2 lines to the center. Find the area of that triangle.

Area of 1 triangle = 1/2 * b * h

area of 1 triangle = 1/2 * 7 * 6.062

Area of 1 triangle = 21.2176

There are 6 such triangles so multiply that number by 6

Answer:  6 * 21.2176

Answer:  127.31

Yuri is participating in a tund-raiser at school. She will receive donations from 2 people. A cousin will donate $0.40 for every 1/8 mile that Yuri walks.
A friend will give Yuri a one-time donation of $30
What is the minimum number of miles Yuri needs to walk to raise at least $507 Enter the answer in the box,


507 - 30 =  477

477 / 0.4 = 1192.5

1192.4 / 8 = 149.0625 miles or 150 miles

i don't know if this is right cause the answer seems so absurd

Daisy (5,9,2,6,14,3)
Milkweed (10,8,22,12,12,9)
Coneflower (3,7,2,10,16,7)
A biology class took a field trip. The students counted the number of daisy, milkweed, and coneflower plants in six different locations. The data sets are shown above. What is the overall range in the number of plants for all three types of plants?



The overall range is 20

Step-by-step explanation:


The above dataset


The overall range

Range is calculated as

[tex]Range = Highest - Lowest[/tex]

The highest of the dataset is 22, and it can be found in  Milkweed.

The lowest of the dataset is 2, and it can be found in  Daisy

So, the range is:

[tex]Range = 22 - 2[/tex]

[tex]Range = 20[/tex]

[tex]2 \sqrt{75} - \sqrt{108} + 5 \sqrt{48}[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2 \sqrt{75} - \sqrt{108} + 5 \sqrt{48} \\\\ \sf\longmapsto 2 \sqrt{25 \times 3} - \sqrt{36 \times 3} + 5 \sqrt{16 \times 3} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 2 \times 5 \sqrt{3} - 6 \sqrt{3} + 5 \times 4 \sqrt{3} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 10 \sqrt{3} - 6 \sqrt{3} + 20 \sqrt{3} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto (10 - 6 + 20) \sqrt{3} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 24 \sqrt{3} [/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

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