please help!!!

Witch one of these is NOT a greek philosopher credited with many contributions to the creation of civil society, science and government?

A: Socrates
B: Aristotle
C: Shakespeare
D: Plato


Answer 1
C.Shakespeare The Socratic philosophers in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Related Questions

How did the emancipation proclamation extend the premise of the Declaration of Independence?



every advance of federal troops expanded the domain of freedom. Moreover, the Proclamation announced the acceptance of black men into the Union Army and Navy, enabling the liberated to become liberators



provide 5 bullet points from the film of important concepts



narrative, cinematography, sound, mise-en-scene, and editing.

A player attends baseball training to be a better player instead of taking a vacation.
What was the opportunity cost?



it shouldn't cost anything

Match each ecosystem with its location.

Match Term Definition
Alpine A) High mountain ranges
Tundra B) Eastern United States
Grassland C) Alaska and Northern Canada
Deciduous forest D) Central United States
Desert E) Southwestern United States



Alpine- High mountain ranges

Tundra- Alaska and northern Canada

Grassland- central United States

Deciduous forest- eastern United States

Desert- southwest, United States

Hope this helps!



the person above me is correct


Which of these enumerated powers was central to the case of Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)?
es ))
the Elastic Clause
the Commerce Clause
the Impeachment Clause
the Full Faith and Credit Clause



B. The commerce clause.

which of the following was part of the Byzantine empire at the height of its territorial expansion



The Byzantine Empire reached its height under the Macedonian emperors (of Armenian and Greek descent) of the late 9th, 10th, and early 11th centuries, when it gained control over the Adriatic Sea, southern Italy, and all of the territory of tsar Samuel of Bulgaria.


The Byzantine Empire reached its height under the Macedonian emperors (of Armenian and Greek descent) of the late 9th, 10th, and early 11th centuries, when it gained control over the Adriatic Sea, southern Italy, and all of the territory of tsar Samuel of Bulgaria.


How many of the first five U.S presidents enslaved others?​



George Washington Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams,


4 of the first 5 presidents enslaved others with the exception of john Adams

Why are cave paintings an important part of understanding early man?



The Lascaux cave paintings in southeast France capture the style and subject matter of many of our ancestors' early artistic work. Archeologists interpret these and other discoveries of Ice Age rock art as evidence of the emergence of a new, distinctly human consciousness.


2) What role or roles did the Inca emperor play in the inca government


Sapa Inca - The emperor or king of the Inca Empire was called the Sapa Inca, which means "sole ruler". He was the most powerful person in the land and everyone else reported to the Sapa Inca. His principal wife, the queen, was called the coya. Below the Sapa Inca were several officers who helped to rule the empire.

India is investing money into their education system. This is an example of a nation investing in _______________.



studding...i don't know but i think is right....

All of the following are duties of United States citizens EXCEPT:
understanding their rights
taking education seriously
understanding what it means to be an active citizen
learning about and understanding foreign governments and laws


D. Is the answer since learning foreign laws does not directly affect you as an American citizen.

Read the following quote:
"Your invention of the alphabet is worth more to your people than two bags full of gold in the hands of every Cherokee." -Sam Houston (from History of Sequoyah,
Based on this quote, what can you conclude?

Sam Houston was responsible for inventing the Cherokee alphabet.

Sam Houston was a famous Cherokee Chief.

Sequoyah was a famous Cherokee Chief.

Sequoyah was responsible for inventing the Cherokee alphabet.


Hey there!

I remember taking this exam last semester, and I think the answer was, "Sequoyah was responsible for inventing the Cherokee alphabet."

Don't believe me? Here is a screenshot:


Sequoyah was responsible for inventing the Cherokee alphabet.


I also took the exam :)

What should be done to prevent the institution of slavery returning to the U.S.?



When the American colonies broke from England, the Continental Congress asked Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence. In the declaration, Jefferson expressed American grievances and explained why the colonists were breaking away. His words proclaimed America’s ideals of freedom and equality, which still resonate throughout the world.

Yet at the time these words were written, more than 500,000 black Americans were slaves. Jefferson himself owned more than 100. Slaves accounted for about one-fifth of the population in the American colonies. Most of them lived in the Southern colonies, where slaves made up 40 percent of the population.

Many colonists, even slave holders, hated slavery. Jefferson called it a “hideous blot” on America. George Washington, who owned hundreds of slaves, denounced it as “repugnant.” James Mason, a Virginia slave owner, condemned it as “evil.”

But even though many of them decried it, Southern colonists relied on slavery. The Southern colonies were among the richest in America. Their cash crops of tobacco, indigo, and rice depended on slave labor. They weren’t going to give it up.

The first U.S. national government began under the Articles of Confederation, adopted in 1781. This document said nothing about slavery. It left the power to regulate slavery, as well as most powers, to the individual states. After their experience with the British, the colonists distrusted a strong central government. The new national government consisted solely of a Congress in which each state had one vote.

With little power to execute its laws or collect taxes, the new government proved ineffective. In May 1787, 55 delegates from 12 states met in Philadelphia. (Rhode Island refused to send a delegation.) Their goal was to revise the Articles of Confederation. Meeting in secret sessions, they quickly changed their goal. They would write a new Constitution. The outline of the new government was soon agreed to. It would have three branches — executive, judiciary, and a two-house legislature.

A dispute arose over the legislative branch. States with large populations wanted representation in both houses of the legislature to be based on population. States with small populations wanted each state to have the same number of representatives, like under the Articles of Confederation. This argument carried on for two months. In the end, the delegates agreed to the “Great Compromise.” One branch, the House of Representatives, would be based on population. The other, the Senate, would have two members from each state.

Part of this compromise included an issue that split the convention on North–South lines. The issue was: Should slaves count as part of the population? Under the proposed Constitution, population would ultimately determine three matters:

(1) How many members each state would have in the House of Representatives.

(2) How many electoral votes each state would have in presidential elections.

(3) The amount each state would pay in direct taxes to the federal government.

constitutional convention

In 1787 after months of debate, delegates signed the new Constitution of the United States. (Wikimedia Commons)


Which European explorer conquered the Inca empire?
O A. Coronado
O B. Champlain
O C. Columbus
O D. Pizarro



D. Pizarro


In 1532, Spanish conquistadors under Francisco Pizarro first made contact with the mighty Inca Empire: it ruled parts of present-day Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, and Colombia. Within 20 years, the Empire was in ruins and the Spanish were in undisputed possession of the Inca cities and wealth.

Where do you believe would the best place to start Louisiana's first colony in 1682?



Having an accessible port would be a central priority for settlement in the 17th century. Access to food sources and natural building materials would also be vitally important. The optimum location for a colony would have access to the Gulf of Mexico, but inland on a river that would provide natural protection from blockading or attacking ships while also providing alluvial soil for farming, access to lumber resources, fish or seafood, and other plant and animal food sources. New Orleans is the best location for a colony, as it has access to the Gulf but is also upriver and protected, is surrounded by swamp ecosystems that provide lumber, animal and seafood resources, as well as freshwater for necessary life activities, such as cooking or bathing, and fish for additional food sources. The floodplain soil of the Mississippi delta would also provide an excellent location of farming.

How did physical geographic factors such as River valleys and human geographic factors such as the development of agriculture and cities encourage the development of River valley civilizations????



The geographic factors of rivers and valleys provided good farm lands, which made more food to support the growing population. ... The rivers flooded in the spring, which left behind mud that enriched the soil. The good farming conditions caused an increase in food, which helped the population grow.

Why did the Portuguese want to find a sea route to Asia?
A) They wanted to map the cost of East Africa.
B) They wanted to prove that the world was not flat.
C) They wanted to trade directly with India and China.
D) They wanted to establish an empire in Africa and India.


Answer: I think C

Explanation:  Portugal wanted to find a sea route to Asia because Portugal did not share trade routes with Asia and Europe (no Meditteranean Ports), Spain wanted to Spread Christianity, and both countries wanted to find more trade.

Roughly how many miles does the Kalahari Desert cover from
north to south? Use the map scale for guidance.

A 1000 miles

B 250 miles

500 miles

750 miles


A.) 1000
You’re welcome

What was the most important thing the Athenian and Roman governments had in common?



Everyone must obey laws, has the right to a fair trial by jury, has the right to make a formal petition o the government, has the freedom of speech, and the king can't levy taxes.

What initially caused the creation of trade across Eurasia? (this would later become the Silk Roads)



The movement of pastoral peoples for thousands of years also served to diffuse Indo-European languages, bronze metallurgy, horse-based technologies, and more all across Eurasia and getting things to harsher places who couldn't get certain things in their empires

Who is the “Step-Father “ to the Constitution? WHY?


If Madison is the Father of the Constitution, it could be argued that Charles Pinckney, of South Carolina, is its Step-Father.


Charles Pinckney, of South Carolina

Which court case in 1896, made
segregation legal?


Plessy v. Ferguson


During this time, it was controversial whether or not segregation laws were legal. Segregation was present in restaurants, schools, public transport, public restrooms, even water fountains were segregated between whites and blacks during this time. Many people defended segregation with the argument "separate but equal" and would state it was not unconstitutional.

Homer Plessy, who was a man that was one-eighth African American and seven-eighths white, bought a ticket to a seat that was only for white passengers on a rail car. When Plessy refused to move from his seat, he got arrested. Obviously, he was angry and did not believe segregation to be "separate but equal." This case went all of the way to the U.S. Supreme Court,  where Plessy defended himself and said what was happening to him and thousands of other people was unconstitutional.

Plessy ended up losing and the idea of "separate but equal" was upheld in court, essentially making segregation legal. Cases like this really show how contradictory and biased the country used to be.


a. erected a fort at Quebec
b. discovered Lake Champlain
c. dealt fairly with the Indians
d. opened North America to French colonization
e, was called the "Father of New France"
f. did all of these


I believe the answer is F. did all of these

The answer is F. All of these in the early 1600’s

list out the religious litrature of medievel indian history​



Explanation:The Vedas, the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata, the Gita and the Puranas can be referred to as religious literature. The Jain Angas and the Buddhist Tripitakas are also important literary sources.


once you are a hinduism

1:you are not allowed to eat meet lie steal kill or harming others

2:you are against hindhu if you eat alone

3:diary products are okay to eat

What is the meaning behind “there is no constitutional right to vote”.


Several constitutional amendments (the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth specifically) require that voting rights of U.S. citizens cannot be abridged on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex(gender), or age (18 and older); the constitution as originally written did not establish any such rights.

Hope this helps you find an idea!

In which sector of the hospitality and tourism industry does a bell captain work?

Recreation, Amusements, & Attractions
Restaurant and Food & Beverage
Travel & Tourism


Answer: Lodging

Explanation: The bell captain is someone who work in hotels, and hotels are within the lodging industry.

why did the provinces favor the change form republican to imperial government


Answer: The remaining provinces were to be governed by proconsuls appointed by the Senate in the old republican fashion.


edit: your welcome>33

2. What effect did the rise of Islam have on trade throughout the world?



Another effect of the spread of Islam was an increase in trade. Unlike early Christianity, Muslims were not reluctant to engage in trade and profit; Muhammad himself was a merchant. As new areas were drawn into the orbit of Islamic civilization, the new religion provided merchants with a safe context for trade.

Who invented the lightbulb
its not Thomas Edison _-_



Have a wonderful day and hope that helps



Sir Humphrey Davy

One of the most important steps prior to Edison was the work of the great British scientist Sir Humphrey Davy. In 1802, he was able to produce the world's first true artificial electric light.

Place the following civilizations in order according to the beginning of their reign. Start with the oldest civilization first.
1. Egypt Old Kingdom
2. Sumer
3. Egypt middle kingdom
4. Israel
5. Egypt new kingdom



Though there is evidence of settlers along the Nile River dating from almost 120,000 years ago, the history of ancient Egypt is generally divided into three major periods of stability: the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom.

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