I’m so confused

PLEASE HELP!!Im So Confused


Answer 1
i believe is C sorry if i’m wrong.
Answer 2
It’s c I did that too and it was c!

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Which word describes someone who rejects everyday, ordinary behavior and is disloyal?









Cloister is a part of a convent where nuns live

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Read the passage from chapter 5 of Animal Farm.

That evening Squealer explained privately to the other animals that Napoleon had never in reality been opposed to the windmill. On the contrary, it was he who had advocated it in the beginning, and the plan which Snowball had drawn on the floor of the incubator shed had actually been stolen from among Napoleon's papers. The windmill was, in fact, Napoleon's own creation. Why, then, asked somebody, had he spoken so strongly against it? Here Squealer looked very sly. That, he said, was Comrade Napoleon's cunning. He had seemed to oppose the windmill, simply as a maneuver to get rid of Snowball, who was a dangerous character and a bad influence. Now that Snowball was out of the way, the plan could go forward without his interference. This, said Squealer, was something called tactics. He repeated a number of times, "Tactics, comrades, tactics!” skipping round and whisking his tail with a merry laugh. The animals were not certain what the word meant, but Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further questions.
What is Orwell ridiculing in this passage?

He is making fun of the idea of pigs building something.
He is making fun of leaders who tell lies to their people.
He is making fun of people who question their leaders.
He is making fun of pigs calling one another comrades.



i think it is he is making fun of leaders who tells lies to their people


B) He is making fun of leaders who tell lies to their people.


In this passage, Orwell is making fun of the leaders who tell lies to their people. Orwell shows how Napoleon uses Squealer as a spokesperson, and how he is able to convince others to disregard the truth. Squealer speaks persuasively and uses complex words in order to alter the real story and convince the animals that Napoleon has their best interests at heart. This is a common strategy among dishonest leaders.



How do narrative and expository writing differ? A. A narrative communicates a story, while expository writing communicates fact-based information. B. A narrative has a complicated plot, while expository writing has a fairly simple, childlike plot. C. A narrative has a specific ending, while expository writing is more unrestricted and open-ended. D. A narrative gives an author's opinion, while expository writing is completely unbiased​



The answer should be A.. I guess




If you are asking which county is biggest it's Russia , Asia is the biggest continent



If you are asking what country is the biggest, it's Russia. If you're asking what the biggest planet is, it's Jupiter. And if you're asking the biggest continent, it's Asia.

your birth was not an incident but it was the necessity for the sake of whole humanity



i agree

population helps create humanity of different kinds




English Language choose the one thats closest ​



option C is the answer .....


I think its A: Deeds and actions speak louder than words, but what we do sooner will be remembered than what we say.


because its saying that we will for get the words but will remember the deeds and action they did.

But it could also be B.

but i think its A sorry if its wrong

Which of the following lines is an example of parallel structure? Select all that apply.
A. "It was the age of foolishness and people do foolish things."
B. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
C. "It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness."
D. "It was the spring of hope, but then winter arrived."



1. “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”

2. “it was the season of light, it was a season of darkness”

3. “it was the spring of hope but then winter arrived”


all three of those are correct by my understanding

What does the quote "My weary life is suffering decline from absence so prolonged." from Sor Juana's poem mean?


The quote means that her health is getting worse from her lover's prolonged absences. Hope this answer helps you.

What does Capulet say about Romeo?

A: He is a “villain”
B: He is too weak to be a threat.
C: He will get his when the time comes.
D: He is a respectable lad


D. He is a Respectable Lad
D: he is a respectable lad

1 She clothes when she realised she had no money with her.
a tried on
b had tried on
c had been trying on
d tries on​


B is the correct answer

Read the excerpt. Then complete the sentence about mood.

The mood of this excerpt can best be described as______

A.. Confident
B.. Serene
C.. Critical
D.. Mysterious



Where is the excerpt dear ?

Dr. King employs allusions in his "Letter to Birmingham Jail" to help the audience make connections. Based on the thesis, what is the writer's purpose for the essay?



The author's purpose is to allow, through the allusions, the public to be able to link the information presented in the letter with information of general knowledge.


The allusion is a figure of speech that allows an author, in his text, to make references to other texts, books, people, events and places. Dr. King, uses a lot of allusions in "Letter to Birmingham Jail." These allusions make reference to biblical and religious figures, political writers and great activists. King does this to allow readers to associate the information presented in his text with information known to the general public, allowing the subject he is promoting in the text to be better understood by the public.

How does the author in "The Last Wilderness Preserve" support her claim that humans are not meant to visit Antarctica? Use two details from the essay to support your response.



The author claims that humans are not meant to visit Antarctica by giving details to it natural habitat conditions that keeps man away from the continent.


The Last Wilderness Preserve is an article written by Kendra Washington. The author begins with telling that how humankind have exploited the natural habitat through littering, pollution, and interference. The author then remarks that how one part of the world, Antarctica, is preserved by nations by forming a treaty to avoid human interference of any kind on the land.

The author calls the continent, the Last Wilderness Preserve and claims that humans are not meant to visit Antarctica. The author supports this claim by giving details of its natural habitat that forbids human to visit the place.

Textual evidence:

"Antarctica is the coldest and windiest continent with the least drinkable water. Few plants can grow  and farming is likely impossible. Additionally, Antarctica is surrounded by three oceans and far away from  inhabited lands."

"Tere is nothing welcoming about Antarctica, and we may consider this nature’s way of  keeping humans at a safe distance."

Does anyone one know when you look at your popularity and mine literally say -82% what am I doing wrong?



You would need to answer more questions. The popularity is I think how many thanks you get. In order to be popular, you need to answer questions and have people say thanks, mark you brainliest, or rate your answer well.

You are not doing anything wrong.

My popularity increases or decreases based on the average questions I answer. If I miss a day, it drops, if I answer about, lets say, 12 questions in a day, then then next day would be if I answered more or less than 12 questions on this day. I haven't answered that many questions right now, so mine is -32%

Hope this helps!


what is the subject of the poem In My Mother House?



the subject is that it's an authoritave mother & the fear arises from her.

The author’s purpose here is to describe his perspective about the falcons he encountered. Which descriptive details create imagery that support the author’s purpose? Check all that apply.

“in the mountains hereabouts are bred”
“the swiftest in flight”
“you may take my word”
“fly at such incalculable speed”
“no bird can escape them by flight”


Answer: b,d and e


Just took the test






i got it correct

Which characteristics describe nonfiction? Select each correct answer. It may consist of real-life stories. It may instruct readers about a factual topic. It may contain invented characters or events. It may express an author's opinion.



It may consist of real-life stories

It may instruct readers about a factual topic.

4-5 sentences plz: 50 points and brainliest
plz don't copy and paste other answers I already looked at them
Why is historical fiction considered to be both instructive and entertaining?



I'm not sure if this will help but I hope it did


Historical fiction transports readers to another time and place, either real or imagined. Writing historical fiction requires a balance of research and creativity, and while it often includes real people and events, the genre offers a fiction writer many opportunities to tell a wholly unique story.


Reasons why historical fiction is considered to be both instructive and entertaining is because. People can learn from it. Not only they can learn from it but they can have fun while learning at the same time. it is very educational and this way is a better way to learn.


Hopefully you like it...please give BRAINLIEST

write an argumentative essay about why online school is better than in person


At a traditional school, parental involvement is often limited to things like reviewing homework, attending parent-teacher conferences, or chaperoning field trips. Many parents are also out of the loop on academic performance until the end-of-term report card comes home, leaving parents and students little chance to course-correct.

With online school, parents have many options for being involved in their children’s education. As Learning Coaches, parents (or other trusted adults) may choose to support learning by structuring the online school student’s daily routine or reviewing lessons and grades as often as they wish. They can consult with online school teachers in regular meetings and, when needed, play an active role by helping to monitor attendance, progress, and comprehension. While every family does online learning a bit differently, online educators agree that it’s a good idea to assist with organization and time management, encourage students, and praise them for their hard work.

Can anyone help me pls it’s for my final for English ! ( or the ones you are able to help in )
1. Annotate the rhyme scheme for the poem above
2. What is the poem literally about
3. What is the poem figuratively about ?


The lines rhyme scheme is AABBCCDD. It's literally about the changing of the seasons. Figuratively, it is more about someone wanting something to last but knowing it won't. Perhaps a memory or a relationship. Hope this makes sense!

Write a letter to the editor of ‘The Times of India' complaining about the nuisance created by the use of loudspeakers. You are Peeyush Sharma, a resident of Sector 15, Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi.



Letter to a national newspaper complaining about the use of loudspeakers.


Sector 15

Vasundhara Enclave

New Delhi


The Editor

The Times of India

New Delhi

21 May 2018

Dear Sir,

I am writing to your esteemed paper about the nuisance loudspeakers have posed in our locality. Many people, be it festivals or not, would install loudspeakers in and around the locality, playing music so loud that we can't even hear our own voices properly. We have written to the local authorities about it but nothing has been done so far.

The issue has led to the disturbance of out lives. Students can't study properly, elderly people cannot have peaceful sleep and babies are affected too.

So, if you could kindly highlight the issue in your daily paper, I hope the concerned authorities would do their part soon.

Thank you.


Peeyush Sharma

New Delhi

There is a tale, “The Ring of Gyges,” that Feldman sometimes tells his economist friends. It comes from Plato’s Republic. A student named Glaucon offered the story in response to a lesson by Socrates—who, like Adam Smith, argued that people are generally good even without enforcement. Glaucon, like Feldman’s economist friends, disagreed. He told of a shepherd named Gyges who stumbled upon a secret cavern with a corpse inside that wore a ring. When Gyges put on the ring, he found that it made him invisible. With no one able to monitor his behavior, Gyges proceeded to do woeful things—seduce the queen, murder the king, and so on. Glaucon’s story posed a moral question: could any man resist the temptation of evil if he knew his acts could not be witnessed? Glaucon seemed to think the answer was no. But Paul Feldman sides with Socrates and Adam Smith—for he knows the answer, at least 87 percent of the time, is yes. The example in the excerpt helps the authors arrive at which of the following conclusions? The majority of people are corrupt. The majority of people are honest. Glaucon and Paul Feldman were wrong. Socrates and Adam Smith were wrong.



Socrates and Adam Smith were wrong.





this is my last day of school but i have so much work left someone encourage me to do my homework pls



Pls do ur homework it’s for the best……. :)



i'm struggling with the same problem so do want to finish all your work if you don't want to then don't bother you will just fail that report card maybe get in trouble if you been doing this all year like me you better hope they will let you go to summer school or all your friends will be in the next grade. so hope this help at least a little

Based on information in the excerpt, the reader can infer
that the information in the wireless message was



is this answer or question bro ?



A) extraordinarily important.


edge 2022

Read the following sentence.

My family and I stayed at the Millside inn just outside of Yosemite National park.

Which of these correctly edits the sentence for capitalization mistakes?

My family and I stayed at the Millside inn just outside of Yosemite national park.
My family and I stayed at the millside inn just outside of yosemite national park.
My family and I stayed at the millside inn just outside of Yosemite national park.
My family and I stayed at the Millside Inn just outside of Yosemite National Park.



it would be the last one. My family and I stayed at the Millside Inn just outside of Yosemite National Park.


My family and I stayed at the Millside Inn just outside of Yosemite National Park.

Explanation: This sentence has the Yosemite National Park is capitalized, which is a place.

Writing practice
A. Read the following passage.

Who Is My Neighbour?

A man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him, and went away leaving him half-dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he walked by on the other side. So too a rich man, when he came to the place and saw him, he walked by on the other side. But a man from Samaria, as he travelled, came where the man was; and when the Samaritan saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds. Then he put the man on his donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day,he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him, 'he said, 'and when I return,I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'

Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hand of robbers?

Isn't he the one who had mercy on him?

Answer the following.
1. What happened to the traveller when he was on his way to Jericho?

2.What did the priest and the rich man do when they saw the half-dead traveller lying on the road?

3.How did the Samaritan react when he saw the badly injured traveller?

a. Why did the Samaritan give some money to the innkeeper?

b. This shows he was kind,caring and generous. True or False?

5.According to this story,can strangers be our neighbours?. Explain.

Please help me find the answers.
It's my assignment I need to submit today before 3:00pm please help​


Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hand of robbers? Isn't he the one who had mercy on him?

The Samaritan was the one who helped the man. The Samaritan, yes he had mercy on the poor man even though they were perhaps from distinct regions and religions. If the man was from Jerusalem he was perhaps an Israelite an Israelites despised Samaritans due to their worship of many Gods. So, that the Samaritan took pity on this man was a leap of faith. After the man recovered he could have pretended that the Samaritan man never took care of him or that he never knew him in the first place.

1. What happened to the traveller when he was on his way to Jericho?

He got robbed, he fell into the hands of multiple robbers as the passage says “robbers” in plural. Then, “They stripped him of his clothes, beat him, and went away leaving him half-dead.”

2.What did the priest and the rich man do when they saw the half-dead traveller lying on the road?

Both went and walked the other side, they didn‘t help the poor man who was almost half-dead. The priest had a duty or obligation to the man because he was a priest. Supposedly he was to set an example for the community and those around him. He was to obey Gods laws to “help thou neighbor”. And, the rich man had the economic disposition to actually help the man, he just didn’t want to.

3.How did the Samaritan react when he saw the badly injured traveller?

He took pity on the man.

4. a. Why did the Samaritan give some money to the innkeeper?

So the innkeeper could take care of the man.

b. This shows he was kind, caring and generous. True or False? True

5.According to this story, can strangers be our neighbours?. Explain.

Yes, strangers can be our neighbors. The reason I state this is because strangers can help us in our time of need. Of course, strangers won’t help us move our couch to our new home. But, if we are being kidnapped and we scream for help and run, someone, a stranger can help us in our time of need. Also, strangers can help us with small tasks such as bringing our grocery to the car, etc.

Reread the detailed description of the Hound and the battle. Why might Montag's expression of affection to the Hound mark a turning point in his development? What role does affection play in this world? What might be the significance of Montag's final battle with the Hound? Finally, how might the Mechanical Hound be a symbol for Montag's world?

i need help


Answer:The hound is symbolic of the way technology can be harmful rather than beneficial. The hound's presence makes surveillance possible, but he isn't just used to "watch", he is used as a killing machine.


Brainliest please :)

We can actually deduce here that the hound is symbolic by showing the way that technology can be harmful to people rather than being beneficial.

What is symbolism?

Symbolism is actually known to be a figure of speech that makes use of certain symbols to describe other things. They are usually figurative.

We see here that the uses of hound symbolizes the danger of technology. Also, it shows that the hound isn't just for surveillance but also a killing machine.

Learn more about symbolism on


Miss Lan has_______
(A)black round eyes
(B)eyes round black
(C)round black eyes
(D)eyes black round




Black round eyes. hope helpful answer

What kind of moderator is Chairman Reed? Effective. Chairman Reed is reminding participants of the rules for discussion, acknowledging Mr. Hollembeak's point of view, and asking him to support his point of view with facts. Effective Chairman Reed is keeping the discussion on topic by preventing other board members from participating and by challenging Mr. Hollembeak's claim by demanding proof. Ineffective. Chairman Reed is not following the rules for discussion that he lays out in his opening statement, and he is not properly staying on topic. Ineffective. Chairman Reed is not allowing the other board members to share their points of view, and he is not following the discussion rules.​





edge 2021

Chairman Reed reminds participants of the discussion guidelines, acknowledges Mr. Hollembeak's viewpoint, and requests that he back up that viewpoint with evidence.

What are the roles of the chairman?

The Chairman's position has a separate set of responsibilities from that of the Group CEO. The Chairman is in charge of monitoring the business of the Group, directing the Board's attention to strategic issues, and establishing high governance standards.

Chairman Reed does a good job of moderating. He is reiterating the guidelines for conversation, accepting Mr. Hollembeak's viewpoint, and requesting that he back up that viewpoint with evidence. By forbidding participation from other board members and disputing Mr. Hollembeak's allegation by seeking evidence, he is also maintaining the focus of the conversation.

Learn more about the chairman here:


Can u guys write a song about corona?



Search up "Wear a Mask"


It's a "Be Our Guest" parody


this video might help

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