Please respond to the following prompt: Which two document?

The Soviet Union: What Should Textbooks Emphasize?

Your essay should be written in complete sentences and include:

A precise and knowledgeable claim (thesis).
Evidence and details from the documents to support your claim with citations.
Acknowledgment of a weakness to your evidence.
Logically organized paragraphs


Answer 1


Thesis: Textbooks should emphasize the Soviet Union's society and economy, its political repression, and its military strength.


Society and economy: The Soviet Union was a vast country with a diverse population. It was also a major industrial power, and its economy grew rapidly in the early years after the Revolution. However, the government's policies led to widespread poverty and inequality.

Political repression: The Soviet government was repressive, and it used its power to silence dissent. Millions of people were imprisoned or executed for political reasons.

Military strength: The Soviet Union had a powerful military, and it was a major player in the Cold War. The government's focus on military spending came at the expense of other areas, such as consumer goods and social welfare.

Weakness: One weakness of my evidence is that it is based on Western sources. There are also Soviet sources that could be used to support my claims, but they are often biased.

Organization: My essay is organized in three paragraphs. The first paragraph introduces the topic and states my thesis. The second paragraph provides evidence to support my thesis. The third paragraph acknowledges a weakness in my evidence and discusses how it could be improved.

Related Questions

Using the two quotes explain which policy in your opinion was more effective in ending the cold war, President Reagan’s patience in dealing with Gorbachev or the threat of war through the arms race?

Quote 1
The war economy provides comfortable niches for tens of thousands of bureaucrats in and out of military uniform, who go to the office every dayto build nuclear weapons or to plan nuclear war; millions of workers whose jobs depend on the system of nuclear terrorism; scientists and engineers designed to look out for that final technological breakthrough that can provide total security; contractors unwilling to give up easy profits; warrior intellectuals who sell threats and bless wars."

Colin Powell once wrote, "Ronald Reagan . . . had the vision and flexibility, lacking in many Cold Warriors, to recognize that Gorbachev was a new man in a new age offering new opportunities for peace."


Based on the quotes, it can be inferred that President Reagan's patience in dealing with Gorbachev was more effective in ending the Cold War compared to the threat of war through the arms race.

What is President Reagan’s patience

Quote 1 emphasizes the harmful impact of the military-industrial complex and the societal acceptance of atomic arms. The presence of a bureaucratic structure, reliance on employment, pursuit of financial gain, and rationalizations for perpetuating the arms race are underscored.

The second quotation, which is credited to Colin Powell, commends Ronald Reagan's ability to perceive and adapt to Mikhail Gorbachev's persona in a changing era, thus developing new avenues for achieving harmony.

Learn more about President Reagan’s patience from


The information from Documents F, G, and H can be used to support which of the following claims. The Soviet Union: What Should Textbooks Emphasize? DBQ

A. The Soviet Union did not celebrate the achievements of its people.

B. The Soviet Union was a competitive nation in many areas.

C. The Soviet Union focused its efforts on military greatness at the expense of science and culture.

D. In the Soviet Union, poor children could not participate in sports and arts programs.



B. The Soviet Union was a competitive nation in many areas.


Document F states that the Soviet Union was the first country to put a man in space. Document G states that the Soviet Union won more Olympic medals than any other country from 1952 to 1980. Document H states that the Soviet Union produced some of the world's greatest ballet dancers and chess players.

These documents show that the Soviet Union was a competitive nation in many areas, including space exploration, sports, and the arts.

The development of a system of mass production in manufacturing meant that
machines rapidly produced large amounts of products.
products were handmade.
products were made in foreign countries.
individuals slowly made small amounts of products.


The development of a system of mass production in manufacturing meant that machines rapidly produced large amounts of products.

Mass production is the production of goods in large quantities, typically on a mechanical assembly line that uses specialized machinery to automate, speed up, and standardize the production process.Mass production is often attributed to the American manufacturer Eli Whitney, who invented the cotton gin and developed the concept of interchangeable parts, but it was Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, who brought the concept to new heights in the early 20th century.Mass production has the following benefits:Increased efficiency: The standardization and mechanization of the production process can save time and reduce waste.Lower production costs: Economies of scale are achieved, which reduces unit costs.Increased production: The use of specialized machinery allows for greater production speed and volume, resulting in larger quantities of products.Lower prices: Lower production costs are passed on to customers, resulting in lower prices for goods.

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which was one of machiavelles main arguements in the prince


Machiavelli believes that a prince's main focus should be on perfecting the art of war. He believes that by taking this profession an aspiring prince will be able to acquire a state, and will be able to maintain what he has gained.

What do you think about inculturation?


Enculturation in simple words means adapting foreign culture into an existing cultural context. It is often used in religious or missionary activities context, where elements of a particular culture are incorporated into religious practices of a local community.

The goal of enculturation is to make sure that religious practices are meaningful and relevant to the people in a particular cultural context. It involves communication between religious culture and local culture, with an importance mutual respect, understanding, and adaptation.

Enculturation can promote a sense of ownership and authenticity among the local community, as they see their cultural values reflected in the religious expressions. It can also help to fill the cultural gaps and understanding between different cultural groups.

To study more about Enculturation:




Babur – Zahiruddin Muhammad

Babur is the founder of the Mughal Empire in India. He was a descendant of Timur (on his father's side) and Genghis Khan (on his Mother's side).

Which three policies were part of president Johnson’s great society program


The three main policies that were part of President Johnson's Great Society program were:
1. The War on Poverty - aimed at reducing poverty and inequality through a range of social welfare programs, including Medicaid and Head Start.
2. Civil Rights Act of 1964 - aimed at ending discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
3. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act - aimed at improving education for disadvantaged students by providing federal funding to schools.

How was China's history affected by its policies of isolation from the outside world during the Ming dynasty?


China's policies of isolation during the Ming dynasty helped to preserve its culture, but also hindered its economic and technological growth. While China did not experience major invasions or wars during this time, it also missed out on opportunities for trade and exchange with other cultures.

a plan to improve school grounds for wildlife?


A plan to improve school grounds for wildlife involves creating a conducive environment that supports and promotes the presence of diverse plant and animal species.

Here is a summary of key steps that can be taken:

1. Native Plantings: Introduce native plants to the school grounds, including trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. These plants provide food and shelter for local wildlife, attract pollinators, and enhance biodiversity.

2. Habitat Creation: Designate areas for specific wildlife habitats such as butterfly gardens, birdhouses, bat boxes, and ponds. These features provide suitable nesting sites, roosting areas, and watering spots for various species.

3. Wildlife-Friendly Landscaping: Incorporate features like brush piles, rock piles, and fallen logs to create hiding places and cover for small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. Incorporate diverse vegetation heights to provide varied habitats and encourage species diversity.

4. Water Sources: Install bird baths, small ponds, or rain gardens to provide water sources for wildlife. These can be designed to collect rainwater or utilize greywater to conserve resources.

5. Sustainable Practices: Implement eco-friendly practices such as reducing pesticide and herbicide use, composting, and water conservation measures. These practices create a healthier ecosystem and reduce harm to wildlife.

6. Educational Opportunities: Utilize the improved school grounds as a learning resource. Incorporate wildlife observation areas, nature trails, and interpretive signage to engage students in environmental education and foster a connection with nature.

By implementing these measures, schools can transform their grounds into vibrant, wildlife-friendly spaces. The plan not only benefits local fauna but also provides educational opportunities for students, fostering a sense of stewardship and appreciation for nature.

Know more about Wildlife here:


According to Franz Fanon, what were some of the psychological effects of colonialism on the people being colonized?​



Franz Fanon, a prominent anti-colonial thinker and psychiatrist, extensively explored the psychological effects of colonialism on the people being colonized. He argued that colonialism had profound psychological and existential impacts on individuals and communities. Some of the psychological effects highlighted by Fanon include:

Inferiority Complex: Fanon argued that colonialism instilled a sense of inferiority among the colonized population. The oppressive systems and ideologies imposed by colonial powers resulted in the internalization of self-hatred, feelings of worthlessness, and a distorted self-perception.

Cultural Alienation: Colonialism disrupted and devalued traditional cultural practices, languages, and customs of the colonized people. Fanon emphasized that this cultural alienation led to a loss of identity and a deep sense of disconnection from one's heritage, resulting in confusion, identity crises, and a search for new forms of expression.

Internalized Racism: Fanon explored how colonialism perpetuated racial hierarchies, leading to the internalization of racist ideologies by the colonized. This internalized racism often manifested as self-rejection, disdain towards one's own culture, and attempts to emulate the dominant colonizer culture.

Violence and Trauma: Fanon highlighted the systemic violence and brutality imposed by colonial powers, which resulted in traumatic experiences for the colonized population. This trauma, both individual and collective, contributed to feelings of anger, resentment, and a desire for liberation and justice.

Struggle for Authenticity: Fanon emphasized the struggle for authentic selfhood and agency within the oppressive colonial context. He argued that individuals under colonial rule faced a constant battle to reclaim their humanity, dignity, and freedom, often resorting to resistance and revolutionary actions.

It is important to note that Fanon's analysis focused on the psychological effects of colonialism, particularly in the context of French colonialism in Algeria. His work highlighted the complex dynamics between colonialism and the individual psyche, shedding light on the profound and lasting impacts of this historical phenomenon.


According to Franz Fanon, the psychological effects of colonialism on the people being colonized are:

1. Inferiority Complex: The colonizers oppress the colonized people, making them feel inferior to them. The colonizers also impose their values and beliefs on them, which makes the colonized people feel like they are not good enough.

2. Loss of Identity: The colonizers impose their way of life and culture on the colonized people, which leads to the loss of their cultural identity. The colonized people may also feel disconnected from their roots and heritage.

3. Internalized Racism: The colonized people may internalize the racist ideologies of the colonizers and view themselves and their culture as inferior. This can lead to self-hatred and a lack of confidence.

4. Violence: The violence and oppression of colonialism can lead to psychological trauma and anxiety in the colonized people. They may experience feelings of powerlessness, fear, and anger.

5. Resistance: Despite the negative psychological effects of colonialism, the colonized people may also develop a sense of resistance and rebellion. This can help them to reclaim their cultural identity and fight against the colonial powers.

What actions on the part of Great Britain were the primary causes of the War of 1812? taxation without representation disputes over Caribbean territories forcing American sailors to join the British navy restrictions on US trade attacks on coastal towns in the US


Taxation without representation, impressment of American sailors, and restrictions on US trade were the primary causes of the

War of 1812


The primary causes of the

War of 1812

between the United States and Great Britain can be attributed to several actions taken by the British government.

Taxation without representation: The British imposed high taxes on American goods without granting the American colonists representation in the British Parliament. This created resentment among Americans who felt their rights were being violated.

Disputes over Caribbean territories: Great Britain was involved in territorial conflicts in the Caribbean, which often resulted in seizures of American merchant ships trading in the region. This infringed upon American sovereignty and economic interests.

Impressment of American sailors: The British practice of impressment involved forcibly recruiting American sailors into the British navy. This violated American neutrality and


, leading to outrage among Americans.

Restrictions on US trade: Great Britain imposed trade restrictions on the United States, particularly through the Orders in Council, which aimed to disrupt American trade with France. These measures hindered American commerce and were seen as violations of international law.

Attacks on coastal towns in the US: British forces conducted raids on American coastal towns, leading to the burning of Washington, D.C., and the attack on Baltimore. These aggressive acts further fueled American


towards Britain.

These combined actions ultimately pushed the United States towards declaring war on Great Britain in 1812.

For more such question on

War of 1812


Tax deferred retirement accounts allow employees to contribute pre-taxed income into 401(k), Simple Plans, and 403(b) and 457(b) plans where they are not taxed until the employee retires and begins receiving payments/distributions. Many employers offer their employees the option to invest in these retirement accounts, but should it be mandatory for every company to offer their employees a retirement plan?
What do you think?
Should it be mandatory for employers to offer their employees a retirement account?
What are the benefits of offering a retirement plan to employees?
What are the drawbacks?
How would it impact a small business owner?
Who absorbs the cost?
Do employers have to match employee contributions?
What benefits do employers receive for matching employee contributions?


the decision of whether it should be mandatory for employers to offer a retirement plan depends on the specific context and considerations. It is essential to balance the potential benefits for employees with the costs and administrative burdens for employers, particularly for small businesses.

Firstly, it helps employees save for their future and ensures financial security in retirement. By providing access to a retirement account, employers contribute to their employees' overall well-being and help them build a nest egg for the future.

Secondly, offering a retirement plan can be a valuable recruitment and retention tool. In a competitive job market, employees often consider retirement benefits as an important factor when choosing an employer. By providing a retirement plan, employers can attract and retain top talent, enhancing employee loyalty and job satisfaction.

Additionally, retirement plans can provide tax advantages for both employees and employers. Contributions made to tax-deferred retirement accounts are typically tax-deductible, reducing employees' taxable income. Employers may also receive tax benefits for offering retirement plans, such as deductions or credits.

However, there are also drawbacks to consider. Implementing and administering a retirement plan can involve administrative burdens and costs for employers, especially for small businesses with limited resources. Employers may need to allocate time and financial resources to establish and maintain the retirement plan, which could impact their bottom line.

Regarding the cost, employers have the option to absorb the entire cost of the retirement plan or share the cost with employees. Some employers choose to match a portion of employee contributions, which can be an attractive incentive for employees to participate in the plan and increase their savings.

Matching employee contributions can have various benefits for employers, including increased employee engagement and morale. It can also serve as an additional form of compensation and help attract and retain talented employees.

for more questions on businesses


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