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what kind human resource do you want to be future? give reason.



The future of HR will be about delivering three things to the organisation. Efficient and effective human capital processes— streamlining, standardising, and integrating talent management processes across the organisation (recruiting, training, performance management, rewards,

In the 15th century china stopped trading with other areas of the world and became isolated.Which of the demonstrates that this action was the result of china's fear of cultural change?


The available options are:

A. China took this action to control all trade along the Silk Road.

B. China took this action to encourage its citizens to fight again Mongol invaders.

C. China took this action at the demand of Confucian scholars who tired of barbarian contact.

D. China took this action to eliminate the migration of Chinese people to other parts of the world.


China took this action at the demand of Confucian scholars who tired of barbarian contact


What demonstrates that china stopped trading with other areas of the world and became isolated due to fear of cultural change is that "China took this action at the demand of Confucian scholars who tired of barbarian contact".

During this period, the Chinese Scholars felt that the people of their outside regions were uncultured and barbaric hence they must stay away from them so they won't affect their unique way of life.

Japan's success in modernization has created great interest in why and how it was able to adopt Western political, social, and economic institutions in so short a time.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the question. Here we just have a statement, but no question.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

If this is a true or false question, then the correct answer is "true."

It is true that Japan's success in modernization has created great interest in why and how it was able to adopt Western political, social, and economic institutions in so short a time.

We are talking about the importance of the Meiji Restoration.

The Meiji Restoration is the period in Japanese history when the political revolution in 1868 ended the feudal system in Japan to restore the imperial system of government.

The Emperor of Japan became the most important figure of the nation after the end of the Tokunaga. The reformation abolished the imperant class system, ended the Samurais as the official army of the empire, establishing a more modern concept of the military with the influence of the western world, modernize the industry of the country, and established basic education for Japanese children.

Based on this excerpt, explain the author’s purpose for writing about the results of the Five-Year Plans



You’re mom


Why did some fugitives go to Canada instead of staying in northern states?



Some fugitives went to Canada instead of staying in northern states because they risked being captured in northern states. Explanation: During the time of slavery in the southern United States, escaping slaves had to leave the southern states in order to guarantee (to some extent) their freedom.

Because he liked it there

Dr. Franklin wants to study the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. He will tell his subjects that they will take a paper and pencil test and have them sign forms to agree to participate. He will then tell them he left their test papers in his office and will be back in a few minutes with them. While he is away, one of his research assistants will run into the room and steal something from the professor's desk and run back out again. Dr. Franklin will then come back in, hand out the test papers, and ask the participants to describe the suspect in detail. Dr. Franklin will explain what occurred after he collects the participants' papers.



- The proposal is approved, as it meets the ethical guidelines defined by the APA.


As per the given description, the ethics review committee would approve 'the proposal because it follows all the necessary ethical guidelines issued by APA(American Psychological Association).' The researchers formally seek informed consent from the subjects that they are going to participate in specific research. This displays the ethical consideration of the research in order to ensure voluntary participation from the subjects while keeping their safety and dignity as the priorities. Thus, they completely follow the guidelines, and hence, it would be approved.

d. What are the reasons for the development of most of the old human civilizations on the banks of rivers?​





Civilizations developed around rivers because their waters provided places to hunt and fish. Also, as the rivers flooded, the lands around them became fertile. This allowed them to support farming

study dot com

charity, one of the pillars of Islam, demonstrates muslims


That’s right, What’s the question though?

write a letter to someone who was bad to you



Whoever you are, I want you to know that you have hurt me, but I forgive you. I don't forgive you because it makes me feel like a good person. I don't forgive you because I don't want to deal with the recognition of your actions. I don't forgive you because I have forgotten.4 Mar 2014

Dear the one who was bad to me,

I just wanted to tell you that yesterday you were bad with me. I didn't do anything to you yesterday, not because I couldn't, but because I didn't wanted to, as it was Lily's birthday.

Now, I have decided to make your useless life worse, so be careful.

With love,


In your opinion what can be done for nepal to develop make a list of suggestion



1.we should plat trees

2.stop overgrazing

3.make embankments in rivers

4.donot cut trees

Nepal should utilize their available resources properly. It should maintain peace and security in the country. Nepal should try to generate more amount of hydroelectricity from the fast flowing rivers as it has been expected that Nepal can generate upto 83000 megawatt of hydroelectricity. As we know that in Nepal there is a problem of illiteracy,poverty, superstition,unemployment,brain drain,discrimination,traditional thinking, backwardness and many other. Nepal should tackle all those problems and try to solve these all the problems. The leader of Nepal should be sincere and well educated at the same time the citizens of Nepal should be able to choose the best representative because most of leaders of Nepal are involved in corruption. As Nepal is country of natural beauty and lot of tourists used to come from the entire world to see and enjoy the beautiful scenery, historical palaces, religious palaces and many other things. So, Nepal should try to improve in these sectors and also try to develop trade with other countries. Nepal should try more and more to be self dependent and also try as far as possible to more export and less import the product. There are many other things which Nepal can to be developed.

Which of the following issues relates most to foreign policy?

Health care





Foreign policy tends to preserve national interests when dealing with other nations. The foreign policies many times involved dealing with weapons. Weapons play a crucial role in leading power over other nations. Foreign policies bring stability in making weapons like nuclear and missiles and protect the countries from possible attacks from other nations.  


D. Weapons'


I got it right on the FLVS test! Hope this helps.

the Northern and Southern
states differ on their views of
slavery and why?


North hated slavery because they advanced to the point where they didn’t need them as factory work (primary economy in the north) could be done by regular people. South wanted to keep slavery because their economy is based on agriculture, which only slaves could do, realistically.

Of the following government types, which two have the most in common?
a democracy and a dictatorship
a republic and a monarchy
a republic and an aristocracy
a monarchy and a dictatorship


I believe the answer is D. on EGU

The most common from of government is a democracy and a dictatorship.

Wanda had been procrastinating on taking her continuing education courses. As the end of the year approached, she saw a course she had taken the previous year was available. Since she had already mastered the information, she decided to take it again. Will this course count towards her continuing education hours for the current year



No,the course will not count towards her continuing education hours


Here is the quiz-let to your entire test

h t t p s : / / q u i z l e t . c o m / 2 6 7 0 3 6  4 9 9 / m o r t g a g e - e x a m - v 2  - f l a s h -  c a r d s /

types of human resources based on tenure service​



employement and placement

compensation and benefits


labour relations

b. Why is school regarded as a secondary means of socialization?



Secondary socialization refers to the social learning that children undergo when they enter other social institutions, like school.

Characteristics of the school, teachers, and the peer group all influence the socialization of children within school settings, that's why school regarded as a secondary means of socialization.


By educating and modelling socialization to the learners they will learn the meaning of generosity and kindness. They will then be able to go out into society and contribute in a productive, meaning and positive way.

Which source is most likely to be impartial



A university study or Educational field source is most likely to be impartial.


Hope it helped you!!

Government data and data collected by individual companies can be partial. So, you may want to use some encyclopaedia like Britannica or Wikipedia. I personally prefer Britannica, as Wikipedia sometimes reflect personal views because anyone can edit it. You can visit some research by universities. I will advise to refer to more than one sources, so you can decide for yourself what to include and what not to include.

Power balance and power struggles between genders​


Wage gap

FOUR reasons why incidents of gender based violence in communities continue despite various campaigns to discourage it.​


1. The way a person is raised has a big impact on how they will act as an adult.
2. Misogyny and gender hatred is often something that cannot be fixed simply by discouraging campaigns.
3. People who have a history of gender based violence are likely to be repeat offenders.
4. Seeing campaigns may, unfortunately, only aggravate said offenders more, causing them to act out.

help plz???? no wrong answer people​



don't understand questions







why did the chickens crossed the road



To get to the other side.


Hope this helps

To get to the other side

sharing anxiety doesn't make us escape it right?


No it only makes us relate


Sharing anxiety makes us feel better and lighter personally it makes us feel like we have a safety net


PLEASE HELP A major development in relations between the Soviet Union and the United States occurred in the late 1980’s when the two nations agreed to

purchase all their oil from Mexico 3. withdraw from the United Nations
liminate a group of nuclear missiles 4. ban arms sales to developing nations



About the author

Rebecca Johnson

Rebecca Johnson is Executive Director of the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy.

Established upon the ashes of the Second World War to represent “We the Peoples”, it is not surprising that both peace and security were fundamental objectives for the United Nations. While many also wanted disarmament, countervailing lessons were drawn by some political leaders, which made it difficult to get multilateral agreements on disarmament for several decades. Debates around nuclear weapons epitomized and sharpened the challenges. Academics in the United States of America led in developing theories of deterrence to provide legitimacy for these weapons of mass destruction, which soon became embedded in the military doctrines and political rhetoric of further Governments, from NATO allies to the Eastern bloc and beyond. Deterrence theory sought to invert the normative relationship between peace and disarmament by arguing that nuclear weapons were actually peacekeepers amassed to deter aggressors rather than to fight them. From there it became a short step for some countries—including permanent Members of the Security Council of the United Nations—to promote ideologies that equated security and peace with high “defence” budgets and military-industrial dependence on arms manufacture and trade. This is the backdrop for understanding how the United Nations System and disarmament approaches have intersected since 1945, and the way in which reframing disarmament as a universal humanitarian imperative has opened more productive opportunities for future multilateral disarmament treaties.

The very first resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations, in January 1946, addressed the “problems raised by the discovery of atomic energy”. Despite civil society’s efforts, led by scientists and women’s peace organizations, leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union rejected measures to curb nuclear ambitions. As the cold war took hold, the leaders that had emerged “victorious” in 1945 raced each other to manufacture and deploy all kinds of new weapons and war technologies, especially nuclear, chemical and biological weapons (notwithstanding the 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use of chemical and biological weapons in war) and a variety of missiles to deliver them speedily anywhere in the world.

After early efforts to control nuclear developments floundered, it was the upsurge of health and environmental concerns provoked by nuclear testing that led the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, and the Japanese Parliament to call for such explosions to be halted altogether. After an egregiously irresponsible 15 megaton thermonuclear bomb was tested in the Marshall Islands on 1 March 1954, Nehru submitted his proposal for a Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) to the United Nations Disarmament Commission on 29 July 1954. Since then CTBT has been the centrepiece of disarmament demands from many States, especially the developing countries of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Intended as a first step towards disarmament, the driving force behind CTBT was concern about the humanitarian impacts. Early attempts at multilateral negotiations through a newly created Ten-Nation Committee on Disarmament made little progress. Although the leaders of the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom professed their desire for a CTBT, their talks kept stalling. Obstacles from the nuclear laboratories and security advisors were dressed up as verification problems, but they stemmed from these nuclear-armed Governments’ military ambitions and rivalries, and their shared determination to keep their own weapons options open, even as they sought to limit those of others.

From 1959 to 1961, various resolutions were adopted by the General Assembly aimed at preventing the testing, acquisition, use, deployment and proliferation of nuclear weapons. In 1961, for example, General Assembly resolution 1664 (XVI) recognized that “the countries not possessing nuclear weapons have a grave interest, and an important part to fulfil” in halting nuclear tests and achieving nuclear disarmament. General Assembly resolution 1653 (XVI) went further, noting that the targets of nuclear weapons would not just be “enemies” but “peoples of the world not involved in…war”, with devastation that would “exceed even the scope of war and cause indiscriminate suffering and destruction to mankind…contrary to the rules of international law and to the laws of humanity”. And finally, General Assembly resolution 1665 (XVI), unanimously adopted, called on nuclear and non-nuclear weapons possessors to “cooperate” to prevent further acquisition and spread of nuclear weapons. These early resolutions fed into “non-proliferation” talks between the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, viewed as first steps towards disarmament.

Which leaders and groups disagreed about the French Revolution?
a George Washington and the Democratic-Republicans
b Thomas Jefferson and the French revolutionary government
c Alexander Hamilton and the British government
d Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists



a.George Washington and the Democratic-Republicans.

Income is a variable often used in business and economics. Income is an example of a variable that uses the ______.



Ratio scale


Ratio Scale

This type of scale measurements usually rates or classifies and ranks variables or scores only on the stand that there is equal intervals and a true zero point. It is often regarded as the highest most precise level of measurement. It is also called a Goniometry measurements on a patient. Examples of the ratio scale of measurement includes wages, weight, distance between branch offices, and height etc. Ratio data gives room for a meaningful ratio comparison.


This is commonly regarded as money received based on work done or through investments that was made.

They are also refered to as payment received in the form of wages, salary, gifts, government payments or investments etc. Income are usually spent on needs or wants and it can also be saved.

How did the invention of the cotton gin increase the demand for slaves



Cotton exploded in terms of business, calling for more slave labor. Cotton gin reduced the labor that was required of slaves but increased the amount of slaves.


Answer: While it was true that the cotton gin reduced the labor of removing seeds, it did not reduce the need for slaves to grow and pick the cotton. Cotton growing became so profitable for the planters that it greatly increased their demand for both land and slave labor.


Hope it helps

A psychology professor decides to play a practical joke on a colleague in the history department. While the historian is giving a lecture on the first day of class, the psychology professor interrupts and asks to speak with her outside the classroom. While they are conversing, all of the students leave through a back door and are replaced with a completely new group of students. Upon returning, the history professor continues her lecture without noticing that the students are different, thus illustrating:


Answer: change blindness


Change blindness occurs when there's a change in a visual stimulus and the observer isn't aware of the change.

Since the professor wasn't aware that the sets of students in the class gas been replaced by another set of students and continued teaching like nothing happened, then this is a change blindness.

How can we increase the HDI rank of Nepal? suggest two measures



Well, the HDI takes 3 aspects into its account i.e. life expectancy at birth, literacy rate and per capita income. We must improve these three areas to directly increase the HDI. For increasing life expectancy, we must improve our health services and overall social health.


Radhe Radhe

As to my own part, having turned my thoughts for many years upon this important subject, and maturely weighed the several schemes of other projectors,[6] I have always found them grossly mistaken in their computation. It is true, a child just dropped from its dam[7] may be supported by her milk for a solar year, with little other nourishment; at most not above the value of two shillings, which the mother may certainly get, or the value in scraps, by her lawful occupation of begging; and it is exactly at one year old that I propose to provide for them in such a manner as instead of being a ______________ upon their parents or the parish, or wanting food and raiment for the rest of their lives, they shall on the contrary contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands



[...] by her lawful occupation of begging; and it is exactly at one year old that I propose to provide for them in such a manner as instead of being a charge upon their parents or the parish [...]


The text shown above is an excerpt taken from "A Modest Proposal" written by Jonathan Swift. In this text, Swift shows, in a very sarcastic way, a criticism of how Irish high society, the church and the English were treating the situation of the poor in Ireland. To criticize this situation, he suggests that children be used to feed the English, the clergy and the high society. In this way these children would no longer be a cost to their parents and society and would be useful in keeping the individuals who controlled Irish policies well fed.

The word "charge" added to the text is present in the original text and demonstrates the fact that high society, the church and the English see poor children as a burden, a cost and not a responsibility.

Conference committees are Group of answer choices temporary and are created to take up an issue that falls between the jurisdiction of existing committees, to highlight an issue, or to investigate a particular problem. temporary, involve members from both houses of Congress, and are charged with reaching a compromise on legislation once it has been passed by both the House and the Senate. permanent and have the power to write and propose legislation. permanent and involve members from both the House and the Senate.


Answer: temporary, involve members from both houses of Congress, and are charged with reaching a compromise on legislation once it has been passed by both the House and the Senate.


Conference committees are temporary panels that are made up of members of both the House and the Senate in an effort to reach a compromise on controversial legislation that passed both houses but having done so with two different versions.

The members of the committees are called conferees and this panel can only be formed when the legislation in question has passed both houses because the legislation would have to be made uniform to avoid confusion in its enforcement.

Other Questions
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