pls help im gonna have to repeat 7th grade i need to finish all my assignments!!!

Identify examples of Eliza’s speech from Act 3 that show Eliza as a high society member and examples where she reverts back to the kerbstone flower girl.


Answer 1

Hey there! I literally did this assignment a day or two ago. Here is what I put!

Hope this helps! Please mark me as brainliest!

Have a great day!

Related Questions

HELPPPP PLEASEE think about the expectations placed on simone biles leading up to the 2021 olympics, not only expectations from herself or her coaches, but from the entire nation. how do you imagine that might feel ?


I would imagine that would feel very pressuring mentally to do perfect and win the gold. That must be very pressuring towards her.

What is blocking?
A. Taking ideas further
B. Asking constructive questions
C. Directing the discussion
D. Stopping work by being negative, interrupting, or talking about something else
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d. stopping work by being negative, interrupting, or talking about something else.


Problems and opportunities created by Corona virus​



coronavirus has brought alot of changes ..some are negative and others are positive,that is to say,the positive changes are the opportunities and negative changes are problems

to start with are the problems and these include

,, coronavirus has led to delay in education as for students in some countries ain't schooling til now

,,it has led to death of people since it is a disease.alot of death rates are encountered

,,it has led to standstill in some businesses like those that are not government aided.i mean private ones,

,,due to standstill in businesses , people have become poor because they don't work

,,it has led to breakup of families as in like due to poverty...etc

some opportunities are

,,it has led to emergency of some businesses like mask making, sanitizer sort

,,it has led to development of medical jobs since they now treat on high rates of payments

,,it has led to improvement in hand craft making like mask making

,,it led to unity of some families since some busy parents are not busy now due to standstill in some businesses


hope it helps....if yes..mark brainiest.

Answer: I'm not sure but by my opinion

The problem would be people lost their jobs, losing love once, many companies went bankrupt, people don't know what to do at home ( cause them to become lazy)

The opportunities would be

families have more time together

people can finally explore their hobbies and talents


Explain Holden’s confusion about his own assertiveness.


Holden from what story?

Please help me from 1 to 20 please



1.f. 3.s 4.f. 5.s

Which of the following is the correct way to punctuate this statement?
A. I have to tell Carl about the movie he would love it.
B. I have to tell Carl about the movie: he would love it.
c. I have to tell Carl about the movie, he would love it.
D. I have to tell Carl about the movie; he would love it.
Reset Selection


Answer: C

Explanation: hope it helps

7. What type of irony is found in the final paragraph when Jim says, "They're too nice
to use just at present"?
a. situational irony
b. dramatic irony
c verbal irony
d. no irony


the answer is c verbal irony

Question 1. We paid through the_________ to get the car fixed.
A. head B. nose C. lips D. mouth



I Think money


because you need lot of money

One who tricks other is bound to get tricked



what do you mean.?????????


hmm what are trying to say


is it a que or a tjought

The difference between responding to life as a Victim or a Creator is how we choose to use our





Sociology can be defined as a social science that deals with the study of the socio-cultural interaction of humans with respect to the structure, functioning and development of their society.

The main purpose of sociology is to develop and enhance human knowledge or understanding of important socio-cultural processes through the gathering and analysis of all aspects of the social life of the people living in a society.

A victim can be defined as an individual or person that is at the receiving end of an unfortunate circumstance (bad events) in life and as such may be regarded as a pessimist.

A creator can be defined as an individual or person that believes there exist an option that would always lead him or her to successfully achieving his or her goal, aim, aspiration, dream, etc. Thus, a creator is an optimistic individual who uses the power of wise choices while making creator choices everytime in life.

In this context, the difference between responding to life as a victim (who is an underachiever) or a Creator (who excel in his or her endeavor) is how we choose to use our energy.

This ultimately implies that, a victim would most likely use his or her energy negatively while a creator would positively use his energy to always make wise choices in life.

Sentence that states subject and controlling idea in paragraph what's the term?



The "topic sentence" is the sentence in which the main idea of the paragraph is stated. It is unquestionably the most important sentence in the paragraph. The topic sentence generally is composed of two parts: (a) the topic itself and (b) the controlling idea. The Topic. The topic is the subject of the paragraph.



What is \redD{\text{A}}Astart color #e84d39, start text, A, end text, end color #e84d39 rounded to the nearest ten?



I don't know anything about this one

A gift wrapped box that wants to become a human in comic strip form mine is a Chamaeleon and a human who is helping to get her into a human form


A gift wrapped box is a comic strip in which a gift box wants to become a human and experience this live events.

It wants to feel free and move freely just like the humans do.

The gift wrapped box feels that it has been in a prison and it is dependent on others to move from one place to another.

This is a comic strip which excites the reader and amuse them with the thoughts of a wrapped gift box.

Learn more at

Edgar Allan Poe The great American writer Edgar Allan Poe is known for his haunting poetry and his literary criticism. His skill as a critic had great influence on the writing of his time; it also earned him enemies. Poe led a life that can only be described as tragic, yet he left an indelible mark on American literature. Considering its tone and language, who would be the most likely audience for this passage



Who loves the horror stories.


The most likely audience for this passage are those who loves to read and hear horror stories because Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories and tales of mystery and the macabre. Those people who love mystery and the macabre stories can be the audience of his stories while on the other hand, those people who did not like mystery and the macabre stories have to far from his stories because the person did not like it.

3. Fill in the blanks with "a / an / the or θ (without articles)". (Điền “a/an/ the hoặc θ (không cần mạo từ)” vào chỗ trống).
1. There is _____ cat and _____ dog are playing in the yard. _____ cat is small and nice, _____ dog is a little bigger and nice, to 2. He’s got ____ expensive car. ____ car is very beautiful and modern. He likes ____ car ____ lot. 3. It took her _____ hour to wait for _____ children. 4. _____ earth goes around _____ sun.
5. What’s _____ matter with you? - I’ve got headache.
6. What’s _____ time? - _____ time is money. 7. What’s _____ time? - It’s _____ quarter past ten.
8. His brother is studying in _____ university in _____ United States of America. 9. In _____ end, they agreed to travel by _____ sea. 10. Yesterday I went to ____ school by ____ bus because my bike had been broken down.



1. a& a & a & the

2. an & the & a &a

hope it's will help you

Your best friend has just been suspended from school just for truancy. Write a letter to him/her expressing your displeasure and advising him/her to turn a new leaf​





Dear * insert BF name,

I have known that you truanted classes yesterday/ 2 days ago/ a week ago/... Me, on one hand, know that you are tired and lazy to attend classes and I understand your opinion towards the subjects today, on the other hand, I think you should've attended at least one or two of them, Mathes and * insert the subject you think is important... ( author-chan POV : after that, you should continue writing your letter using these points:

- Tell your friend about how you felt during your classes without him/her

I recommend you tell him/her the summary of the classes you have that day, but ignore it if you are too lazy to do the part.

-  tell your friend why you dont think ditching class is good, for example, 'skipping class means losing a bunch of knowledge' or write it yourself.

- at last, tell your friend to quit the idea of ditching more classes in your way. If it was me, it'll be like this:

After all the reasons I told you, I don't want you to skip class again, and I wish to see you at school after your suspended time. Please quit the idea of truanting classes ( add this if you want -> unless you want me to stop being your friend. )



change do not park your car in the non parking zone into passive voice​



your car should not be parked in non parking zone

1. According to Mary Shelley's 1831 introduction, where did she get her inspiration for



According to Mary Shelley's 1831 introduction, where did she get her inspiration for Frankenstein?  Mary Shelley was only 18 when she began writing Frankenstein. Her parents were both well-known writers. ... The idea both frightened her and inspired her ghost story, which later became Frankenstein.

A story
Write a story. The story must end with the words:
'Thanks, you saved my life!'
Write 120-150 words.



it eases off.

Get home,


very close and look up –

we find it’s all right.


they be.

For life,

but all vanished

picture faces –

matter: I do or don’t.



out of hold

squeeze it tightly

my best,

my best life.


something –

back at that moment –

all marchers

the room, the door, the front

rang through the outside

thank you you saved my life


The neighbor

A family joined a street which people like, the new neighbor joined and the others welcomed them, when a girl was walking in a forest alone she was lost! a wolf was running to the girl thank god the man saved the girl and he was part of the new neighbor! The girl knew him, they were friends since elementary, She said "Thanks, you saved my life!"

We play outside. It is transitive or intransitive verb?If it is transitive, which is object?​





play is an intransitive transitive verb

We = subject,

play=intransitive verb,  

outside = is a setting where the play will happen is not an object .

*If the last word were an object than play will be a transitive verb

We play a stronger team.

We =subject

play= transitive verb

a stronger team= object.

Supporting materials in a speech should provide an audience with a comprehensive view of an issue. When evaluating supporting material, what does this describe? A. currency B. trustworthiness C. suitability D. completeness


During the evaluation of a support material, the supporting materials should be able to give the audience a comprehensive view of an issue describes completeness.

It should be noted that the sources of a research should be credible and should be from authors whom are well known.

Completeness means that the supporting materials should provide every needed information. An incomplete information can bring about a mistake in the research.

Therefore, the supporting materials in the speech should be able to provide an audience with a comprehensive view of an issue.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Read related link on:

Ram was playing volleyball (into passive voice)?​



Volleyball was played by Ram


Volleyball was playin by Ram.


What word is misspelled on the display of the Commandments?
A. enemy
B. friend
C. equal
D. alcohol


D because why not why not

An alcohol word is misspelled on the display of the Commandments. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is Commandments?

The term commanding refers to the act of particular command. There are ten rules to the commandment. The Christian believes in the rules of the Gods and their commandments. There are different commandments that are followed by the Christian religion.

The terms related to alcohol are misspelled on the commandments display. Christians held a belief in the laws and commands of the gods. Alcohol is a very inappropriate word to employ in comparison to equal, buddy, or enemy. The rule is to give instruction. The Christians are not allow stealing and commit perjury.

As a result, the alcohol is the misspelled on the display of the Commandments. Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on Commandments, here:


write a letter to your foreign friend describing about your school​



Dear friend

How are you? I am well. In your last letter you wanted to know my school. The name of my school is (name) It is in (city, location). There are one thousand students and twenty teachers. There are 30 rooms in the school. seventeen rooms are for classes, one room is for the teachers and the other is for the Head Teacher. The results of the school are very good. All the teachers of our school are very friendly and helpful. They are high qualified teachers. They teach us with pleasure. They love us like their own children. There is a big play ground in front of the school. I love my school very much.

No more today. Take care of yourself. With the best regard to your parents.

Your loving friend


Hope this will help you if not then advance sorry !

Choose a poem from the assigned readings listed below, and identify some of the key imagery or other kinds of poetic language used in the poem, which you believe are vital to understanding it. Here are some possible approaches: Provide a detailed discussion of how the images function in the poem. Do the images work together to form a coherent pattern


Day by day,

Night by night,

We will always be sisters,

No matter the fight.

Red sweater by Mark Hac Hager​



Explain the happiness and sacrifice shared by a boy and the old man . you may state your on own example

How can I improve my literature essay ?



search up synonymous for some of the words you already wrote and pick bigger better sounding words

Read this excerpt from "The World on Turtle's Back." According to this excerpt, the two brothers represent



c. good and evil.


a. gods and men.

b. life and afterlife.

c. good and evil.

d. sky and earth.

The right-handed twin lives in the Sky-World and he is content with the world he helped to create. The left-handed twin lives in the world below. He, too, is content with the world of men. He delights in the sounds of warfare and suffering. These two beings rule the world and look after the affairs of men. During the day people have rituals to honor the right-handed twin. At night they dance and sing for the left-handed twin.

11. My brother wants to ¬¬¬__________ an advanced course in computer science.
A. participate B. come C. attend D. take part



My brother wants to participate an advanced course in computer science.



My brother wants to ATTEND an advanced course in computer science.

1. Her problem with insects?
2. Occupation of rescuers?
3. Technique of “operating” on herself?
4. Awar for bravery?

Please help, thank you





Because she became able to brave up for the upcoming any happenings because she was taught by her father before which helped her

the answer is 3 i took the test
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