pls help me

my work is due at 11:59am and it's currently 9am so this is urgent


1. The mountain has been described as if it has a personality. Write down a few sentences that explain how you feel about the mountain. In your answer you must refer to the words used by the author. (4)

2. In the first extract, what contrast has been used to make the mountain appear particularly forbidding? (2)

3. In the first few paragraphs of the first extract, what connection is established between Ebraime and the mountain? (2)

4. Why do you think the author has set the attack by the leopard in darkness? (2)

5. These extracts set the plot of the novel in motion. Write a few sentences to summarise the plot until this point. (5)

the questions (1-5) should be answered in full sentences

here's the reading extract for context:

Ebraime stared up the slope into the gathering mist. Tongues and tracers of cloud raced past the shattered base of the cliffs; below him the mountain fell sharply away, golden in the light of the setting sun. He had never climbed so high before, and he was scared. He had never lost a sheep before. That scared him too.

He crouched against the mountainside, afraid to look back. Against the rising noise of the wind he heard the bleating of the ewe once more. It came from his right, it seemed. Cautiously he crept, hand and foot, up the loose, stony slope. The fierce wind was growing colder, biting through his thin khaki shirt. He glanced back. Behind him the golden light died with the sunset as he reached the base of the broken cliffs.

Zebasberg is a fierce mountain. Ebraime stared up at the soaring, cold grey rocks and trembled. He crept carefully around and between the huge boulders that littered the base of the peak, following the faint bleat of the sheep. The light was dim and dying when at last he found the ewe. She lay in a hollow between two slabs, a small corner of shelter from the rising storm. Gratefully he slipped down beside her. 'Quiet now, quiet now, he whispered gently. The ewe gazed at him with empty eyes and nuzzled closer. Outside the hollow, the wind howled and the world went black..
Ebraime nestled against the warmth of the ewe and looked out at the invisible night. I didn't lose her, he thought proudly. Tomorrow it will be light again and I can lead her down to the farm. Mr Lamprechts will be well pleased with me. He will see that I work well when I bring back this sheep. Ebraime huddled against the warm sheep in the sheltered hollow and was soon asleep.

In the hollow high up against Zebasberg, the ewe raised her head. She sniffed the air and gave a loud bleat. Ebraime woke at once. Where am I? Ebraime thought, clutching the ewe. She struggled and suddenly called again. He held her tight around the middle, peering into the darkness.

What's wrong? he thought. "Be still, be still,' he whispered to the ewe. She tried to lunge to her feet. 'Still, still,' he tried to calm her, when sud denly he became aware of the smell. A terrible rank pungent smell, some thing new in the hollow, something close at hand. "Go away!' he shout ed, terrified.

The ewe lunged without warning and a hot gust of foul breath came out of the dark. Something unseen and awful struck Ebraime full in the face. The ewe screamed, a long des perate bleat, and tore loose from his grip. Another awful searing blow ripped across his face and neck.

He reeled back and screamed from fear and the terrible pain of the blow. The unseen shape knocked him carelessly aside and with a throaty roar leaped away out of the hollow. He felt himself sinking into darkness and he tried to cry out again. Far away, he heard the last bleat as the beast took the ewe. The terrible pain shrank away as he slipped into unconsciousness.

There was no one at the cottage. In the kitchen he found a half-loaf of bread. He wolfed the bread and sank exhausted into a chair facing the open door.

He didn't hear the girl's approach. He was roused by the cautious knock and the soft call 'Ouma Sanna?' He stumbled to his feet. The girl was sil houetted against the bright sunshine outside the door. Ebraime stood up and tried to speak. He had hardly realised that no sound would come when the girl screamed, a scream that echoed shrilly around the room and out across the farmyard. Ebraime stood rooted in the doorway. The girl's screams bewildered and frightened him. What was wrong? Why had the girl screamed like that? He looked back into the cottage. Something moved on his left and he started violently. The light was slanting across Ouma Sanna's only picture, a hand-coloured photograph of herself as a young woman, hand in hand with a young man. Ebraime turned towards the movement and realised that it was his own reflection that had moved. His face was reflected in the dusty glass.

Two eyes stared wildly at him from a face raked with raw, bloody stripes, puffed and wounded and horrible. Suddenly he understood. My face, he shouted to himself. It's my face!​​


Answer 1


Is there a passage that goes with the questions?


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1.Solar technology will make the United States energy-independent.1.Solar technology will make the United States energy-independent.


hope it helps thanks❤


it's the first one

1. solar technology will make the united states energy-independent.



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It’s punctuation lol

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b. are. The police are talking to the parents of the missing child.
B - The police are talking to the parents of the missing child.

She's got lovely blue eyes, ?


fax homie i agree wholeheartedly


A lot of sources are used in this article. The American Educational Research Association gives us data on teacher turnover rate and how it is much higher for young teachers and is higher than other professions. It was surprising to ready that “45% of young teachers leave their jobs within the first 5 years,” because that’s almost half of all young teachers. Hearing this makes the reader wonder about what’s so bad that the teachers aren’t staying at their jobs when they are young and full of energy. Dave Eggers opinion piece says that the cost of teacher turnover in the U.S. is $7.34 billion per year. That is a lot of money! That means we are paying a price for this high rate of attrition. Dewey continues Eggers’ point by saying that putting back this lost money into teacher salaries “would likely lower turnover and budgetary shortfalls in the first place.” It seems like a no brainer to do this, but instead, initial teacher salaries continue to be low and many college graduates would not even consider getting into the teaching profession at this rate.



no some punctuation are wrong the "45% is about to be 45% and after 5 years you shouldn't use comma. This much I don't see other mistakes!

surprising to read^ / makes the reader think^ about “what’s the reason for teachers not staying at their jobs when they are young and full of energy (this makes it better)

Which of the following describes how an
expository essay is used?
A. as a form of personal journal
B. to tell a fictional story
C. to tell a personal story
D. to expose a point, inform, or explain





To expose a point,inform ,or explain

To expose a point ,inform or explain

5. Ask your uncle about him. Are you influenced by his life story? Why/Why not?​





my uncle is unemployed and drinks alcohol everyday. after his child's death,he became a drunken and got depressed. he doesn't want to go for therapy but honestly he does nothing and doesn't influence me.


yes iam influnced by my uncle's life story because he did marriage at the age of 12 and now he is 35 years old .he is very hard worker and self dependent person .

Write a paragraph on Diary entry ​


Diary entries are a collection of pages in a diary. The diary entries are usually organized according to the date and time of when it was written. Depending on the diary types, each entry holds contents ranging from thoughts, emotions, reflections, dreams and so on.


A diary entry is a section of writing that has been organized by date. The entries within your diary are how you organize the thoughts, feelings and opinions you are pouring into it. They break up your diary into smaller pieces. Think of them like chapters of a book. They can be as short or as long as you want.

The narrator affects the reader’s point of view by

writing the words that make up the story.
deciding what will happen in the story.
describing the people and events in the story.
making up the characters that appear in the story.



yeah it's interesting

plots also and mainly the turning point in the story

The answer is the third option:describing the people and events in the story. Hope this helps

Question 2 of 10
What can an author's use of foreshadowing help create in a Gothic story?
A. Tension and suspense
B. Cultural identity
C. Suspension of disbelief
D. Conflict and resolution



A. Tension and suspense.


Foreshadowing is when a writer provides some hints about what will happen in the future scenes. In other words, foreshadowing tells us or shows some indication of what to expect in the coming scenes of a story.

An author can use foreshadowing in a gothic story to create suspense and tension in the story. It will provide some hints though not fully revealed, keeping the suspense and building up the tension in the story. It will create an increased interest in wanting to know what will happen in the coming scenes.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

"He sniffs at the sight of a poodle trimmed like a
hedge" best illustrates what literary device?
A. Assonance
B. Metaphor
C. Repetition
D. Simile


Answer: Simile

Explanation: Simile is when “like” or “as” is used to compare, and in this cause “like” was used

I want to climb the mountain closest to me, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away. Select the sentence that uses a demonstrative pronoun correctly. I want to climb that mountain, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away. I want to climb these mountain, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away. I want to climb this mountain, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away. I want to climb those mountain, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away.



I want to climb this mountain, but Jim wants to climb the one farther away

How can you relate developing a personal life mission statement to your goals/dreams? Explain​



They know what their purpose is and what they want to achieve, and everything they do and say aims to bring them closer to their goals. ... Creating a personal mission statement gives you a way to identify your values, commit to your goals, and put yourself on a path toward success.


Read the passage from "The Caged Bird.”

But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

In "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” how does Marguerite’s reaction to oppression differ from the reaction of the caged bird?

A She refuses to dress nicely for Mrs. Flowers.
B She refuses to leave the house.
C She refuses to eat Mrs. Flowers’s cookies.
D She refuses to speak to anyone.


Answer: she refuses to speak to anyone


Pick D

"Why does she have to mail her friends abroad?' The other way of saying the same thing is PER O A) Why are her friends mailed abroad? B) Why her friends have to be mailed abroad. C) Why her friends are mailed abroad. D) Why do her friends have to be mailed abroad?​



D) Why do her friends have to be mailed abroad?​


Another way of asking the question, "Why does she have to mail her friends abroad?' is option D which says, "Why do her friends have to be mailed abroad?"

This is because, they are both saying (or asking) the same thing which is to ask why her friends have to be mailed abroad.

What idea is emphasized by the connotations of the underlined words?


Answer: D. Women can change their circumstances by making different decisions.


The two rate were placed in a cage and then fed different types of milk. One rat got ordinary milk and ended up being furtive, timid and small and the one that got grade A milk was glossy, bold and big.

The connotation here in relation to women is that if women want to change their circumstances and relatively become like the bigger and bolder rat, they should make different decisions that will get them better opportunities like the grade A milk that the bigger rat got.

respond in a paragraph and make sure your answer is written in



Is there supposed to be something attached orrrrrr???


Which comment would be MOST useful feedback for another writer's flash fiction story?

I disagree with the actions of the main character--he definitely made the wrong choice.

I think you need to use a dictionary so that you don't misspell so many words.

I really liked the part of the story where the main character chose friendship over popularity.

I thought your story was kind of confusing, but I really liked reading it anyway.



I really liked the part of the story where the main character chose friendship over popularity.



The most useful feedback for another writer's flash fiction story is "I really liked the part of the story where the main character chose friendship over popularity."Explanation:A constructive feedback is meant to highlight the strengths of the story and the areas that need improvement. The statement "I really liked the part of the story where the main character chose friendship over popularity" is an example of a constructive feedback because it points out the strengths of the story.An effective feedback should focus on what the writer did well and offer suggestions for improvement. It should be specific and not vague. For instance, the statement "I thought your story was kind of confusing, but I really liked reading it anyway" is not a good feedback because it is vague and does not provide specific reasons why the story is confusing.Therefore, the most useful feedback for another writer's flash fiction story is "I really liked the part of the story where the main character chose friendship over popularity."


How are people still in school l.m.a.o like its June


I don’t know but don’t be judging tho
Most people are in summer school I think while some schools just have extended years which is stu-pid because June and part of July is the entire summer for most schools

Jack London wrote several___novels on adventure.
A. interesting
B. interested
C. interest
D. interestingly





interest is more of a noun interested speaks in past tense interestingly is an adverb interesting in the only adjective

HELP PLEASE !!!!!!!!!
Explain how Mary Shelley's Frankenstein conveys themes relating to the Industrial Revolution.
In particular, analyze her choices in setting, plot, and characterization. How do these choices
further these themes? Support your answer with evidence from the novel.



i hope this helps


Oh! No mortal could support the horror of that countenance. A mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch” (Shelley 57). This statement is how Mary Shelley successfully portrayed the overall negative consensus of the industrialization of Europe in the 1800s in her novel Frankenstein. This story parallels the world’s transition from nature and emotion to reason and truth which was the primary cause for the industrial revolution. Though the revolution brought new technology and knowledge, people felt as though they were enslaved by this sudden change. This is clear through Shelley’s Dr. Frankenstein and the ‘wretched monster’ that would forever change the world. There is an equilibrium that can be struck…show more content…

In relation to the novel, Dr. Frankenstein set his sights on creating life and nothing could stop him. He worked tirelessly to create the ultimate human. “The summer months passed while I was thus engaged, heart and soul, in one pursuit” (53). Frankenstein nearly killed himself due to his dedication for this creation. He neglected his family, his friends, career, and his own life. This discovery sucked every bit of emotion and caring out of him and only caused pain. What made everything worse was that this creation destroyed his entire life. Everyone he cared for was killed and spent much of his life in misery. Though the creation of life is astonishing, reason and truth cannot exist without emotion. No emotion essentially means that destruction of one’s entire being. The introduction of this new technology and knowledge did not simply effect those that created or possessed the knowledge. Instead, it caused problems and raised issues among the common people of Europe which lead to their subsequent disapproval of the overall revolutionary phase. When the industrial revolution began to emerge, most people typically worked for themselves on a subsistence farm or as an apprentice. Their main goal was truly to take care of themselves and their families. When the change came around though, everything changed. Factories appeared and cheap labor was needed. Thus, workers began to flock towards cities in hopes of making it big at a factory. Sadly though,

Dr. Victor Frankenstein tries to destroy the monster he creates but it escapes.

Things go back to normal, but then, the creature returns and asks the doctor for one of two things: a bride or revenge.

What is the most important theme in Frankenstein?

Dangerous Knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge is at the heart of Frankenstein, as Victor attempts to surge beyond accepted human limits and access the secret of life.





For more information about Frankenstein, refer to the link:-

What should the writer give to address an opposing view?





The writer should state his facts clearly so as to persuade his audience.

What does the reader learn about the Maasai people from “The Beginnings of the Maasai



They rely heavily on the weather. They specialize in predicting volcanoes. They live in a tropical climate with many trees. They take responsibility for the care, feeding, and protection of animals.

What type of conflict does this passage reveal?
O conflict with self
conflict with others
O conflict with society
O conflict with nature


I conflict with society


C) Conflict with society


edg 2022  c:

which of the following is the best example of using language to empower someone



an encouraging poem or note (you didn't include choices)


what is the word or phrase that belong to tactile?​







, etc are the word related to tactile







I will Mark as brainless

Read the poem below, and identify the figurative language used. Then explain how this figurative language contributes to the tone, mood, and overall meaning of the poem.
Fame is a fickle food1
Upon a shifting plate
Whose table once a
Guest but not
The second time is set.

Whose crumbs the crows inspect
And with ironic caw
Flap past it to the Farmer's Corn —
Men eat of it and die.2

—Emily Dickinson, "1659"

1. Fickle means erratic or constantly changing.



the figurative language in this passage is a metaphor "fame is a fickle food"

this figurative language contributes to the tone, mood, and overall meaning of the poem by comparing fame to a fickle food because it is something that can transform people in an instant.


Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget'st so long
To speak of that which gives thee all thy might?
Spend'st thou thy fury on some worthless song,
Darkening thy power to lend base subjects light?

Return, forgetful Muse, and straight redeem
In gentle numbers time so idly spent;
Sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem
And gives thy pen both skill and argument.

Rise, restive Muse, my love's sweet face survey,
If Time have any wrinkle graven there;
If any, be a satire to decay,
And make Time's spoils despised every where.

Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life;
So thou prevent'st his scythe and crooked knife.

—“Sonnet 100,”
William Shakespeare

Which elements qualify this poem as a Shakespearean sonnet? Check all that apply.

three quatrains and one couplet
lines of poetry with five metrical feet
abba, cddc, effe, gg rhyme scheme
rhyming sounds at the beginning of lines
unstressed and stressed syllable groups

I couldnt find the answer for this and im new here so I didnt know how to make an answer but the correct answer is
A-three quatrains and one couplet
B-lines of poetry with five metrical feet
E-unstressed and stressed syllable groups



Three quatrains and one couplet.

Lines of poetry with five metrical feet.

Unstressed and stressed syllable groups.


A Shakespearean sonnet is a sonnet that contains elements such as iambic pentameter, with three quatrains and a couplet. This type of sonnet also has poetic lines that have unstressed and stressed syllables in each line.

In the given sonnet "Sonnet 100" by William Shakespeare, we know that the rhyming scheme is abab cdcd efef gg. Moreover, the sonnet follows the three quatrains and a single couplet pattern and also has five metrical feet in each line of poetry. There are also unstressed syllables followed by stressed syllables.

Thus, the correct answers are the first, second, and fifth options.

how does emily dickinson use dashes in poem 26



Explanation:how does emily dickinson use dashes in poem 26

She uses them to describe her writing and desperate things that don’t belong to each other
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