PLSS hurry plsssss do tomorrow

PLSS Hurry Plsssss Do Tomorrow


Answer 1


it means the term political economy is derived from the Greek polish meaning city kr state and as many analysts by politiv economist they have revealed as the political supremacy

Answer 2
Supremacy by definition is the state of being superior to all others in authority, or status. So, political or economic supremacy would mean that in some circumstances politics would have authority over citizens.

Related Questions

What should be done to prevent the institution of slavery returning to the U.S.?



When the American colonies broke from England, the Continental Congress asked Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence. In the declaration, Jefferson expressed American grievances and explained why the colonists were breaking away. His words proclaimed America’s ideals of freedom and equality, which still resonate throughout the world.

Yet at the time these words were written, more than 500,000 black Americans were slaves. Jefferson himself owned more than 100. Slaves accounted for about one-fifth of the population in the American colonies. Most of them lived in the Southern colonies, where slaves made up 40 percent of the population.

Many colonists, even slave holders, hated slavery. Jefferson called it a “hideous blot” on America. George Washington, who owned hundreds of slaves, denounced it as “repugnant.” James Mason, a Virginia slave owner, condemned it as “evil.”

But even though many of them decried it, Southern colonists relied on slavery. The Southern colonies were among the richest in America. Their cash crops of tobacco, indigo, and rice depended on slave labor. They weren’t going to give it up.

The first U.S. national government began under the Articles of Confederation, adopted in 1781. This document said nothing about slavery. It left the power to regulate slavery, as well as most powers, to the individual states. After their experience with the British, the colonists distrusted a strong central government. The new national government consisted solely of a Congress in which each state had one vote.

With little power to execute its laws or collect taxes, the new government proved ineffective. In May 1787, 55 delegates from 12 states met in Philadelphia. (Rhode Island refused to send a delegation.) Their goal was to revise the Articles of Confederation. Meeting in secret sessions, they quickly changed their goal. They would write a new Constitution. The outline of the new government was soon agreed to. It would have three branches — executive, judiciary, and a two-house legislature.

A dispute arose over the legislative branch. States with large populations wanted representation in both houses of the legislature to be based on population. States with small populations wanted each state to have the same number of representatives, like under the Articles of Confederation. This argument carried on for two months. In the end, the delegates agreed to the “Great Compromise.” One branch, the House of Representatives, would be based on population. The other, the Senate, would have two members from each state.

Part of this compromise included an issue that split the convention on North–South lines. The issue was: Should slaves count as part of the population? Under the proposed Constitution, population would ultimately determine three matters:

(1) How many members each state would have in the House of Representatives.

(2) How many electoral votes each state would have in presidential elections.

(3) The amount each state would pay in direct taxes to the federal government.

constitutional convention

In 1787 after months of debate, delegates signed the new Constitution of the United States. (Wikimedia Commons)


Which statement is true about modern scientists?(1 point)

They come from different backgrounds.
They come from different backgrounds.

They all work in laboratories.
They all work in laboratories.

They have limited interests.
They have limited interests.

They have the same sets of skills.
They have the same sets of skills.



they come from different backgrounds

The correct option is A. Modern scientists come from different backgrounds.

A scientist is someone who methodically acquires data and uses it to form hypotheses, test those assumptions, and further knowledge and understanding.

What is a diverse scientist?

The term "diversity in science" refers to the development of potential and the complete inclusion of excellence across all socioeconomic spectrums. Both those with typically underrepresented backgrounds and those with traditionally well-represented backgrounds are included in this.

Modern science is a method of investigating an occurrence or a particular feature by creating and doing a thorough investigation of the subject at hand so that it may be predictably categorized and, if it is a process, can be mathematically modeled.

Collaboration and problem-solving are essential for scientific advancement. Groups with diverse backgrounds and specialties are more likely to be creative and inventive. Science advances by questioning, and scientists with differing viewpoints frequently pose diverse questions.

Thus, A is the best choice. Modern scientists have a variety of backgrounds.

Learn more about Modern Scientists here:


Read the passage below. Highlight or underline words and phrases that you feel are important to understanding the document. In the spaces provided, explain how your selections help you understand the meaning and purpose of each paragraph

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate — we cannot consecrate — we cannot hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Part 2
Answer the question below in a well-developed paragraph, using specific evidence from the text.

What was Lincoln's purpose in writing the Gettysburg Address?



The most important words and phrases in this text are those that emphasize the sacrifice of soldiers who died for the freedom of the country.

In this case, we can note that the most important words and phrases presented in the text shown in the question above are:

" The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. ""that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion""that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom "

These sentences are important for understanding the text because they explore that the fact that war ended the lives of men willing to fight for their own country and that these men, as well as the suffering that war goes through, cannot be forgotten, but it must be perpetuated and explained to the next generations so that moments like this are not repeated.

Lincolns goal in declaiming this speech was to promote honor to dead soldiers by dedicating a cemetery to them, regardless of whether they belonged to the union or the confederation.

Furthermore, he wanted to inspire the people, to be proud of his soldiers and to continue to fight for freedom, as many died for it.

With that, we can conclude that Lincoln stimulated the sentimentality of the public, leaving them moved by the sacrifice of American and honorable men.

In this case, we can see that Lincoln used the retoricon resource known as pathos, which reinforces sentimentality in a speech. You can get more information about pathos at the link below:

What has Britain done in the Declaration of Independence


the Declaration of Independence 1776

By the mid 1700s, the American colonies were separated from their British rulers by more than an ocean. The colonists' experiences settling the New World had given them a separate identity of self-reliance and resourcefulness. Colonists managed businesses and colonial governments and formed trading partnerships with the Dutch, French and Spanish. Great Britain's policy of limited interference in the American colonies aided their prosperity, which in turn benefited Great Britain. But this policy also gave the colonists a taste of liberty, which they ultimately refused to give up.

MRS. HALE (abruptly moving toward her). Mrs. Peters?

Which best describes the effect of the word "abruptly" in the excerpt



suddenly and unexpectedly.


why is going 55mph on the road a good thing ?



Cars going 55 mph get noticeably better mileage than cars going 75 mph.


what paintings are mentioned in the book a girl with a pearl earring?


Woman With a Pearl Necklace The Milkmaid The Girl With the Wineglass A Lady Writing Woman With a Water Jug Woman with a Lute The Concert The Procuress Other artists The Procuress by Dirck van Baburen Christ on the Cross by Rembrandt Still Life with Fruit and Ham

Answer: A.  pearl earrings


In which sector of the hospitality and tourism industry does a bell captain work?

Recreation, Amusements, & Attractions
Restaurant and Food & Beverage
Travel & Tourism


Answer: Lodging

Explanation: The bell captain is someone who work in hotels, and hotels are within the lodging industry.

Which rights from the US Bill of Rights were adopted from the Virginia Declaration of Rights?



These rights were “the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.” Specific civil liberties enumerated included freedom of the press, the free exercise of religion, and the injunction that no man be deprived of his liberty except ...

Which of the following would a historian study


Answer: Historians study the past by interpreting evidence.

Explanation: The historian works by examining primary sources -- texts, artifacts, and other materials from the time period. ... The interpretative writings of historians --books, journal articles, encyclopedia entries -- are considered secondary sources.

Whats Sri lanka? Is it a country or island?
Giving 100 points and marking brainliest if its correct! ​



it is island


it is surrounded by water on all the sides


[tex]sri \: lanka \: is \: an \: island \: . \\ \\ hope \: that \: helps \: uh..[/tex]

Identify the greatness and Egyptians development against by the zantine rulers​



The Battle of the Masts is one of the decisive battles in our history, and one of its most important results is the victory of Muslims over an enemy superior in number and equipment. This is due to several reasons, the most important of which are the strength of faith and belief, sound management and optimal investment of capabilities, and the end of the era of Byzantine sovereignty in the Mediterranean. "Dhat al-Masari" refers to the pride of the Egyptian naval forces in that battle in which the Muslim army defeated the Byzantine state in 655 AH, which represented the first Arab victory in naval wars.

i think this could help you

Using details and evidence from the text, explain who benefits from freesilver? Why?



Supporters of free silver included owners of silver mines in the West, farmers who believed that an expanded currency would increase the price of their crops, and debtors who hoped it would enable them to pay their debts more easily.

A combination of pressures sharply reduced the amount of gold in the U.S. Treasury, precipitating a panic in the spring of 1893.

2. How is the principle of natural rights reflected in the Declaration of Independence
or the Articles of Confederation? (3 points)



The principle of natural rights is reflected in the Declaration of Independence's claims that the American colonists had inalienable rights which were being trampled on by the British government, and thus the colonists were right to assert their independence from Britain.



The principle of natural rights is reflected in the Declaration of Independence's claims that the American colonists had inalienable rights which were being trampled on by the British government, and thus the colonists were right to assert their independence from Britain.



1. How has the Constitution's idea of "We the People" changed over time?


Answer: The “We” in “We the People” has changed from what it meant at the time of ratification of the Constitution to its present meaning today. Who “We” are has changed over time due to many catalysts. That catalyst for change was not due to any single event.


In your own words, define “Thinking Historically”?



Historical thinking is a set of critical literacy skills for evaluating and analyzing primary source documents to construct a meaningful account of the past.



Making decision based on past decisions


Thinking about and learn about what has happened in history and make a choice to do the same or opposite. If history doesn't effect your thinking then you could make a decision that has been made in the past and repeat history's flaws, or do something or come up with an idea that all ready has been done or exists. You wouldn't be able to further history. everything would stay the same and be very dull, boring and basic. I hope that was helpful.




Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne


Steve jobs and steve Wozniak co founded Apple in 1977, introducing first the apple I an then the apple II .

which river was not a home to a major civilization?


I don’t know what your choices are, but the Nile, Tigris/Euphrates, Yelllow, and Indus Rivers are huge rivers that four major civilizations started on. So if those are your choices, pick another river…?

Josh and Danitra are in the school musical, Josh sings 6 songs. Danitra will sing 4 times as many songs.
Which shows how many songs Danitra will sing?
O A. 6+4
B. 6x4
D. 6 x 4 + 6



B 6×4


josh sing 6songs

danitra sings 4 times more the josh

so u must multiply 4 with 6 because of the word “times”

. What role(s) did Africa play in the Indian Ocean Trade Network


They were exports of Africa.

1. Summarize – What happened to former slaves after they were emancipated?



Granted them some freedom, but they still could not do some things the whites could do.


All of the following are duties of United States citizens EXCEPT:
understanding their rights
taking education seriously
understanding what it means to be an active citizen
learning about and understanding foreign governments and laws


D. Is the answer since learning foreign laws does not directly affect you as an American citizen.

Mismatched Meanings



Mismatched meaning is unsuitably or incorrectly.

why do some political ideas live on while others are discarded?



because others help improve the country while others suppress development in many areas

Describe, briefly, how white Southern Democrats regained power in the South.



In the 1870s, Democrats gradually returned to power in the Southern states, sometimes as a result of elections in which paramilitary groups intimidated opponents, attacking blacks or preventing them from voting. ... White Democrats had regained political power in every Southern state.

pls mark me branilest


By not allowing any voters who supported the other side, either coercing or forcing them into compliance by not voting. (i.e by force)

8. What powers does the new government have?



The new government have power to coin money, to regulate commerce, to declare war, to raise and maintain armed forces, and to establish a Post Office.

Hope it helps you.

how did the tribes of northern and western north american adapt to their environment?


The Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest adapted to their environment by making things out of wood. They depended on the fish, wildlife, and plants instead of farming. Natural resources you would find in the Northwest region were forests, fish, wild berries, and farm land.

How did merchants help trade to grow on the Arabian Peninsula?



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Compare Mussolini's rise to power and totalitarian state in Italy that of Hitler's rise to power and totalitarian state


Hitler and Mussolini both came to be dictators under Germany and Italy because of each countries state at the time. Meaning, it was easy to establish single party states because of the depression and major issues residing in both countries. For example, in Germany, their was trouble with production and unemployment, as well as a severe declining economy. When Hitler came to power, he made the country self sufficient in many things- which established totalitarian power by basically creating the Nazi Party which controlled military, economy, and more. Similarly Mussolini was supportive of a radicalized movement, and was able to cater crowds because of this. And since they both envisioned themselves as leaders, they were able to drive their countries to a totalitarian state.

Summarize Write an accurate summary that shows how the details you have identified support Rousseau's central idea,​


One way to make an accurate summary is by first:

1. Reading the literature

2. Identifying the main points

3. Bringing out those main points in a simple manner.

4. Use supporting details to back up your summary

Therefore, when you are tasked to make an accurate summary, you have to read and understand the material, then pick out the main/salient points, complete with the supporting evidence.

Learn more here:

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